Comments by dustyshoes
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3 years ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Chester: Mr. Dillon, Mr. Dillon, get your ass down to the Long Branch.
Mr. Dillon: Where do you think I been gettin' it Chester?
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3 years ago

In the distance past, there was a bartender at a bikini bar who was married to a Chicago cop. We talked often and one time she told me that she was getting into anal and kind of liked it. She brought up the conversation several times as time went on.
One time, after the dancers left, and she was a little drunk, she came around the bar. We started making out and she actually dropped her pants and bent over. Now, I had not really thought about it, but, I thought, why not. Actually as it turned out, it wasn't all that much fun. I would have liked to have her in a more conventional fashion, but I was glad I tried it out. In the end, we wound up doing it again on the pool table a few months later.
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3 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
It seems everyone seems to think that the people that go to college and actually learn something and become corporate executives and other jobs that can amass a sizeable paycheck is comparable to those who go through high school and junior college and don't actually learn anything. All the talk seems to be about getting help in no mind jobs where they want $15/hr. and they can't count to two orders of fries.
I went through a 5 year apprenticeship and became a tradesman. I watched my money, paid my bills, and saved for retirement.
I live comfortably now, but the government seems to want to take my money and give it to the lazy lumps that can't get a job that pays a good wage.
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5 years ago

"Don't we already have drag queen shows?"
They do have drag queen shows in Vegas, but drag queens and trans are completely different. Drag queens only want to dress and act the part. Trans seem to be convinced they are built as the wrong sex and actually change or at least want to.
As a side note:
I used to work at a large Corp., and about 30 years ago there were 3 trannies working there. Two were Male to Female, one was Female to Male.
I don't know the relevance, but all 3 committed suicide.
Figure that out.
discussion comment
5 years ago

Who in their right mind would think that if they tax the rich more, that it would help the poor.
The only thing it would accomplish would ;e to give the GOVERNMENT MORE money to piss away.
review comment
5 years ago

Small correction, but they are closed Mondays
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5 years ago

New York
I've gone for a dance with a couple of the bartenders and waitresses. Where I go the dances cost double because the staff are not paying the house fee. That can get expensive enough so I don't do it often, even at that, all bartenderes and waitstaff are not up for it.
There were a couple of times years ago, I was the only customer in the bar late at night and I had gotten close to the bartender. She was a little lit up and things got hot and we wound up fucking on the pool table. Cost was 0, so that was a good thing. Bar closed soon after.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Wouldn't this be a great opportunity for some legitimate entity to follow the class to see if a gift like that would result in some kind of success different than the traditional result of paying your own debts.
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6 years ago

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Went out last night after work to my usual. I didn't think there would be much as it was late. It turned out I saw a dancer I was pursuing, but she works days and that doesn't work for me. Anyway, I spent some time with her, and had a very nice time. I will add that this club is a non extra, but I was able to leverage a very pleasant dance.
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6 years ago

I don't know if this film was the one involved, but as I remember, about this time, there was a supreme court case involving porn and free speech. Some of the member attorneys will know more than me. Anyway, one of the justices said that he couldn't define smut, but could tell it if he sees it. Before that, all porn was on 8mm or 16mm film. Very grainy and almost unwatchable, and I always remember that it was illegal to have. I also don't know if that was actually true. Again some of the local attorneys can weigh in on that.
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7 years ago

Since 1963 ...
I think I've only ldk two or three times ever. The one time I do remember is with a dancer that I knew fairly well. I never got OTC with her, though not for the lack of trying. Anyway, the one time with her, she was giving me a very good dance and it happened. I didn't know if I should have done it, but she said something I don't remember and I asked if it was a problem. She said no, because it showed that she did a good job.
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7 years ago

I use desktop w/2 monitors for work, laptop at home, tablet/phone for portability. The thing I don't like with the tablet/phone is you only get the lightweight website. If you are only surfing, it's ok, but if you are doing web research or even shopping as in home depot, walmart etc., it's much easier on pc or laptop.
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7 years ago

Detroit strip clubs
A guy 50 yo and IT director has "only" 223k to leave to a stripper and the family is pissed? The family seems to be the money grubbers here.
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7 years ago

When are these people going to learn that sending pics and texts and other documented conversations is not a good idea. It's one thing for a hot teacher to scar a young, raging hormonal kid for life, but it's another thing to document the deed and other convos so that a provable crime has been committed.
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7 years ago

Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
The clubs I frequent charge 20-25. And these are all out in the country. But, to be fair, the dancers don't get all of the dance fee. I don't know what the split is at all the clubs, but the one that I know, is: Dance 25, House 8, Dancer 17. There is also a tipout at the end of the night. Also, the dancers sure seem to spend a lot of time on the phone, and not enough effort in socializing with the intent of generating dances. It does seem that the economics would demand that more money can be made with lower price and higher volume, but the price is controlled by management, but the dancers do very little to help themselves.
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7 years ago

Atlanta suburb
@Cashman: Don't ever underestimate some women's ability nor capacity to piss away valuable money.
discussion comment
8 years ago

Atlanta suburb
Would this not be the perfect idea for a 16/17 girl to find some club to work, and later let it be known that she was underage, and be awarded a huge paycheck?
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8 years ago

The dance price where I go in Wi. are $25 and most of the time the dance booths are empty. years ago they were $5 and with double the number of booths, you had to wait for an opening .I don't know what the dance split between the club and the dancer was at $5, but now the club takes $8 of the $25. Probably, the club thinks that the amount they take from the dance could never be gotten from the $5 dance, so they raise the price to $25. Clearly, they don't see that with the lower number of dances that are had, both the club and the dancer are on a lower financial trajectory.
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8 years ago

Solo PL
Right now two clubs I know have mother daughter teams. One club has Mom manager-Daughter bartender/dancer. The other Mom dancer- Daughter shot girl/ .dancer. Have not as yet tried out either one for dances.
discussion comment
13 years ago

I'll be occupieing tonight. Anything to support a noble cause.
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14 years ago

Seattle, Washington
Sometimes I want to see someone in particular, and sometimes I don't want to see someone. I call and ask at 3 clubs. One club always answers, 1 club never answers, 1 club sometimes answers and sometimes asks if there is anyone in particular I am interested in. Sometimes they say that they don't want to read all of them. (maybe 6-8) Once I asked if it was too hard, maybe they could read only the first 3 or 4. That pissed him off. They don't have to list things on the web in advance, it only takes a few minutes to put the name in.
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14 years ago

shark: "They aren't looking at the decrease in customers attending the club or that customers aren't buying as many dances."
I don't think the club worries too much about how much is spent on dances, since only a portion of that goes to the bottom line. I think they only worry about a dancer population which pays tipout or a portion of each dance. But drink prices go directly to the club which contributes more to the bottom line.
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14 years ago

Years ago in a small dive club outside Lake Geneva, Wi. I was watching this red headed doll dance to Rod Stewart: Maggie May. Somehow I never forgot.