
A call In

I learned something new this weekend and I just want to see how common this is.

Basically I was to see my ATF on Saturday Afternoon, but she emails me to meet her at the club friday night to talk so more comfortable going saturday. Note ATF is a AM Shift girl. So I get thier at 7:00 and bam she wants into 3 for 60 deal lap dance so we can talk. Then the upsell in the first song for VIP normal treadment. I'm like slow down, I'll pay for one song and lets go upstairs. Note this 1/2 hour was very rushed and we were out of thier in a split, she went downstairs changed into street clothes, one kiss and out the door. First time ever for this, she has been ATF for over 2 years.

Next day I'm recovering my eyewear and the manager lets me in free and says he remembers me from the night before as I was one of two call ins for ATF. So basically she called us in, ran us through quick and avoided paying PM Shift dues. Talk about a play! Needless to say she is not ATF anymore. My only mistake was not keeping the $50 dollar tip when things in VIP were rushed mechanical.

I do expect a level of connection / talk when in VIP. Night saved by another dancer so not all was lost.

Anyone else get called in?


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    It's very common for dancers to text customers to let them know they are at work.(unwritten is the desire for you to come in and spend money on them. Sounds like she wanted some some more cash before she left.
  • 59
    12 years ago
    Probably a slow day at work, she was short of goal, and called in a couple of sure things to meet her target.

    I've been fortunate to be able to avoid the call in for the most part. One girl would text from time to time "I'm at work today, you should come see me". Probably a mass text for all I know. I'm not a spur of the moment guy and even if I wanted to most clubs I go to are a distance. So I'll just reply back not today, some day soon.

    Others will text once in awhile "hey, haven't seen you in awhile when you stopping in?". But all these are pretty infrequent. They know I'll come in when I want to and I'll let them know my plans.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I avoid that shit by not giving them my phone number. I have only given my number to 4 dancers in the many years that I have been clubbing and those were the ones that developed into friendships.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "Probably a mass text for all I know."

    I tend to ignore the generic texts, e.g., "hey baby, miss you" just for that reason.

    The more clever girls learn to send personalized texts, using my name, and including a reference to an inside joke between us.

    Hey, If I'm going to get worked, I like to know she put a little effort into it.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Stall, I skimmed through your more detailed account in your reviews of the club and, in my humble opinion, you were indeed suckered. She took you for granted and, to a certain degree, you delivered.

    Lessonb learned. We all go through these things at some point. I don't need time with any dancr enough to let her dictate when I time my club visit. I have also been in your club recently and got the high hustle vibe from a lot of the girls I dealt with, so I'm guessing that this type of thing is not uncommon there.

    Go West young man, go West. ;)
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    A typical Detroit hustle.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I get call in's from my favs. It generally works out well. A girl calls because she's having a slow day and I go to the club knowing I have a sure thing.

    However, I once had a bad experience. A fav called and asked me to come in. When I got to the club, she was sitting with a big spender. I walked up and said hello so she would know I was there. She said she would come see me soon, but she never left the big spender. Needless to say, she's no longer a fav.
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    An "ATF" that does that? They just call and ask for the dough. Regulars and semi-regulars pull that shit all the time so just ignore them messages.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Responding to "call ins" is second only to loaning money in terms of ultimate, most pathetic PL behavior.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I have received e-mail entreaties for money, but I don't hand out my phone numbers. Since my clubbing has decreased as my business has become more complicated even the e-mail pleas are infrequent.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    The reason my last fave is no longer in my rotation is due to her calling me in, and then rushing thru our dances because there were other PL's waiting for her too. I don't tolerate that shit anymore. I'll still go see a dancer I like if she calls, but if I get there and she makes me wait or she mentions that there are others waiting for her attentions....I'm done. She will lose my business forever.
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    @Che and @farmerart: you guys might think bout joining the 21st century. I used to have the same policy -- never give out number -- for the same reasons, til some years back. With travel and all, logistics becomes too complicated w/o calling/texting unless you can afford to follow the same routine: go to SC, meet ATF/regular, then ITC or OTC. Sometimes gotta skip the go to SC part. ATF/regular schedules change. Etc. With today's technology (bet most here use it), you can manage multiple numbers from a single phone w/o mix-up. Gotta maintain access security though in case wife or girlfriend get curious. Don't wanna repeat the Tiger Woods experience.
  • nickifree
    12 years ago
    If I find a Fav who is a turn-on and great company, I'll give her my number. Usually my Favs tend to be a lot of other customer's Favs as well. So If I get that text, I know it must be a slow day.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Getting called in by a fave may not necessarily be a bad thing as long as:

    1) you go see her because “you” want to see her; not because she wants to see you (you = your $$$)
    2) if she is calling you because it’s slow and she needs $$$, then there is a good chance you will get more time w/ her and better attention.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo: Exactly! I find that viewing those types of calls/texts as "opportunities" rather than "annoyances" yields all sorts of benefits.

    @steve3003: "I guess I still don’t understand why guys would want to complicate their lives with strippers beyond the confines of the club."

    Sometimes, it's worth it. My current favorite, whom I've been seeing for almost two years now, is a case in point. Some of the best sex I've ever had, not demanding, little to no drama, and available and willing pretty much whenever I want. Her new boyfriend has changed that somewhat, though, so I think it has about run it's course. Even so, it has definitely been worth the time and effort.

    I use Google Voice. Using that, I can manage who gets through and when. If she starts abusing the privilege, she goes in the group that goes directly to voice mail without ringing my phone. If she blows my phone up with texts, she gets blocked, which not only blocks texts, but if she calls, she gets a "number no longer in service" message.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    " my world has always overlapped stripper world, strippers have no place my world. They couldn’t handle it and I don’t want them there."


    I'm amazed you "Lower" yourself that far to let dancers even near your "World", with an attitude of that sort.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    I have two customers that I will ever call into the club. Half the time they'll come on and get dances and half the time they'll stand at the door and hand me a stack of bills and head back home.
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    Unbelievable! My ATF, or should I say former ATF had been calling and texting me all week to come to the club. I couldn't make it, as it was a very busy week with work. As the days passed, she became increasingly annoyed, and blamed me for not coming out to the club, so her money must have been down.
    Finally, she calls me, and I pick up the phone very pissed, and she rants and raves, then hangs up on me. The economy must really suck, as she's quite striking, but she has an anger management issue I discovered. Two hours later, she texts me asking me to come out to the club.
    Needless to say, I blocked her number, and I'll really think twice before giving out my number again. I had never seen that side of her before, but she's a psycho bitch!
    Not very smart, when I do go to the club again, I'll just have to ignore her, and move on to mingle with the others. No loss, I'm sure she'll do the same. Hustlers never quit!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “but she has an anger management issue I discovered”

    A stripper with anger management issues – who would have thought
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    "but I’m not interested in ITC/OTC."

    Know where you're coming from. To each his own.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    Reminds me of an ATF I had many years ago. We were getting progressively hotter in the VIP; finally she was letting me finger her - exceptionally wet, very enjoyable. I thought our "relationship" was progressing well, and that OTC was "right around the corner". So she pages me one day (yeh, I said many years ago) and I Pavlov it right on over to the club. We go to VIP, and she says she's been thinking alot about "us", and that she felt guilty about breaking the club rules by letting me do things that she shouldn't let me do (like hide the finger). AH HAH, THIS IS IT - TIME FOR OTC. So I suggested that....she turned and gave me the most amazing look, and said "I'm certainly not going to start being a prostitute".

    F**kin strippers.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Calls you to meet her at the club is called solicitation
  • steve229
    12 years ago

    Funny, as I was looking over this thread, I got a text from "Ashley" ; "Steve, where have you been??" lol
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    Son, go for it. :-)
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