
Photos of your favorites...

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, February 27, 2010 12:03 AM
Do you have photos of your favorites? I have received via email from 4. 3 of them contain totally nude pics. One sent me 24 boner material. I promised not to share them and I haven't. A 5th said that she would match that but hasn't. I gotta bug her about that. She is a "9".


  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    any pics are from OTC and normal or not provacative
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have received some via cell phone. I have to upload them on my pc to enjoy though. The screen on cell phone is too small.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    A couple, but nothing to do with the club scene. Like at family get togethers.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    One dancer told me her Twitter ID and she has posted TwitPics. So I have some non-nudes of her, but they weren't exactly *given* to me directly.
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    One of my faves used to send me pics via texting (see my avatar.) I also took a picture of her sitting on the toilet when she came over once. One night she came over to the house and I took a couple more pics of her on the toilet. Then she wanted to take a bath so she stripped (imagine that) and I took a few shots of her posing (see the other Sister 1 pic in my profile.) When she got in the bath I sat and watched her enjoy a 45 minute one with me taking about 20 pictures. Sister 2 sent me a picture of her pierced hood. Then she took a bath one night and of course I took advantage of that (the picture of her in my profile was après bath. Neither of them has ever told me not to show anyone so I have shown them to friends.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I had one dancer give me her [view link] account info. She had about 2 dozen pics posted on there. After getting to see her in good lighting I changed my mind about how she looks to me. I no longer bother to buy LDs from her. The sending photos to customer technique can have its drawbacks for dancers. The club lighting can make a fugly look hot and glamorous.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I just emailed her."where are my photos?: I will probably not get an answer but at least she knows where my head is at. Steve whats the song? Too SEXY?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Oh yeah I forgot to mention, a dancer did ask me to send pic of myself to her via cell phone. However, I think it was because she wanted to get a better idea who I was and I doubt she was wanting the pic because she thought I was hot lol I declined sending her a pic... and we ended our communication. I never saw her working at the club again though so no awkward situation.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    'Cos I'm a model you know what I mean And I do my little turn on the catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah I shake my little touche on the catwalk I'm too sexy for my cat too sexy for my cat Poor pussy poor pussy (shadow)cat I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love Love's going to leave me "I'm Too Sexy" --Right Said Fred
  • Mr.White
    14 years ago
    I went to a car show last year and there where strippers there i [view link] i ask if i could get some pix. they agreed so i took about 240 pix of 5 different ladies.mostly posing with cars but i got them in a limo and clothes came off. got some real good open crotch shots in different cars too.that was alot of fun.i've seen some of them on myspace that i took. i gave all the girls copies of all the pix i took. they where very good to me after that too.I see three strippers OTC and take pix everytime. everything from them posing to full on porn i can't share none except from one girl.she's kinda fat. thats the stipulation for taking them..trust... its all about trust.I thought for sure they would ask for more money but they haven't.lucky me..I know there are strippers on [view link] and videos too all free.i took alot of them pix on there.took some girls to a bachalor party and took a bunch with a cell phone for one of the girls.what i don't understand is why they ask for pix of me just standing there next to them. i think i look funny.i had one girl take a pic with my head between her thighs with just my bald shiney head showing.that was a funny pic..it was on her myspace profile.if you think you can take pix just ask...they love the camera.i've only had one that said no so far.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    steve229, you really should delete your last post, the song is old and gay
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I keep an extensive photo archive of strippers and gals I have done. Currently I take these photos with digital camera, download to flash drive, and occasionally make photo sets via a site like Snapfish. My current ATF maintains a Facebook with many photos of her and her sexy frineds which has been an excellent source of even more photos. Many strippers I have met otc have no problem posing for pics especially if you give them a few bucks extra. I think they are flattered and its part of their stripper mentality to enjoy being photographed then fucked.
  • mitciv
    14 years ago
    How about a head shot of your '9' Shadow?
  • how
    14 years ago
    Sure, several of them send me pics, family photos, candids, nudes, etc. These are very social ladies...
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Ok, I am shocked. She did it. A cell phone pic. This is what 30 yo pussy looks like. Married(on the rocks?)No kids. The front is equally impressive. She is my number 2 favorite. I have done lunch with her and DATY. The only thing we haven't done is fuck. I am working on that (price).That is her natural hair. Like who is looking???
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    mitciv,There is a head shot of my NR1 favorite on my page. She quit dancing over 2 years ago except for me. I promised to not share the other 23 photos. Look for gridget. There are at least a dozen buddies thay know who this is. Quess for a while.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    that new profile pic is too distracting from the tuscl discussion text..bring back the cat! lol
  • mitciv
    14 years ago
    I've seen Gridget's head shot. While I wouldn't throw her out of bed, she doesn't look like a nine to me, though pics can be deceiving
  • how
    14 years ago
    I disagree with mitciv; Gridget's face is lovely. Given the way s/cat has spoken of her, I suspect she's a truly fine person whom anyone would be honored to know.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I emailed her back to tell her much I enjoyed the photo and that I wanted to take it to the next step.She replied "I will be at work thoose days, can't wait to see u there".I will have to split my time with her and Nr1. And the other favorites. shadowcat is up to the challenge.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    how,you have got it.Can you believe she is a paramedic now?
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    how, she is hurting. Her father is dying and the county has notified her that her job has been terminated because of her lengthly Works Comp stint. Now the docs are giving her 1 more month to heal. Then what? No job to go back to. With her unhealed hand she will not be able to get another paramedic job. Gotta be able to lift 75 lbs.Stripping again? She doesn't want that. Maybe a nurse. Her 2+ years as a paramedic would qualify her. PL that I am, I have offered her my home for free. I have a 3,000 sq ft 4 bedroom house.Just me and shadowcat and a hospital just 10 minutes away. She is 32 with a 13 yo daughter and 5 yo son and NO bf. She has thought about moving to Ga before her OJI. Better pay.She would solve a problem for me. My daughter worries about me living alone. She wants me to sell this big house and buy something a lot smaller, closer to her. I am resisting.I have lived here since 1987. Did I mention she is a fox and I love her like my own daughter? It would probably kill shadowcat. I would have no reason to visit a strip club. When you are 68, 32 looks mighty good. I will keep you posted.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Btw, anybody got a house cleaning service? I have heard $75/day. I already farm out the yard work. 3,000 sq ft is a bit much to keep up with. Cooking and doing laundry are not a problem but getting past the liquor store is. If she is sitting on my face, I couldn't drink. lol...
  • mitciv
    14 years ago
    Shadow, does she get child support from the father(s)? I wouldn't pay a cent to feed her kids until the deadbeats were milked
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    No child support. They are both total losers. Don't even know where the first is. The second 1 lives in a small home owned by his parents
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    shadowcat, if it really is a Worker's Comp case, then she might qualify for some level of disability, especially if there any degree of negligence on the part of her employer or someone else employed by them, or the doctors who've treated her. You might check with a lawyer about that. In addition, if they are terminating her *because* of a disability she aquired on the job (which would normally be a big no-no, but might be permissable in this case because of her who her employer is, i.e. a county government, and the type of job she has), then she might also qualify for some more permanent compensation or retirement package. If she's represented by a union, she should also contact them. A lawyer, if she can afford it, or a public advocate or union representative if she can't, is probably a good start, though.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    george, she has an attorney and a mal practice suit is possible.When I was working, I had to partially pay for short and long term disability.I don't know what her status was but I am sure her attorney is looking into all that. I am sure that he is also looking into child support. But you cannot get blood out of turnip. We all know the stories about loser BF's.Wish her luck!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Was thinking more of the county she works for than the bf. :) Again, though, in a case like this where somepne is permanently disabled, i.e. rendered incapable of doing the job for which they were hired, through no fault of their own, there are all sorts of avenues to try, especially if it's a government entity. Heck, they might be required to let her take *another*, comparable job that pays the same. Even if they aren't required to, they might give her preferential treatment were she to apply for another position. She'd at least maybe keep seniority, benefits and credit towards retirement that way. And definitely send my well wishes that way. She doesn't know me from Adam, of course, but she sounds like she deserves a break.
  • how
    14 years ago
    s/cat, free advice from me on this board is worth about what you paid, but here it is anyway: Gridget appears like a super-fine person, and your words about her for many moons make me believe she's a genuinely lovely person in all meaningful ways. Encourage her to move in. Give up the club, and share yourself with her. Understand that you are thus richly blessed, Sir.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    How.her dad is on Dialsis, has progressive Parninksons diseaes and skin cancer (forgot the name) Melenoma? invading his body He will not see 2001 I will do whatever I have to Do to help her. Dougsters some are worth saving.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    How, Typo I ment 2011.
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