
My own strip club

Sunday, September 30, 2012 11:33 AM
Here in Portland I've been fortunate enough to build a great relationship with most of the hot strippers around the various Portland clubs. That got me thinking of building my own strip club. I'm sure if I could ensure the hot dancers that I know that they would make the same amount or potentially even more money at my new club, I'm sure they would dance at my club. I just need to find a rich investor that knows the strip club game and sees my vision. It would be a great investment. My club would only consist of 8 to 10's, nothing below an 8. This club would specialize in girls with ass, but there will be definitely enough tits for the tit lovers. The club would also specialize in exotic looking women. It will be a full nude club with alcohol served. The regular lap dances will be $20. The VIP rates will be $150 for 30 minutes, and $300 for an hour. With all the hot girls there will be constantly guys in the VIP. Something to note though: THERE WILL BE NO EXTRAS ITC. If you want to do that shir, take that OTC, I can't have my club being shut down. There will be no cover in the day and a 5 buck cover in the night. The drink prices will be reasonable. 4 or 5 bucks for a beer etc. The waitresses will be hot. To continue to get the hot girls coming in I will scout the Portland clubs and take the hottest girls out of those clubs and bring them to my club. If you're a rich investor, this would be a great investment. My goal is to have the number one club in Portland and to be ranked number one for dancer quality on TUSCL, look out Mons Venus, here I come!!! BTW I'm half joking, but this is definitely something I want to be a part of.


  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I meant shit when I said shir. I would really love an edit function.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Before the big police heat here in Seattle I used to talk with a few girls about opening our own club in Seattle. Now that would just be a very silly dream, of course. Lots of girls from Seattle are willing to make the short trip down to Seattle to work in Portland. (I remember one of them even offering me "interesting" services if I would drive her down and back for the weekend. :-) ) So if you do get this going I would say consider doing some scouting up here in Seattle as well.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    That's true Dougster. I have met quite a few girls that live in Seattle but strip in Portland on the weekends. If you wanted to do the scouting in Seattle and be a part owner of this club that would be cool brosky. I have no desire to be in Seattle LOL. A few more details that I forgot to say. There will be 3 or 4 stages with 2 song sets for the stageshows. There will be 5 to 10 dancers on the dayshift and around 20 dancers on the night shift. Most of the hot strippers that I know and the ones will I be scouting love hip hop music, so you have to be able to put with hip hop for most of the girls stageshow songs. There won't be any cameras in the lapdance area, but there will be a bouncer peeking in sometimes making sure nothing illegal is going on. Two way contact is fine. The bouncer won't stop from touching all over all the girl, but BJ, HJ, FS, DATY, tittie fuck and fingering is not allowed. That shit will get you kicked out of the club.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Just become.a pomp....it has lower start up.cost bratha
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I stopped reading at this sentence "This club would specialize in girls with ass, but there will be definitely enough tits for the tit lovers" and a chunk of your audience will stop coming at that realization. But hey, offering nothing up to part of the market is something of a plan I guess.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    @deogol- maybe you misinterpreted what I was saying or maybe I just said it wrong. I meant most if not all the girls in my club will have nice asses. It doesn't mean that they won't have tits. I was just talking about the ass. Yeah I probably just said it wrong. @Juice- Pomp? Do you mean pimp? Lol
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ran the answer is yes pimp.....I'm using a new phone that corrects most of my shit now but still.hasn't gotten my lengo down and will put funny ass words in right after I post it feels like....lol
  • jack0505
    12 years ago
    The capital you are going to need to start up a strip club is a lot. You're going to need hundreds of thousands to obtain space, get the place to look decent, and that's after you go through all the legal red tape to get a liquor license and such. Then there's the administrative work (payroll, procuring food / liquor orders, etc) that costs money. If you are willing to make the investment of money and time into this, you could very well succeed. It is like any small business.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I'll never be convinced its worth the hassle to start a club. The only way I'd be involved would be to buy something established, and even then I'm not sure.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You would be Very, Very foolish to gamble your money.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    You want to open a club with no extras ITC? That's crazy talk!
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    @ ranukam: We've all probably thought of running our own strip clubs at various times. How often has anyone been in a strip club and said to themself, "I could do a better job of this." Your thoughts and ideas are great, but I doubt if they'd pencil out. Someone who has thought about it a great deal is inno123. He authored a six-part series of articles, "Building the Perfect Strip Club." See part 1 at: [view link] Also, "The Strip Club Hound" blog is very insightful on this subject. See: [view link]
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Ranukam: I would love to be in a club such as you have described. However the combination of all the parameters you describe in this "perfect" club only exist in fantasy land. But hey we can dream can't we?
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Thanks fro the props Club_Goer. One thing I see right away wrong with his plan is the idea of stealing the best dancers from other clubs. I guess he is thinking of just visiting a club, picking out the hottest dancers, and say "hey, wanna work in my new club". First of all he had better be making a much better financial offer because otherwise dancers are going to weigh the risk of losing many of their current list of regulars. But beyond that he might get away with this once before being forcibly removed from the club and blacklisted from not only that club but every other club in the city. Club owners might not be pimps, but they are just as protective of their stable of girls. The second potential risk is not offering ITC if other local clubs are. You do not want to be the low mileage club. In addition it is highly doubtfull that an ITC dancer will switch to appear at a non-ITC club. So for example you want to charge $150 for a half hour VIP. Let's say the dancer gets 80 of it. But the tip for extras might easily be an additional $80 meaning the dancer is giving up half of her hourly cash flow, particularly the part that is NOT going to appear on her 1099. As for just letting them do OTC instead: OTC girls are often finding all sorts of lame excuses to come in late or leave early. They make staffing your club a headache. So the best thing is to work on your plausible deniability "I had no idea she was doing THAT in the VIP! We tell them very specifically about that!" while at the same time making the external security around the club so tidy that the local Law Enforcement has little reason to want to target you.
  • Dolomite35
    12 years ago
    Being friends with several club owners I can offer a little insight. The quality of the girls changes month to month. This is a business the average girl doesn't last very long. Plus there are always little beefs that come up and girls fight then go work at another club or get out of the business altogether. If you don’t have the girls you won’t have the business. So you are constantly trying to hire dancers to keep up with turnover. Vice is down your throat all the time. It's not like these girls are angels, they get busted for solicitation, possession, and DUIs abound. Right now my friend's club has some pretty good girls and not one of them has a current driver’s license. There is money to be made in a club, but expect spending every minute it is open there to make sure the place doesn’t fall apart. The owners I know all run other businesses as well and say the club might turn a profit a couple months a year. The best way to make a small fortune owning a strip club is starting with a large fortune.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    I see two big problems with your plan. Your 8-10's only first off. Well that's A lofty goal but you have to remember we all have different tastes. To you what might be an eight could be a 5 or 6 to me. Also you have to have a varity as like I said different strokes for different folks. Some like tall, some like short, some like thin, some like a little extra padding. See my point here? Also good luck trying to get 8-10's coming in at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Unless your only planning at opening say 7pm on. Second problem to me is a HUGE one. Cost. Your dances are too expensive. If I walked into that club I wouldn't get any VIP when hearing 150-300. I can get FS for less than 150 why would I pay more for maybe an air dance? 100 for 1/2 hour and 180 for an hour would be better (discount given for longer I also would refrain from having the bouncers check in though. Nothing's more of a turnoff than having them peek in on you. You have to make it clear to the girls that extras aren't tolerated and any violations you hear is immediate termination. I understand why you don't want that though as you want to STAY open and not have any fines.
  • Bishop4224
    12 years ago
    I just need to find a rich investor that knows the strip club game and sees my vision. It would be a great investment. - first problem is a rich investor that knows the game won't give you money just because they see your vision...and if they know the game and have the $ why give it to someone with no experience and just do it themselves? Next and probably the biggest issue is the licensing...needless to say most neighborhoods won't want a strip club nearby, either because of morals, the possibility of losing customers to you, or the impact or perception it brings to the area. Once you get past that, it seems like its a huge hassle to get a liquor license
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    ^^^ Me and the rich investor would be a team. He or she would provide the money, and I would provide the girls. It's a win win for both of us. I'll let the investor take care of all the issues like getting a liquor license etc. My job is to provide the girls. I don't think it's gonna be hard to get the top girls. Of course first I'll build a relationship with them, and then I'll convince them they will make the same or even more money at my club. Their regulars from their previous clubs might even follow them to my club. Thanks for all the great insight.
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