
Comments by stenton1 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Tines They Are A Changin'
    Then, the girls that don't want to do OTC complain to me about their lack of money, so then I hit the ejection seat. These whores need to stop spending their money like drunken sailors and save just a bit. Otherwise, they'll all turn into whores, and the next stop is escorting or the graveyard. Very slippery slope, but I'm not at the clubs to care about that. I see it happening more and more every time I go.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Have you ever fallen in love with a stripper?
    The scary part is, how many other cocks does she have pushing up inside her pussy, at the same time as you? The scary part about strippers is that they think like men. We can hit it and quit it, and so can they. Let's face it, we're in the game together. The question is who can game who first, and then win the ass before they try to reel you in.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Have you ever fallen in love with a stripper?
    Yes, I'm trying to keep my wall up with her now, so I will see if she will start to see me OTC exclusively without having to come into the club and pay too much money. It's a risk I'm willing to take to possibly lose her, but I'm going to stay strong. I know these girls have a dollar tag attached to everything they do, but if it's real, and I kinda doubt it, I'm willing to let it go. I can see from all of these comments that the green rules the day. It's just inevitable that you will end up meeting a babe who has you thinking you're in love, but it seems that 95 percent of us wll see otherwise. Gotta do like juice and just hit it and keep it moving!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    On average, how many times do you club per month?
    I've been going 2 to 3 times a month. My ATF tried to go alpha female on me, and then getting furious when I couldn't take off work to get together. I am seeing another one now, hopefully she'll be calmer. Between man hating issues and borderline personality disorder. Look it up on google, I bet you'll see a lot of dancers fit this bill.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do us young guys want to date strippers?
    Just keep your head screwed on straight. These are the best or worst long term temporary relationships you mat ever have. Just know that it WILL end! The problem is that dating a gorgeous woman gets addictive, go we go off to dare yet another set of damaged goods. It's like the classic definition of insanity!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    dating stripers
    Rh48hr, You're right! That's why I pursue strippers. At least I know that things will be dysfunctional from the door. I went to meet up with the new stripper last night, and she wasn't there! I was about to leave, when she called me to say that she was on her way to the club. Anyway, she arrives and we talk and have a few dances, and I leave. I go home and go to sleep so I can get up for work today. She calls me at midnight, and again at 2am saying that we should hook up now! I declined, but there's always a hitch when dealing with strippers. I'll see if I can keep this one going. Their hours are so different, I would be a zombie if I hooked up with her.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    dating stripers
    I just posted on your other forum too Juice. Man, your topics and questions are really on point! I just met another stripper at another club who wants to hook up, and she tells me to put my wallet away. She says that she's tired of dealing with drunk patrons, and just wants to have sex, go to dinner, sex, the movies, and so on. I am going to meet her today. She seems to be a much more upbeat person that my old ATF. However, I know this shit could turn on a dime. I will keep my eyes out for another stripper as well. It's like to NFL draft! I need some new recruits for the upcoming Mack season! LOL Bottom line, try not to get too wrapped up in these women. I swear, if I meet a regular sweet woman, I'm out of this stripper dating game!! LOL
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    how common ?
    After reading these enlightening posts, I would have to say I was in a quasi-business relationship ITC and sometimes OTC. Ultimately she always wanted me to come to the club, which involved late late hours and money I didn't want to spend. Then I became the dumping ground for all of her personal and family problems, which became a Mt Everest of pain. I'm not saying I won't do it again, but I'll throw my game right back at them. Try them out, pretend to care, and head for the hills if it gets too intense. Non strippers have problems too, but nothing close to these hurt pieces.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    how common ?
    It's pretty common. You may find yourself being their psychoanalyst before its all said and done. Many of them appreciate someone who will just listen to them.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper Rage
    I had a former ATF who was divorced because her ex husband cheated on her. She would always tell me that she was plotting more revenge on him even though the divorce was finalized. After that, she wanted us to date, but she said if I ever hurt her, there would be hell to pay! After that inticing story, I abandoned OTC with her. We all know that strippers will give you a great long term yet temporary relationship at best, so I knew a hurricane of bs would be soon directed at me. Interesting thing is that she still calls me for dates. Bob and weave, bob and weave!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Striper confusion ....
    Been there and done that. Move on, otherwise you will be sucked into her vortex of stripper bullshit. They don't want to be considered whores, but they are. French kissing opens the door to your heart possibly being involved. Stop now, and find another while it's early.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My ATF just dumped me.
    Very true! Guys, as long as you hold the money, you hold the power. Even if a stripper does really like you, they tend to view life and everything that surrounds it with a money tag attached. Keep your pimp hand strong LOL, and only spend when you need to, and withhold it when you have to. I have gotten amazing results with this. Otherwise, you have all of the headaches of a girlfriend, while this woman never really is your girlfriend. Also, it really may pay to have another ATF in another club, or you will continue to have lovely stripper drama!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Clubs with the most reviews
    I agree. A lot of clubs with tons of reviews may actually suck. I know there are shills and people who make up stories to renew their monthly membership on here too.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My ATF just dumped me.
    Very interesting posts! I have had a very long relationship with my ATF inside and outside of the club. She can be loving one day and angry and jealous the next. I have to remind myself that I am her employer, and not the other way around! She got mad at me recently, and I stopped all contact for a while. During this period of time, I met a new ATF at another club. The new one is more open, and comes with no drama. My old ATF starts calling and textIngr like crazy. We hooked up for free outside the club. I will now always keep the ball in my court! Always try to have at least 2 ATFs. Believe me, they bullshit us like crazy, so you can do the same!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Clubs with the most reviews
    Playhouse may have the most reviews, bit it is far from the best club put there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    question ?
    Juicebox, thanks for your MP tips. I will have to check one out soon. There is one not too far away with a Brazilian staff, but based upon what you say, the Asian route may be the way to go? If so, I will follow your lead!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    question ?
    I used to use escorts occasionally, but I really like getting know the woman a little bit before we do the deed. I like stripclubs because you can really get to know the woman before you do ITC or OTC. Lately I have found that route to be a real pain in the ass! Every stripper I met turned out to be a head case! I am now considering the massage parlor route, I just have always been afraid of the place being raided while I am getting FS!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What would you do? NO this is not me!
    Run hard and fast. If she keeps coming after you, then do the right thing and get a paternity test. I'll cross my fingers for you. I went out with a stripper for a long while, but the daily drama became a bit much! By all means, strap up before you have sex with any woman in the future, or you'll be looking like Mr. Brady from the Brady Bunch soon! LOL
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Been seen in public with a dancer?
    Yes, I've done it with two dancers. The first one, we went out 3 times, twice to the movies and once to dinner. She was 10 years younger, but no one paid attention. The second one, we went out to dinner. It was great, and she was grabbing my package during dinner. The problem was that by the time dinner was over, she was really drunk, so there was no chance of getting laid. You always find out that these women always have a lot of mental crap to deal with from their nightmarish personal lives.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Letting em know
    Hell No!! It would cost me my fake relationships and confidentiality with my favorites. It's funny how they can strip in front of strangers, but they don't like being discussed on the internet.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Has your ATF ever given you a gift?
    My ATF gave me 5 ties for my birthday, several XXX dvds , and 5 t shirts for my son's birthday. It's a shame she is such a headcase, I really thought we were headed somewhere OTC eventually. But, it always ended with me going to the ATM. LOL I am on a temporary hiatus, I am hoping this will force her hand to meet me OTC........but I seriously doubt it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    How to stand out from BOTH the duchbags and PL's in a Club?
    I talk to the dancers like any other woman I meet outside of the club. I have done OTC a few times, and I date one now. There are no hard and fast rules, as every dancer is different. I find that they don't want to keep hearing about how sexy they are. Many of them already kmow that, so I ask them about their lives, and show real interest and concern. You will find that this may help them drop their guard, and you have now opened the door to future possibilities. If you can find some type of mental connection with them, outside of sex, which is obvious, many times they will let you in their lives. I have been told many times by the dancers that they went out with me beacuse I didn't treat them as a stripper, but as a person.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    this place never changes when it...
    I couldn't agree more! Leticia could really make a ton more if she had any real skills in the back. She always seen to financially hose down some new guy at the club. So many of the others will make is so worth your time. Your review is spot on!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part VIII
    Outstanding story that many of us can relate to in one way or another! When one temporary ATF relationship ends, a new one will always begin. I try to stay away from SCs from time to time, but there is always a new "interest" to keep me circulating.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    A Typical Day in the Life of a Dancer, Part 1
    Interesting....please go on.