I recently had an experience with a fav that resulted in a nice but unplanned LDK. I thanked my girl and told her I didn’t expect that and since it was particularly messy I was on my way to a meeting, didn’t really want it either. She said not to worry about it since it was her 5th today and it was only about 3pm. We got talking about it and she said that she counts the number of guys she gets off each shift and her personal best was 17.
Do many dancers do things like this? Ever run into any that shared anything similar?
last comment^sloppy seconds thirds or fifties who wants that shit. I think not
Big discussion on here, so dancers like it, a few love it but it seems most are repulsed by it.
I have never had it happen to me, but once or twice it could have if I didn’t have the dancer change her position.
On the way to a meeting smelling like a stripper and covered in stripper glitter? That’s a ballsy move, unless you own the company!
I do own the company, but I don’t go to places where a girl would use glitter and I shun dancers who smell like perfume, etc. Plus I always have a few clean cloths in the car anyways but that has come in handy for more than just stripper visits.
@25 - I did mention it was LDK, not quite the same thing a sloppy anythings.
*clothes, not cloths.
I ran into a dancer years ago who kept a batting average based upon the number of guys that cum during dances. I don’t recall her exact percentage but I do remember that it was very high and I questioned how it could be accurate when she mentioned it. Then we went back for dances. After the first song, I knew that her batting average was about to improve again. After the third song I was just another number in her successful career.
There are certain dancers where you can tell they want to get you off. You know after the first dance. Anyone who has LDK'd has probably met one.
I've never met one that admitted to keep track or anything though. The closest is those that admit noticing I finished, and reacting a whole number of different ways. One giggled at me, another said "don't be embarrased, I've had guys do that." Some ask for extra, some don't even say a word, and some just say "I guess you're done getting dances then?"
Now I'm curious though, maybe I'll ask a few how often dudes jizz in their pants.
I am pretty open with dancers about the fact that I am there to LDK. I have met dancers that have been stripping for years and legitimately never have made a customer cum (as far as they know) and some that try to do it all the time. Obviously some dancers default lap dance doesn't have a lot of heavy grinding or constant position changing.
I think most guys who want to LDK are pretty ashamed or embarrassed of it and are pretty unlikely to try to get a dancer who doens't appear to be LDK friendly to give a LDK capable dance. I have personally tried twice to convert two non LDK friendly dancers. The first is my CF and I spent a few hundred bucks getting dances from and slowly coaxed her into it. The second I just straight up asked and she said she had never done it before and wouldn't be uncomfortable with it but wasn't sure she could actually do it.
Never had a stripper give me her total LDKs or happy customers count, but for sure there aren't that many that have an issue with LDK. Strippers just don't want jizz on them. Avoid that and you won't have many issues with strippers about it as long as the club is a decent mileage one. In my experience if a stripper has no issues feeling my hard boner grinding up into her pussy in a dance then she doesn't have issue if I LDK. The strippers with LDK issues are the ones that provide limited dick stimulation throughout the dance. And in that case I am one and done. But more often here in Portland there are LDK strippers in every club.
Paul, I'm sure I'm gonna sound retarded but how did those conversations go?
While she is sitting with you before getting dances, do you just straight up say "I am planning to jizz in my pants." I'm curious on the reactions you get.
I'm not so direct, I just ask them to stay in certain positions while getting dances, and then go for it.
Agree with sirlapdance...there's LDK dancers in "clean clubs." whenever it happens, i just let it happen, i dont force the issue and do a 1 and done if they arent LDK friendly. i dont talk about LDK, i just go to the back and let it happen naturally. A good indicator, is if they stradle one of my legs while we wait for the dance to start. i tip 40 whenever LDK happens, but im too generous, so i will start tipping 20 only if LDK happens.
I keep and view LDK as a personal thing. As long as I keep my jizz to myself I see it as simply my way of enjoying the lap dance and fundamentally no different than having a boner or my heart rate increasing. It's really my business at the end. And thus there is no reason for me to bring it up with a stripper unless she wants to talk about it which I will do without hesitation. But ultimately there's no need. There are way too many strippers that I can LDK with that I don't have to cultivate or "train" one to help me. And if they don't like it even when I keep my jizz to myself, I just take my business elsewhere. In my experience the "issue" or controversy over an LDK is overstated and limited. There are strippers that have issue with it but I don't see it as commonplace in many clubs all over the West coast and Phoenix and Albuquerque. LDKs have been a strip club common practice for decades now. LMAO it's a "hazard" of the job.
@Salty.Nutz in my world $40 is a huge tip even when she knowingly and intentionally makes me LDK. I have strippers that keep increasing mileage on top of already making me LDK without it and I only tip about $5 extra per dance. I would say my average tip is $10 total and if I tip $20 it is because she is giving very high mileage.
@houjack - So I don't talk about it beforehand but if I am going to see a dancer regularly I always want to make sure they know whats up. The fantasy is better for me if I know they are a willing participant and actively trying to make me cum (although it is debatable whether it still is a fantasy experience at that point). Usually after one or two visits they have an idea whats going on so I'll say something like:
"Hey I'll definitely give you an extra tip if you can make me cum!"
"Hey last time I saw you I had an amazing time, you actually made me orgasm, wanna see if you can do it again?"
The one time I went to a strip club on vacation said something like this beforehand (this was at mons venus where heavy grinding is pretty much guaranteed and she seemed super cool about it but if she had not I would have aborted before we started as I didn't want to blow $100):
"Hey I do this pretty regularly and I can totally orgasm from a lap dance, is that a problem for you? I'll let you know so you don't grind yourself into a wet spot."
It depends on your personality if you can pull of being open about it. For me it works and I prefer it that way. I don't like the idea that a dancer could start getting regular income from me, figure out whats going on and then be conflicted between the money and her own comfort/morals.
I have tried to convert 2 non-LDK dancers as stated before:
This is my CF who was definitely anti-LDK. Something about this girl really does it for me (even after most of a year with her now I still get weak around her sometimes) so I decided it was worth it to try converting her. I didn't talk about it with her for a while I just spent a lot. At first she would air dance when she sensed I was about to cum. Her big issue wasn't the orgasm just that she was really worried about getting cum on her. She relaxed a lot once she started to trust that I would tell her when to stop, then when I got waterproof pants (and told her I had them) we were totally golden. After a few months with more trust she doesn't care what I wear so athletic shorts or sweatpants are fine.
The second dancer I tried to convert had a very visual performance based lap dance. After buying a few I saw her on another visit and decided to just try being blunt and said something like "Hey so I am not an extras guy but I do want to have an orgasm do you have a problem with that". She wasn't uncomfortable but didn't know if she do it. The situation was a little awkward and was even more weird that there was someone sitting right next to me that also wanted a dance with her. I gave her a really good tip and we agreed to give it a shot sometime. Since then I have seen her and things have been super cool but I haven't been free from my CF to try a dance with her since.
With dancers I see regularly I don't tip specifically for an LDK. Instead as I know it will usually take 2-3 songs I just guarantee to pay her a minimum of 3 to 5 songs. I have had dancers intentionally slow down to make it last into the next song so that payment system makes it where the dancer is only trying to give me the best experience. I also pay a higher minimum number if the dancer will do some dick teasing beforehand.
If she says "thanks for cumming" after your dances, she's LDK friendly.
If you tell her a certain position is a good one and it involves direct dick stimulation, she's very likely LDK friendly.
If she stick shifts you, rubs on your balls, gives you a titty fuck or simulated BJ OTP, them she's very likely LDK friendly.
If she's air dancing and goes to that quickly after she feels your boner, she's very likely not cool with LDK.
Thanks for clarifying Paul.
That's similar to what I do as well. Although I don't even mention it. After seeing them a few times and making my LDK obvious each time, they dance in a way that I get it every time after that.
Once after a particularly good dance and LDK at a Vegas club, she said "you came a lot didn't you" and then gave me her number to text for the next visit. Guess she was LDK friendly.
I just hate it when customers make it really obvious that they are trying to LDK.
^^^^ what?!?!? You don’t wanna be one of LDK82s lapdance queens?
The OP's dancer sounds like my type definitely! I love the fact that she keeps count of how many guys have cum, and her personal best. It's cool and hilarious. 17, damn!
I also have not run into any that kept count. But I have had the varying degrees of reactions to it. My favorite, of course, is when the dancer knows you're trying to get off and will help or cooperate by staying in any positions you ask, or just gives a good, deep grind. And of course when you are LDKing she doesn't stop grinding until you yourself stop moving. I've had a quite a few of these.
But I've also had the ones who gave a great dance but it wasn't their intention to get you off. And then when they realize it's happening they stand up and air dance. I've had one of those. It was when I was still a newbie. I attribute the fact that I've only had one of those to me doing a better job of doing test dances with girls to make sure they seem LDK friendly.
And as you guys have already said, her words after the LDK will help you determine for sure if she was cool with it. The best lines I ever heard post LDK were "Did you have fun?" or "Did that feel good?". They are usually enthusiastic about it and makes the experience at the end better. . Then the ones that just seem ok with it say stuff like "Don't worry, it happens".
Her response determines how much I tip. I tip much more than the numbers I've seen posted in this thread though. Call me a sucker but I believe in rewarding good service. Example, if the girl gave an awesome experience complete with all my favorite moves (RCG grinding leaning back against me, feeding, unlimited boob access, and an LDK with a cool response after) she easily gets an extra $100 from me, sometimes more. Depends on how intoxicated I am lol. That number goes all the way down to $10, for just an LDK but a mechanical dance with no emotions, and no connection besides my hands all over her body.
@AmeliaSmith I agree. As an LDK fiend it is best to keep it low key and discreet. No need to draw attention to it.
I can always tell if a club is ldk or more friendly by the amount of black mesh Nike shorts in the room.
I heard from a dancer recently who was very proud that she never had to "fix any of the boners" she gave while dancing in order to make money, so I'm guessing she'd be one of those girls that gets up and air dances if she detects you getting close.
One of my favorite dancers at Follies just sticks her hand up my shorts, grabs my dick, and starts stroking as soon as she sees me. It's a matter of pride to her to try and make me cum as quickly as possible.
@AmeliaSmith - I totally forgot about the third option. Dancers (like yourself) that will do it but don't like it or want to be actively involved. It always think of this simpsons gag:
Totally respect your position on the matter and thanks for the input. I have gotten dances before with a few different dancers who seemed a bit annoyed when I was too obvious as to what I wanted. I even had one dancer that seemed to almost get a little angry in the middle of the dance but then oddly still continued to do what I asked and got me to LDK. Usually I never try to repeat after that.
I am curious as to what you hate about it? I think I remember from one of your previous posts you talking about OTC with a customer so I (perhaps incorrectly and apologies if I am) assume this isn't an issue with the act pushing your moral boundaries.
This thread is giving me a lot to think about.
I only had one customer who discussed this openly. Bought 15 dances and we went nonstop. And at random points kept talking about wanting to cum. And at the end he complimented me but told me he was slightly disappointed he didn’t cum. But he seemed nice enough.
I guess I’m in the category of “don’t mind, don’t really know how”
All I have to say is I have never come in my pants during a lap dance, ever, and really have no desire to. With all of the shit here about that it makes me reluctant to get dances in the back at all. I have had OTC encounters with more than a few dancers over the years, some compensated not all. I’ll generally pay a girl for dances, with whom I am hanging out during a club visit, because she is working to make her money, I’m not trying to tell anyone else what to do, I have my fun you have yours.
@nicespice - Appreciate the additional dancer input. I think most guys who want it on purpose are really ashamed about it. I know I was at first and I was really sheepish about asking a dancer to stay in the positions that felt good to me. It was also just really hard at first for me (took many songs) as had a lot of shame about it and I was really scared about how the dancer would react. I don't know if that helps you understand what might have happened in your situation. Is it safe to guess from your post that you don't think any of your other customers have LDKed?
So I was talking to my CF about this subject a few weeks ago. I was definitely the first LDK customer she had run into but she said that since then she knows what to look for and has found a others. I asked her how she would react if a customer was open about wanting it and she said she would be cool with it as they have a high likely hood of being regular and tipping well.
I went to club in California and in east coast. Dancers in east coast never made me LDKes except one.One girl at crazy horse was so rude that she told me it is illegal to LDK and threatened me that she can get me arrested.
I like east coast lot better. The dancers east coast give full contact two way dances and they are hot and gorgeous.Almost all of them want to make me LDK. Recently one dancer asked me how do you manage so long without LDK,most of the guys LDK within couple songs.
I love these dancers here.
Man. This is one of the questions that puzzle me the most. Do dancers know if you have LDK’d? Nobody has ever commented, or even acknowledged the times ive done so. Most are clueless.
This one didn’t strike me as ashamed. But this was also a Saturday night shift. And he was very drunk, and also asked if I was a virgin. (He suspected it cause I guess my baby face makes me look innocent, lol) But he was Chinese, so maybe there was a culture thing going on as well.
I never noticed an LDK personally.
I absolutely appreciate all the dancer input here.
@nicespice FWIW I have LDKed with plenty of strippers unbeknownst to them and to me it is just as fun and pleasurable when a stripper is doing her thing and is just truly naturally sexy enough to make me LDK without having to do stuff like let me grind my own cock into her. This usually happens when she is just a super sexy and sensual person and she just moves sexy. LOL it is the "innocent" way of LDKing as opposed to the full on simulated animal sex LDK where it is basically a mutual dry hump of each other and she moans and groans like she likes getting fucked. I have had both extremes of LDK and quite honestly it is more fun to go the "innocent" route where she's just a sexy as fuck dancer that is damn good at giving a "vanilla" lap dance.
Also I truly view a stripper's willingness to LDK me as a bonus and behavior that I reinforce through continued business and tips. But I don't ever expect it from any stripper. I take LDKing as ultimately MY responsibility. It is something that I can now largely control when it will happen as long as she gives my dick decent contact, I manage my own jizz, and I respect and follow every single touching limit that she has. So I personally never stress about or expect an LDK. I can usually take care of it myself in 2-4 songs.
I LDK about 70 % of the time. I'm. one and done with any dancer who isn't trying to get me there. No time for delusional dancers who are the sex business but are "repulsed" by LDK
Yep, really into those native american chicks!
(hope she stops those guys in finance from blowing up the economy, again).
LOL @ pistola
Many a dancer tries to shame/berate an LDKer and demand a large tip
$100+ tip seems overpaying especially if one is already purchasing multiple dances
man. I'm such a newbie. I've had only one ldk in over 20 years.
it takes bbfs to get me off.
@Papi, it's the tip amount of my choice. The dancer doesn't demand it, I give it voluntarily because she gave me an awesome experience. I don't tip every dancer who gives me an LDK that amount. It just depends on the experience. Off the top of my head I can think of four dancers who I tipped $100, because they did everything that I love. Experiences like those you never forget and they stand out amongst the several other dances/VIP sessions I've had. Also, I might have been quite intoxicated at the time. Yet still the next morning I didn't regret tipping them that much at all. That's only four out of a lot of other dancers who also brought me to LDK land.
I think I've only ldk two or three times ever. The one time I do remember is with a dancer that I knew fairly well. I never got OTC with her, though not for the lack of trying. Anyway, the one time with her, she was giving me a very good dance and it happened. I didn't know if I should have done it, but she said something I don't remember and I asked if it was a problem. She said no, because it showed that she did a good job.
For the first 5 years or so of going for lap dances I never once even came close to having a LDK. But then for some reason I started having them very easily. I still remember the first girl that did it for me and she would do it every time I saw her. Although it was pleasurable I didn’t really want to LDK because of the mess and it would cut my visit short. It wasn’t really shame more the inconvenience of it. For a while I actually didn’t get lap dances at all because I knew I couldn’t control myself from having a ldk. I remember telling dancers that’s why I wouldn’t get a lap dance and some would talk me into getting a dance by saying they wouldn’t let me have one and then they would clearly try to get me off. So For a year or mot i just did the tip rail or talked to girls at my table. Eventually I started to get dances again and figured out how to control it and generally I don’t LDK at all anymore. I’ve been getting a lot of VIP dances with my CF and so far have not had a LDK with her yet which is actually surprising because she isn’t just grinding over my pants, she is pulling me out and doing about everything short of BBFS! I did tell her to slow down once or twice because she had me very close, but generally she is very good at keeping me just on the edge. I usually like that the best, but I think I may tell her soon to just cut loose and let me finish!
man. I have not had a ldk since 1995. I do like them... a ldk would be nice since I don't finish unless I'm fucking bareback.
One thing that helps me is being high. I can LDK completely sober too but being high is the best. If I were drunk or tipsy it would be much more difficult.
And for me the LDK is my purpose of going to the club and getting dances. I don't want anything else. No extras or ITC/OTC FS. Just LDK ITC.
And I'm at near 100% on every visit. It is easier with a reliable fave or faves but lately I have seen three completely new strippers and only one was not LDK friendly. She was the type that went to air dancing as soon as she felt anything remotely like a boner. I was one and done with her but the other two were awesome pussy grinders. I usually don't try to grind back and dry hump a new stripper right away because I want to make sure she is comfortable with it, but with both of these two, while keeping their thongs completely on, they got into it more when I grabbed their asses and controlled my own grinding and pace of it. Basically they were the type that wanted me to do what I wanted. Both would simply stop doing their dance for a bit and indulge me with some mutual dry humping for parts of the song. And since I prepaid for three songs with both, they went into full LDK dry hump mode towards the end of the third song. And sure enough I did, and without saying a word or acting like anything happened other than some mutual "dirty dancing". Both of them restored my faith that there is an endless supply of LDK strippers out there and I can figure out if they are down with it within the first song.
Pro tip #1: if you can and she is cool with it, unbutton your shirt and get some bare titty on chest action going. Feels awesome!
Pro tip #2: get some dick teasing and slutty flirting time at the bar or tables before getting dances. Even if she will only sit on your lap for a few minutes before getting dances, do it and take advantage of it. Try to get a boner and horny for her even before going to the dance area. It will make it easier to LDK.
I think this LDK phenomenon needs to be studied by science
@Papi LOL I wanna be the LDK "control" in the experiment. I'll dedicate myself to the cause and allow multiple strippers try to LDK me as fast as possible if it helps the greater TUSCL collective knowledge.
Then the exact same strippers try to LDK Papi_Chulo and MisterWonderful as fast as possible and the data would be compared to mine as the control. I'm thinking we also need to repeat the experiment multiple times to get statistical confidence in the results.
Now we just need some willing strippers...(crosses fingers about nicespice)
butt they need to be the same strippers. and I ain't got the money to travel like that now.
Nicespice already admitted she doesn't know how. Given that I am in Texas I will volunteer to make a trip down to Austin to give her some training!
@PaulDrake as the control I must accompany you. It won't matter that she doesn't know how with me.
so I humbly decline. unless papi and sir dancealot are willing to travel to socal or tijuana. (I'll happily show them around zona norte if they cum here...)
But MisterWonderful you are the negative control. I'm the LDK guarantee and you are the opposite. The strippers that don't LDK me are as significant as the ones that are able to LDK you.
I don't have the funds either. Thinking GoFundMe or Papi gets a research grant from University of Miami.
that might work.
for the benefit of science and The betterment of mankind.
LOL MisterWonderful that is so altruistic of you.
In all seriousness, I'm curious about specifically why a stripper has an issue with an LDK beyond the obvious of getting jizz on her? As long as the jizz is contained, what really is the issue? The guy just came so he's clearly been given a great lap dance experience even a better one than the guy that could only get a boner, so what is the issue with it to a stripper? The best I can think of is that it could make her feel like she's giving sex to a dude and crossing a line she doesn't want. Another reason is that she's more into the practice of huslting a dude than actually giving him a good time for his money.
I have had a couple dancers, I think two, who acted shocked that it happened. But I’ve had at least a couple hundred who have acted wholeheartedly like it was a measue of their success, including reaching inside to make sure it happens. Those who deny it or think they are too good for that might want to remind themselves they are working in the sex industry, and orgasms are pretty much the only reason the indusry exists.
@PaulDrake I’d be down.
If I were to guess why a dancer would be specifically anti LDK, it would be that the customer would be less likely to keep buying dances after it’s done.
But in my mind, I think it’s better to be aware of it and using it as part of a hustle than to just pretend it doesn’t or shouldn’t happen.
Since I am a non-extras dancer, I welcome this loophole. Especially cause my San Antonio club is extras friendly enough that one time another dancer blatantly asked me in the dressing room if I could give her a condom.
@nicespice there is such a thing as the "fake" pretend that it doesn't happen. Or the "fake" "OMG I didn't know guys did that but it's hawt" claim. Sometimes the guy want the appearance of pretending it doesn't happen when it does. It sort of eases his "shame" about it.
"If I were to guess why a dancer would be specifically anti LDK, it would be that the customer would be less likely to keep buying dances after it’s done."
personally, i like to get 3 to 4 songs only if shes LDK friendly. meaning shes trying to rub her vagina on my cock. my bankroll consist of about 400 in c notes and the rest in 20s. if shes LDK friendly give her the c note, if not just give her 20. stick and move. i cut the dancers off at 100 in the club. no matter if i LDK'd. strippers are only getting 100 from me in the club, if i like them. after 3 to 4 songs, its pretty boring. i only last about 7 to 10 minutes having sex, so why would i buy more then 3 to 4 songs?
Lol this is true. I think one of the biggest lies out there is that men make decisions rationally unlike women, which is completely disproven at a strip club.
(Not speaking about most of the TUSCLers who I think are way more objective focused than the average customer)
@nicespice also the logic of a stripper trying to prolong the #of dances by not enabling an LDK when he is ready is one of focus on short term gain but not logical for the long term investment. Any stripper that starts "dick dodging" just when I'm about to LDK will lose me as a customer for good eventually. She may be able to milk me for one extra dance before I LDK but that is a habit that won't last long and very quickly I will give my business to strippers that are more LDK friendly and enabling.
As far as why dancers are anti-LDK I have wondered that as well. It is weird as some of them that are also do extras. One theory is that LDK guys spend less per visit. I remember Bj99 (dancer with a lot of LDK experience) said most LDK guys take 2-3 songs. There may also be an aspect of it that getting an LDK takes the power and fantasy away from the dancer.
It is an interesting debate as to whether it even is a fantasy. If I fantasize about my CF grinding on my and trying to get me to cum and then it actually happens is it still a fantasy anymore?
@PaulDrake, i have no problem with making a cuatomer LDK. If I feel a boner, I don't shy away from it. I just hate it when customers aggressively start to put in a lot of work. There's a difference between my ass/vagina grinding and the customer grinding with me versus guys lifting me up and down, breaking out into a sweat, and painfully shoving his pelvis into mine. This is a guaranteed stop for me. I'm all for providing pleasure but not when everyone can clearly see and I'm getting hurt in the process lol.
i agree, i dont force the LDK grinding action, but i have felt them rub their pelvis, and get all sweaty. i like LDKing when they are facing me, so we can look deep into each others eyes. when we are done, sometimes i see them go and change outfits. thats why i tip 40 after 3 songs (=$60).
@AmeliaSmith would it be appropriate or acceptable if he grinded back at the same force as you are grinding? I kind of gauge that before I attempt to reciprocate.
Note also that you can grind on a guy to the point that it hurts him. I've had strippers that seemed to take pleasure in giving an overly aggressive grind that is no longer comfortable for me.
@Sir Ah true. From what I’ve heard about Portland, it wouldn’t be a good idea to alienate a decent potential regular.
@Paul One of the clubs I work at doesn’t allow customers to come in with sweatpants/gym shorts. So I know it’s a concern somewhere but I’ve never heard about outright complaints. I’d guess LDKers are more subtle.
Probably cause of the kind of crap that Amelia just said.
@Amelia: Ugh. That happened with me once. Sitting on him, back facing him, and he just put his arms on my waist and rubbed himself vigorously for an Uber friction dance for himself. But it was nonstop moving octopus hands before that and I was tired so it was like ugh fine if I get two easy songs out of this (plus I was new to dancing then.)
@Salty.Nutz I like to start with passively accepting her grind as-is and then the longer the dance and the closer I get to LDKing I start ramping up my involvement provided she is getting into it too. By the time I LDK it is a bit of a mutual grind but doesn't have to be. With faves I will grind back a little more and with new strippers I'm more passive unless she clearly doesn't mind.
Thanks for the input amelia. I am also not one to grind back or forcefully grab hips. Expressing emotion is something I had not considered. Do you have a problem with it in VIP as well as in open floor dances?
@PaulDrake I know what you are saying about the blurred lines of fantasy vs reality but ultimately to me the LDK and a lap dance itself is a fantasy of having real sex. I understand that at some point you/PL may start just viewing the act for what it really is, a high friction lap dance enough to make a PL orgasm, but ultimately the fantasy is that of having real sex. Whenever I am having issues LDKing I go back to this fantasy in my head and it usually helps me LDK.
@sirlapdance...im very passive, but i have a little trick i use that i can gauge if shes LDK friendly. you cant use your hands, or open your mouth. its very subtle, after you do it they look at you with the 1 eyebrow raised look. all women, including strippers, know what it means.
i used to force the action, chasing LDKs, being super agressive. i was getting frustrated, and venting on this board. GACA said i was chasing, which was true. i adjusted my approach and now im getting more value for my money. i just let the dancer do what shes okay with doing by being passive. they put my hands where its okay. i usually go to the same spot, so one visit i will spend 20 (try outs) on a dancer, next visit 100 on that same dancer. no convos discussing LDKs, no agressive holding. stick and move and flash your bank roll.
its best to have a system for whatever you are looking for in a SC, be OTC, LDKs or just a friendly convo.
LDK is my bread and butter, all for $100.
@sirlapdancealot - I am definitely at that point in the fantasy. For me it is never really imagining sex more enjoying receiving selfish orgasmic pleasure from a beautiful woman.
@Salty.Nutz Amen brother! My rule is to NEVER make a stripper uncomfortable. The best LDKs are when she's as comfortable with you as she is with a normal "vanilla" lap dance. Me grinding back is highly situational depending on how she receives it and it really is subtle. To jackrabbit grind and dry hump with reckless abandon to get your LDK is poor form for a PL.
@Salty.Nutz also I get my LDK in 3 songs for $80-85 total and in 2 songs for $60 total. But LOL I'm also handsome and charming and give a good massage if we sit together beforehand, so my strippers are fine with my tips. A lot of times in Portland the strippers are just looking to get paid their rate. Any amount of tip for most of them is a surprise.
@sirlapdance...Nice, good rates. Here in Phoenix they expect a "bonus."
Recently, i had 2 LDKs in 1 visit. I waited for my pants to dry, because im a classy gentleman looking out for the ladies..lol
salty.nuts posted: "i tip 40 whenever LDK happens, but im too generous, so i will start tipping 20 only if LDK happens."
^^^ I read from Chili Palmer that tipping a dancer is she makes you cum is good form! It's called the Asshole tax and it's forty dollars. I generally follow Chili's tipping schedule 10/20/40 but maybe it is regional to AZ (ten dollar dances). I'm in OH.
@Salty.Nutz I have had a good amount of LDKs in Phoenix and yes tips are more expected and pushed for compared to Portland. But also I catch a break from my strippers because they know I'll be somewhat regular for them (not to mention my good looks, charming personality, and mad massage skillz).
I will do a double LDK every now and then. But LMAO no need for me to dry out. I got pants that stop all jizz! ('cause I'm a pro)
I recently got a second LDK with both my ATF DS and her backup CF by them just spooning at the bar with me after dances. I normally leave after dances but for these visits I hung out for a while and my strippers freely kept teasing and spooning with me at the bar because there weren't any customers. So unbeknownst to them I LDKed myself as we sat there as I massaged their ass cheeks all over my dick. It's not something that will be regular but it was fun to check it off my bucket list.
dominic77---i broke down my 40 dollar tip like this. 20 for the excellent service and 20 as negative reenforcement. i try to hold it but i cant. i sometimes think they make me nut on purposes. no asshole here.
@SIRLAP....what pants are these? i went to the PGA store and bought black golf pants, but theres still leakage. or maybe i have really big loads..lol
@salty.nutz posted: "no asshole here."
^^^ I didn't think it was the case. ;) Sort of a term of endearment like PL is!
You sound like a reliable source of regular income for her stripping business! I'm sure she's happy with what is a fairly decent amount of money over time. I'm more of a once a year guy since strip clubbing can get expensive (to me). So I tend to tip to make it worth her while as it's doubtful I'll ever see her again.
This is a refreshing change. For awhile, when LDK first brought up the supject of LDK'ing, everyone gave him a hard time. In those days, every guy here could apparently orgasm only when he wanted to.
LDK's happen. I don't mind if they happen...I'd prefer a handjob, blowjob or sex.....but that doesn't happen around here...and definitely not to me. So the LDK is generally the best I can hope for sexually. I love sitting back and being pleasured by the woman. I don't need or want to grind on her...I want to feel like my pleasure is her sole focus and I shouldn't have to lift a finger to get it (that's what I'm paying for).
I think good manners is to warn the girl that it's even a possibility and give her a definite heads up before it happens. Most have reacted well and kept going. Some asked if I wanted them to keep going (YES!) but none have ever switched to air dancing or flat out stopped dancing. It seems to me, that most women know that if you grind on a guy's crotch for long enough, it's bound to happen.
@SirLapdancealot......what are these pants you speak of? And do you recall the lap dance underwear that LDK used to talk about? I don't know if anyone ever tried those...they are called Liquid Lap Dance.
@Prim0, for me, the trick that put me over-the-edge LDK-wise was going commando. The first time, I tried in in jeans commando and LDKed twice with two dancers in one visit. The another visit with dress slacks / chinos (soft and thin) commando with three different dancers. I have not experimented with dedicated pants.
@623 posted: "Do many dancers do things like this? Ever run into any that shared anything similar?"
^^^ I recall a dancer back in '98 or '99 she chased us out into the parking lot, gave us each hugs, then suggested to a buddy of mine and to me that we should come back in basketball shorts and consider skipping the underwear. She said all of her regulars like that since we can feel her body better.
So I think some dancers know LDK like stimulation can be a source of repeat business. Assuming it is within her boundaries. I didn't go back to the club to see her but I think my buddy did.
My LDK jizz free attire is as follows:
Boxer briefs underwear made with stretch Lycra cotton or stretch polyester microfiber. I completely understand that commando is "better" for enhanced feel, but a thin layer of of underwear has benefits that outweigh commando with only a very minimal loss of feel. #1 it contains jizz on its own but it is not leak free. It still helps though. #2 it helps prevent chafing. It serves as a protective friction layer on your dick. Chafing is caused my material literally rubbing across your skin which literally abrades it. With a thin underwear layer, the pants material rubs against the layer of underwear without it rubbing against skin directly. This is what prevents the chafing and with thin material there is minimal loss of feel. So to me after having LDKed hundreds of times commando and with these boxer briefs, wearing boxer briefs is preferred for reasons stated.
Golf rain pants made from thin water resistant polyester. Black color. Made by Foot Joy but I have seen Adidas and Under Armor types that would work. I have a couple of sets of these and only one of them is 100% jizz free.
The other pair will get damp a little bit on the outside if pressure is applied after the LDK but for the most part they work too but just not as well. Not coincidentally the leak free pair has a thicker double layer of polyester than the one that barely leaks. I can also go commando in either pair which is fine too. The key is having the water resistant polyester material instead of cotton or polyester fabric. They also don't have a zipper which is a bonus.
I have used regular fabric golf or dress pants too when the club has a strict dress code but the zipper lessens the feel and also there will eventually be jizz leaking by and a damp spot on them again if there is post LDK grinding and pressure. When I am using these I definitely have to stop the grinding immediately after the LDK, but with the rain pants I can (and do) get all kinds of post LDK stimulation without fear of jizz leakage. And OMG it is awesome to get my LDK from my ATF DS in mid song and for the remainder she gives me a post LDK titty fuck OTP until the sensation is too much and I have to shy away. It makes the very slight loss in feel totally worth it.
@Sirlapdancealot, yes sir! The commando dress slacks do not contain cum very well. I wore a dark gray color and my entire front looked like I was shot in the trousers with 00'buck'shot'of'cum several times, very visible spread pattern. Fortunately I have no shame.
Forgot to mention that I think Liquid Lapdance underwear is a joke. Too much hassle to lube them and change into them and such. And then to have to explain them to my wife would not be a good conversation.
Agree on Liquid Lapdance. Way too much of a hassle. Like SLD said, 2 layers is better for containment versus commando. The waterproof slacks/shorts are the best.
I'm tripping out that a previous poster said a dancer recommended commando basketball shorts. You LDK in those and it's gonna leave some kind of stain, no matter what color they are. Plus it will leak through almost immediately. This dancer must have been in an extras club. If that's the case, LDKs aren't even necessary there.
@TFP commando bball shorts are LOL for LDK ballers. I would never LDK that way myself but it would feel great unless she was a boner crusher.
The club I go to and my CF doesn't care so I recently switched to basketball shorts. Yeah they are pretty awesome!
I am also in Texas where shorts are pretty common with the high temps. So I don't feel particularly self conscious.
@PaulDrake you LDK in bball shorts?! What does it look like afterwards?
With the absorbent baby powder I always use plus cotton boxers there is zero noticeable stain. I am actually wearing the shorts I LDKed in this morning out to dinner tonight.
^^^^^ This is what the guy pays the girls money for.
LMAO you da man!
For a second I thought you went commando in bball shorts. No amount of powder in the world would keep that LDK contained.
Unfortunately you wont get into most strip clubs in gym shorts or sweat pants except the dives. What is almost as practical is golf pants or shorts. Forgot who mentioned it(more than one person im sure) but feels almost like nothing is there and the added benefit of not being "sweat pants boner man"(or "gym shorts boner man").
In honor of this thread I went back to basics with my ATF DS earlier today. For my LDK I sat back mostly and just barely grinded back on her and just let her stroke her pussy slowly and sensually up and down the underside of my hard cock until I LDKed. It was heavenly to get off work and start the weekend relaxed by her just pleasuring me by rubbing her awesome body and hands on my hard cock and balls any way she wanted. She knows what I really like anyway and just does it without any guidance and she keeps me hard most of the time. So it is easy for me to relax and kick back. And by the end of the second song I LDKed by her pussy stroking me in face to face squatting cowgirl. Her all natural DDs were pressing into my bare chest and I was grabbing and rubbing her ass with both hands as she pussy stroked me to the point that I went over the edge and just sat there quietly but also held her just enough to indicate she should stay for a bit more and LDKed without any indication other than my boner was pulsating. And she just kept slow stroking her pussy until well after I LDKed as I just sat passively and took it even though I was oversensitive a bit. And just as the song ends she reaches down as she lifts her pussy off of me and grabs both my cock and balls OTP and slowly strokes them post cum as I am slowly going soft. And not a drop of jizz gets on her hand as I am just stupid in the afterglow. And just as the next song starts I tell her thank you to indicate we are done.
As usual it was a great LDK and thoroughly enjoyable to be passive. By contrast earlier this week she was drunk one night and she gave me an LDK that was a mutual and more aggressive dry hump. Both LDKs are awesome but what's really nice about a passive LDK is that she sometimes doesn't know that I came so there is a lot of post cum stimulation which is really awesome feeling. It's like "bonus time" and fun to try to keep your cool when you are being overstimulated during the afterglow. Makes me feel like a king too.
And total cost for this LDK was $60 which includes $10 tip. I get this rate only because I'm her regular and exclusively see only her at this particular club. LOL it even included 20 min of her spooning my hard boner at the bar even before dances. And that time cost me nothing.
LOL when you know how to LDK easily and with the right stripper you can always end a club visit happy.
@LDK82 yeah it is great when the LDK-friendly signals go off early. LMAO it is so fun when right from the get-go they somehow get into your #1 LDK position without any coaching. There are some LDKs that require a lot of steering her through body language or outright telling her what to do, and there are some, the better ones, that you don't need to worry about her avoiding what you like and she is a natural fit to your LDK preferences. Of course you can develop these with time and being a regular, but it is a nice treat when there is immediate chemistry.
I used to sometimes wear a condom and for a short while I had a dancer that would reach up my shorts and install it for me. But that usually just ended up with her stroking until I no longer needed a LDK, I mean once she had it in her hand, well...
Anyways I’m going to research those golf waterproof shorts. I always wear shorts even when it’s 50 degrees outside. I have had dancers zero in on me and approch right away based on my attire with comments like “I knew you meant business” or “Looks like you know what you like”. I can always pick out the guys who are rookies, they have on blue jeans and a cowboy belt buckle.
@623 I have never used them to LDK or go to a club but I have a set of golf rain shorts made exactly like my two pairs of pants with the same water resistant material. Double layered thin polyester. They would work as good as the pants plus give an easy access route for LDK-friendly stripper hands. LOL I am saving them for clubbing in Phoenix.
Paying for ejaculation services is simply using your own money to exacerbate your own sexual frustration, as well as making a fool out of yourself in front of pretty girls.
10 Warning Body Signs You Shouldn't Ignore