

After consulting with my fellow coworkers/dancers, i comprised a list of things we absolutely hate.

1. Asking to go out on a date with a dancer before spending money on her or spending less than $1000. We are dancing for money, not relationships. If mutual interest comes about, then that is fine but don't bring it up first.

2.Asking a dancers real name. The point of the strip club it to provide a fantasy and we create a fantasy by using different names,wearing costumes, dancing very sensual etc. We don't ask what your wife's name is , so don't ask our real name. We also like anonymity

3.Innapropriate Touching. When i say inappropriate touching you know what I mean. Not the occasional but grope or touch on the thigh, I'm talking about feeling on the vg and digging way to deep in the buttocks. Its ok if we say its ok but if we don't , please don't persist. Its uncomfortable and who knows what/who you have touched before prior to the dance.P.S. no kissing either unless there is mutual interest.

4. Asking for sex. A strip club is just that , not a brothel.

5.Body odor and bad breath. The worst thing you could possibly ever do is want a dancer to give you a lap dance when you have a foul odor emanating from you. She may or may not give you the dance but she will definitely tell everyone that you STINK.

6.Being cheap or trying to cheat a dancer out of her money. She will tell everyone so make sure not to go there anymore.

7. Staring a st a dancer with no intent to spend money on her. At most clubs dancers pay house fees which can range from $30 - 400. We work hard for money and don't appreciate blank stares and assholes. If that dancer isn't your type, DON'T STARE it's rude.

8. Having a long drawn out conversation with no intent to spend money. We are there to make money not be free therapists

9. Most dancers don't "just get the hint", be very straight forward in your intentions. If you are nice to a girl that may not be your type and you tell her your type, she may be more than willing to find you someone just because you are cool.

10. If you jizz during a lap dance, you need to pay extra.


12. Don't bring your wife or gf to the club that is going to be a bitch. We just think that she is crazy and most likely will laugh at her .If she is coming to get lap dances, tell her not to wear heavy perfume or glitter. We have to dance for other people and the glitter and perfume may get in the way of that.

If you take these things into consideration on your visit to a strip club, you will be very happy!!!


  • Jcbeast23
    13 years ago
    All im saying is im glad ive never been to the sc you work at it would of been boring as hell.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    boring as hell? you sound like one of the lames who come in trying to get a stripper to go home with you for absolutely nothing. Im glad you haven't either.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    I love the smell of freshly cooked popcorn...
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    1. Haha, if I drop a $1000 she'll probably be asking me out.

    2. Don't ask my name, or the hundred other personal questions you have no problem asking

    3. I let the dancers guide my touching, and guess what? They usually encourage more than I would ever do on my own.

    4. Depends on the club. In some you don't have to ask, it's offered.

    5. I feel the same way about some dancer who thinks they can just use a shit ton of perfume and THINK it covers their nasty smell.

    6. I've never cheated a dancer, several have tried to cheat me. I work in a tie, you work naked. Who do you think is gonna get tricked?

    7. Staring isn't allowed? Sorry I guess I was in a strip club, where ya know... people pay to look at other people?

    8. Typically my "conversation" is telling them to leave, yall draw it out.

    9. Bullshit. I could hit most strippers with a hammer and then vomit on them and they'd still check back to see "if I was ready for a dance".

    10. If I jizz during a lap dance YOU are doing something wrong.

    11. Everyone should be nice... Like not telling others what people "normally tip" or how many dances "they have to buy"

    12. Appreciate I brought you another customer and charge for it. Stripper complaining about glitter and perfume?

    Troll or not, I still say the above stand.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the advice! It's been 3 or 4 years since my last club visit, so now I'll know how to act appropriately the next time.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    I think it's reasonable for dancers to object to most of these things. However, I question this one:

    "4. Asking for sex. A strip club is just that , not a brothel."

    There are some strip clubs--or so I've been told-- where customers are not hated for asking for sex. Dancers at these disreputable establishments may, in fact, present the customer with a menu of sexual favors and prices.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    Can that possibly be true? What you are reporting shocks me! My sweet innocence has taken another grievous slashing injury.
  • igloo9999
    13 years ago
    I gotta go with Jester pretty much all around. And based on the list I am damn sure I will never be in a club where you work. I'm also guessing that damn few of us can repeatedly drop $1000 a night on a repeated basis.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "7. Staring a st a dancer with no intent to spend money on her. At most clubs dancers pay house fees which can range from $30 - 400. We work hard for money and don't appreciate blank stares and assholes. If that dancer isn't your type, DON'T STARE it's rude"

    I thought the whole point of being on a Stage & "Dancing" & Striping was so that patrons would STARE at YOU in an active manner. If a guy is "staring" blankly, then he is probably high, drunk, dead or a REAL Zombie! LOL I did not know that at your club patrons have to pay to look at the Dancers. With your attitude I would not pay you 1 Cent, you would have to pay me to look at your ass. And then I'd leave! LOL
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    I can't complain about your list. Everything you said was reasonable. Regarding number 9- When a dancer that doesn't interest me sits down and chats me up- I never know how to tell her I'm not interested. Eventually, they get the hint and go away, but that usually takes a good 10 minutes or longer.
  • Ghosty
    13 years ago
    I agree with GoVikings. Why all the hate to the OP? I think it's a pretty fair list of advice overall.
  • igloo9999
    13 years ago
    I don't hate the OP but for the clubs I frequent or would be interested in going to, it's pretty unrealistic. Granted, be nice and smell decent fits everywhere. If I shouldn't watch a dancer on stage how am I suppose to decide if I want an LD or not. Granted I'm not going to ask a dancer for a date the first time we meet but expecting me to drop $1000 means we will meet about twice a year. I always pay fair for dances. Once at a local club where $5 was standard (not required) I gave a dancer $3. Later I asked another for a dance. When she asked if she would get paid only $3 too, I replied "if you give me a $3 dance you will." She got more than $5 that day and much more since. Being fair & not cheating is a 2-way street.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Haha, dont stare in a stripclub. Are you out of your mind? How do you make money? With guys looking the other way?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    This is all real simple. Just be a decent respectful person inside a club as you should be outside. Nothing more needs be said.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    It's a fair list, certainly, FOR THE OP. For a large number of other girls I've met, one or more of those things appear to not matter very much at all.

    I'd the OP wants to speak for herself, i.e. "Things *I* Absolutely Hate," that's one thing. When one presumes to speak for "Dancers", though, one should probably ascertain that one's comments actually apply to all dancers.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Thank you, lovemetiddys. I needed a good laugh at the end of a long week.

    Two of them were the best:

    #1: I think I've spent over $1000 on exactly one dancer. I've dated three of them -- and that one (the $1000+ girl) wasn't among the three. One of the three accepted after I had spent less than $50 on her.

    #7: It's been said before, but it can't be repeated enough. YOU WORK IN A STRIP CLUB, FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! It's asinine when a woman on the street dresses provocatively and then gets pissed when a man stares at her. There is no word in the English language to describe when a woman takes off her clothes (in an establishment specifically designed for that purpose) and then gets mad when men stare at her.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    @Ghosty -- stop it with the "hate" crap. Just because someone says something ridiculous and someone else points it out doesn't mean they "hate" them.
  • Ghosty
    13 years ago
    It's just an expression.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    When I say stare , I mean STARE. A long glance (2+ minutes) . If you aren't interested, why stare? We are there to make money not for your free visual entertainment.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    When I say stare , I mean STARE. A long glance (2+ minutes) . If you aren't interested, why stare? We are there to make money not for your free visual entertainment.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    LeeH you probably go to those dirty dives with jizz stains and cigarette burns on the Lapdance couch. I'm not talking about dancers who work at such clubs.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    And some of you idiots must understand that this is coming from many different dancers, not just me.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    I suggest a few of you go back to elementary school and then read this post over again.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Lovemedick.........I love picking up dancers for next to nothin its what the juice calls revershustle ! You sound like you would be a trip I would love to have a few face to face rounds in the club just to see if I could pop you out !
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    This is coming from a group of dancers that collectively hate customers.

    Also, we pay cover charges and buy drinks. That entitles us to whatever entertainment is being offered for free. That includes looking at you. If I want more than a look, that is a separate transaction. If I want to show my appreciation with a tip, that is up to me.

    How do you expect to sell dances if I can't look?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    lovemetiddys's Profile
    Member Since: November 2011

    Reviews: 0
    Articles: 0
    Discussions: 1
    Comments: 18
    Pictures: 0
    Hotlist Clubs: 0
    Reviewed Clubs: 0

    Pretty much says it all. End of "discussion"!
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    I want to love your titties 2 ! Let's hook up and let juicey get wet and wild !
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Im on here to read the reviews to find what clubs I want to work at and which ones I don't .
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "When I say stare , I mean STARE. A long glance (2+ minutes) . If you aren't interested, why stare? We are there to make money not for your free visual entertainment"

    How do you plan to STOP me from Staring at you all I want? By gouging my Eyes out? LOL You're TOO much!
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    You are a loser
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    "When I say stare , I mean STARE. A long glance (2+ minutes) . If you aren't interested, why stare? We are there to make money not for your free visual entertainment"

    Ok. Let me get this straight. You already made it clear you don't want us too touch. And now we can't look either. So you're there to make money not for us to look or touch.

    Why don't you just stand outside the club with a tin club and beg for donations.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Why don't you just catch an sti through a paper cut on your crusty littler fingers while you ram them up a cracked out strippers pussy.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I am certainly enjoying the intellectually elevated level of reasoned and thoughtful discussion on this topic.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Lol Art.

    I was nice at the beginning but when she said we can't look either.....sheesh.

    Did someone choose the wrong career ???
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Sounds like Stevie Wonder would be SOL at her club. :)
  • Tiredtraveler
    13 years ago
    In case you can't follow jester214 let me explain further:

    I like to follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid-

    1] If you are asked on a date and do not want to go simple say 'NO I do not date customers'. If you are for sale for $1000 tell the guy up front what he gets for his money but be prepared to go out with him if he pays.

    2]If you do not want him to know your name make one up he is not going to check your ID. He is likely politely responding to inane chattering.

    3]If you do not like being touched "inappropriately" guide his hands away and tell him so, If he does not listen end the dance you are not a prisoner.

    4] WE have already established what you are and your price is $1000 for OTC we simply want to know what the price is ITC.

    5] If you do not like the guy DON'T sit down with him.
    I have seen many smelly strippers that will not go away. I do not like $0.99 per gallon perfume and body lotions that smell like my dog's ass that also burn my skin.

    6]I have never cheated a dancer. I have had some cheat me ONCE. I have lost count of dances but not often and only with a dancer I know, we can then talk about it amicably.

    7] No Staring WTF?? Are you afraid we will see through your make-up and see that you are a Madeline Albright clone?

    8] See #5 + #9 - I did not force you to sit at my table!

    9] If I say I do not want a dance, won't buy you a drink and don't talk to you: Get the Fuck Off You Ass and Leave Me Alone. I have had to tell girls that don't know when to leave: "I will give you $5 to leave"

    10] If I jizz during a lap dance that is my problem unless it gets on you. From the sound of you I do not think I could get it up much less pop with you so do not worry about it. Also chances are if you are nice and I would happen to jizz I would be in a good mood and likely to tip if you weren't such a bitch.

    11] Suspect customer are not nice to you because of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as ...

    12] See #5 + #9

    BE sure to let us know which club will tolerate someone like you so we can avoid it. Many of us go to clubs to get away from girls like you (ex's etc).
    Do not be suprised if you are the queen of:
    "I'll give $5 to go the fuck away"

    BTW the 'stupid' part applies to you as you had to have this explained to you again.
    You should work at any Deja Vu club or Crazy Horse in San Fran you would fit right in or Arnies in Harvey IL where you might learn something..

    Go for it Juice- but be sure to wear a hat you would not want to spread that "bitchy virus"
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Such sensitive morons
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    "if it don't apply,let it fly"
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "You are a loser"

    You can call me any name you want Lady. But the following applies I think:

    Stick and stones may break my bones, BUT your words will not hurt me Bitch!
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Perhaps the name I called you is inappropriate. It is an insult to female dogs to call you that. I apologize. There is a 4 letter word more appropriate! LMFAO
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Iobviously most of you are probably the ones the dancers and I complain about so I can see why you would get so angry and defensive.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    You think it makes sense to piss off your potential customers, and you think WE are morons?
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    And I think I've wasted enough words on you lovemetiddys.

    This is my last post on this thread. Bye.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    We are lobviously morons.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Tired traveler, since you feel so strongly why don't you make up your own discussion about that .
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    I don't deal with irrational children in men's bodies = not my potential customers. Also where I work most of you vagabonds couldn't even enter due to being poor blue collar and pink collar workers
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    And since you are working such low level jobs, you probably have a tiny little brain to match the tiny little check you bring home.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    lovemysagyytits no. Love we are the ones you ho's cum running to cause we are the 1% that you cash huge out on........know stp bitching and show dady some lovin and suck my dick, clean it off and suck it again.....then baam $200 a pop is all yours.......ooooooo I forgot you are about to go work at taco bell cause all the real dancers know how to make the real money ! Fuckin wanna be stripper ! I bet if I saw you I wouldn't even jack off for free !................come on baby brain fuck me !
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    She forgot the number one thing that dancers hate. No customers.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Sorry loser I know how to make real money and my tits aren't saggy but. Be you wish they were. I do cash huge on the 1% but you my friend are not a part of it. Since you brin up taco bell you probably work there yourself. Are you the old man cleaning the floors?
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    The post was about what dancers hate about customers not the business in general
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Fucking touchscreen
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Shadowcat just die already, old fuck.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    The funny thing is that you know nothing about any of us, whether or not we are your potential customers. We, however, know pretty much everything we need to know about you from the attitude you are displaying here.

    You are right though. I am probably not a potential customer of yours, and not because I can't afford you either.

    When I go to a club I dress nice. I tip from the door to my seat. I tip and treat my waitress right. I tip every single dancer on stage at least once on every single song I watch. I buy drinks when a LADY sits with me. I buy dances and tip on the dances most of the time. I buy private rooms and tip there too, including the other people with their hands out. I never pressure a dancer to do anything she doesn't want to do. I treat dancers, and everybody, with respect.

  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    Newmark, you must be very simple to get offended by something tha doesn't apply to you.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    You all really need to revisit some comprehension lessons because this didn't have anyone's name attached to it but yet you get defensive. You must be guilty of something on the list. With that being said ,GOODBYE DUMMIES.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    P.s. I know that you all have poor comprehension skills so that's good enough for me to steer clear.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    I fuck girls like you for free all the time baby.....and your turning me on talking all this shit.......not kidding I need a bitch. Like you to play with.....I bet you fuck hard 2.........I. love you baby please let me cream your pussy
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    "We are there to make money not for your free visual entertainment."

    My "free" entertainment includes a $10 - $20 cover charge and a $5 charge (not counting tip) for 13 cents worth of flat Coca-Cola (assuming I only have one).

    My heart bleeds that you don't see any of that, but you really need to look up the definition of words before you use them. Especially those really obscure ones like "free".

    As to the kind of clubs I frequent, two of the three dancers that I dated worked in relatively upscale clubs. It's just that I don't treat others like shit and jump to insane conclusions about them.

    When a customer who's regularly complimented on his gentlemanly ways thinks that your demands are way over-the-top, maybe it's time to consider a career change.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Don't let the door hit you in the ass, on the way out.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Does iny body got this girls club info ? I want to fuck her hard, pull her hair and let her digg her nails deep into me when I cream that pussy ! Bitch I want to bleed !
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    And she called me a troll. Sheesh!
  • Clackport
    13 years ago
    You made your point lovemetiddy, now shut up you dumb whore.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    5 things strippers hate....

    Current mood:hungry
    1. when a guy finds out you are a stripper and immediatly asks for a lap dance, or to see my boobs. 2. when a guy walks all the way across the club and says you are the most beautiful girl in the room, but wont tip u on stage or get any dances 3. when a guy doesn't want to spend any money, and then asks for a free pass to come back. 4. when a woman comes in with her boyfriend and gives all the girls dirty looks. 5. when a guy tips u on stage and then tries to take it back. I'm gonna let u in on a secret- strippers do NOT get a paycheck...all we make is tips and SOME of the money from the lap dances...we also have to pay the club a fee everynight to work there as well as tip the DJ and security and the bar..... ALL I AM SAYING IS THIS: IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SPEND $$$, DON'T GO TO A STRIP CLUB!!! P.S. we go there to work not get dates! that is what a regular bar is for!
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago

    Brett Ladner
    3 years ago

    Tipping $1 per song is only the minimum!!!
    go home or go somewhere else if that's too steep for you!

    6 years ago

    I will now attempt to .…
    Number 5 is hilarious .... lol .." Ohhh you're so sexy ... here's 3 bucks ... Oh ... wait I need that back .. " lol ..OMG ...lol .. All of your points are valid .. I know the business well ... I used to drive ladies to " Parties" .. but 5 is ... lol
    6 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Gator your funny
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Whew, this is brutal! LOL

    I'm agreeing with Jester, as crazy as it is. Jester's response was A++.

    "Obviously", obviously doesn't begin with an "L".

    Turning your nose up at the working class and disrespecting the elderly...real nice Ms. Tiddys.

    This list of yours, has been written time and time again. Take this SHIT to stripperweb where it'll get more appreciation.
  • Ermita_Nights
    13 years ago
    Thank you all, this has been pretty entertaining. We should do this more often.
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    Strip clubs are like malls - you are just shopping for what you like.

    When a woman goes to a mall and spends 4 hours walking in an out of almost every single store and "staring" at the "merchandise" - she does not "buy" things at every store she goes into (nor does she expect to) nor does she spend "$1000" every time she goes to the mall.
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago

    You should not drink when you are posting - it looks like you were guzzling down a 24-pack of hatorade when you wrote this thread.
    13 years ago
    Juice, lmfao, in a matter of seconds you defiled rule #1, brought up the obvious mutual interest first; didn't spend the grand....wtf bro
  • xedin5436
    13 years ago
    She's obviously (lobviously?) posting from work at the club, where she can't get any business.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Madromeo thanks man I needed some love lol !

    Miss tiddys when I find your club I'm soooo going to eye fuck you !
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    xedin5436 for the win.
    Well except for the cheap old smelly staring guy who asked her out but when that failed flat out asked how much only to finally to cum on her with out tipping.
  • bluemonday
    13 years ago
    never laughed so much reading a thread !!
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago

    7. Staring a st a dancer with no intent to spend money on her. At most clubs dancers pay house fees which can range from $30 - 400. We work hard for money and don't appreciate blank stares and assholes. If that dancer isn't your type, DON'T STARE it's rude.

    If someone is staring at you, that should be signal that they are potential lap dance or VIP customers. Not everyone will walk to the stage and say "Here's a $20 tip for your stage routine. Come to my table for more of that". In sales, this is called "a lead". Don't blow the opportunity! Well, maybe you should....

    10. If you jizz during a lap dance, you need to pay extra.

    Of course! We call it a TIP. Dancers without a bad attitude like yours get lots of them.
  • Tiredtraveler
    13 years ago
    It is fun and easy to get her going.
    Like all women she Always has to be right!! LoL
  • Tiredtraveler
    13 years ago
    Pray tell us what do the two D's in tiddys stand for?
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I don't get on here for a day and miss all the fun. :(

    I was going to suggest stripperweb.com. as a site for her to visit where she can find other similar minded dancers.

    As a customer I hate it when I go back for a lap dance and the first thing she does is pull down her bikini and put my hand on her vag and expect me to do something.

    I hate it when a new dancer comes up to me and thinks I'll be happier going to a hotel room with her or her place to have sex when she didn't even introduce herself or tell me her name. What am I supposed to think? The strip club hired a prostitute by mistake?

    I do like it if a dancer looks nice and she surprises me by continuing to talk or sit with me after I tell her I don't want any dances. Even more surprising is a dancer who says she doesn't care about money. If she's a fugly though, I just want her to leave. I try to avoid looking at them.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Juice, I like that eye fuck comment. I might have to try that sometime. lol
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I'll have to be careful who I pick. Some dancers can get aggressive. I like it sometimes when you are standing right next to them at the stage and then they suddenly jump when they see you not realizing you were standing within inches. Some dancers seem blind as a bat. No offense to bats intended.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Maybe I have some vampire blood in me, buhahaha. :)
    !! !!

  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Maybe I should just give up and join the crowd. I may just stick my fingers in when offered like that. However I like them to beg for sex. I don't want to pay any money. They are crazy if they think I want to pay. The only drawback to not paying though is some dancers start acting like they are a girlfriend or something. It wouldn't surprise me if some dancers were talking n strip clubs when all I thought it was was being a fuckbuddy. If I ask a dancer out I'm obviously drunk and not thinking clearly. Unless she suggested it first.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Jaws thanks man.........just keep in mind if you eye fuck her to hard and you jizz your pants please leave a tip lol !
  • wld4tatas
    13 years ago
    Funny thread.

    Most of her points are ones that make sense, and that I typically follow. A couple are definately off though.

    #7. I go to a strip club to look at attractive women. I enjoy being able to look freely without having to look away. If you're attractive or a good dancer (or both), maybe I'll get turned on enough to spend some money on you. If that bothers you, maybe working in a strip club isn't for you.

    #10. If I do spend money on you, and I jizz, I don't NEED to pay extra. However if you have a good attitude, and don't ask/demand a tip, I'll usually provide one freely anyways.
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    WOW - 86 (now 87) comments and counting - you have to give her credit - she did stir the pot!

    Wonder what the most comments for a thread is?
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    For the idiots who can't seem to understand the "staring" part. Its is geared to the guy that will stare at a girl while she is on stage and when he is approached by her he says no and doesn't even offer her a tip. It's ok to glance around and see what you like but to stare at each dancer and mentally pick them apart and not even tip them or dance with them afterwards is crazy. As I said previously , the dancers PAY to work; clothes on a rack on a store dont pay to be there as some idiot tried to compare.
  • lovemetiddys
    13 years ago
    As I said previously , "if I don't apply,let it fly."
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "but to stare at each dancer and mentally pick them apart and not even tip them or dance with them afterwards is crazy"

    NO it is NOT. LOL

    It is called making a Decision. And if the patron's decision doesn't go your way & he doesn't PAY your toll lovemetiddys, well your just Shit Out of Luck lady. TOO Bad. LMFAO
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Should customers get money back if they eye fuck a dancer and they don't even get aroused? What if they don't feel the least bit excited even after staring? It might help to take the 300 pound dancer out of the stage rotation but seriously if dancers expect tips from all customers who watch, then clubs should offer refunds if they don't offer customers anything to get excited about.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "then clubs should offer refunds if they don't offer customers anything to get excited about"

    That's a good idea sharkhunter. LOL
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    First, I thought she was leaving?

    Second, I think I have figured it out. She works in some rat hole. Think about it. If her and the other dancers have enough negative experiences to fuel this kind of hate, they aren't exactly getting the cream of the customer crop.

    Third, she must be middle of the pack or lower at the rat hole. Otherwise she wouldn't have so many guys staring at her and then opting for a different dancer. If a girl looks good enough to stare at, I buy.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    And by the way, the folks who own those stores in the mall do pay lots of money to put those clothes on those racks in front of potential customers. Your failureto understand that comparison tells me all I need to know about your business skills. Some dancers are businesswomen. You seem to be more of a bitter stripper.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Oh yeah they pay lots of money when they buy all of the clothes at discounted prices because they are bought in bulk. Some of the clubs I have worked in do offer the guy a refund if he comes in and takes an immediate glance and sees nothing he likes. You dont have to be bitter or ugly to have something that absolutely annoys you nor do I work at a rathole. As I said before and I will say again, if it doesn't apply let it fly. As far as middle of the pack(or lower lol), my measurements are 32F-26-40 and I'm only 5'2 and I weigh 120; explain to me where that is middle of the pack or lower? I only work at the best clubs hence the $1,000 mark and that date afterwards does not include OTC because who knows who you have been with or what you have.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Newmark you must be one f those angry retards that don't understand much.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    "32F" LMFAO.
    12 years ago
    Any truth to the rumor that @wld4tatas is contemplating a handle change to @wld4tiddys69....
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "32F-26-40 and I'm only 5'2"

    Pear shaped!

  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Pear shaped? hardly my butt pokes out and my hips are narrow. I have more of an athletic body.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    Have to be some kind of fucked up shape to have 32Fs with a 26 inch waist. And there is no way that 40 inch hips on a 62 inch frame would be considered athletic anywhere I go.

    As far as the mall thing is concerned, a businesswoman would understand that I wasn't talking about the difference between wholesale and retail. I was talking about the cost of putting a product in front of potential customers, things like rent, fixtures, utilities, advertising, employees, etc.

    And what happened to the promise of a departure? If we give you $5 will you go sit with somebody else?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Dick Johnson???
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    After getting those measurements, I think we know why customers stare. It is disbelief.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    SC, that is what I am thinking now.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Newmark you have bad comprehension skills again. I'm guessing you think most of the girls in porn have fucked up shapes if you like tits. You might like little boys I mean girls that look like little boys.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Sorry BIG Asses just don't do it for me & neither does 32Fs to go with it.

    Hey Lady, Strip Clubs are a BUYER'S market. I am NOT buying your product.

    NOW if you had a very, very talented mouth & had a CHEAP price, I might take a chance. BUT I'd NEED a ton of convincing!! LMFAO
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Well I'm sure the dick in your mouth does it for you. I understand mommy wants grand kids so you try to see if you can get remotely attracted to a woman by being the weird guy staring at the girls in the strip club! Aha! Well tell mommy that homos can adopt and while you are at it, go to Africa and adopt child #1, go to Cambodia and adopt child#2 and last but not least steal a Mexican baby out of the dumpster for child #3. Your mother will forget that you are a raging fag and think that you are such a warmhearted person.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Wow I reached 108 comments
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "Have to be some kind of fucked up shape to have 32Fs with a 26 inch waist. And there is no way that 40 inch hips on a 62 inch frame would be considered athletic anywhere I go"

    Lol. Good point. This thread us getting funnier by each post.

    I wish she would post a pic if those are her true measurements. I cannot even make a mental picture of how disproportionately grotesque her shape must be.

    With a 40 inch waist and F size tits around a 26 inch waist, how does she even stay standing upright.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    32F isn't as big as you think it is. My waist isnt 40inches, my butt around is.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I am having comprehension difficulties. I am having trouble comprehending why you are still here. It looks like the door has whacked that flabby 40 a couple of times on your way out.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    "Wow I reached 108 comments"

    Do we have to tip for that?
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    If it don't apply, let it fly
    Having a hard tiime understanding that one ,huh? Wait maybe not haha
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I am having trouble understanding only a couple of things. As I have said, I don't know why you keep posting, unless you are just a pot stirrer. And I am having trouble figuring out why anybody would pay you for a dance. Given the horrible attitude and screwy figure, you must have to make your initial approach on your knees with your mouth open.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Haha I made you maaaad hahaha. It's y discussion so why are you still posting? DURGHHHHHH
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I'm not mad at all. I am quite enjoying this. And I am still posting because I never said I was going to stop.

    And you know my motto: if I let it fly it will get in your eye.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I guess I'd have to tip for that though.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I still am having trouble understanding the "we can't look" comment.

    I know I know. We are retarded moron idiots that can't understand
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Yes yes you said it best Motörhead you all are morons who want to stare at the dancers like idiots with lint in your pockets
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    "32F-26-40 and I'm only 5'2"

    Does the "F" stand for "Freakish", "Floppy" or "Flat"? An F cup on a 32 inch chest says "saggy" all over it.

    Hell, even *my* hips aren't that "athletic".

    And to address another comment, I think the "dd" stands for "deranged and delusional".

    Feeding the trolls can be fun!
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I am beginning to think that 32 may have been an IQ instead of a tit measurement. Or maybe we should give the benefit of doubt and go with the 40.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    You all are trolls still commenting on this discussion haha.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I'm just posting to see if I have any chance of getting close to you. I'd love me some flabby 40 and floppy 32s.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    I doubt it judging from the dives you frequent
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @lovemetiddys: Poat a picture, no need for your face, and we'll let you know what we think. Naked, though. No fair covering things up.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    If she got naked her boobs would probably cover up her navel.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I hope you do realize I was being sarcastic. I wouldn't even give a pity dance to a girl with 32fs and 40 inch hips on a 62 inch frame.

    And for the record, I have been to seedy clubs and elegant clubs alike, all over the country and in a few other countries too. And there aren't any upscale clubs that would have a dancer with those dimensions.

    The funny thing is that I might give you a pass on the body if you had a half decent attitude.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    SC, you could probably get a "tiddy" fuck and full service at the same time.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Well I'm sure the dick in your mouth does it for you. I understand mommy wants grand kids so you try to see if you can get remotely attracted to a woman by being the weird guy staring at the girls in the strip club! Aha! Well tell mommy that homos can adopt and while you are at it, go to Africa and adopt child #1, go to Cambodia and adopt child#2 and last but not least steal a Mexican baby out of the dumpster for child #3. Your mother will forget that you are a raging fag and think that you are such a warmhearted person."

    If you're referring to me, you STRUCK out on trying to insult me by guessing at my Sexual orientation. LMAO Not that it is any of your Business. :)

    You AREN'T going to win a insult contest on this Forum Lady. DON'T try!

  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Well isnt it you in your avatar swallowing a cock whole. As I said before you like women who look like men if you like women at all.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Shadowcat, get back! in your grave
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I wouldn't stand for a service provider disrespecting customers if they were selling coffee behind the counter at McDonalds. I sure don't have any tolerance for it if they are trying to sell skanky pussy for $1000 and won't even let you look.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Damn! Now she is into necrophilia.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    SC, make her tip you if she looks at your grave. And if she gets wet, that is extra.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "your avatar swallowing a cock whole. As I said before you like women who look like men if you like women at all"

    I'm the guy getting the BBBJ!! ROTFLMFAO

    I LOVE Women who look like Women & act like Women & have Sexy attitudes toward men.

    You seem to STRIKE OUT on all counts! LMAO

    You can keep throwing insults at me, BUT they just bounce of me. LMFAO
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    Alucard, do you think there might be a reason she is trying to see if you like women who look like men? Could she be trying to round up some business? She told us about the flabby 40 and the floppy 32s; but she never said anything about the face. Could it be she has to shave more often than you?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Could it be she has to shave more often than you?"

    ANYTHING is possible with this crazed person. LMAO
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I'm beginning to think her measurements are made up.

    Do F cups really exist outside of grossly overdone implants or huge obese women. And we know she isn't obese with a 26" waist
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    What makes you so sure she has a 26" waist?
  • maburton
    12 years ago
    @motorhead: I did have a girlfriend who was a 36GG and was a size 6-8 (US). It's called macromastia, it does happen! The issue is that by the time someone hits their mid-20s with that type of dimension, they need a reduction or some other surgery, or the sagging gets unreal.

    Her measurements sound suspect, but not impossible.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    "Given the horrible attitude and screwy figure, you must have to make your initial approach on your knees with your mouth open ..."
    That made me laugh so hard saliva came out of my mouth!!!

    "Post a picture ..."
    I thought the same thing - but then again there would not be a way to verify it was a pic. of her she was posting?

    "Why are you still posting (lovemetiddys)?"
    I think she wants to hold the TUSCL record for most comments in a thread.

    Sure. I believe it. B.T.W. I am 6"4, 225 lbs, 4% body fat, have an 11-inch penis, and I am independently wealthy - wanna hook up?
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    Just be sure you charge her if she stares.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Ugh I highly doubt that. With stats like that you''d have to have to be of African descent which is also a possibility but your name is Papi Chulo so that doesn't work well
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    I was a 32DD before I went to an F.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    "I was a 32DD before I went to an F ..."

    WOW. From DD's to an F - what happened to the E's?

    Girl - what are you eating?
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    "Ugh I highly doubt that. With stats like that you''d have to have to be of African descent which is also a possibility but your name is Papi Chulo so that doesn't work well ..."

    OK. You got me: I said I was "6"4, 225 lbs, 4% body fat, have an 11-inch penis, and I am independently wealthy ..."

    But actually I am 5"4, 115 lbs, 24% body fat, 1.1-inch penis, and indepedently broke - you still wanna hook up?
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Pleeeeze post a picture.

    I can't even imagine 32 F

    So you have Mary-Kate Olsen's chest with Rosie O'Donnell's tits.

    You have an ass like Oprah. What is your face like?

    12 years ago
    "I was a 32DD before I went to an F."

    @lovemytiddys....at the rate you're going, um, well let me put it to you this way - they do make bras that you can wear around your ankles....
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Ummm I don't anything I got $7200 implants
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    Did you let the doctor look?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    No wonder guys stare at you. With tits like that your are a side show freak.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    Sideshow freak haha you wish. I make more money now than before.
  • lovemetiddys
    12 years ago
    They look very natural
    12 years ago
    Alright @love I'm sold....How much will you pay me to fuckdemtiddys....
  • LeeH
    12 years ago
    What was that country song? "How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?"
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    With a ass like that I realy do want to fuck her shit I got the $1,000
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