
Comments by inno123 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hawaii Theatre in COI was supposed to re-open... what happened?
    The last I heard it was still closed and stood no chance of opening because the zoning exemption had expired. It seems a classic example of not doing your homework before jumping in. I will check when I get a chance to drive by, maybe tomorrow.
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    chicken soup, stripper poles and godamn cooking oil ?
    only water based lubricants should be used internally because they can be a growth medium for yeast and other infection. If you are instead talking about yummy things to lick from the outside you want something just sticky enough to stay in place but not so sticky to be a pain to clean up without a lot of residue. Also you want something that feels soft on the skin. Honey is too sticky. Peanut butter too hard, maple syrup not sticky enough. Good choices are pudding, chocolate or butterscotch syrup, and yogurt.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you like to pay for VIP?
    In a well run club either the songs have been trimmed or the DJ skilled enough that they run like clockwork and a 'song' really is just a unit of time. Buying multi-songs such as half hours or 3 for 2 makes sense because even the most popular dancer is going to waste at least one song, most likely two, between finishing one customer and starting another. So let's say songs are 3 minutes and dances are ten bucks. Dancer A sells single dances and takes an average of two songs between each to find and sell the next dance. In three hours she has sold $200 in dances. Dancer B sells 3 for $20 and also needs two songs to line up another customer In three hours she has sold $300 in dances.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Strip club consulting service
    In fact thanks to the articles written here two club owners, one current and one looking for a club to buy, have contacted me regarding helping them with club designs. So I guess I do qualify as a strip club consultant. On the other hand I have a few skills not found in the average TUSCL member. Look at the profile pics if you doubt it. And hey, I am already in Los Angeles: just about everybody here is either in a reality show or has one they are pitching, so go ahead, it has topless women and oversize personalities so it sounds like a winner. But not as a 'take over'. Getting a transfer of ownership on a SOB business license can be a real pain. Your reality show would have fewer topless women and more irate planning commission hearings.
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    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    There is one possibility that you all seem to miss....go to San Diego and take a jaunt across the border to TJ.
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    12 years ago
    Running game
    Running game sounds quite a lot like what we used to call flirting. Why wouldn't a dancer do that? It is her job to attract your attention!
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Percentage of Legit Reviews
    I have only seen one review that I absolutely knew was bogus because the reviewer said that at least his beer was cold but the lighting was so low he could hardly tell how his steak was done...when the club served neither alcohol nor food. I look skeptically at reviews that occur simultaneously for the same club yet one of them seems really generic.
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    12 years ago
    A Different Idea Version 2.0
    @motorhead...then who would ever want to go on the stage and actually, you know, dance? Or maybe I should equip each seat with a big red button like on 'The Voice' @gatorfan...umm, then they would be callgirls, I suspect you've heard of them. @Alucard...Actually, I am working with a club owner who is relocating to a new facility. Client confidentiality will not allow me to say more, but this is not just a theoretical exercise.
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    12 years ago
    The Direct Approach
    I also had a situation where a dancer who said she did not do outside the limits but offered to send over one who does. It seemed odd because normally one had the impression that the extras girls are highly resented by the non-extra girls but there was not a hint of resentment in her offering to send over the other girl.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @rickdugan...there is nothing about the system that requires you to wait behind anybody.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @everyone (except the flame-wars) Thanks for the comments. I now see the potential flaws and have an idea of what version 2.1 of this idea should be.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @rogertex....what I am thinking is considerably different than your description of the old California Girls setup. 1. There is no DJ 2. There is no specific time this occurs, it happens all the time. 3. It is not all the dancers, just the ones ready to sell private dances now. 4. There is no parade. 5. There is no dollar mini dance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ever wish more dancers used hula-hoops...
    I'd toss her an extra dollar just for being imaginative.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What happened to the 1.00 dance?
    Crunch the numbers and it has to be a loser. I bet they gave it up when there were a bunch of cheapskates who came to the club, did a batch of dollar dances, and then left.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    Thanks for all the replies. @Lopaw...Nothing requires a customer to buy a dance from and dancer they have gestured to come sit with them. So if you are slightly curious about a dancer and then it turns out that their voice or conversation is grating no big deal. @Motorhead...There is no fixed on and off times. Dancers can enter and leave in the middle of a song even. So there is no sudden moment when it is determined that the dancer has 'lost' and certainly no 'loser's dance'. If nothing is going to shake loose for a girl in a particular crowd she is the one who decides to take a break. @mmdv26...In some respects the dancer has more control over the situation because they are not constrained by the lineup and dance rotation, and as you said, it is one of the reasons why clubs suck. As to the work of the managers it is actually far less. Under the standard systems the managers have to coordinate a dancer rotation schedule, and then be constantly changing it on the fly as events change. It is a real pain that is completely removed in this method. @sharkhunter...asking the girl over does not obligate you to buy a dance, or even to keep her there for any period, but it does let you eliminate the ones that were unlikely to make the deal anyway.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @rh48hr....From what I hear dancers HATE the scheduled lineup almost as much as they HATE the dance rotation and some clubs make a fair deal of money charging tip-outs to get out of doing them. The reason is the same, they force the dancer to stop what they were doing and be ready for it. Under this system a dancer is never left with having 20 minutes before the lineup or her scheduled time, wanting to sell a dance to a customer, but worried about being penalized for missing her scheduled appearance. Now I agree, the A-plus dancers who will have a guy beckoning them to come over seconds after they hit the stage will be able to do very well under this system, particularly if they can be back on the stage quickly after finishing with one customer. On the other hand the C-minus girl is going to think 'OMG I might have to appear naked on stage next to HER!' and work elsewhere. On the other hand we all know B-minus girls who bring an A-plus sexy self-confident personality to the stage. They should do fine. Other fine-tuning thoughts. Once a dancer comes to the stage if it becomes apparent that nothing is going to shake loose they do not have to stay but can go back to the dressing room (fix makeup, change costume etc.) until they are ready to try again. Also if a customer beckons a dancer to sit with him and does not buy a private dance soon enough to the dancer's patience she is perfectly free to make a POLITE farewell and return to the stage.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @jester214...Not only is hustling dances how most of the money is made to the club it is also almost the only way the dancers make money. I see the dancers actually dancing differently in this system. The stage performance becomes act one of the hustle rather than an obligation to the club. Particularly since if signaled the dancer can come straight to the customer's chair without even having to wait for the end of the song. As I see it the system doesn't just get A dancer next to the customer it gets the right dancer next to the customer faster. That in going to result in more dances sold. I am principally seeing this work in smaller clubs where no part of the seating area is more than say 25 feet from the stage and the sound turned down enough so that something said from the stage to a customer, like "yeah, you want me to come down there and sit on your lap, don't you?" would actually be heard.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @Alucard....Well, maybe a bit but not exactly. At an AMP there would not be any performance dimension: no music, no theatrical lighting, no dancing. You can't go to an AMP and sit there and relax with your drink while you make up your mind. In addition AMP do not have cover charges.
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    12 years ago
    An Idea of A Different Way of Running a Club
    @Dougster...the monitor/kiosk seems way too distant. Nowhere near as interesting as seeing the girls themselves and how they move and perform. And that is an important distinction. The whole rationale of the strip club being an 'adult cabaret' and not just a flat-out brothel is that there is a stage performance going on.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Obama vs. Rommney - Strip Club Types
    You do realize that Romney is a Bishop in the church that thinks that a diet Coke is sinful. He'd be the guy screaming at the Planning Commission meeting to have the club closed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Everybody has bad days. There is a lot of behind the scenes drama in a club and it isn't always possible to keep it off the floor.
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    12 years ago
    How is Tijuana
    Among frequent visitors Donkey Shows are now an urban myth. Note that you now need a passport or certain equivalents to get back. Check the State Department website. While some of the border cities such as Juarez have real violence problems Tijuana is not. On the other hand TJ has never been a city to not keep your wits about you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How long do clubs keep security footage
    This is actually an area where I have some expertise. The length of recording depends on the following things: Size of the hard disk Number of Cameras Whether they turn on motion detection on recording. The vast majority of systems that I have seen in use in small businesses hold from a week of data up to a month. I have never seen more than a month. In fact, a friend of mine that works at the Rose Bowl says that they do not promise Law Enforcement that they can retrieve video of events that are more than a month old. I have seen systems set to not record, but the problem is that if you do that then you have no evidence if something does go wrong and you would like to have the proof. My guess is to presume that they are recording and that they have a week's worth of disk.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Never saw a healthy one I didn't like.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I have found in So Cal. it extremely rare to get more than a light brush on the lips. Full or open mouth kissing is essentially unheard of. To start with it is not as though they are going to get some sort of massive tip for it, but if they get a cold or strep throat or mono they can easily lose multiple days' of income.