I wish i could prop your comment @nickifree that is also my conclusion. Maybe the economy does have something to do with it. Maybe men are becoming more wise as to who they want to spend their money on and wont settle for bullshit. Its too many women who are resorting to dancing and don't understand how it works. You must come in looking your absolute best - NO EXCUSES. You must not complain to customers about your life or lack of funs. You have to enjoy yourself without getting fall out drunk. You have to have some appealing personality. Be sensual, be sweet, be funny, be sexy. Its too many desperate women who dont take the time out to understand the patrons and their needs. Therefore there will be a decline in money because of the increase of desperate,inexperienced, and/or idgaf girls.
11 years ago
They dont discriminate on shape, its basically race. I have seen some slim girls come in and get told no. I have seen all shapes get told no. Management laughs about it sometimes when a girl comes in and they tell her no. One time they seemed to want to show the girls that were coming to audition that they already had their black girl (which was me) by calling me to the front. As far as not wanting the club to turn into something else, Rick's Cabaret is very diverse. They have several women from different ethnicities working every night. While working there once , there was probably 11-12 black girls on one shift. Typically unheard of in Manhattan strip clubs. The club is upscale and classy and there is no thug element. There will only be what you allow.
11 years ago
@1beauty It is really shameful and they try to keep it on the low, this racism. i think it really depends on the girl. Sometimes management will say a customer likes black girls because they saw him get dances from one black girl. That doesn't mean the guy only likes black girls. When some guys come to the club they either have a type or do. Some guys may only like white women or only like black women. Some guys may just like a slim girl with big boobs, regardless of race. No one knows what someone will like. You just have to find out.
11 years ago
as a black dancer it is harder to get into predominantly white clubs. Racism exists in those environments. They have a 2 per 20 rule here in new york. They try to have 2 black girls working per 20 other girls. They say anymore and it will make the club black. There was actually an incident at the club that i work at during the nightshift where they sent one of the black girls home because there were too many. I used to work at the club during nightshift . Made the club alot of money, did alot of rooms. I left for about a year and decided to come back and I was told that i couldn't work because they had to many girls. In other words they already had their fill of black girls. So i decided to work dayshift where i have been the only black girl the time working there.
Comments made by lovemetiddys