SC withdrawal
With every addiction comes withdrawal. I find that after a SC trip, all I can think of is the girls and how soon I'll be able to go back? Is this common and how do you distract yourself to bide your time til the next trip..yes there is internet porn, but it really just isnt the same. If this doesnt happen to you guys..maybe I should seek professional help.
The last time I took a lengthy hiatus it was 2.5 months long. To my surprise it actually got easier w/ time not to go or want to go (at least for me).
I often feel the strongest withdrawal symptoms when I am SCing regularly and itching to go more than once a week.
If it's really slow, girls will talk to you anyways and you can find out there limits and prices for when you are willing to spend. When you do spend, she'll be eager to please because she's meet you before and already feels comfortable with you, if you've played it right.
If I don’t want to spend $$$ (or too much); I go to a big club where it’s very busy and you can sort of hide.
When the club is slow IME – almost every dancer will come up to you to try her luck.
But unlike boogie; I am not a big coversationist (at the SC) and thus will not lock down with a dancer for extended periods of time if I am not spending or intend on spending $$$
I don't generally need to distract myself between trips though, since I go almost every week, and work and family give me enough distraction. :)
I think this may play into the “withdrawal equationâ€.
I am single (no S.O.) and do not have children so I have a fair amount of free/idle time. Often times (especially on Fr/Sat nights); I find myself hitting the SC out of boredom and not necessarily straight out hornysness.
I just spent 3 1/2 hours at a fave club and I'm already planning for my next visit.
@gator:smoke weed? Then id just be addicted to weed and food.
@3legged:kinda mood kill when reality overrides the fantasy..then again lets be real..most dancers have kids and an SO
My guess is that, if they were honest, they would love to go back in time and blow much of that hard earned money on beautiful young women. Their money in the bank is pretty much useless to them now.
Fuck it. Its all a wink of an eye anyway.
shadowcat:I do need some rehab, but dont think I'm ready to commit to that yet. I think this habit will take a couple years to get over