
Making it rain. A black thing?

Atlanta suburb
Friday, February 25, 2011 5:58 PM
I am not a racist but I don't fucking get it. Most of us have seen and/or heard stories about guys making it rain on dancers. Icluding some high profile celibrities. In my experience it has been 99% black customers. When I go up to tip on stage, I expect to place the tip in a garter or maybe between her tits. I do so to check out her goods and/or let her know that I am interested. A couple of weeks ago, I visited a black club. The dancers did not even wear garters. All of their tips came from customers making it rain. Most of them were real porkers that I had absoutely no interest in . Even the waitress's were doing it. The guys really didn't show much interest in checking out the dancers and damn few of them even stopped by the customers table when they got off stage. Last Tuesday night at my favorite club (listed on TUSCL as white)I saw 2 black dancers get on a satelite stage together. There was a black couple sitting right next to that stage. The female customer got up and showered them. I mean the whold stage floor was covered in bills. So what's the story? Do they do it to impress the dancers or to impress the other customers? Is it just the brotha's taking care of the sista's? It has never interfered with me getting a table or lap dance from a black chick but I am curious.


  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Shadow - I see the same thing with increasing frequency lately, and it's always black guys - usually quasi-gangsta types. A couple observations to build on what you wrote: 1) Half the guys making it rain don't even look like they enjoy it. One guy at Follies recently, who was sitting with his back toward the stage, just flipped the dollars over his head without even looking around. 2) The bills make mess, always flying around on the floor and on tables, which usually entails one of the bouncers having to come by to help scoop them up. Clearly, the girls make more money in one fell swoop this way. And maybe the guys feel like a Big Sugar Daddy for a moment under the spotlights. But I always sense an undertone of dominance and aggression with it. The guys throw the money around, or slap the girls' butts, breasts, and pussies with it, in what seems to me to suggest more of something like ownership than appreciation. The first couple times I saw it, I felt a little sheepish going up with my one or two dollar tip to stuff in her garter. I got over it though as the girls still acted appreciative. I have no plans to mimic these rain-making guys.
  • Slin
    13 years ago
    I've only seen this phenomenon once and yes, it was by a black dude who was showering a black girl on stage with a wad of singles. This was at a upscale club and it wasn't by some gangsta wannabee - rather it was from a dude dressed up in a suit sitting at one of the VIP tables (you have to buy at least 2 bottles which adds up to a couple of hundred dollars in order to sit there). I got a dance from another dancer was on the stage with the black girl who got rained on and she was complaining about how she was getting a shitload of money for doing nothing while she was busting her ass on stage.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I've seen it before, too, and it had the black overtones to it. Could be the music videos they see it in and where it is expected, could be the "treat 'em like ho's" mentality. I have even seen the white or Latino version, and it definitely has the same vibe, an aggressive, fuck-you pose, with no real interaction between the guy and girl. I saw a guy one time with reflective sunglasses (at night in a dark club, WTF?) who didn't crack a smile all night, even when he had a girl sitting in his lap. Just wore a sneer. I do think that it is a kind of stupid Alpha dog type of thing, more of a show for his guy competitors than for the girls. I think most guys are not impressed, probably see the guy as a douchebag, and the girls are only too happy to gather up the money. One of these times they ought to just send in the cleaning crew right then and there and vacuum up the dollars and Mr. Big Shot can literally see how he has pissed his money away.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    A Black man will now attempt an honest answer, which I hope open minded individuals can at least accept as observations from 65 years of life's long journey, including being the only Black guy in my college class in the 1960s: 1. Some brothers still need to show off despite the changes that have taken place. Once upon a time, job promotions, executive positions, upscale neighborhoods, private schools, political power and professional sports were closed to us. We all know the changes that have taken place from Jackie Robinson to Barack Obama. There is however an attitude among some, especially the young, that living in the style and manner of Ozzie and Harriet is strictly a "White" thing, not a Black Thang. Whites were (maybe still are) befuddled when Blacks would by expensive luxury cars, but live in dumpy neighborhoods. The brother says to himself, I am not a marginal person and I may not be able to show it by my street address or my kids private school, but I can outdrive, outdress and outstyle any and all lame White guys. 2. Look at the NFL. When brothers started showboating in the end zone after a touchdown, "excessive celebration" became an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Here we are now dominant in a game that used to exclude us--even at quarterback despite Rush Limbaugh's comments. 3. Black women publicly whine and complain about Black men being "broke ass." Among young Black men the hero is Tony Montana,(Al Pacino) in "Scarface," who told his buddy that the first step was power, the second, money, and the third, "all the women you want." Showering women with money, gifts and shopping trips is a demonstration of success and power. Tragically, a lot of young Black women do not ask nor care to know where all this cash comes from. 4. Making it rain in a club is one minor expression of a Black man's success and power. I've got it and I can flaunt it. Also, it shows whiny Black dancers that he's not cheap and, in fact, has money to through around. A real attention getter. On a larger scale it is a rejection of what is perceived as the formal, placid and dispassionate exterior worn by White men. That ain't us. 5. It's a hangover from the insecurities that live within us from the days when racial segregation was the standard, custom and law of the land. Yes, all of us, Black and White still have a lot of growing up to do.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Error in prior post: Tony Montana's ascending order may have been money, power and women. Regret in prior post: Too short an amature analysis of a complicated topic.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Wow, SuperDude, well done. I think our culture's sorry past re: inter-ethnic relations has left some terrible, and probably predictable, social scars. I appreciate your well-considered and insightful analysis.
  • how
    13 years ago
    Race should not have the importance it seems to have for so many. People are people. I have not observed the "rain" thing enough to characterize it in any way other than simply not my style. SD, you mentioned quarterbacks in the NFL "despite Rush Limbaugh's comments." You might be interested to know that his comments were about the media. He noted that we all want to see successful black quarterbacks in the NFL, and that the media took that to the point of over-hyping one in particular (McNabb). The media is a regular target for Limbaugh, who sees through their templates to their often ridiculous actions.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    ...buy, not by.. ...money to throw around... I really am getting old.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    We could do a whole thing on why young Black men want to drive around with 14inch woofers blasting music for two blocks. To get attention, especially from women. Sorry, brotha but you rolled up under my apartment window at 3am and I am calling the cops on yo' Black ass.
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    If I have some money to waste, I want to do the same thing to my ATF. I remember I read a post here saying that one dancer said that was her fantasy to have some costumer to give her the money rain. Another I read here mentioned that there was one time a customer rain 9k in dollar bills on one dancer. So if I have some money to waste, I would more than happy to give my ATF such fantasy. Yes, I would enjoy the attention from other customer on me, and would also enjoy other dancers' envy on my ATF.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    SuperDude, I have to agree with what Rod said. Much of what you stated I had assumed to be the case but I wanted to hear it from a black man. Thanks.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I have seen it done at white clubs with white customers (kahoots) but it is not nearly as often as I see it at Club X (mixed club in a black neighborhood). It helps create a party atmosphere. I have read on stripperweb that some girls will give a wad of $1s to their guy friend and have them make it rain so they look better to the other customers. Me personally, I avoid a girl after it has "rained" on her because I know she has been spoiled for the night.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    Wherever it started it's now a rap video cliche, chicken and egg thing.
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    From what samsung said, we can see a function here: if you do that to your ATF, at least that night, you somehow turn off other customers of your ATF, thus you may dominate her night.
  • HottieHeidi
    13 years ago
    The truth of the matter from a dancer--- I'm a super tall, curvy, Cali blonde and I've worked in clubs all over Orange County and Vegas. Over the 6 years i've been dancing I've seen it "rain" and "been rained on" hundreds of times. In fact, a "white" club I used to work in (Captain Creams) had a machine on the side of the stage that would light up and spit ones onto the stage when a customer put in a $20 or $100. I believe that it's not a race thing (I've been rained on by black, white, asain, even women) it's more of an EGO thing. The most I've ever received on stage was $1,000 from a white business type guy. Prior to the shower, I sat with him for awhile, had some champange, and stroked his ego (yes, i really mean ego not penis). I think most guys who give big tips like that on stage just do it for the attention they get. They want to have the largest cock in the room and make customers and dancers jealous. I've also found that these type of tippers are usually the most obnoxious and rarely get dances. As whiny as this sounds, I personally don't like getting tipped large (over $100) on stage. Reason being: 1. it wastes a lot of time cleaning up and counting 2. it makes everyone aware of how much you're making 3. other dancers get jealous and talk shit or try to steal a few 4. everyone wants a piece at the end of the night. If you want a dancer's attention here's the way to do it. When she is on stage walk up to the rail, smile, put a $20 or better yet $100 in her garter (or wherever), and say something like, "I think you're great, I"m sitting over there, please stop by after you get off stage". Then walk away. That's it. No ego. She will probably be happy to sit down for a drink with you and chat for a bit.
    13 years ago
    " I'm a super tall, curvy, Cali blonde " Um, can we see some evidence???
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Actually, I've only seen it about two times. The first was back in the 90's by some NBA player in SLC. The last was about a month ago by some hispanic type in Miami. Never seen the point, other than to show off. Locally, better to wait for their tip walk and just keep finding places to put them as she stands there.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I remember once a group of young black guys were in kahoots and threw up some money to make it "rain". Not anything impressive but instead of being thankful the dancer got pissed and walked off stage. The bouncer comes over and says to them "how would you like to have to pick up your paycheck off the ground - be respectful to these ladies or leave". What a bunch of racists.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    One thing that pissed me off recently was at Doll House in Columbus the DJ rambled on to me when I was the only person going up to stage tipping and he said "please tip these ladies more than just a a $1 you can't even buy a pack of gum for a dollar any more". What an asshole.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    sinclair that is an old song...here is the new make it rain anthem : Travis Porter Make It Rain [view link]
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    What is even worse (for all races) is the loonie toss in Alberta SCs in Canada. Dancers gyrate giving generous gynecological displays as customers toss the one dollar coins (loonies) at the dancers' crotches. In Alberta dancers are forbidden to accept tips in person on stage from customers - stevies are absolutely forbidden. A customer cannot even hand a tip to a dancer on stage. There is also a mandated physical separation between perverts' row and the stage. For all the discomfort of being the object of tossed coins and the misery of picking up all these ridiculous loonies from the stage floor dancers love this form of tipping. Dancers have told me that the money to be made in Alberta SCs from this form of tipping can be spectacular. As for me, I detest this form of tipping. I follow HottieHeidi's preferred way of being tipped. After the loonie toss I go up to the stage and lay a bill on the stage floor and politely thank the dancer for her performance. And, as HottieHeidi suggests, I receive much better attention from the dancers than the honyons tossing coins on to the stage.
  • bigdude012
    13 years ago
    the only time i tip a dancer on stage is when I want a LD. normally I put a 5 or ten in the garter and tell her to come find me after her set.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    I thought it was pretty common. I was surprised a few posters said they haven't seen it much. I guess you would say my favorite club would be considered mostly a "white club" but in the last hour or two of the late night, groups of young, gangsta wannabe black kids do show up. They do the rain thing, but the funny thing is, even the dancers know it's all for show. They never get dances or spend any real money. The smart dancers know who's spending hundreds, even thousands, of dollars in the VIP, and it ain't the rainmakers.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    American Indians are into making it rain
  • StripClubXpert
    13 years ago
    The only time I heard of this was at a white (predominantly russian) club in Queens, NY. I didn't see anyone do it but a dancer was talking with me & my friends & she told me that the girls would love me if I gave them a "money shower". I didn't even know what that was but after she explained, I told her that I preferred to give them to the girl 1 by 1. She frowned. I really didn't give a sh*t. I give dollars for the same reason. If they are that gorgeous I would give them more for a lap dance. I don't see the point in a money shower.. ever.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Man in front of me at the bank teller window asks for $300.00 in $2 dollar bills. Male teller wants to know if the cost of making it rain has been hit by inflation.
  • bubbaloo
    13 years ago
    In my opinion throwing anything at another person is disrespectful. I usually tip a dancer so that no one else in the room knows the amount. I don't see how it is anyone else's concern. If i like a dancer I tip well enough that she will know it. What's the point of showing off. I go to clubs for my enjoyment. Not to impress anyone else.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    The only time I ever made it rain was on a fave to piss off another dancer who (a) hated my fave and (b) was having a bad night monetarily. Just had to rub it in (but only after I asked the fave if white guys were allowed to make it rain ;-)
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    I've heard someone say they have a "make it rain machine" at their local club where you put in a $20 and 19 ones fall on the stage?? LOL What is the point of that?
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    The whole thing just seems disrespectful to me.
  • Cheo_D
    13 years ago
    @realist123: That's what you call good ol' American invention at work. Saves you the inconvenience of tossing a bunch of ones at a mere 5% commission rate for the management.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Gotta marry her ... make it rain on the bed ... and then put that shit back in your pocket!
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    potheadpl and bubbaloo: I totally agree with you. Early on in the movie "The Godfather", during the wedding scene, Sonny breaks a reporter’s camera and then throws bills on the ground in a contemptuous gesture suggesting that money is trash. No attempt is made to count the money, so I can assume that Sonny has thrown much more money on the ground than the camera was actually worth -- to count the money would be beneath him. This scene reminds me of the guys who wanna "make it rain" -- a practice that I find disgusting and degrading to the dancers.
  • rell
    13 years ago
    as a young black man that has actually made it rain before maybe i have a better insight making it rain is less about the dancer and more about the person thats making it rain.. it lets everybody in the club know you have big $ (which actually isnt the case) @motorhead in most clubs were this is done its the norm and no dancer isnt going to feel disrepected with about 100-however much money flying in their direction in my younger days with a shitload of disposable cash and more into a lifestyle ive made it rain quite a few times. alot of guys do it to make a statement i made it rain on a dancer.. it was maybe 50 bucks worth of ones and some dude walk right next to me and made it rain with like 100+ dollars and then did a pose like he was a bad ass lol but all in all its a thing of "look at me i got lots of money" as ive gotten older and bought houses and become more responsible with my money and grown up in the way i go to the strip club and to get a dancers attention you dont need to throw a bunch of ones at her
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    If you're going to make it rain, at least have the stamina to keep doing it. A number of times I've seen some guys throw out the bills individually, but about half way thru the stack, they get tired or bored, and then just leave the rest of the stack on the stage. If you're gonna make it rain, do it right. LOL!
  • rell
    13 years ago
    lol true those that get tired that means they havent done it much .. if they are bored that means the dancer isnt really that entertaining and they are just doing it to get attention i refuse to throw that kind of money to a dancer thats not even enertaining
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