Striper confusion ....

avatar for Southfl69
Hi I went to this strip club the other nite by myself and end it up French kissing a gorgeous striper , I left and didn't tough much bout it , came back and saw her again and again we end it up French kissing and we do have a nice thing going in when we kiss ... She tells me bout everything , I ask for her phone number and she didn't gave it to me the first or the second time , i left my business card with her she never call... she told me she  has a boyfriend and that she lives with him ...her friend was there the first time and she made a comment to her that I was cute ... The last two times I'm just there like hanging out with them like a regular and one time she was talking to her friend and her friend looked at me and stop talking and she said he's good I trust him ... Also the last time she said that I was not a costumer just a friend ... She never asks for dances or VIPs nothing but also she doesn't want to date me she gave me her number but she's cold on her responses .... I ask her what was going on and she nothing your cute , a good kisser and I like u ... But that's it she wants to leave it there .... Plus she talks to me bout guys she has as regulars outside the club and she and her friends talk bout sex with guys at the club all the time , I wanna be with her but don't want to fall in to the customer category any advice ??? Thx !!!! 


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Yes, get ANOTHER story! LOL
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Girls do like to flirt when they are drunk. Maybe thats it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
If you want to have sex with her, and she doesn't want to have sex with you, what's the dilemma? Move on.
avatar for stenton1
13 years ago
Been there and done that. Move on, otherwise you will be sucked into her vortex of stripper bullshit. They don't want to be considered whores, but they are. French kissing opens the door to your heart possibly being involved. Stop now, and find another while it's early.
avatar for Blue42TX
13 years ago
I would play along with the game but don't fall for it....don't get too involved or you'll end up like the others that's tied with Stripper BS. I treat my SC adventure as another fantasyland and leave it at that. In my real world, I work, have fun with friends and family...and pull weeds in my yard.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
Another PL joins our ranks. Poor bastard.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
Pablo, you and I think alike. Maybe we should start a support group. Or does TUSCL already count as a support group?

As for the OP: knock it off. If she won't dance for you, won't fool around with you, and won't give you her phone number, she's really confused and conflicted or is just toying with you. Either way, I suggest you escape now while you retain some dignity and the cash in your savings account. Don't go back to that club for a while.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
She may like you but if her boyfriend finds out she may get beaten or kicked out on the street. I had a situation like this with a bartender. She shared an apartment with her boyfriend that she grew tired of, but leaving his ass meant she'd be homeless. She would stay after her shifts and spend hours with me, but was scared what would happen if word got to her boyfriend that she was seen hanging with me outside said bar. You'd be surprised how many women are unhappy in relationships but put up with it for $tability. I have remember reading about 17 and 18 year old girls marrying Confederate veterans in their 80's because the pension they'd inherit meant stability during the Great Depression.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I've been in your situation Southfl69. The one thing I learned is you can't change a stripper. You can either keep having fun with her at the strip club, or you just have to move on from her.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
cool story bro
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
If you want a woman you can't understand and can't fuck, get married.
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
LMAO newmark
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
Unless you live the same kind of lifestyle most strippers do, then you probably won't have much to loose hooking up with a chick like this.

If she is already giving you BS or runarounds then that is a big RED flag - what would it be like if you were actually "dating" her - DRAMA and problems probably. Most of these chicks are not like regular chicks or regular people.

If you want to fuck her fine; but don't get emotionally involoved in my opinion. A lot of these chicks use guys like they use shoes. They know how to work guys for their advantage/own-purposes.

You said - "she talks to me bout guys she has as regulars outside the club ..."
Do you really want to have a "relationship" with a chick like this?

You said - "I wanna be with her ..."
Does she wanna be with you? Becareful this chick is NOT using you or is going to use you because she knows you like her - she is alreay giving you BS and runarounds.

This chick does not sound like a regular chick. If you are a "regular" guy, you may be in over your head and not even know it.

My 2 cents.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
There is nothing to figure out. Move on. After all these confusing signals, why do that to yourself. Why bring that into your life. If you want to be her customer, then do that. Only that! Given the details in your post, something is off. If you pursue her on a romantic level you are asking for it.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I frenched a stripper before and ended up with a case of genital warts on my ass
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
EEW! You frenched her! You obviously haven't heard Shadowcat's story about the girl kissing a guy after Shadows FINISHED VIP trip with her.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

If this was baseball, you would be sent down to the minors.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I thought this thread was about the guys paints the white line down the middle of the highway.

I'm totally lost.
avatar for Southfl69
13 years ago
If this was baseball I think I'm the rookie of the year !!!!! With 35 home runs !! Bb
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
That kinda of sounded like me close to year ago those were the days and now I'm harden veteran of 100 campaigns. Leave her before this thing becomes out of hand, if you don't feel like leaving her just make it into a customer relationship. Don't talk to much about your history. If she talk about her personal issues politely leave. Just don't be sucker!!!
avatar for AliLandryFan
13 years ago
To the OP: First of all, "regular girls" out in the real world are nonsensical, so imagine the other layers of dysfunction on top of them that are strippers...

I think you should take her exactly at her word. She thinks you are cute, will makeout in the club, but its never going anywhere from there. Her actions exactly support those words. So accept them as true. You arent going to fuck her, unless you offer her stupid money she cant turn down. Which might be exactly what she is hoping for. I find alot of dancers are actually saavy business women after a while who know how to read men.

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