OTGT: Was Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke an FS sex worker?

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Off topic question for my fellow Geriatric Tricks. I watched the show once in while, but never an avid fan.
Kitty Russell aka “Miss Kitty"
Half-owner of the Long Branch Saloon, although once hinted to in both the radio series and early on in the TV series as a dance hall girl/prostitute.
“obviously Miss Kitty was not selling chocolate bars or Girl Scout cookies”
My fricken has been correcting my spelling rong
Chester comes riding into to Dodge City Buck Naked! Matt: "Whoa
Chester! you can't be running around like that without your
clothes...how do you explain yourself?" Chester: "Well you know... me
and Miss Kitty were riding out by the Thomas ranch and we stopped at
that little lake to water our horses...then Miss Kitty said "it would
sure be nice if we could take a swim here being so hot as it is"...and
I told her we didn't have no bathing suits. Miss Kitty then told me to
hide behind a bush while she got naked and in the lake...then I was to
do the same. After a few minuets we both came out of that lake...both
naked! and Miss Kitty said to me "you know Chester now that we are
both naked...and there is nobody around...and you're a man and I'm a
woman...I can't think of one reason why you don't just "mount up" and
"go to town!" "So here I am Mr Dillon!"
Mr. Dillon: Where do you think I been gettin' it Chester?
1. The Rifleman
2. The Big Valley
3. Wild, Wild West
4. Bonanza
5. Gunsmoke
It had a cool beginning theme song playing while he was getting his sergeant stripes and buttons, etc ripped off cavalry uniform by an officer for cowardice - undeserved!
He the proceeded to be brave and kick ass killing outlaws and bad guys the rest of the show.
Anybody else remember Barbary Coast, with William Shatner, and Brisco County with Bruce Campbell?
Interesting movie because it seems that the towns people are actually the villans. It was intended to reverse the anti-communist doctrine which had gotten into the movies.
Thin Lizzy 1983
I thought Lonesome Dove, both the novel and the mini series, did a reasonably good job of showing the dirt and grime of the West.
And Buffalo Heifer was likely a realistic portrayal of a typical whore