
Comments by LeeH (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    Player11, she already knows how to get into my wallet. Maybe it's SS, but it's not as obvious as you suggested.
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    15 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    samsung, that's a great idea! But maybe a house mom instead of a bouncer. I don't think I'd have a good time with a house sitting next to me. ;-)
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    15 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    Nope, that's not it. She's actually quite the opposite. She's told me on multiple occasions (and has told other dancers in my presence that she's told me this) that I shouldn't feel like I've got to spend $$$ on her every time I come in the club - that she'd like to just hang sometimes, if I wanted. I've told her that I appreciate it, but I don't think I'm capable. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    losing ATF status?
    casualguy, thanks for the input. I don't think it's a "same ol' same ol'" situation this time (if for no other reason than that she's very creative in VIP). Can't figure out what it is, though.
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    15 years ago
    Is anyone friends with a dancer that works at multiple clubs?
    I have had, on more than one occasion, a dancer tell me that I look familiar and ask if I've ever been to such-and-such club (and I have). Makes me think I'm at SCs too much. ;-)
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    15 years ago
    ticket stubs for free admissions
    The Cheetah in Atlanta does that (or at least that's what their ad on the sports radio station says).
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    15 years ago
    They're picking on my girl!
    Just gotta get smitten with one that can dish it out even better than she gets it. ;-) My ATF is feisty and could kick any other dancer's ass. Came in handy when the club's main ROB got pissed when I quit spending money on her and started pouring it on my ATF. Flipside: One of my other faves gets along famously with just about all the other dancers. So much so that she'll pimp (not literally) for them a bit. "Can so-and-so and I give you a dance together?" OK, twist my arm -- two women (one of whom is a fave) dancing for me at once. Life's a bitch. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dancer's shitty behavior
    I'll wait on a fave if we discuss in advance about how long the wait will be, and if she's clear that I'm fair game (for other dancers) until that time limit is up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are Older Girls still sexy ?
    Ditto what Player11 said. There's even a niche clientele that *prefers* older dancers (I should know; I'm president of my local chapter.) ;-) Plus sometimes younger dancers haven't figured out what the hell they're doing yet. They think that every guy should explode just because they get naked and wiggle around. (OK, admittedly, there are some dancers that this is actually true for.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Photos of your favorites...
    One dancer told me her Twitter ID and she has posted TwitPics. So I have some non-nudes of her, but they weren't exactly *given* to me directly.
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    15 years ago
    How to tell a dancer to move on?
    txtittyfan, that's brilliant. I'll have to try that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    casualguy: I found out I have trouble breaking things off with a nymphomaniac. Gee, I bet no one could identify with that at all. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    anything i COULD have done?
    Dougster, your reading comprehension skills are shit. I'd re-iterate what I said before, but you'd just misread it, too. Shadowcat, yeah, she knows how to handle things -- hell, *she* probably could've kicked *this* guy's ass. ;-) And she *did* take him to mgmt to sort it out. I knew better than to get directly involved. I figured the *best* that could happen there would be to get kicked out of the club myself; the worst being finding out the hard way that the guy was carrying. Hell, part of my annoyance was that this clown was interrupting my time with her. My thinking, as Vegeta1on1 said, was that handling the situation is "what [bouncers] get paid to do". Mostly was trying to ask if (a) this was a proper perception and (b) if there was something else that I didn't think of.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    My issues have issues, so yeah, probably. I'm a somewhat old fart (43) by SC standards. So there's definitely an ego stroke when a hot girl who was born while I was in college wants to spend time with me (even if it is just for my money). The other thing that I like, though, is a bit more personal (the cynics can start rolling their eyes now). I'm actually a pretty nice guy, such that a couple of my faves will hang out and talk, *knowing* that I'm tapped out and won't be spending any more money that night. Now I realize that part of that is "future investment", but part is just enjoying each other's company. Now here's where that's different. Most women are so cynical, they make Dougster look like a babe in the woods. And so -- if they are even marginally attractive -- they assume that every guy only wants one thing, 100% of the time (which can really be a pain when all you want to do is order your hamburger and fries). And so, unless you're a fucking Adonis, they won't even give you a sniff. Whereas a stripper (even admitting money motives) at least spends enough time with me to find out I'm not a complete asshole. And seeing as how my ex DOES think I'm a complete asshole, that goes a pretty good way for me.
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    15 years ago
    Who would you fuck before Amy Winehouse?
    The Elephant Man
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    15 years ago
    Breaking News: Penis Size in the USA
    Dammit - don't put the words "breaking" and "penis" so close together - made me wince. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How to tell a dancer to move on?
    I've used most of these ideas. One other that I use is to ask her name. This adds to the open-ended-ness, and actually shows that you give a sh*t.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    samsung: Even if she is really into girls she is not using her time at work to get her sex fix in. This is probably true 99.9% of the time, but what if she's a nympho? ;-) Besides, Billy Jeff taught us all that oral sex isn't sex. ;-) Seriously, I *do* know one dancer (call her Tonya) who's not a nympho, but really enjoys the variety. I've told her before that I had enough $$$ for 15 minutes with 2 girls, or 30 minutes with just her, and sometimes she opts for the threesome, esp if it's a dancer that she's never "had" before. (Other times not -- if it was all the time, I'd get a complex. ;-) One slow night, I was sitting with 2 other dancers, one of whom I had been in a 3-some room with (with Tonya being the third). She said to the other dancer (who was fairly new) that Tonya was a great kitty eater, and I teased her that if her facial expression (when we were in the room) was any indication, she was telling the truth.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    One other alternative that may or may not work at your club (names changed to protect the not-so-innocent). I was taking Holly into VIP and she asked if Sherry could come along and give us just a dance or two at the beginning. Between the fact that I find it hard to deny anything Holly asks for, and the fact that I had been wanting to get a floor dance from Sherry anyway (but we never managed to sync up), I said it was fine. On the downside, as some have suggested, I *did* get less attention from Sherry than I would have if I had gotten a floor dance. And the dances were twice as much (cost) in VIP as on the floor. But on the upside, it was pretty no-holds-barred and Holly's fingers or lips were pretty much constantly somewhere on Sherry, and usually on her kitty. And after Sherry left, Holly was more revved than usual, so the remainder of our VIP was hotter than usual. So, I got my "watch some girl-on-girl" jollies and a better remainder of the VIP for a good bit less than if I had just taken them both to VIP for the whole time.
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    15 years ago
    Percentage doing "extras"?
    Just from what I've read on this board, I've gotta go with Otto. #1 issue is where you are. That's such an important factor that the percentages will vary wildly. (e.g. Superdude says that extras are becoming the norm in detroit; here in atl, extras are the exception)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    from ATF to ROB in 15 minutes
    Sigh. Interesting how everyone ignores the shot girls. Maybe I have a different idea of what a ROB is. So take off the "RO" part. I don't even mind being a "backup" as gk suggested. I regularly tell other dancers that are sitting with me that if they need to go work the room, to go for it. But dammit, if I'm gonna be a backup, tell me so. I thought (wrongly) that Sharon and I were past the game-playing sh*t. BTW, Dougster, the main reason I told this story was to give you something to jack off to. Was it good for you?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Build a list of the many strip club pitfalls customers fall for:
    (insert your favorite string of expletives here -- just be sure they last at least 5 minutes) I have to wonder how many ROBs wouldn't be ROBs if they hadn't encountered too many hideously cynical idiots with #6 as a life theme.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Back to my ATF
    Just to counter Dougster's little ray of sunshine.... The question becomes, is she your ATF *only* because you are hoping to "plant your flag"? My ATF is *not* actually the girl that I get the most mileage from. And if I'm specifically looking for mileage, I go elsewhere. I think you've probably maxed-out mileage-wise with this girl. So if she's only your ATF as an investment, then yeah, move on.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get sick from a SC visit?
    Damn, Steve, that's what I was thinking, too. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    How do you get free from a fave?
    I've got one semi-fave who's generally not possessive, but she was one night. When she got called to the stage, she specifically found another dancer (that she could trust) to sit with me. When growing up, we all probably fantasized about our babysitters, but it's pretty rare to be babysat by a stripper. ;-)