
They're picking on my girl!

I'm totally smitten with this new dancer. Before there were 3-4 girls at the club I usually got dances from, but now I've lost interest in them. Said girls are not pleased, and have been taking it out on the new girl. The other night after we did some dances she wanted to go to the dressing room and change into a different outfit for me. She came back a few minutes later, still in her same outfit, and said someone had “accidentally” spilled a coke on her clothes. She's new to the club, but not new to dancing, so she tells me not to worry about it, she can take care of herself. Every run into this?


  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Yeah, I've run into it before, and it's so damn stupid. Any threat to a dancers monetary income is often handled very immaturely. The junior high school mentality of some of these women is ridiculous. Spilling drinks, spreading rumors/lies to the customers,even outright violence sometimes. So sad.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I once heard from a dancer that sometimes dancers who have been working in a club for a while will do mean things to new dancers who make more money. One thing one dancer pointed out to other dancers was that the customers they talk about losing are not boyfriends or husbands. They can leave and not come back.

    I once heard about one dancer reporting on another dancer and getting her fired. Apparently she did not want the competition. I was thinking too bad, the new dancer might have drawn a lot more customers into the club.
    15 years ago
    Sorry to read that. But it's a cash-intensive business and I'm sure dancers are enormously sensitive to any altertaion to their cash-flow, particularly if they have certain expectations which may be on the line.

    Then again, she's lucky they didn't steal her stuff and leave a haul from the thrift store in it's place.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have seen this at PP. It is usually a new girl that starts it. They get their asses beaten and are not seen again. Am I special? I can have 4 dancers sitting with me and my buddies. No jealousy. I some times have to give them numbers. You are after XXX, etc. Of course when gridget joins me(no longer a dancer)they do get shut out. She encourges me to do others but I only have eyes for her. We do, do 3 somes.
  • LeeH
    15 years ago
    Just gotta get smitten with one that can dish it out even better than she gets it. ;-) My ATF is feisty and could kick any other dancer's ass. Came in handy when the club's main ROB got pissed when I quit spending money on her and started pouring it on my ATF.

    Flipside: One of my other faves gets along famously with just about all the other dancers. So much so that she'll pimp (not literally) for them a bit. "Can so-and-so and I give you a dance together?" OK, twist my arm -- two women (one of whom is a fave) dancing for me at once. Life's a bitch. ;-)
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I know at my ATF's club, the girl who I consider my #2 girl there is someone a number of the dancers are hostile towards. It just seems so immature that that happens, but something like that always seems to happen at nearly every club I go to regularly. The one major weakness of my favorite club is that the dancers there get all cliquish, and I've been told not to get dances again from certain dancers there. The good news is that my favorite dancer there (at the moment) gets along with everyone.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    When the gravy gets thin, the knives get long.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    yep. it's called stripper sh*t.
  • sinclair
    15 years ago
    Jealously over who's making the money.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I know one example where a dancer got fired because condoms were found in her locker. She claims it was planted there by another dancer.

    They have the high school drama mentality because most of them probably never went to college, and if they do claim they go to college it is probably just taking one or two remedial classes at a community college.
    15 years ago
    SD, nicely said!
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Good stories. One night I asked my new girl if she needed anything (meaning a drink, water, etc.) She joked about needing a taser to use on the other girls (at least I think she was joking).
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    One night at Bogarts three dancers beat up a new dancer in the dressing room, while several others blocked the door to keep the bouncers/managers out.

    Harsh as it is, it is the law of the jungle. There is a certain culture in every club, and new dancers sometimes either don't know it or choose to flaunt it. Often, for example, a dancer is not supposed to approach a customer when another dancer is already sitting with him. This can get dicey when the sitting dancer gets up to go to the dressing room, or has to go up on stage. I have seen dancers yelling and even throwing things at their supposed regular as another dancer leads them to the VIP while they're up on stage. On the other hand, a dancer can join a customer/dancer duo if the customer is the dancer's "regular" and the assumption is that the sitting dancer will be asked to move on. Of course, these are just the polite subtleties! I've had dancers tell me to watch out for so-and-so, she is a back-passage whore who sucks cock after doing anal, etc. When word of that gets around tempers are likely to flare.
    15 years ago
    Spy, and to think the awning above the bar says "The friendliest place in town!"

    I'd believe that about the Saturday night crew--several of the 'talent' could work as bouncers. Weekday day shift was my favorite though--lots of sweet young things!
  • how
    15 years ago
    Many dancers have the attitude towards their co-workers: "You must fail so that I may succeed." I don't go for that nonsense.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Every run into this?"

    Oh yea. Girls can be very caddy at times, and dancers are no different. I've heard of girls peeing in a rival's mouthwash, putting her clothes in the trash, and even taking a shit in her purse! That's, of course, in addition to bad mouthing her to just about anyone in the club that'll listen..."She's a whore" or "I heard that she had HIV", etc., etc.

    "So much so that she'll pimp (not literally) for them a bit. 'Can so-and-so and I give you a dance together?'"

    That's usually ROB behavior from what I've seen.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I have only heard of fights in a SC between dancers and not customers. I am sure customer fights happen but not as often. They are there to have a good time...the dancers are there to make money and pay bills.
  • Mr.White
    15 years ago
    i was sitting at the tip rail with a new girl and a girl i usally got couch time with was onstage. the stage dancer leans way down to the new girl and says.if you get a dance with him i'll fukn slash your tires bitch.i heard her say it but wasn't sure so i looked at the new girl kinda funny and said did she just say that.the new girl said she did.this was after days of torment.so i go talk to the manager about it and he shrugs his shoulders.like so what.then i asked him if Billy the owner was there.oh i got his attention then.he said no,real rude.i get Billy on the phone and tell him to come down to his club.he gets there and fires both of them on the spot.turns out she was on heroen and what ever else.they where waiting for me when i left.the cops where called.this stripper was still yelling at me in front of the cops.it was funny but i am glad she didn't have a gun.had some real good times with the new girl after that.
  • jabthehut
    15 years ago
    I switched faves in a club and the first one started giving the new one a hard time. I told the new one to watch what happens and I went and spent some time and money on the first and they became pretty good friends after that. The new one left the club a little later on and I switched back to the first one and all was well. It is, after all, All About the Money!
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    In the style of another poster on these boards...

    Her: I've warned the other girls that you're mine.
    Me: Am I the only guy you fuck for money?
    Her: Huh? No...
    Me: Then what makes you think you're the only girl I should be able to pay to fuck? You go tell anyone you "warned" that I'm fair game. If I ever get any hint again that you're warning other girls away from me, you'll never see another dime out of me.
    Her: But...I though you liked me!
    Me: I do, but that doesn't mean I like *only* you. If my wife can deal with me having sex with other women, then so can you...

  • TomGp
    15 years ago
    My ATF was popular with most of the staff at the club. Apart from being smoking hot it was her personality that made her my ATF - cliche but for me true.
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