
What do do in Amsterdam?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013 11:34 AM
Seems like there aren't too many reviews on this site.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yes, fuck whores and smoke weed.
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    i still love amsterdam, like everywhere it is going back with more competition for the stag do trips coming from elsewhere in cheaper eastern europe, as its pricey now for drinking at 5 euros a pint, with little exchange rate now... every time i go more and more windows are shut, but the main areas around the old church and across from the old sailor bar are still good. standard charge is 50 euros (about $80) for a 'suck and fuck' (about 20 mins), most who charge this are at least as good looking as anyone you will find in a top north american strip club if not better... there are others who will charge as low as 30 as standard, they being mostly cubans, south american or africans (still as good as many ive seen recently in lower end clubs)... you can still make your own deals if you want ? do not go to the clubs there, la vie en proost is rubbish and the banana bar a rip off... neither is anything like what we would call a good strip club so dont waste time, go to a normal bar instead and then stick to the window shopping ! further to what bullwinkle said, everything is totally legal and well policed, all the girls even belonging to their own union. (i've been thinking about doing an article on the dam, and will expand this when i have time, am due a last visit before the year is out so will probably do it later then)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Bull: "The pimping problem in Amsterdam is like no where else in the world" There are worse areas, such Mumbai, and Nepal and Moldova and Bangladesh. General rule is that the poorer the country the worse the human trafficking problem. One reason I'm personally very skeptical of Mexico and Detroit.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Don't be such a puss just because you got corrected on something.
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    there are probably only about 40-60 actual red light workers in amsterdam, many of whom i have recognised as being there for several years... so your 1000-7000's each year prob sadly end up elsewhere. human traficking may well be problem and there is no doubt, some may be affected, but not most if not almost all of those who work in the amsterdam red light are as independent as any stripper who freelances in a club... it's one of the safest places in the world to enjoy our hobby and the most relaxed place too, at least in the daytime, nightime can get a bit more lairy but more down to drunken stag groups than any gangs or locals... sorry bully lad, but i get my info from visiting a fantastic city several times a year for well over a decade now, not sitting in new york and looking on wikipedia... relax and enjoy your hobby, this site will tell you more than 'wiki' ever will !!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Seems like your projecting a bit, Bullwinkle. Got really upset because I corrected you about something. Almost like you had a mini-rage of some type... Just relax. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself.
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    not buying it ?? if you on this site bully, your buying something ! or perhaps you better stick to that nice girl who just sits on your lap a little, after all... shes only doing it to put herself through college you know, nothing else ? you want a city with pimps, prostitution an a real crime problem, look closer to home ? ... there is no argument human trafficking is a problem throughout the world and i have talked to girls who are on 'contracts' within north american clubs i have been to, after they been brought (by choice) over from romania, hungary etc to work, by certain eastern european gangs... i will maintain, the actual red light workers in amsterdam, who are licenced and part of the union are safe or at least as safe as any girl in a north american strip club... there is not a lot of difference, they pay around 90 for their window for about 8 hours and its up to them to work it, same as a stripper pays her fee to work in a club... elsewhere fair enough, any big city anywhere in the world has big problems, i would think most of us on here dont entertain those sort of street girls however ?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    40-60 actual red light workers? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Unless the girl in the window or at the brothel is from a EU country, there's a decent chance she was forced/coaxed into being there. Many if not most of the girls in the windows and brothels are NOT from EU countries. Sorry Blue, but Amsterdam has a serious issue with human trafficking. Which is sad because it's a lovely town with a great attitude for "vice".
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    On another note looks like Dugly's turned on someone else. Dude can't handle being called on his shit.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Dream on, jestie. Like back a year ago when every two days you said i was about to leave the site. Like I say you got to stop viewing the world through the bleak ultra-cynical lens of yours. You see the world the way you wish things were - as bleak as your internal state, not as they actually are. As an example, Me and Bull are still good buds. You keep wishing though!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Regarding the OP's question about what to do in Amsterdam? Weed and hookers are fun options but don't miss out on everything else the city has. Grab a bike and check out the city, there's a ton to see. I've always enjoyed the Vondelpark and Leidseplein square at night, seen some great street performers among other thing there. There's also a decent casino in that area.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Man, you'd have to be a real loser to go all the way to Amersterdam to lose money in a casino. Very strange travel recommendation. But then again, that jestie is a pretty strange guy!
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    ok maybe a little more than 40-60, but not many more, its really gone back recently from a time when there was originally 370 windows, more and more are closed and its just a small area now and not as busy... bascially you need to visit, then form your own opinion... certainly any girls i have known, have been there a while and come from the likes of germany, poland, bulgaria or are local. they make good money and then go home and spend well and treat it as a career. most have a plan to work a number of years then retire, they are not pimped and are totally freelance... there is no difference i can make out between them and the girls in the clubs... main thing is safety, there are police around, they are safe, you are safe, i have never seen any trouble in what is a very relaxing and enjoyable place... you will actually see groups of school children walking around among the many tours, (loads of jap and american tourists in big groups for instance) bully, no worries, cheers and happy clubbing mate ! i;ve tried to put something on here about amsterdam, as the thread was there is little on this town, to contribute to what is a very informative and useful site for those who like our stuff... over to other perhaps better informed to add now... as ever in this game, you pay your money and you take your choice
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    "Even old New York was once New Amsterdam".
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @blue: how do you know these stories from the girls you are hear are true? Many have specific instructions not to let on their real situations, and the traffickers will even send in guys posing as white knights/members of NGOs who fight trafficking/police, etc. to test their "loyalty". Could it be tr girls are just duping you?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I'm with Bullwinkle on this one. Seems the problem is bad enough there that "why take a chance"?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Then again, I'd be reluctant about Mexico or sure and even Detroit for similar reasons.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I can see how you would find it strange dugly seeing as you don't have much experience in world travel. When you graduate maybe you'll be able to afford some, though I'm not optimistic. People do lots of different activities when they travel including gambling. Just because you smoke some pot in Amsterdam doesn't mean you "went all the way to Amsterdam to smoke weed". As far as "losing money" I'll just chalk that up to your lack of reading comprehension mixed with your aptitude for making shit up. Remember to read the sentences slowly so you get all the words.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Your admissions to losing significant (for you) money gambling are all there in black and white, jestie. Read 'me and weep (which I'm sure you literally do)!
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    doug, well you never know, but its the same with any bullshite in a SC ?? like i say u gotta get a feel and decide yourself... am pretty confident the ones i have picked and know are alright... on the outskirts it gets worse with the south americans and africans and yes you gotta wonder how they ended up there, but there are only always still the same faces year after year and to be honest if i was traficking women, i'd pick some better looking ones, they are not the best ! as with in SC's i have my few favourites, that i know enough to talk to etc and am sure they are not pimped !! a good example is polish anna who is pretty (in)famous in amsterdam, (google her for instance), she is 45 so she says with massive JJ tits, been there forever. another girl, who has no reason to say otherwise, reckons anna has made a fortune out of her job, but carries on as she enjoys the sex so much... i've had a blast (when she was younger i hasten to add) and she was pretty damn good, no going through the motions there... (anna can be found indoors in the vie en rose) my other faves include kim who works near the old sailor, she is from dusseldorf, germany and will tell you how much she enjoys her job too, again it shows... same as in the SC scene, those who know what they doing will make the right choices, there is plenty of good and bad to be found in that scene too... we must all make our own call, i'm happy with mine.
  • bluemonday
    11 years ago
    [view link] here's a link to one of the many youtube vids of what it's like in amsterdam's redlight district... (polish anna appears around 1:06 by the way) !
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    What to do in Amsterdam? I would be willing to bet that Tim Tebow would finally lose his virginity and Johnny Foosball would probably die.
  • wml
    11 years ago
    @bluemonday thanks for the input. Would love to see your article once you complete it. Thoughts on private brothels or escorts? @jester214 what's the weed policy for foreigners ?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "@jester214 what's the weed policy for foreigners ?" Good question. I wonder if the locals give free we'd to compulsive gamblers like the jestie-girl who travel all the way to Amersterdam and then lose all their money in the local casino? Jestie - did they treat you well when that happened?
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    What to do ? What to do ? Well.....you could always go fuck yourself
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    @wml, There was a push in the last few years to require local I.D. to get into the "coffee shops". However I don't think it's happened in many, perhaps zero, of the Amsterdam shops. You can smoke till your hearts content in the shops and if you roll a joint (most of the natives mix it with tobacco) you can pretty much get away with smoking in most places. Just don't be obnoxious about it. Most importantly DO NOT TAKE IT WITH YOU. Obviously you wouldn't take it to the airport but even the trains are a bad idea, I've seen Belgian and German police questioning people on the trains from Amsterdam and drug dogs in many train stations. One more piece of advice: don't buy anything from people on the street, they'll be plenty whispering "cocaine" along with other drugs. Stick to the weed in the shops.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Dugly of course I've lost money gambling, if you haven't you've never gambled. For the last two years I didn't lose enough to cover the wins that I was forced to report. You're lack of reading comprehension probably confused you.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    fuck a hooker
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Sure jestie you got all depressed because you won more money than you lost. Makes complete sense!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    As per usual when faced with facts you simply ignore them and make some more shit up.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Jestie I observed your behavior during that time. To this day you ooze depression, but it was even worse back then. I'll ask you point blank - ever been treated for depression? If not, do you think maybe you ought to look into it?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Btw, jestie I've known three people who were nearly completely lacking in a sense of humor like you are. One committed suicide for sure. Another talked about it quite a bit, then disappeared, thinks odds are good he did. The other one - didn't get to know well enough. You say you are a gambler. If so, I don't like those odds for you.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    It's Amsterdam, so go ride a bike and look at tulips.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Say "who gives a fuck" once and Dugly decides he's "observed" you and can tell you have a serious medical issue. I can never decide if you actually buy into the shit that streams from you or if you just type out anything you can make up.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Not gonna answer the question if were ever diagnosed or you yourself think you are? Ok. I understand. It was a trap. If you admit "yes" then you are forced to agree with me which is something you hate to do. If not, you so blatantly are, nobody is going to buy what you say and you lose cred. So just duck the question. No prob!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    LOL of course I've never been diagnosed nor have I ever even entertained the possibility. I get fully physicals yearly and no doctor has ever suggested it nor have any friends, family or co-workers. But now, tell me what symptoms you've "observed" over the internet. And while we're at it, what's your background to make such a diagnosis?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    jestie: "no doctor has ever suggested it nor have any friends, family or co-workers. " Sure, jestie, but you have admitted here to being less than forthcoming with your doctor, now haven't you? Remember your little white lies when you go it comes to question of sexual activity - i.e. forgetting to mention that some of these women you engage in sexual activities with are hookers doing it for me. I understand though, jestie. You're obviously a proud a guy, who has feel well short of your expectations in life - i.e. ended up as a mere "transportation consultant" that nobody listens to when your goal was foreign service. So you hide it from everyone. And as we have seen on the internet, any gets even close to criticize you completely flip your lid. As for your symptoms - self-destructive gambling behavior. Catostrophic thinking - strong leaning toward the worst interpretation of people and the world in general. Your melancholy. Your endless whining. Your almost complete absence of a sense of humor. In fact, humor downright offends you. How you attack those who do claim positive things about themselves. Try to shoot them down. And the whole diagnosis things is a strawman. I never claimed to give you an official diagnosis. Hey, I can't officially diagnosis Arial Castro either, but what kind of odds would you required before you wagered he had anti-social personality disorder? Sometimes it just leaps right out in your face. But I'll let others judge for themselves whether I'm on the mark about you being a blatant case of untreated/diagnosed depression. Too funny how deeply in denial you are!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Again your reading comprehension fails you. I’ve never lied to a Doctor nor have I felt it was necessary to admit to paying for sex. In some cases there were no instances of paid sex to mention. Fell short of my expectations? Not in the least. I think I would have enjoyed being a FSO but I really don’t know, it certainly was/is an interest but not one I expected to be. If I had I would have aimed for a different degree. As a “mere transportation consultant” (?) I make significantly more money than an FSO. Nobody listens to me was a joke made to another person on here who does consulting, twisted to mean something else as per your normal routine. As to my sense of humor there are hundreds of posts suggesting otherwise. Nothing about my gambling is self destructive, I enjoy it and do it within my means. According to my records, and the records of one major gambling chain, I’m in the black for the last two years. Catastrophic thinking, melancholy and whining are just more bullshit opinions (that‘s a loose use of the word opinion). I say “who gives a fuck” once and you blow it out of proportion to fit your needs. Ariel Castro’s disgusting crimes (though you find human trafficking amusing right?) have been publicly and thoroughly documented. We’ve heard from his friends, family and victims. Not exactly hard to form a conclusion there. I notice you ducked the background question. I’m shocked. As per usual your “evidence” is really just your imagination.
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    relax an just go to amsterdam for the weed if u worry bout the sex. weed is good and I can usual find girls to fuck for free. I just cannot find as many as I want to fuck
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    My doctor diagnosed me as Hispanic Depressive. I asked him what that meant. He said it means I think that Taco Bell serves real Mexican food.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I love your "in some" case tap dance. Ok, so when you were 14 you weren't paying hookers for sex, so you weren't lying/misleading by not being forthcoming in one case so you can now say "in some cases". Ok got it. As for your supposed winning gambling your melancholy at the time and posts about hiw crappy you felt after losing speak otherwise. " As to my sense of humor there are hundreds of posts suggesting otherwise." Jestie if there was even a hundred posts you would be batting around 5%. Hundred(s)? Plural? Huh? Again that is one that is plain for all to see andante have commented on this remarkable feature if yours. Same with your melancholy and catastrophic thinking. Plain for anyone to see and others here have commented on it besides me. And thanks for agreeing with me that you don't need an official diagnosis before you can make an excellent bet on something! Next time I'm in Vegas I'll ask the bookies. Oh, wait I might get a penny on the dollar. Would you go even money with me on that one?
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Dougsta ! Dougsta ! Dougsta !
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    Hey, hey, heey, hey...Smoke weed everyday... Cannabis Cup is a must if you're there in November. Hey, Jester. United we stand. Divided we fall.
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