
Have you ever fallen in love with a stripper?

Avatar for Clackport

I know I have. It was early in my strip clubbing career. Usually if I liked a stripper, I would just fuck her. There was no love involved (except for her body). This stripper was different. She had a great personality and was one of the nicest girls I had ever met. She was funny. We had long deep conversations. She was a beautiful girl. Of course her body was nice, but I saw myself taking walks with her on the beach, going to movies with her, much more than just sex.

Of course the relationship ended up in a bad, stressful way. Every now and then I'll think about her and reminisce on the times we had. I'll miss her, but then I'll see a stripper on stage with an amazing body, and my focus turns to trying to take this girl on stage home for the night. Speaking from the words of a true strip club junkie.

P.S. (of course money is involved, I'm not inquitous lol).


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Avatar for Sowhatt

We've all been there, even the one who doth protest too much, methinks. Sadly, just with all other facets of life, once you've been there and been burned, you're probably better off. Can the movie-ending riding off into the sunset happy ending happen with these girls? It's probably possible. It just really doesn't happen.

Avatar for Alucard

No, but I had some strong feelings for my 2011 Ex-ATF.

Avatar for canny

They're human too, just like us. A surprising number of them want that sunset happy ending to happen, even though it's not likely for most of them.

Avatar for GoVikings

Nah, not even close. I haven't even been able to get to know a dancers on a personal level like many of our TUSCL members. But that's mainly because I can only afford to club once or twice a month due to how over-priced the lap dances are in VA. Kind of hard to get to know any dancer if you only come in once or twice a month.

I'm down for hearing everyone else's stories, though. :)

Avatar for igloo9999

I think we are all guilty for falling into lust with a dancer at some point. Personally, I did meet one, we became friends, we started dating, she moved in, etc. Yeah, it ended bad but we're both better for it. On the 'lower' love end, there are many dancers that I am personally involved with & consider them really great friends that I love.

Avatar for rickdugan

No. I did, however, become fond of a couple over the years and I most certainly fell in lust with a few, though never so much that I lost my mind.

When I first started in this hobby, I had an older buddy who fell in love with an old school stripper who was amazingly charming, classy and, of course, beautiful. Her approach was heavy in the seduction hustle and he fell hard. After he started spending enough on her ITC, she eventually met him for dates, slept with him a few times and even had him over to her house on one Thanksgiving. The whole time, she continued to coax him into the club and he continued spending large sums of money on her, until he eventually went broke. It was like watching a train wreck in very slow motion. The lessons learned from his experience have never left me.

Now I have made my share of other mistakes over the years, but none that ended up being too costly. I will always be grateful to my buddy for inviting me along on some of his adventures and keeping me in the loop on what was happening as it may very well have spared me from eventually dealing with my own version of this.

Avatar for serpentx

I did. She is still by far the best looking girl I have met in a club. And amazingly she is also the nicest and the most genuine one. I was meeting her about once a week in the club and have had a few lunches and dinners outside. Although she was working in penthouse club Detroit, she was a clean girl. I know it sucks to go there and just get dances, but it was worth every penny I spent. Unfortunately or fortunately after about 7 month she got a real job and moved on ever since. We still text each other once in a while to just say hi. It was a very nice experience. Now days I see different girls in different clubs and haven't found my next favorite yet. Sometimes I do miss all the good times I've had with her but I certainly don't want to see her come back and just wish her have a normal life like most of us do.

Avatar for deogol

I have.

Not very happy to have met her in a strip club. One of God's practical jokes on me.

Of course, if I had met her outside a strip club, we may have looked at each other for a moment and kept on walking through our lives. I know I have done that to many times.

So perhaps I should be glad I had that amount of time with her.

Avatar for motorhead

I don't know. There is such a blurry line between love, lust, and strong feelings.

I only go to see one dancer right now and I miss her deeply if more than 4 or 5 days go by without a call or a text. So....?

Avatar for Alucard

"There is such a blurry line between love, lust, and strong feelings.

I only go to see one dancer right now and I miss her deeply if more than 4 or 5 days go by without a call or a text. So....?"

EXACTLY motorhead, exactly!!

It is exactly the same way with my current ATF. I'm exclusive with her, and she is in my thoughts every day. love, lust, & strong feelings...it is hard to sort it out.

It is SO very interesting how we Guys & Gals interact with each other. How much is REALLY within our control to some degree. And how much is instinct & biologically driven. I CAN't give you a clear answer at this exact point in time.

Avatar for Clubber

Yes, but not as you mean it. There are different types of love.

Avatar for jackattack107

No. But I've grown to care for some of them. Whether or not it's just an act, I don't know, but with some of these girl's I seem to get them with their "stripper mode" turned off. I used be to highly suspicious if any of them got too chummy, so much so I'd one of them, "Look, I'm totally fine with you hustling me, just let me know. Won't change my stance on throwing all my money away."

That dancer set her cigarette down, put her hands on my knees and told me, "Honey, I don't mean to offend you with what I'm about to say, so don't take it the wrong way, but you don't have enough money for me to hustle you."

That statement has stuck with me ever since. So I've come to let myself care about these dancers and their well-being.

On a related note: The girl who imparted that wisdom on me, lived in one of the worst neighborhoods in Atlanta. I got drunk one night and met her at her place. Saw her in her yard crying with a bloody nose. Liquid courage made me puff my chest and try and be chivalrous. Saw her huge, buff, power lesbian roommate come down and confront me and she begged me to leave, so I totally did.

Met her the next day at her place again, horrified at myself that I had the balls to roll up to that part of town at night by myself. PRETTY SURE that power lesbian was her pimp.

Avatar for rh48hr

No. I don't have an interest in a relationship with a dancer, so I won't put my heart out there like that.

Avatar for mikeya02

Like a couple others, I see just one girl, and I love her more ways than one. Shes a real sweetie.

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio

Sure, but dancers are rarely capable of a normal relationship, so I never expect them to love me back.

Yet dancers have a heart too. So I know they are capable of loving someone......

Avatar for Alucard

"Like a couple others, I see just one girl, and I love her more ways than one. Shes a real sweetie"

I understand & know just how you feel. :)

Avatar for Clackport

Dougster- LMAO, classic

Jackattack, serpentx, Ohio, igloo, deogol- great stories

Rick Dugan- great story man, that should let all of us know about the danger of falling in love with a stripper.

GoVikings- that link was very appropriate for me lol

Avatar for TonyMontana

Rik Dugan told a good story. I've fallen into lust with a stripper or two but it usually only lasts a few weeks, or about as long as getting to know personal details about them and realizing I want no part of their train wreck lives. So I suppose if I ever met a stripper that had her life together AND is a good actress, I am like Ric Dugan's now broke friend. Doh!

Avatar for jester214

No. First off, its already been said but, people get confused about what they are feeling. Usually it's not love.

Love isn't instant. It happens over time once we've learned the in's and out's of people. Very few people have enough true interaction with a dancer to actually know what's real and what isn't AND to accept it.

Additionally these relationship grow based on money. If they somehow get to the point that they are beyond money entirely and become normal relationships they are rare. Love is rare normally, so this would be doubly rare...

Avatar for steve229

With the exception of Courtney, Sunny, Red, Nyla, Gina, Giselle, Penny, Nikita (twice) and Sharon, the answer is no.

Avatar for steve229

Opps, forgot Isabella, my first true stripper crush. Sorry, babe.

Avatar for farmerart

Never in love with a stripper but certainly in serious lust with two of the delightful creatures in the two years of my hobbying. With another girl I felt guilty about getting her blackballed from Alberta clubs and I cut her a hefty cheque to assuage my guilt but there was no love or even lust involved with that decision.

If it weren't for tuscl's discussions I think I might have been like the guy in rickdugan's story. I entered this hobby at an old age with potloads of cash at my disposal and, initially, I was like a greedy kid in a candy store. Reading a few of the pathetic stories on the discussion board quickly set my head straight.

As for the cases of lust - very expensive for me since the objects of my lascivious desire have both been from the opposite side of the country. I have spent much more on travel expenses for the girls and me than the relative pittances the girls charge me for their services.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Love? No. Affection? Absolutely. Infatuation? Certainly. Will I be sad when she's gone? You bet.

Avatar for dallas702

Lust? - YES --- A two year relationship? YES

Love? - maybe!

I met this Hispanic beauty, she laughed easily, had a "fuck me" look that could raise the dead, soft natural C-cups, an ass that looked great covered or bare and - - - - issues. When I, toward the end of our run, was spending more time fixing her latest screw up than enjoying her company, I backed off a little. She didn't take that well! That's when I met "Psycho-Stripper."

I find it interesting that so many of our "callous and experienced" Strip Club regulars have responded to the thread. It appears that once we fall for a hot bod and a pretty face we can become "victims" of the girl who carries them.

Avatar for bang69

Yes my atf at xcapades years ago who turned out to be a drug useing skank

Avatar for looneylarry

I haven't yet, but easily could have. I was a regular for a girl who gave great dances and had that naughty personality. She liked to play close to the lines and cross over slightly every so often. But, the one thing that I was wise to do throughout was to listen closely to some of the throw-off things that she said, and I mentally filed them away. So, while I was in the club with her and not thinking straight I would make a note of those "red-flag" comments. Later, when I had my full faculties about me, I would remember all of those red flags and that would quickly temper my possible infatuation down to just manageable spurts of lust. Comments about court dates and "fucking up his car" and "I'll kill that bitch" and "I'd like to fuck her" and "management has been riding my ass" and "my apartment burned down". I took note of each one of those gems and more and they helped me to remember that we were living in two different worlds.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Nope, strippers are looneytunes. Waste of time, effort and money. Lust, all the time. LOL

Avatar for jackslash

I'm very fond of my ATF, and she is likes me for more than my money (I think). But I don't love her. I like her for her looks, not her mind. I would never marry her or even live with her, because she has more problems than I could handle.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Bang xcapades ! Home of a "69" ATF ? Wow me 2 ! We fuckin the same bitch ???

Avatar for JuiceBox69

if so bang we r eskamo bro's ! Lol and that's some damn good head and pussy !

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Nope: Had one that I liked that was fun to be around, but money was always her primary motivation even if we just went out for drinks. The best thing about the ones that are not all screwed up is that they always will look out for #1. Niether one of us was looking for more.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

From everything I have heard, dancers are notorious for not being able to have stable relationships - it goes with the job/territory.

Also, as long as money is involved, you can't assume that she "loves" you - you/I are just a good customer; i.e. someone who is reliable (especially financially) in there otherwise unreliable world/reality. We may be the only stable/reliable thing in their lives?

Of course, nothing is 100% true 100% of the time; but the above is ever so prevalent when it comes to dating dancers.

Avatar for Rabbit21

I find that the more I hear about their personal lives the more of a wall goes up and I'm more easily able to maintain perspective.

That said when I was younger and used escorts to get laid I developed fairly stron relationships with a couple of them that was only diffused by the fact we were all open with the fact that we saw other people. For some reason the escorts seemed to have it together and/or came from better backgrounds than the dancers do. However, I was stationed overseas for a long time and all my references went away and getting screened is a huge pain in the ass if your foots not in the door, so I switched strategies and found a MUCH better value with less emotional risk.

Avatar for cdm7669

Yep, and it's the reason I found this site. Two months ago I walked into a strip club for the first time in 25 years. I was extremely naive and had no idea what I was getting into. On my second night, a dancer approached me and started a conversation. She was damn good at her job because I actually believed she was into me. She talked me into the VIP and I was blown away. She was incredibly intimate, and I bought it all. She told me she was "putty in my hands" and the best VIP she had "in a looooong time"! I hadn't had that kind of contact and attention from a girl since I fell in love with my wife 25 years ago. I went back the next night for more.

I had no clue what to do. I thought about her every waking hour. So, I started surfing the Internet, seeing if this was common, and I found TUSCL.

I know some of you experienced guys get a good laugh at newbies like me, but I want to say thanks for all your articles and posts on this subject. Thanks to you, I've figured out what's really going on. You have saved me thousands of dollars, lots of heartache, and probably saved my marriage.

Avatar for Clackport

VM- I definitely agree with you. Strippers are a waste of time and money, but somehow I keep going back.


All, wow, a lot of great points were made on this thread. It's hard to add anything to this that's not already been said. Undaunted though here goes....

Yes, it's happened to me several times....Lessons learned, but the way I'd always flush it out was to remove money from the equation when things seemingly teetered on that "Love" stage. You throw up that wall not so much to create a barrier, but knowing the person who truly gives a fuck will break that wall down....For me, this tactic I used caused me to end several really promising club relationships - because it's hard for me to "feel" for someone when it's just about the money....

Still, being open minded and a true romantic, I'm not jaded enough to think that "Love" can't be found in a hopeless place like a strip club. It's just that a lot of people there (men & women) are somehwat broken to begin with - so "Love" IMHO is harder to find there than it otherwise might be....

Anyway, if/when it does happen for any of us - here's how it might go....


Avatar for stenton1

Yes, I'm trying to keep my wall up with her now, so I will see if she will start to see me OTC exclusively without having to come into the club and pay too much money. It's a risk I'm willing to take to possibly lose her, but I'm going to stay strong. I know these girls have a dollar tag attached to everything they do, but if it's real, and I kinda doubt it, I'm willing to let it go.

I can see from all of these comments that the green rules the day. It's just inevitable that you will end up meeting a babe who has you thinking you're in love, but it seems that 95 percent of us wll see otherwise.

Gotta do like juice and just hit it and keep it moving!

Avatar for deogol

With a 50% divorce rate (at least in the US) I don't think the posters on this site are the only ones with love troubles.

Avatar for stenton1

The scary part is, how many other cocks does she have pushing up inside her pussy, at the same time as you? The scary part about strippers is that they think like men. We can hit it and quit it, and so can they.

Let's face it, we're in the game together. The question is who can game who first, and then win the ass before they try to reel you in.

Avatar for vincemichaels

So fuck em and leave em. That's always been my motto. Why argue with success??

Avatar for bluemonday

yes... and nothing good has come of it...

have done the full cycle from first going to clubs, to then being a serious clubber, getting a true ATF (and there can be only one ATF as in all time) and pretty much being willing to give it all up for her and spending all my time ITC & OTC with just the one girl.

i think the cycle will continue with me sadly letting go the ATF and just enjoying my clubbing properly again. but i reckon we all gotta through the experience at least once!

Avatar for vincemichaels

ranukam, I agree with you also. I'll keep going back as long as I am able to move. Nothing like the sight of hot babes to stir the blood.

Avatar for Bishop4224

Nope, never but likely because I don't have an ATF (tho one is approaching that status). I had her number by the second time I visited (she contacted me first) and we've met OTC once tho it was for coffee, several hours of talking & window shopping at the mall and a $200 "loan" (which I already knew would be the equivalent of tossing it out my car window...at least I have a better chance of the wind blowing it back to my doorstep).

We text occasionally but mostly it's catching up followed by her saying I should visit her in the club. I have no mistaken beliefs she wants me to visit to catch up nor do I have an issue with that or spending $ on her, but I rarely think of her and actually go because I like some variety (probably why I don't have an ATF). Next time I'll go will likely be a night I know she doesn't work.

Regardless, could never see me dating her b/c I can't seem to lie to my parents (still young) about how we met, ha

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I had a stripper tell me she was fallen in love with my cock !


Juice, lmfao....but seriously - you can best believe that's only because she hasn't met mine....and while we're being totally honest with ourselves - you know damn well she'll leave yours for mine!!!!

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Papi_Chulo: "you - you/I are just a good customer; i.e. someone who is reliable (especially financially) in there otherwise unreliable world/reality. We may be the only stable/reliable thing in their lives?"

My CF/ATF has made much the same comment. "You show up when you say you will, give me the money you promised, and you don't give me any shit or drama." It's nice to hear, even if it's not completely sincere.

Avatar for Ghosty

I just wanted to mention that it sure is reassuring to read this thread with so many old hands admitting that they have or do fail in following the prime directive of the club: Don't fall in love.

I tend to fall in serial crush with dancers I feel some connection with. The minor version of this I learned early on to deal with, and actually have learned to enjoy the feeling. That's when there's a dancer you have a good time with (on whatever level) and it gives you something to think about during the in-between time of club visits. It also gives you something to look forward to and a reason to return...to find her again. I learned early on that this one is easy to overcome. Just find another one. There are lots of pretty girls out there.

I have had a couple of minor heartbreaks and mini-dramas, but always when things had moved to OTC and there seemed to be potential for something more. I've got something going on OTC right now with no money changing hands, but it scares me a bit because I'm such a PL I spend more time worrying about how it'll end then just enjoying the ride (and a great ride it is).

I certainly don't have feelings for every dancer, or even many, but when it happens it happens. I envy those guys who can take em and cast em off like nothing. Usually I can do it, but not always.

Avatar for Alucard

" I envy those guys who can take em and cast em off like nothing. Usually I can do it, but not always"

Some people feel the need to be absolutely COLD BLOODED about it. How they deal with the situation is their business. I deal with it in my own way.

Avatar for Clackport

"so fuck em and leave em"

I like that VM, I'm gonna start doing that. Thanks to everyone who discussed and shared their stories on this thread. I had a good time reading them all.

Avatar for Clackport

I was searching through my discussions to see if I had any classic threads and I came up with this. Some of you might not think this qualifies as classic lol.

Anyways this is a thread where suprisingly a lot of people opened up.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I'd forgotten this one. Then i read my own comments above. Oh how a year can change things. I wonder what I would have done then if I'd seen coming what eventually happened.

Fortunately, it ended much better than some of the other stories in this thread.

Avatar for DandyDan

I'm glad you revived this one, because I must have missed this the first time around. Early in my strip clubbing life, I met my first ATF, and she was so unlike any of the other dancers I previously met I actually went through the process of writing her a letter (because there was no way to know if she had email and Facebook hadn't been invented yet) and was going to have them deliver it to her the day I went to her club, but she wasn't there that day and I thought better of it. I think I threw it in the trash when I got home.

Avatar for Ian1968

Just thought I'd put this out there, in the hope that some of the more experienced members can give their thoughts on my situation, as I'm somewhat of a Newbie.

Me - 40+, married, kids etc in the UK. Have had the occasional massage etc, couple of escorts a long time ago, certainly not a regular punter. Never been to a topless club, only to a couple of 'strip pubs' in the UK, again a long time ago.


I've been in the states for the last couple of weeks, and ended up in a topless club on the West Coast. Was there at opening, so the club was totally empty, but after about 5 minutes, the girls started arriving downstairs. First one in took my eye straight away. Older than the others (early 30s), just my look and type, and all american. She sat with me, we chatted and had some drinks, took her for a private room dance. She stuck by the club rules totally, apart from one thing that blew me away. By the end of the 15 mins, we were kissing passionately. She seemed surprised too, and said they weren't supposed to, but she was attracted to me, so what the hell.

We spent more time together, and eventually went to the more private area upstairs. She relaxed some of the rules, and we spent 30mins+ in what can only be described as passion. We came down, she noticed a regular who wanted some dances, so I said my goodbyes and left.

Evening over, got her 'professional' number and Facebook. We'd spent going on 6 hours together, and of this, I'd say 4 hours was sat chatting and talking. Messaged her when I got back to my hotel, as I was my last night, and said thanks, and that if she fancied a coffee next day before I left for the airport that would be cool, else we would keep in touch. Thought no more of it.

Next day, message reply saying coffee would be great. Had coffee, kissed just as passionately, and some groping (how we didn't get thrown out I will never know....). Says she is attracted to me. We discussed me coming back and seeing her - going to the beach for a few days etc, or her coming to the UK to see me. I left for the airport.

I'm now home, and wondering what the hell I've experienced. I can't get her out of my head, although there's no way I'd change anything at home to be with her. I want to see her again, but I'm suspicious. I only know her 'stage name'.

SO, regulars, help me.

o Does the above suggest that she actually has feelings for me, and will meet up again ? Was her behaviour normal in your experiences?

o Am I just being suckered in to go back, and spend a fortune on her (in and out of the club) ?

o Any suggestions on how I play next ? I'm happy at keeping in touch, and perhaps going back and seeing her - goes without saying, I like her (infatuation ? lust ?) on so many levels. The driving force isn't btw that I may get to fck her.

Thanks - from a too honest, too nice guy.

Avatar for jackeroffer

Just went for my bachelor's party in NYC with the boys, first time heading into a strip club. Friend bought me a couple of dances, but I wasn't too thrilled about the dancers. Then later there was this one dancer, who gave me one song, then I asked for another, really cute girl, mixed of Spanish and Asian ( that just spells hot).

We got a little chatty, she said I was her type, but I didn't buy it, she tried to talk me into a private room, but I declined, so she asked me to treat her dinner instead, which I did. Paid for the dinner, but chatted a good 2 hours with her, BTW dinner was only $80. She mentioned that she could have made hundreds during the 2 hours, but instead wanted to chat with me. So I ended up tipping $80.

Am I a complete noob getting suckered or what? It looks like others in here have way more experience than me.

Avatar for steve229

"April 6, 2012 • Love? No. Affection? Absolutely. Infatuation? Certainly. Will I be sad when she's gone? You bet."

Anyone care to update their answer? (No, not you Rankukam)

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I'm thinking an explicit update isn't really necessary, is it? But, just in case some may have missed it:


Avatar for kevinmac

I am the exception that proves the rule. Yes. I went to clubs a lot, I even lived behind a brothel when I was 17 in Thailand. I watched so many woman manipulate so many men.

But I walked into a club one night, and a woman sat on my lap and lay against me like 100 had before, and something clicked between us. I paid her for some dances, met her outside the club a few days later, and I have never been in a club with her since. It is 3 years later now, and I have lived with her for most of those three years. When I moved in with her I thought I was going to have a stripper roommate, but she stopped dancing immediately. It took 18 months for me to believe I was not being played. I will marry her soon.

You will not believe me. I would not believe me if it was not happening to me. She stripped to survive, since she was 13. But inside, she wanted nothing more than to be unconditionally loved by a decent person. To have a "regular" life. She has mental disabilities that make it very hard for her to do other work, and interact with other people, but I took the time to learn who she really was, and we found our way. She found a regular job she could succeed at outside the club, with my help.

So now I live with and am in love with a younger woman (30) who is definitely beautiful, and to me the sexiest woman I have seen or can imagine. And for reasons that it took me a while to understand, she loves me as much as I love her.

She's black, I am white, another thing that made it "impossible". But there could be no other woman for me now.

I guess it should bother me that she was a "working girl", but after a previous marriage where sex did not work well, I just count my blessings that I sleep with a beautiful, sexy young woman that really, seriously knows how to fuck.

Like I said, I would never have believed this story. And I don't think it could ever happen again to me, the odds are hugely hugely against it.

But if it happened to me, maybe it has happened or could happen to someone else.


Avatar for alabegonz

Yes, I did.

She just turned me into an ATM machine.

Lesson learned.

Avatar for GACA

Wow this was/is a classic. Thanks for bumping ala..

Avatar for Clackport

^^^actually we got to thank kevinmac for digging this gem up.

Avatar for jestrite50

Yes I have ! I dumped her one year ago this Friday for lying to me about several things. However I still love her and think about her and the good times we had dating over 2 1/2 years. I will always love her. I just can't put up with the lying though so I had to cut her loose. I have been with another girl for almost a year but it's just not the same. Maybe some day but I just can't forget her. She wants me to take her back I know but as much as I love her and miss her I will never ever take her back. It's over but I'm not over her.

Avatar for Nobbler

Yes, I have. And it was because she was falling for me. I don't feel it to be born out of lust. She told me very personal things in a way that, even if self-motivated, still made me empathize with her.

It doesn't even matter if she's being a player. The only thing that matters in this case is if she's being honest. I like her, and her life experiences.

She is being cautiously and self-consciously possessive of me in very very subtle ways and it's making me afraid. This is how all of my "normal" relationships have started.

I don't want to save her. I just admire her.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Young love is such a beautiful thing.

Avatar for Clackport

This should be a sticky on TUSCL lol. Lust is fine, but DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER, nothing good will come from it.

@whereareyounow- in my personal opinion you are too young to be paying strippers for sex. Go out and try to find civilians in the real world. Thanks for sharing though.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I may have had feelings for one when I was pretty new to visiting strip clubs. She seemed to be all over me as well. She seemed to drop everything to get to me first, even chasing away other girls if someone happened to sit with me first. Things didn't go very far even though we were meeting up away from the club. She was doing private dances with me but nothing more. She had a boyfriend and apparently didn't want to cheat. By the time he left her, I was ready to move on and move away which I did. She cried saying she was in love with me. We only met up probably less than 12 times over 2 or 3 years away from clubs so I was surprised she was saying she was in love. I was wondering if it was a last bit ploy to try to get me to stay because I was still a good customer of hers in the club. Although I think she tried to get me to be her boyfriend right after her real boyfriend left. She was pregnant. I didn't want to get involved in all that. Several dancers seem to have multiple issues going on at the same time. One big reason I tried to not get involved. If a hot girl gets all over you and tries charming you, not so easy to avoid.

Avatar for sharkhunter

All of those times we met up, a number of times we were just doing things friends might do, such as just stop by to visit while in town, go to a movie together, etc. I think she kept mentioning dancing for me so I didn't think about me being in a relationship too much since it was nothing I planned on. I think many dancers operate that way, no planning, just doing things.

Avatar for NYCStripperFan

I am currently infatuated with a stripper. I'm in my late 40s she is in her late 20s. I started out seeing her for several months in the club. We talked about a "sugar relationship" and we agreed on an allowance per month. This didn't work as I would have to pay her per session anyway. Had sex 5 or 6 times in a hotel. She was my first out of marriage (I've slept with two stripper since) and I crave her as if it's love - it's not but it sure feels like it. I told her I love her and scared her away. It may be for the best - she has no feelings for me and I was just falling harder and harder. I don't even like her nearly as much as some of my stripper friends. She is beautiful but their are prettier. It may be the sex but I can't explain to myself even why I crave her so much.

Avatar for flagooner

Yes. Almost married one.

Avatar for Subraman

Blast from the past...

I'd say, it's nearly impossible to be such a PL that you read and contribute on a strip club board, and NOT to have made the mistake of fallen in love, or at least deep crush.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Yeah. Especially if one is having sex with them. Men are wired such that lust eventually eventually turns to affection, if not outright love.

"Hi, my name is George, and I'm in love with a stripper."

Avatar for sharkhunter

Gotta have good sex with her first before the possibility of losing your sanity.

Avatar for Timex345

I thought it was love but really just infatuation. Three girls over the course of my SC career have gotten to me. I am really good at monitoring my feelings and avoiding this pitfall. Most of these women (one currently who I like) do the OTC thing outside of work. So, that knowledge keeps me from falling in love. I am just an ATM. Most girls are train wrecks. Too much drama.

Avatar for Bob4001

Yes, but on accident. Met an awesome girl in a club. Saw her a few times and we exchanged numbers. I'm married but needed to have fun and I think she needed someone to talk to. We met outside of club and had a great time. This has been going on for little over a month now. There is sex involved but it's way more than that. I don't see her as much as I like but we talk/text 3/4 times a day. She has become my best friend. I know this will probably end up blowing up in my face but what time I have spent with her is the best time of my life

Avatar for larryfisherman

"She has become my best friend"

You're right, it's gonna blow up in your face.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Seeing a girl outside when you are married is playing with dynamite.

AMP girls have always tried to set themselves up as my mistress. But that is very dangerous because usually it means that the girl's feelings will get hurt. That is where it really gets dangerous.


Avatar for Dominic77

Many of us married customers at one time or another utilize a stripper as a therapist or as a marriage counselor. This is unfortunate as we should instead have a good, trusted male friend(s) that we can use for this purpose. A stripper should be a source or erotic entertainment many or a guess a source sexual services for some.

Dynamite can be managed or handled safely. Just treat explosives with respect and not like toys. Remember tits are 'big boys toys' so act like a 'big boy.'

Except for cases where the married man takes on another woman as a mistress (sugar baby for the long haul) it is best to not fall in love in a stripper or any sex worker for that matter. Why the mistress is acceptable is because the mistress is essentially a second wife so it makes sense for her to have near-wife status. Most men do not have sufficient means (income or wealth) to support two women (some don't even have means to support a single woman, lol!).

I do think for many men, infidelity within a marriage will blow up in many men's faces, yes. But for some, it can be managed or so it seems with many successful high-earners I have talked to from 1998-2016. And well managed in cases where the wife "seemingly" does not find out (in quotes) or cases where the wife "does" find out. The fallout can be successfully managed by some. It is possible for humans to effectively manage very dangerous or deadly things. One needs to be aware of all of the things that can go wrong and consider the scenario where everything fails simultaneously or within a short time. Such men are stoic.

The analogy to dynamite is an apt one. Thanks, San Jose Guy.


Avatar for Jascoi

most interesting read. i thank God that i am 66 and not a young man. love can still happen butt after being married for over half of my life... helps me be a lot more cautious...

and i like my freedom. it will take a very special girl to get me back into a monogamous relationship.

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