
How to stand out from BOTH the duchbags and PL's in a Club?

Aspiring Global Hound
Saturday, September 17, 2011 3:08 PM
Ok, another one primarily aimed at our dancer friends... I've been thinking about this for awhile and Rod's comments on the "How to pick up a stripper" post made me think about this some more. What does it really take to stand out from the duchbag treat a stripper like crap guys and ALSO the pussy wipped PL's? Now, the being respectful and genuinely talking to a dancer about something are obvious requirements to not being in the duchbag category, but that's only have of the 'equation' so to speak (sorry another nerd moment). You also don't want to be a PL/regular/ATM guy and you don't want to be the dull/foregetable guy. What does a guy do to truly stand out in a dancer's mind? PM me it you perfer. Thanks.


  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Treat Dancers like the Women & Humans they are. Use courtesy & respect. Use the Golden Rule that you may have heard about somewhere in your past. Works for me. But if you TRULY believe that Dancers DON'T deserve to be treated with courtesy & respect, then treat them the way YOU believe that they deserve to be treated & see what happens.
  • stenton1
    13 years ago
    I talk to the dancers like any other woman I meet outside of the club. I have done OTC a few times, and I date one now. There are no hard and fast rules, as every dancer is different. I find that they don't want to keep hearing about how sexy they are. Many of them already kmow that, so I ask them about their lives, and show real interest and concern. You will find that this may help them drop their guard, and you have now opened the door to future possibilities. If you can find some type of mental connection with them, outside of sex, which is obvious, many times they will let you in their lives. I have been told many times by the dancers that they went out with me beacuse I didn't treat them as a stripper, but as a person.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Yeh, I believe in the courtesy and respect part (as stated in OP). But it seems to me that is only part of what it takes, especially to not fall into the PL category.
  • rizzle01
    13 years ago
    Make it rain!
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    @stenton1: "I have been told many times by the dancers that they went out with me beacuse I didn't treat them as a stripper, but as a person." That's only going to work with those who want to be treated as people and want to treat customers as people. Many (most) of them do not. But, yeah, if you find one that does then treat her that way. Not going to happen very often though. You have been warned.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Here's another secret. Despite what many dancers are going to tell you to boost your ego, most customers are already nice, respectful, treat dancers as people (when allowed to) and all that. Douchebags (like txtittyfan) happen, but it is nowhere near as common as they make it out to be when telling their sob stories. Also many dancers who say customers are not treating them respectfully are projecting and/or actively seeking out "disrespectful" reaction through their own behavior (to confirm to themselves prejudices they have in mind about how the world is).
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I hadn't thought about that. But, but Doug is probably right. The problem is the one asshole overshadows the ten gentlemen that came before him. It's just the opposite of how I feel and talk about dancers. The six or so good girls I keep in contact with overshadow the four bad experiences I have had and the countless vultures and poor salesladies that approach me every time I enter a strip club. I say they are all good girls and I want to defend them from the pigs and mongers, when really, most probably aren't very good girls.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    It is certainly a Dancer's choice if they wish to associate with Fucking Asshole Bastards! And if a Dancer TREATS you badly, well don't associate with her in any manner & perhaps take your $$$ to another Club. (You might complain about BAD Dancer behavior to the Club Manager...But he would have to give a shit for that to work in any way)
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Alucard - your first comment says it all
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Be respectful of the dancer. And make it rain $$$$ when she is on stage
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    no. making it rain makes you an ATM.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    @dougster, intriguing theory. Hadn't thought about it that way. Personally, not being a jackass is the easy part, but I feel like I then automatically wind up in the PL category. Maybe my question should have been: how not to be a PL without falling into the duchbag category???
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Why Label yourself mjx01? Or do you truly believe you deserve that label Sir?
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Be a girl ;)
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I wouldn't worry about it.  Use the old adage you heard in middleshool of 'just be yourself' -- which I never understood, since I felt like I should be rich and athletic to score chicks -- but some girls, especially in this business, appreciate honesty, which is what that gives you.  So when you approach a dancer, be *real*, meaning acknowledge the business as a fantasy, what she does, how she does it, what *you* do, what you're interested in (outside of clubbing), and clubbing, admit you're a horney devil! Why else would you be there?!? You're not a social worker or a cop? You're a horney red-blooded American in a titty bar! (don't over do this with details or panting, or anything, just own up to it) But the point is to have a natural conversation as you would with any other girl at her job, be it a bartender, waitress,  etc... Then, when she gets on stage or gets in your lap, go into fantasy mode! Forget the club and the world around you, it's just you and her. You are paying for a service, to turn you on, and now is the time, so let her do it! Enjoy what she doe as an artisan, as you would a stylist cutting your hair or a tailor hemming your suit, only this job is far more personal. And when it's over, go back to reality mode, thank her for her time (in less sterile words), ask for her number, and if you feel there was some chemistry (outside the dancing) then go ahead pursue something else! A PL can't distinguish Fantasy from reality and a DB just treats them like they are the service they provide. So being real, and not worrying about it, steers you clear of those to roles. But you don't have to take my word for it...
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    alucard: I don't understand what you are getting at. I'm not aware that mjx01 has any special meaning. It's just a by product of a naming convention I developed for another undertaking. It's not meant to imply #1 or best, but iteration or version 1.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I believe he meant to say 'why label yourself a Pathetic Loser, mjx01?' Which is what I was trying to add to. Don't worry if you are a PL or a DB. Just be yourself, enjoy the experience, know it's a job, but treat her like a person, too. And, then you won't be either.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Hey, we douchebags and pathetic losers need love too!
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    If you realy want to stand out pay her to let you giver her the extras ! Thank about it !
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    In my experience, being a creepy old pervert (and being honest about that) with a small dick and some money has been enough.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    I'm not too worried about labels, I just want to stand out... from my pants.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    LOL, lopaw. Excellent reply.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Pull out your cock
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "What does a guy do to truly stand out in a dancer's mind?" [view link]
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    If you're young, tip the girls, and buy dances. Don't just sit there with one Bud Light and drool at the dancers. You're there to spend money, not hang out. Spending money = strippers coming over to you. In my experience, young guys are rude and cheap. So I don't approach them unless I know they're tipping. Also, if you're young, have more to talk about than tits and ass. That's my advice for young guys. Older men have it down pat for the most part. :D
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    So, you've dated young customers that were big tippers? Also, don't say 'spend money' for us it's the equivalent to hearing 'tits and ass'. Although, I've had some fun conversations with catty dancers talking about the other dancers tots and ass. But you always have to end it with 'but I like yours better.' which can sometimes be a lie.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I don't date customers, no. I'm just conveying what I've seen. I had some young fucker refuse to tip me for a dollar dance unless I kissed him (wtf?) and usually the young guys are the ones who make rude comments and try to get more for free. Spending money means dancers will come over to you; that was my point. I've seen many young guys just sit there, buy one beer, refuse to tip the girls, and then get angry when no one approaches them. I wonder why...
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I'll have it noted I didn't kiss him. I just walked away.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    OK. I guess I didn't understand the OPs intentions, but I figured you were talking about how to be a good customer and thought he was looking for more. I spend about 50-75% of my time in a club 'hanging out , getting drunk, and only going to a stage to tip when there's a dancer I like. Especially, now I have a dancer I wait for. I don't care for and would prefer dancers not approach me, but they do. I admit it was pretty rough the first few times I went to my current club. But soon I became a familiar face and most knew 'oh hey, he's here to see <blank>, <blank>, and <blank>.' and they'd still come over to chat, see what's up, and let me know they'd get <blank> for me. These dancers, I make a point to tip more when I see them on stage. But, for the most part I want to spend the majority of my time with whom I think are the best in the club. Below that is just a curiosity dance or two. Below that is just being polite, tipping, drinks, below that are the vultures and drunk hags I have to beat off with a stick!
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I spend about 50-75% of my time in a club 'hanging out , getting drunk, and only going to a stage to tip when there's a dancer I like. Especially, now I have a dancer I wait for. I don't care for and would prefer dancers not approach me, but they do. I admit it was pretty rough the first few times I went to my current club. But soon I became a familiar face and most knew 'oh hey, he's here to see -blank-, -blank-, and -blank-.' and they'd still come over to chat, see what's up, and let me know they'd get -blank- for me. These dancers, I make a point to tip more when I see them on stage. But, for the most part, I want to spend the majority of my time with whom I think are the best in the club. Below that is just a curiosity dance or two. Below that is just being polite, tipping, drinks, below that are the vultures and drunk hags I have to beat off with a stick! *I guess if you put words between <'s they don't show up
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    grr, it pains me to say this, but yes doc I was trying to imply something more than just a good customer (income source). I was looking for how to stand out among the good customers. Also, your comment make alucard's post make sense. I figure I'm a PL becasue (ex?)ATF had me convinced for some time that she liked me as more than a customer. Perhaps I need to re try this post with a better explaination??
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Well for one thing tip at least some of the dancers on stage instead of sitting around like a boring rock. You don't need to tip everyone or make it rain. Treat all the dancers with respect. I've seen and overheard some guys say stuff like, "get your fat ass over here!" when they wanted to tip or maybe they were badmouthing one dancer. The dancers on stage didn't appreciate the comments. They were friends. It's not hard to stand out from a lot of the PL's in a strip club. If you're smiling, having fun, tipping, and treat everyone with respect, you'll stand out whether you want to or not.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Ooooooo I know jerk yourself off on her foot and say that was on the house! And then wink at her!
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