
Comments by stenton1 (page 9)

  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Was it Really Love?
    A lot of us have been there. No it wasn't love, deep lust perhaps, but that's about it. Beware, but if you don't watch out, it will happen to you again. Over time, you just learn to put your guard up, have a great time, but leave it at the club. She actually did you a favor. Almost all of these dancers have lives and issues that you don't want any part of, and the issues never end! If you do go out, consider hitting different clubs, and you may have several favorites, so you don't get fixated on one girl. Trust me, if you do, it will be the best, yet most fucked up temporary relationship you'll ever have! Many of us have lived to tell the ugly and drama filled tales! LOL
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    12 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part VI
    I agree you can't get too close to these broken women. My former ATF started calling and texting upwards of 20 times a day. She was happy one day, distraught the next. I would ask her the same question a few days layer if I didn't believe her, and I would get a different answer. She said she loved me, which was scary, yet tell me I wasn't even her friend the next. I had enough, and verbally forcefully broke it off. She has textbook Borderline Personality Disorder. Over 70 percent of strippers have this narcisstic mental disorder. Many of you can probably relate to this. This story is fascinating and I can't wait for your next edition!!
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    12 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part VI
    Wow, I have to admit I am fully sucked into your story! It sounds so much like what I went through with a recently former ATF. Mine was going great, but then the house of cards and lies came crashing down with the constant lies to herself, her kids and eventually me. I got very angry and had to pull out of our "relationship". She now is miserable, texts me often, and is full of venomous remarks. We all have to accept responsibilities for our actions, but chronic billshitters have to go. I think she wanted societal acceptance, but at the expense of deceiving everyone close to her. I have a new ATF, and I have learned not to get emotionally close, but stay as a good fuck buddy. Never again! Somehow I suspect your tale will have a better ending than mine.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Dating a Dancer and Trusting Her. Is it Possible?
    I have a tale of two strippers. One, I met in a strip club, and she offered to give a a blowjob in the couch dance area. The next thing I know. she slips aside her g-string and grabs a rubber, and away we go to completion. I thought she was nice, but I wasn't super attracted to her. After we finished, she asks me to friend her on Facebook, which I didn't. A few days later, she invites me over to her house to have dinner with her and her husband. Her husband did not have a clue that she was fucking at the club! She kept stressing that she is an honest person. FUCKED UP STRIPPER LOGIC! The other stripper, I actually screwed up and starting having feelings for her. Her life was such a cesspool of drama, that it would make my head spin! She had issues with trusting men, ex hubby drama, money drama, and she claims to have fallen in love with me. I asked her out on several occasions, only to have the dates cancelled at the 11th hour. I eventually got tired of this shit, and stopped going to the club. She tells me that she doesn't do extras, but this site has told me otherwise in the reviews, and I'll be the first to admit that I can't handle it. FUCKED UP STRIPPER LOGIC! The only way I have been able to get over her, was to stop going to the club. The moral to this story is that they all have fucked up lives, yet they will lie, and twist the truth to their advantage, so they will believe their own lies. Guys, don't go OTC with a stripper ever, unless you want a cyclone of bullshit and headaches, or you have your head screwed on straight and don't develop feelings....I should have known better, but I thought I was the exception to the rule, I wasn't.