
Comments by LeeH (page 16)

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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    finding a new club
    Pretty rare for me that I have a favorite *club* -- moreso favorite *dancers* and I go to their clubs. The one time I had a favorite club was Tiffany's -- very laid back, awesome mileage, lots of fun, great eye candy (incl the occasional 69 simulation right on stage). Then the crackhead that runs the place turned it from female to male. He eventually turned it back, but none of the stuff that made Tiffany's great came back with it.
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    13 years ago
    Who here goes for dances vs. for 'extras' or to attain OTC
    I think you over-simplify, first by saying "only goes" and second with your "I would imagine". I go wanting dances, but not necessarily *expecting* more. But that doesn't mean that I don't *want* more. And what "more" (that I want) is will also depend on the girl. Unless I'm uncontrollably horny, I can have availability and funds, but not want to pull the trigger for a number of reasons. Sometimes, though, the little head *does* do all the thinking.
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    13 years ago
    Most consecutive dances/ or in a single visit, share yours!
    I really don't know, though I'm sure it wasn't as many as some of you. But it's been my experience that it's a much greater sign of a successful string when both you and the dancer lose count.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    do i have a chance? / any ideas?
    harrydave, going pretty well on the compliment part. She has on multiple occasions come over to me, thinking I wanted her attention, and I've (mock-sheepishly) admitted that I was just staring at her. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    do i have a chance? / any ideas?
    stripclubspy, a link you might find helpful: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sarcasm
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    do i have a chance? / any ideas?
    No, I wanted her to do this out of the goodness of her heart, or maybe even pay me. I.E. the $$$$ part, I know. Was hoping for a little more. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Man accused of fondling dancer at strip club
    Note that the URL for the Peoria Journal Star is pjstar.com What if (instead of Peoria) the paper was based 3 miles away in Bellevue?
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    13 years ago
    Dancer's ATF
    gmd, once I had done VIP with either of them, they knew that (at least, metaphorically) I had shot my wad with them, and that LDs with them would be anti-climactic. Plus, if it was early enough to pick up another customer for VIP or a number of LDs, I would encourage them to go for it. So part of it may have been in return for my being a nice guy and cutting them loose. And as for S, specifically, I think she's not really a spotlight hog. She retired as a stripper at the ripe old age of 23 and has a more "normal" job that's fairly behind-the-scenes for her, but pushing others into the spotlight.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Clingy dancers
    Well, Clubber, add a "to me" to the end of your original statement and I'm with ya 110%. ;-) But OMG, I have more distaste for that chick than all the ROBs combined that I've ever encountered.
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    13 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Clingy dancers
    Clubber: NOW, if a hot Asian happened to be like that, she couldn't be a pest! :) BZZZZZZZZ - wrong - thanks for playing. Wrote this a couple years ago about my first visit (and almost last) to a club. The dancer is question was a very hot Asian: So I'm there for about 30 seconds and a dancer plops down on my lap with the usual SS banter. Offers me a shot, dance, and massage for one price. I said nicely that I wasn't interested yet, as I had just gotten there. She kept pressuring me to the point where I was weighing the pleasure of throwing her off me vs the pain of the bouncer's revenge. Finally she says, "You look bored." I replied, "Maybe I look bored because I've already said 'no' 4 times and you're still asking."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Clingy dancers
    Unless I'm interested in a dancer, if one approaches me in the first 30 minutes at a SC, I turn her down saying that I just got there and want to chill for a bit. After 30 minutes, I'll change that to "not right now". Either way, unless there's no way in hell that I'd ever be interested, I'll ask her name. That (a) gives the message that I'm not a complete jerk and (b) gives her the impression of a "maybe later" without me saying it. If a dancer has plopped herself down uninvited, or if you invited her and then changed your mind, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. If you're gone more than 3 minutes, you can bet the farm she won't be there when you get back. On the off-chance that she is, just sit somewhere else.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer's ATF
    It varies by dancer and your "relationship" with her. My last 2 faves (in 2 different clubs) knew that they were getting a hefty chunk of change from me, and so they'd spread a little wealth. For instance, after a VIP with S, if I was gonna stick around and hang with her some more after she took a break and/or made the rounds, she *insisted* that I get LDs in the meantime. Or after a VIP with T, she'd pick a friend or two that she knew was having a financially bad night and ask if I'd buy a dance or two from them.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Feature Entertainer Dances?
    I've beat this dead horse into the ground with a stick, but I'll say it again. Most featured "dancers" couldn't dance their way out of a wet paper bag. Apparently, club owners think there's a lot of money to be made from college kids who jizz themselves when they see a porn star up close.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    "Then I realized that perhaps dancers don't teach each other as much as we think." Can't imagine why a dancer wouldn't want to teach something to a newbie so that the newbie could steal her business.
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    13 years ago
    Federal agents raid medical marijuana facility in Walled Lake
    Damn, samsung! Come in here for the first time in a while and the first 3 discussion posts are a raid, manslaughter, and robbery. Any *good* news?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Had a fave for a while who loosened up a bit around me and just enjoyed herself. She knew that I enjoyed her enjoyment, so she was always insistent that she prove to me that she got turned on. Apparently, she didn't think her cum stains on my pants was enough proof -- had to feel for myself.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tan Lines
    I love 'em. Tan lines mean that I get to see something that even the sun doesn't get to see. So the reason I don't see them in SCs is b/c of you bastard sophistication police? ;-)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls that say '......in the vip'
    My experience: The more the dancer talks about VIP, the less it's worth it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyone else wear a cock ring to a strip club?
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    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    OK, no one else asked it, so I will. WTF was she doing wearing panties? :-) To be noted, pussy juice stains don't really show up on black pants in SC lighting. But get in some regular lighting, and OMG!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do your favorites from different clubs look alike?
    Mine are all women under 7'0" tall. Beyond that, no.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Club banned my fav
    The dumbass that owned Tiffany's (here in Atlanta) banned all female dancers by turning it into a male-dancer club. I followed my 2 faves from Tiffany's to another club. Said dumbass owns another male-dancer club 1/4 mile away. Tiffany's went back to female dancers after 3 months, which was probably 89 days after it became evident that this was a bad business move.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Making it rain. A black thing?
    The only time I ever made it rain was on a fave to piss off another dancer who (a) hated my fave and (b) was having a bad night monetarily. Just had to rub it in (but only after I asked the fave if white guys were allowed to make it rain ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Main Stage Atlanta - the ultimate shill club.
    Haven't been in a long time, but the last few times I went, it was so dead that they were embarrassed to charge me cover. Apparently, someone there recently realized that a lack of money is a bad thing.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Songs of choice
    gmd, that is my standard line if a stage dance or LD is particularly good. Very rarely fails to get a laugh and a 'thank you' from the dancer.