
Comments by LeeH (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "You can pay me later"
    Since we've wandered off the original topic a bit, sometimes DJs can be bribed to skip a dancer in the rotation and/or call someone else to take her place. Sometimes you have to insinuate that you're about to go to VIP; sometimes they're just glad to pocket the money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Low Mileage Favorites?
    Yeah, there are a couple like that. Usually it's because they're sweet or otherwise have a good personality -- in short, because they're fun to hang with. The way I see it, they're at their job, so just hanging with me (as wonderful as I may be) isn't reward enough. And giving them money just for hanging with me seems a bit weird. So if I'm gonna give them money, *and* I get to see a naked woman, seems like a win-win to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "You can pay me later"
    Haven't ever had it with someone I just met. But I've even had VIPs where the dancer forgot to collect. One was because her short-term memory and alcohol don't get along at all. The other dancer was because we had both become a bit, er um, distracted.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Asking about "extras"
    If we don't hear from atesta for a few days, we'll know it didn't work. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper Compliments
    As to the larger point, yeah, I've gotten many that got points for creativity/originality. And some, I don't think are really SS. Maybe a bit mercenary, but with at least some sincerity to them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper Compliments
    steve: "I often get complimented for having soft hands. One dancer said it showed I take care of myself (actually it just shows my total aversion to doing any kind of manual labor)." Me too, on all counts. I actually jokingly admittedly the reason to one dancer. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tan Lines...
    I'm with the guys that like them. What, I get to see something even the sun doesn't get to see? ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Love em or hate them?
    "Love" is probably a strong word, but given the choices, I'll go with it. Unless it's a new club, I very rarely go to a club anymore unless I *know* that one of the dancers that I know is going to be there. I'm not at SC's looking for love, but if I have some kind of friendship with a dancer, the other dancers at that club usually bore the shit out of me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Old dancers
    Personally, I get bored FAST with cookie-cutter looks. Older dancers, though, can't be cookie-cutter. In one club where most of the dancers are clones, my two faves (the exception to the rule) are both in their 40s. Admittedly, I am, too. But I think I would've appreciated them even when I was young.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Alone. Personally, I can't imagine going with someone else. What if I'm having a great time, and he's bored out of his skull? Or worse, vice versa? If I get bored (and it's early enough in the evening and the cash flow), I move on to another club. I'm sure not gonna sit around watching ESPN on a fuzzy screen while he's in a VIP room. You can only take friendship so far.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    There *are* exceptions. When I used to haunt this one club a lot, one of my faves recognized that I liked variety (at least back then) and the club routinely had 20 or more dancers, so there were a lot of wares to sample. My fave became a sort of scout/adviser for me. Admittedly, sometimes it was a bit mercenary of her. If she knew I was in the mood for a threesome VIP (of which she would be one of the two girls), she'd sometimes ask me if she could pick the other girl, if I didn't have someone in mind already. Usually, it was someone she was curious about ("ooo, I haven't tasted *her* yet"). ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    Yeah, I'm not dumping on *all* specificity -- I know what Electronman is talking about. But when a review for the Happytime Titty Bar says, "Jane Doe and I went back to VIP and she gave me a HJ and I spewed 5.2 ounces", that's too much, IMHO.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    casualguy: "That is if they have money in their budgets right now. Teachers are getting furloughed, I have yet to hear about other government personnel getting let go." LE around here usually makes the federal gov't look frugal in comparison. A couple years ago, they busted a handful of guys after a 9-month investigation for conducting a weekly Texas Hold 'Em night at this one guy's house. Nine freaking months to bust some friends who probably had all zero'd out in what they had won/lost to each other anyway. So the fact that teachers are getting furloughed doesn't really mean anything. Screw the students; we gotta bust those poker players.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    steve229, whenever that song runs thru my head, for some reason, "Helen Keller" gets replaced with "Hokey Pokey". ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    Was at a club recently and there was this row of 5 guys together about 10 feet from the stage, all facing the stage, staring the whole time, and looking about as happy as Al Sharpton at a Klan rally. (And of course, not tipping -- hell, not even moving.) I went over to tip the dancer. We exchanged pleasantries and when I asked how she was, she said, "OK, just watching the show" and pointed to those guys.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    Dudester: "Strippers don't tell each other about their customers ..." I'm assuming you mean as far as mileage and stuff like that goes. If the dancer isn't a ROB or overly territorial, she'll sometimes tell her closer friends *some* stuff about me. Like I said, not mileage, but things that I wouldn't expect a territorial dancer to share.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2nd visit total opposite of 1st?
    minnow, yeah, I hear ya. I probably wouldn't have given either club a second sniff after a bad first experience. But both had very good reviews (for Atlanta clubs) here, so I tried once more. My wallet no longer will talk to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta Strip Clubs--- Lapdances Legal ?
    Some of it *might* depend on how you define "Atlanta" -- at least, that's my theory. Almost all the clubs in metro Atlanta have Atlanta addresses, but many are not in the city limits. And even then, Atlanta spans two counties. So there may be different levels of laws for "Atlanta" clubs. Not being LE or a lawyer, I can't speak to legality. But I can speak from experience. Each of the following clubs have Atlanta addresses and I've gotten "table dances" (out on the floor, not in VIP) from 6-15 dancers and observed other dancers in addition: Club 1: 75% of the dancers are "Atlanta Air" (with no contact below your chest) -- I only go here anymore to chill and/or for cheap eye candy Club 2: 20% of the dancers are "Atlanta Air" Club 3: 5% of the dancers are "Atlanta Air" Club 4: They apparently didn't get the memo -- serious grindage from every dancer sampled, some nipples across lips and brief package grabs, etc I've only had table dances from 3 dancers at the Pony (so it's not among the clubs above). Two of the three were *not* Atlanta Air, but were a good bit tamer than Club 4. The two that were better *were* in more secluded areas, where mgmt couldn't see and bitch about it. If I had to guess, based on that experience and a bouncer/VIP host who's obviously got a stick up his ass, the Pony club official policy is probably that no one should have any fun and it gets strictly enforced whenever they see it. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I'll note one other thing about the Pony. The night of the two good dances and the VIP instance, I was hanging with two girls who were close friends (but I only took one to VIP). Even having tipped the bouncer/VIP host, he walked by the door-less room and said "Easy on the hands, guys" when the naughtiest thing going on (at least that he saw) was my left hand on the side of her right breast. The dancer apologized to me, and was a bit perturbed, but also said that "at least he was nice about it". As opposed to throwing me out of the club? Afterwards, she related the incident to her friend, who rolled her eyes. She then told me that I ought to take them both back at the same time some time, as one can always be a lookout that way. Like I said, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I don't know if the club is actually running this little game. It might just be that the two of them recognize that they're dancing in a club run by tight-assed librarians, and threesomes are their best way to work around it. As it is, everybody gets screwed (financially) as I'll never do a two-some VIP there again, and I'll only be doing half as many (if even that much) threesome VIPs -- for which the club gets no more money anyway.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2nd visit total opposite of 1st?
    SuperDude raises a good point! ;-) OTOH, the 2nd club, the problem with the first visit was that all the women looked the same. Granted, they were all 8s and 9s, but the overall effect of the sameness made it into a 5 or 6. Then the second time was like a variety smorgasbord (and, again, both trips were late at night, in the middle of the week).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2nd visit total opposite of 1st?
    I hear ya, samsung. I haven't had quite the disparity of experience that I referenced, but it's clear that some clubs are different depending on the time and week/end. But in both clubs that I'm talking about, both times were in the middle of the week and after midnight. That's what struck me as truly strange (in a good, albeit expensive, way).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Patron Shot in Groin Multiple Times
    Kevlar cup?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    gatorfan, I may just do that (just ask her). BTW, my reply before was a bit short. Sorry about that -- unintended for sure.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    losing ATF status? part II
    Dude, I am officially honored to have spawned a sequel. ;-) To answer your question, not yet for me. Though it did almost happen once, with a very clear reason. Mgmt screwed one of my faves and I was so pissed at the club, that I didn't want to give them another dime of my $$$. But I'm kinda addicted to her. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    gator, read a bit more slowly. References to it, not attendance. I'm dumb, but not that dumb. samsung, apparently arbeeguy thinks you're non-existent.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    Oh, I know she does the job for the money. Just that my experience with her says that this OTC-not-"OTC" stuff is not a money ploy.