Been seen in public with a dancer?

avatar for steve229
What have your experiences being seen in public (going out to eat, shopping, etc) with a dancer been like?

(The Pakistani desk clerk at the local no-tell motel doesn't count, Georg)


last comment
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
I recently took Baby #1 out to celebrate her birthday. She wanted to go to a mid-tier chain restaurant and then the outlet mall to get some new Ugg's. I figured that was pretty safe, since those were two places my wife would not be caught dead in. I asked her to dress “cute” (meaning “non-slutty”). She showed up with bright pink highlights in her jet black hair, wearing a tight black top with a plunging neckline that provided an eye-opening view of her enhanced cleavage, and skin tight, low-cut jeans that showed off her red thong, tramp stamp and the top of her ass crack and high heels. The older waitress kept giving me the fish eye, and the young guy at the shoe place couldn't stop doing a double take between my Baby's boobies and me. Oh, well.
avatar for jaclkgill
13 years ago
I have met a stripper outside of the club and gone to dinner, movie and fuck in a hotel after that several times, away from where I live. Decent dressed, people do look at us as there is age difference.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Met xATF for dinner once at a chain restaurant. Jeans & t-shirt but she still looked like a 10. Didn't notice anything to report. Did not manage to seal the deal so to speak. That should have been the sign to eject and not let her string me along for sooo long.
avatar for spandexman
13 years ago
I used to see a lot of strippers off duty when I was an apartment manager in Washington State. The dancers at Honey's Sugars and a couple Deja Vus lived in the apartments, a few had trouble coming up with the rent. Most of them lived normal lives away from the clubs, brought their kids to the bus stop, worked out, went to scholl etc.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"people do look at us as there is age difference."

I should have mentioned it was her 23rd B-day, so yeah, 30 yrs+ age difference. Of course, I guess I could have been the kindly uncle out with his favorite niece, lol.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
Like jaclkgill, I'm quite a bit older than the dancers I know and do OTC with. My experiences:

1. When I've been with extremely boobulous dancers of the opposite ethnicity of mine, we draw stares. I've done this with two different dancers. We both laughed it off after they passed by. We'll never see them again.

2. I ran into a dancer with her boyfriend at a local park, walking my dogs. I hadn't seen her in a long time. I didn't even remember her name right away. This is the awkward kind of moment. I don't know if the b.f. knows she dances. So, I don't want to address her by her stage name. I didn't know her real name. I just kind of forced a polite, "hello," and that was it, and went on my way. From doing OTC with her, I knew she lived close to that park. I'm always on the look-out for her now when I go there.

3. I was with a dancer, and we ran into a second dancer at a local fair. The two dancers were friends, so I don't think the second dancer was surprised to see me with her friend.

4. I ran into a dancer who was staying with another dancer I know of, who lives in the adjoining condo complex to mine. I think the only embarrassment here was that the dancer I know, had never let me see her without make-up, hair pinned up, and dressed in jeans and T-shirt. When I do OTC with dancers and we're due to be out in public, they're usually well-dressed for the occasion. (I ask for it.)

5. I've taken many dancers to see strip clubs, other than the clubs they work at. When I do that and encounter dancers at that club that I know, they're only half-surprised that I'm with another dancer.

Many dancers have told me they live near me, but I've only run into a few, unexpectedly, outside of the clubs they work at.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
I'm on the younger end of the spectrum (no disrespect to our more experienced members here), and my ATF and I are the same age, so it's no big deal when we go out together. We were shopping once, and the sales lady assumed we were dating or married, so we played the part. I tend to gravitate to the more mature dancers, so the age thing hasn't been a problem (yet).
avatar for yankee428
13 years ago
There are three types of meet ups outside the club
1) Dating or even relationship
2) Extension of the club (pay to play)
3) Something in between (pay for nothing)

On the very first meeting, you either have to wait for her to make subtle clues, flat out ask her, or flat out tell her what you are looking for. In either case, #1, and #2 are ok, but avoid #3
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Does having our relationship explicitly outed in the club at which she worked count as being seen "in public"? If so, see my article :)

And she's not Pakistani. It's either an old man who can barely hear, so he thinks you can't hear either and shouts everything, or the very buxom, mid twenties girl who flirts with me every time I check out. Not when I check in for some reason. She puts this knowing little smirk on, and asks "Was everything OK this evening"? Not my type, though, otherwise I'd be tempted to take her up on it to see if I could get a discount.
avatar for yankee428
13 years ago
Forgot one last thing. If you are married or in a relationship, don't hook up outside the club, it will not end well. Just use an escort service where everything is understood from the get go.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I've been seen in publick with strippers befor. We were dateing at the time or they were friends of mine
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
No reaction really. The age gap between me and them isn't big enough to that it causes any exceptional reaction.

The one exception was when I was with a girl so stoned out of her mind and acting silly that everyone knew something must be up.
avatar for magicrat
13 years ago
I used to pick up a favorite before her shift and take her to lunch, then hang in the club with her for the afternoon. Twenty year age difference, but I never noticed anyone looking at us funny. It just seemed like two friends going to lunch together. We also did dinner after her shift and before heading to the hotel when we were doing the otc thing. She was older and typically dressed in jeans so we never attracted undue attention.
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
Meh, my XATF and I were too close in age for people to notice during friendly dinners (24 & 20).

But I've definitely seen a lot of Senior PLs with their trophy escorts around all the over-seas hotels/resorts my job brings me to. Especially blatant when it's the 70+ gringo with a ~19 year old. And most of the locals ignore it, except when a huge blinged out H2/H3/SUV (aka the escort mobile) forces all the other tiny international cars off the road, and the odd couple steps out. >_>
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
I had a dancer to my farm last July as hostess for a big party that I threw. Many of the wives and girlfriends eyed her disapprovingly especially after my sweetie danced with me in lap-dance-stripper fashion. I didn't really give a crap and most of the other guys kept sliding sly, longing sidewise glances at us.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Other than my recent...ahem, experience, I don't recall ever "going out" with a dancer to *be* seen. I've had a few in my car to and from a hookup, but I don't remember that ever drawing any notice. But for the vast majority of my meetups, I pretty much insist on meeting at the appointed place, rather than driving together. I don't make a habit of taking dancers to dinner or shopping either, so there'd be no exposure there, either.

Art, that's the benefit of not giving a shit. You have no obligation to maintain any type of appearance for appearances sake like some married guys do. *I* maintain the appearance because I'm not interested in having my wife and family embarrassed by my actions, so I tend to avoid situations where that exposure could happen.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Yes, with my 2010 ATF. (She is with 16 yrs of my age...NOT the 51 yrs mentioned by HB13) We could have been any of a Billion other couples.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I've only really been out with my ATF. With 30+ years difference in age, I enjoy the "looks". Most have to know she isn't my daughter or wife. Does it bother me, not at all, and all have been enjoyable, well except the few when she got/was pregnant (bf, not me).
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I've been out with dancers many times for lunch, dinner, concerts, shopping, etc. The girls have all been less than half my age and have looked hot--not super slutty but still provocative. I don't remember any disapproving stares except when I was going out with a black dancer for a couple months, and people may have been mostly concerned about the interracial aspect.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I used to take a dancer out to dinner, she was very fine. We got looks from the other guys in the restaurants. I sat there and enjoyed it. :)
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
I've done a mountain of hotel OTC, but have only done dinner outings with three girls, and only one time with each.

Time 1: I took a girl OTC from a club in Vegas and, the next day, we did dinner and a movie. This very young and hot girl decided to dress like a cheap slut (any guy with a decent view of her could probably see her panties up her very short skirt) for our trip to a high-end Italian restaurant. She also had a mouth like a drunken sailor and between her clothing and her cussing, there was a lot of attention directed at our table.

Time 2: Last winter I took a dancer out to dinner followed by a trip to a couple of SCs that she wanted to check out. She was dressed like a bum and she did not even have a warm coat - and it was damned cold out. They seated us at the back of the restaurant, out of view of the other patrons. The clubbing after, as well as the finish at my hotel, was a lot of fun, but things started out a little awkward.

Time 3: During the summer, I took my newest fav to dinner at a very high-end Manhattan steakhouse, followed by a Broadway show and a great finale. She showed up in a leopard print top and a short skirt. She looked great - at least if our intended outing was a late night dance club, but for our particular venues she stood out like a sore thumb.

The funny thing is that, in each of these cases, I gave them advance notice of exactly what we would be doing and where. And, in the two most recent cases, the girls in question were not dumb. Anyway, there it is.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I have dated only 3 girls OTC. We had meals on multiple occasions. They always dressed like I would expect my daughter to dress. The current one likes coupons. We have had dinner twice at Ruby Tuesday and both times she had coupons for buy one dinner get on free. Not only is that considerate of her but how could anyone think that we were other than father/daughter?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Maybe her giving you a LD for desert was a tip-off! :)
avatar for Roman71
13 years ago
I used to work at a place that there was a woman who was a dancer at the club I went to and told me not to tell anyone she worked there and I never said a word, when the management of the place we worked at together found out she was a dancer they told her if she was working as a stripper she would get fired before she began work the next day. I took her to dinner and assured her that I did not ever say a word about her 2nd job, she told me she knew it was not me. The next night she came to work and asked me to buy her some lingerie when I got off work and bring it to the club for a special night.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Clubber - Ya think? :)
avatar for luckyone
13 years ago
Yeah, a few times and wasn't really a big deal. Even took one out to hang out with some of my friends and both she and they were cool about it.
avatar for stenton1
13 years ago
Yes, I've done it with two dancers. The first one, we went out 3 times, twice to the movies and once to dinner. She was 10 years younger, but no one paid attention. The second one, we went out to dinner. It was great, and she was grabbing my package during dinner. The problem was that by the time dinner was over, she was really drunk, so there was no chance of getting laid.
You always find out that these women always have a lot of mental crap to deal with from their nightmarish personal lives.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I never paid attention to other people that much. I could care less. However I don't recall anyone ever paying that much attention to me. I'm not as old as some of the people on here though so there hasn't been a big age difference.

I did enjoy going to the regular clubs when I drove a dancer and another female friend of hers down to the beach one weekend. My female friend made sure I didn't do anything funny like hook up with a girl in the club and leave them which would have been bad for them because they rode with me. I had 2 girls with me constantly and then some others joining in and partying at one club where there were a lot of young people. I was a lot younger at that time. The dancer I was with was one year older than me. The biggest age difference has been about 10 to 15 years and I look younger than my age so nothing looks that unusual. I suppose if I went out with a young dancer now, someone might notice I'm a bit older.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Steve, where was your fur coat and rolex??? That's why the waitress eyed you...
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I thought strippers turned into pumpkins after midnight
avatar for canny
13 years ago
I've been out in public with dancers several times. I live in a big enough area that I've never been seen by anyone I know and they don't want to be seen by anyone they know either so we stay anonymous.
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
Yes - It generates looks considering the age difference. One seemed paranoid about what she thought tow elderly women were possibly saying about her.

I seldom take them out to dinner and shopping is a no no (Invitation to Rip Off). I have offered dinner afterwards with them but for the most part they want to be on way.

In terms of being married and seeing a dancer otc I do this at mainly motel. I dont push for reg dates like dinner / movie as my play time is limited and I dont want to be seen. For the most part they do not care I am married. Fav I have been seeing 3 years is married herself.
avatar for wallanon
13 years ago
The answer is yes. May not go that route again after the last time around. Think it covered just about everything on my list of things not to do in one odd night. Might type more if the mood hits. Just had one of those where to start moments.
avatar for darrenb01984
13 years ago
Yes, I go out to dinner, shopping, movies and other activities with my ATF and she normally dresses very casually, tank tops and yoga pants. Always had a good time, and no issues about it
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