Will calling do any good?
There's this dancer I haven't seen in several months. I also haven't been to the club I met her at in quite a while, so I'm not sure if she still works there. They do keep a list of the dancers that are working and you can see it as you walk in and pay your cover. Would calling the club and asking about her do any good? Or will they just tell me she's there (just to get me down there) regardless of whether she actually is.
I believe that there is a good chance that the person who answers phone will tell you that the Dancer is there whether it is true or not.
It always helps to have the Dancers phone number. :)
One dancer always blows up my phone everyday shes about to go into work.
But, That's the point it's to lure you and become their regular and what not. some are cool though they will kick it with you and party on off days.
At most places you could probably call pick a random name and they'd say they were in.
but get in with the top bar person/dj or whoever sorts out the roster, if you want the real truth of who is working in your chosen club. am a FB friend of the person who sorts out my main clubs girls and i know can trust totally, it does help.
If you can get the number of the dressing room, instead of the main number for the club, I have found that house mom's tend to be more honest. Now if your girl isn't there, she may try to sell you on seeing someone else, but at least she's honest.
So, as pointed out earlier, it's a crapshoot. If you're interested in a particular girl, get her number.