
Strip Club Accidents

Detroit strip clubs
I was sitting tonight, as is my wont, at a table at the intersection of the main stage and a satellite stage. I was watching a stripper on the main stage when "WHAP", a stripper on the satellite stage, spinning around the pole, hit me with her stripper shoe. She apologized and I said it was all right. But I have a little bump on the side of my head. Can I sue the club for $1 million or the stripper for $1 million worth of pussy>

Who else has had accidents in the strip club?


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I promised to not cum in her mouth but I had an accident. :)
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    Them accidents happen with some regularity and I've seen them premiums go up.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    A guy at a club I usually got kicke by a dancer accidently. Didn't even get a bump on his head. He left then came back and called for an ambulance. He tried to sue the dancer and the club. That pussy didn't get anything. lol
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    How much of your clubbing do you want exposed? In a law suit, they will take your deposition, under oath, and ask all kinds of questions designed to show that you knew, or should have know, that sitting that close to the stage ran the risk of accidental contact. Depending on state law "assumption of the risk" may or may not be a defense available to the club. The defense may not be available at trial, but pre-trial discovery may get into personal habits you don't want people to know about. Just a thought.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Ask the stripper for a blowjob suing is stupid strippers have no money
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "strippers have no money"

    But she would probably give you the shirt of her back

  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    You're right! Damn near every stripper I've met is broke. They either don't make any money or they make a ton, and spend it like a drunken sailor.
    That being said, I was at a SC last winter, where a stripper swung up high on a pole, and kicked out one the the ceiling lights, showering glass all over the stage. She later comes up to me, puts her arm around me and starts talking. Anyway, I noticed her arm was bleeding, and there were shards of tiny pieces of glass in her arm! Fucked up my suit, as I went after work. Couldn't sue anyone, but I told the manager. She was fired on the spot. When she walked away from me, she had blood dripping from her arms and legs. It was like a bad episode of Night of the Living Dead!
    That was a night for the books! I got rid of the suit too!
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    Speaking of bloody strippers, leaking tampons ruining them pants qualifies as accident. Pay attention to whether a string sticks out from them pussy area.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I had the bloody menstruation blood incident too. All over my pants and shirt. Last time I went clubbing for years.
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    I once got an elbow slammed into my cheek (entirely an accident - I wasn't doing ANYthing to her at the time) at a club in Dallas. The manager saw it and immediately came over made sure I was OK, comped me (and my table) for the night, then had a discussion with the elbow swinging dancer. I didn't think much of it until she came to the table with a girlfriend and asked to join me. Turns out, the manager directed the dancer to entertain (no extras implied) me, with friend for at least an hour, lappers included. Had I known that when the girls first arrived - I would have meant an hour long double lap dance, but the "ladies" didn't mention it until I was about to leave.

    I gotta' give that manager props - he acted quickly to limit the possible liability claim, addressed the issue quickly and came up with a Solomon like solution..
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    Years ago a group of golfers were sitting at the stage of a local juice bar. They were pretty drunk from the golf, and one guy was giving a dancer shit about her weight. She was thick. Pretty soon he started making pig-like noises. The whole thing gets worse, and she takes off a stiletto-heeled shoe and smacks him in the face with it. Cuts him badly across his cheek, and he is now bleeding quite a bit in the edge of the stage. Bouncer brought a towel, and fired the dancer all in the same motion. Dancer went into hysterics because the guy was bleeding all over the place. His buddies hauled him out of there.

    I was told that he never returned to suggest that he was assaulted or intended to sue. Probably didn't want wifey to know what really happened. Got into a fight at a bar: that's our story and we're stickin' to it!

    I was glad to see the dancer get fired because she was chunky and obnoxious. Inappropriate for a strip club. She shouldn't have assaulted the guy, but he was being a bigger ass than she had.
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    Only accident I can remember happened several years ago at a nude club in Charleston, SC. that me and my co worker were visiting. I have always worn glasses and when I went up to tip the dancer on stage she grabbed them and moved then in her panties and elsewhere. When she returned them to me they were fogged up, of course, but were also very loose. I soon realized that the frame was broken. $300 for new frames. I will never let a stripper have access to my glasses again.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Does a stripper's water breaking on stage count as an accident?
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    @dallas702: Sure you weren't knocked out and dreaming bout fantasy stripper land?

    @snowtime: Getting them frames broke, glasses scratched is part of doing business. Get them crizal lenses cause they resist them stripper panty fogging better than them Nikon lenses. And paying $300 for new frames ain't right. Unless you got a deal on them prototype google shit.
  • zef8mich
    12 years ago
    I've thought of these pole accidents as a customer being kicked sitting near the stage, but recently saw someone getting a minor kick to the face walking past a pole dancer on a satellite stage.
  • carl95
    12 years ago
    "Pretty soon he started making pig-like noises. The whole thing gets worse, and she takes off a stiletto-heeled shoe and smacks him in the face with it."

    Haha, sometimes Karma likes to take the direct approach.
  • maburton
    12 years ago
    While I've never been able to apply it in this situation, my preferred response to accidents that set people up for some kind of liability is "I'd like to resolve this as quietly as possible. How would you like to do that?" It shows you understand the value of being discreet, which gets the best first offer possible.
  • dtek
    12 years ago
    >Who else has had accidents in the strip club?

    I once had the backside of a stripper's head strike the underside of my jaw causing me to bite my tongue. Does that count?
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