SC withdrawal

avatar for curiositycat
With every addiction comes withdrawal. I find that after a SC trip, all I can think of is the girls and how soon I'll be able to go back? Is this common and how do you distract yourself to bide your time til the next trip..yes there is internet porn, but it really just isnt the same. If this doesnt happen to you guys..maybe I should seek professional help.


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avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
cc - I think that you'll find those feelings pretty common amongst " our kind". As long as your not spending the rent money and have other balances in your life you'll be OK.
avatar for curiositycat
11 years ago
Well glad im not the only one and that ive found this board..I keep away from my rent money..but the chunk of change I spend is more than ive spent on anything recreation before. I swear just about when im sick of SC..and extraordinary LD/dancer comes along that makes mtmy resolve fly out the window
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
As sclvr stated – I venture to say most of regular “hobbyists” pretty much feel the same withdrawal feelings you do.

The last time I took a lengthy hiatus it was 2.5 months long. To my surprise it actually got easier w/ time not to go or want to go (at least for me).

I often feel the strongest withdrawal symptoms when I am SCing regularly and itching to go more than once a week.

avatar for bluemonday
11 years ago
yep got that, dont feel good unless planing my next trip... but just booked it tonight, so back on top here !!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Sclvr & Papi said what I wanted too already.
avatar for boogieknight369
11 years ago
Go during a slow time but don't buy dances. It's what I do when I'm really itching but don't want to be financially irresponsible.

If it's really slow, girls will talk to you anyways and you can find out there limits and prices for when you are willing to spend. When you do spend, she'll be eager to please because she's meet you before and already feels comfortable with you, if you've played it right.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I actually do the opposite.

If I don’t want to spend $$$ (or too much); I go to a big club where it’s very busy and you can sort of hide.

When the club is slow IME – almost every dancer will come up to you to try her luck.

But unlike boogie; I am not a big coversationist (at the SC) and thus will not lock down with a dancer for extended periods of time if I am not spending or intend on spending $$$
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
I concur with Slick. Also, when I can't be a club-goer, I find just talking about it on TUSCL a very good substitute. I like reading of the adventures of our members, and posting stories about my own experiences. Your feelings and reactions are quite normal, I assure you.
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
I would have the 2nd the comments by Sclvr & Papi
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
Smoke some week helps clear the withdrawal
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
Not having a CF has drastically reduced my motivation. The lengthy commute to a club with acceptable mileage also is a deterrent.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Even if it's *not* an addiction, most humans miss doing things they like, and look forward to ding them again. I like playing with boobs. Given that a strip club is virtually the only place in America that I can get away with fondling a wide variety of boobs, is it any wonder that I'm eager to return?

I don't generally need to distract myself between trips though, since I go almost every week, and work and family give me enough distraction. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… work and family give me enough distraction …”

I think this may play into the “withdrawal equation”.

I am single (no S.O.) and do not have children so I have a fair amount of free/idle time. Often times (especially on Fr/Sat nights); I find myself hitting the SC out of boredom and not necessarily straight out hornysness.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
Curiositycat - I've sought professional help because I just can't stop. Looking back more than 30 years ago, I'd go on golf trips with a group of guys - usually to Myrtle Beach - we'd go to the SC's at night and I now realize that while most of the guys would sit watching pussy and having a few beers while I'd be in VIP with the first vixen I saw. Four years ago I started OTC with my ATF and it is an addiction. I'm embarrassed about the money I've spent and the shit I've put up with but I keep shelling out far more than I can afford and every effort to end it has been futile. Yesterday I texted her that I don't want to see her any more and all day I've been waiting for her call. Now I understand addiction.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
and smoke some more weed after reading these comments
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I don't notice too much because time seems to fly by for me. I usually go most weekends and after one visit, I lose interest for a few days unless I see lots of eye candy.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Yeah you're far from alone, curiositycat.

I just spent 3 1/2 hours at a fave club and I'm already planning for my next visit.

avatar for nickcanbfun
11 years ago
There are withdrawls, but you find that with anything you become attached to. I see the SC as my therapy away from my daily life. I go during the slower shifts and get to relax. To each his own.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
I have a CF with whom I had some mind blowing DATY a few weeks ago. I've been planning my next trip to see/eat her again and somehow discovered her Facebook page. Of course it includes her husband and kid. Now I'm thinking I can live without more of that sweet pussy considering what additives it may have. That club DOES have other fine things to eat! Or I can risk withdrawal.
avatar for curiositycat
11 years ago
@gawker:been there my friend..seems like a yoyo stripper diet tell them to go away..but you end up crawling back even though you hate yourself with every inch. I spent 700 dollars one night on and I still couldn't stop.
@gator:smoke weed? Then id just be addicted to weed and food.
@3legged:kinda mood kill when reality overrides the fantasy..then again lets be real..most dancers have kids and an SO

avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
@gawker - brother don't be too hard on yourself. I know of several seniors now too old to do much but watch tv that have big fat bank accounts. Their relatives await the payday.

My guess is that, if they were honest, they would love to go back in time and blow much of that hard earned money on beautiful young women. Their money in the bank is pretty much useless to them now.

Fuck it. Its all a wink of an eye anyway.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
@ccat: This is the first time I've been aware of a fave of mine definitely being attached outside the club. But I guess I'll go thru with another VIP session and trust to her having good hygiene standards. Our last time was a great deal of fun and I'm getting a little tired of my other fave dancer at that club. She's got 2 kids, but I don't think the baby daddies are still in her life. Her dances aren't quite as passionate as the married girl, but do include DFK. Tough choice... dynamite DATY vs DFK. Oh well, I'll figure it out. The only way I CAN'T go is with NEITHER.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
Follow up: went to VIP room with longtime fave last night and she's upped her game! DFK, FIV, DATY, lots of GFE, even an offer of ITC BBFS, which I had to turn down for personal reasons. She's also offered OTC if I come to her place, in a somewhat dangerous neighborhood. Life is good!
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I tried on of those 30 day, 12 step rehab programs. It didn't work. :)
avatar for curiositycat
11 years ago
3leggedman:maybe she sensed ur reluctance to keep her and upped her game..

shadowcat:I do need some rehab, but dont think I'm ready to commit to that yet. I think this habit will take a couple years to get over
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
Ccat: besides longtime fave upping her game, married girl isn't at all shy about asking for more VIP dances with her. I've put her on hold as I'm very happy with the first girl.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
Ccat: besides longtime fave upping her game, married girl isn't at all shy about asking for more VIP dances with her. I've put her on hold as I'm very happy with the first girl.
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