Dancer: Dinner's on me
She's what I call a "club buddy" - I rarely get dances from her, but she's fun to hang out with. I always tip her a little extra when she's on stage and buy her a drink or two. I don't like to eat alone, so I've probably asked her to join me and bought her lunch or dinner half a dozen times over the last couple years.
When she came over this time I bought a her a drink like always, then asked if she was hungry. She said yeah, but told me dinner was on her. I was a little nonplussed, but somebody had told me once not to look a gift-stripper in the mouth, so I thanked her and ordered. When she paid I could see she was flush with cash, so I guess she must have made a really big score earlier in her shift.
Still, it was a nice gesture, and I thought I would post it here since it might make some members' head explode, lol
What was for dessert?
Why, pound cake, of course!
Steve229, you are a lucky man. I am hoping to get dessert tomorrow. Well a guy can hope can't he?
@club_goer - that sounds about right.
Just to be clear, we ate in the club. The food there is actually pretty good, but it's your basic bar/pub fare. So it's not like she took me to Ruth Chris or Morton's , lol