Our Reputation With the Dancers

avatar for Omega22
I have posted a thread about what people outside of the strip club scene think about us but what do the entertainers think of us? In other words what does a dancer think about guys that go to strip clubs on a fairly regular basis?


last comment
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
They think we are PLs. Well except for guys like txtittyfan, alucard, and mikeya02, who they understand are nice guy studs who just happen to also be generous enough to pay to help them out, in addition to allowing them to basking in their charming personalities and sexual skills all for free. It's quite a deal for the strippers with those three, ain't it? *LOL! Okay, back to reality now...*
What Dougster said. There might be some different, and some of the ones that become ATFs *might*, emphasis on *might* revise their opinion slightly away from that, but I wouldn't want to bet any money on it.

They sometimes grow to "like" us, but it's an affection based more on our ability to contribute money than on any real emotion. I know my ATF likes me, but I have absolutely no illusion about how far that would get me if the cash dried up.

It ain't that complicated, stop over thinking it.
They like us as much as they like an unlimited expense account.
avatar for stenton1
13 years ago
I have asked many strippers that same question. Most of them think we are PLs and can't have a normal relationship.
However, others think that there are some good men in the club. I have known 4 strippers who have dated and married clubbers. I asked why, and they said that they work so much, that they don't have time to find a nice guy on the outside.
How long the Marraige lasts? Well, that may be another topic for discussion.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
The dancers I know personally seem to enjoy my company when they see me. And my ATF tells me all the time she loves me.

Alucard and Txtittyfan are gentlemen who are personable, kind, and generous clients. What dancer doesn't actually want guys like that?

In short, dancers love us.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
What Dougster said. You can bet your money on me GMD. My fav actually likes me and goes to school. Of course they want money GMD, but you are forgetting Dougies "secret" that money is not their PRIMARY motivation. Love him if you want , I'm not here for tuscler love like he is. By the way Dougie, I play with guitars and blondes, you know, the real pics. The Thor clip came off the internet. And Thor is not a viking. Deal with it Doug, it ain't that complicated.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I pretty much thought as much and agree with these comments. I never believed they thought highly of us. If they think we are pathetic losers then fine. I am just there to have a good time.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
No, no, omega! Go back and re-read mikeya's post. He is no PL. He is the only one she has paid sex with because she actually likes him! Now you might think that is ridiculous. If she really likes him why does he have to pay? Especially if he is the only one? Well, it's a good question. And what would she do if he stopped paying? Hmmmm... I'll let mikey explain that one. (And of course Thor is no mere Viking. He is a Viking GOD! RA!)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
;) ;)
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Can someone tell me how to block Dougster? He made me so angry on a past thread that I am shaking.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I have come to form friendships with some dancers, but I prefer to view our interactions as a pure & simple business transaction. She is selling a service that I am buying. And I rarely care what any salesperson thinks of me. All I care about is getting a good deal ;)

Omega22 - use the "ignore" feature. It's a small gray circle with an "x" in it under the posters name right under their avatar. It's a life saver!
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Oh, and Dougie? Try not to get carried away with your attempts to "know" me. Girls call me a stud, its creepy when you say it.
I think it is the ‘X’ symbol underneath the person’s name/nickname.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Of course, mikeya, got it. (Small typo in your post, I think where you wrote "girls" you meant to say "whores". Fixed it for ya!)
avatar for racejeff
13 years ago
To ignore a member here - There are three little icons under the member name. The middle one is an x click on that to add a member to you ignore list.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Thanks everyone. I will have a much better experience on here with Dougster blocked.

As for the topic I think I should revise what I said in my first comment. Some girls, but not all, see us as pathetic losers. However some of the dancers see us as simply people out to have a good time and they want to make our night at their club one to remember.
If we could get all the regular posters to put Dougster on ignore, how long do you think it would A. take him to realize it B. change to a new screen name.

I think 6 posts, and less than 24 hours.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@jester: they'll always be guys who want to be heroes who don't realize what they really are, and want to portray themselves as studs for paying whores for sex, and/or want to convince others that they really do respect the said whores. They CAN'T put me on ignore. Their mission is at stake!
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Oh, and Dougie. A hot girl asked to meet you. Don't be a puss about it and meet her for lunch. Stiletto is nice enough not to make fun of your looks and if you don't have enough cash, I'm sure she will spring for half.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I just blocked him and if he does make any new screen names I would recognize the similiar Internet Troll writing and ignore again. Dougster isn't a good person and has anger towards strip clubs and people that enjoy strip clubs. He is a terrible person.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
See, mike, I'm way ahead of you. She asked to meet ME, not YOU. Explain that one.
You excuses for not meeting up with her, or proving you know her, don't jive with the persona you present on here. So I suspect one or the other is bullshit. With you it's probably both.
Dancers think of us as customers. Smart dancers try to make us feel special so we will spend more money on them, but they have pretty low expectations of customers. If you become a regular of a dancer, she may come to value and like you, but don't expect the dancer to love you for yourself.
dancers all think that all customers are walking ATMs. It's only about the money.

In general, I do think that most dancers assume some PL aspect to most customers, but IMO I don't think its that holds 100% of the time. I think there are certain customers who can pull of not falling into the PL category (and no I'm not one of them)
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
The reason I don't want to meet up with her is simple. It would be equivalent to posting my real name on here. If you don't think that's a big deal, why don't you, mikeya02, and all the other morons go ahead and do it? Oh, but there are so many threads on here where people say they don't want their tuscl identity linked to their real name. Guess it is a legitimate reason after all, huh?

And I've always been consistent about respecting dancer's privacy. Find me a counter example or STFU... moron!
avatar for randy77
13 years ago
C'mon. Don't be hating the Dougster for keeping it real. Some of you guys are living in Fantasy Land and you don't like it when Dougster bursts your bubble.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
My ATF always hung out with a known lesbian dancer. I paid way to much money and was way to open minded. I would have better luck with Kristanna Loken... um, wait... :)

I know the other girls talked shit about me in the dressing room. Some even taunted me with things I have said to my face. Not in an obvious way, but I recognized some phrases I had used. They didn't get my money though, so there was that.

I really didn't expect much from them and they measured up to that in their actions and words.

The ATF though, she broke through the wall. Never heard from her after I moved, no email, no phone call, not even snail mail. All business that one was I guess.

I guess I had some respect with some, because it was known I would not go out clubbing when I had a girlfriend. So, everyone knew when I was single again.
Randy, I don't live in any kind of fantasy land. But after 4 year of the same shtick, it's really just kinda pathetic. As bad, if not worse, than any of the white knights and delusional posters.

I meet people all the time who don't know my full name especially at strip clubs. But hey man, whatever excuse you need to be able to avoid it.

As to a counter example, 4 years of postings are pretty good example of your (proclaimed) attitude. As to a more specific example I, unlike you, don't have the time to dig through hundreds or thousands of posts so I can try and be an internet tough guy.

"STFU... moron"

LOL. Classic Dougster.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@randy: I have no idea why the basic things I say on here get people so riled up. I think it's all pretty obvious. Strippers engage in sexual activities for money therefore they are "whores" since that is the definition right out of Webster. If you pay a whore for sex, you can kid yourself that she only does it for you, but in reality she'll do it with anyone who puts up the cash, so you are no stud and no game is involved. If it was your daughter having sex with strangers for money you would not respect her, so you are either lying when you say you do or an incredible fuck up.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Ok, so put your money where your mouth is and post your real name on here jester214. And I said to find a counter example of me violating a dancer's privacy. Can't can you? Wonder why? Oh, because I never did.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
It's funny how jester tries to subtly twist things. Yes, people in the club see my real name if I pay with a credit card, for instance. Is that the same as posting it on TUSCL? I guess slight of hand is one of the jester's tricks...
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Who the fuck cares what strippers think of us. As long as they keep them thoughts to themselves and put on a good act, it's all good. As the saying goes, we pay them hoes -- and by extension strippers -- to leave us after services are rendered.

And leave Dougster alone. He, Alucard, and AfricanLovePimp are the three pillars of tuscl. All you other pussy-whipped wimps and barely out-of-puberty puppies (and that includes you, omega22, with all the sophomoric questions), your strive to learn is to be commended.
avatar for randy77
13 years ago
@Dougster: I'm totally with you. Some of these guys are living in Fantasy Land, which leads me to believe this forum is not for me. Sometimes I feel like I accidentally wound up at a Star Trek forum or with the nerds from the TV show, "Big Bang Theory"

I wasn't even going to read this lame thread, "Our Reputation with the Dancers" But I saw it had so many comments, I said, "WTF" The similar thread had me laughing so hard due to the comments between you & omega. Omega couldn't win the debate with facts, so just started calling you names. Must be a Nancy Pelosi Liberal. No wonder regular strip club patrons have the stereotype as Pathetic Loser.
avatar for JackofClubs
13 years ago
Question: How many of you have hung out with dancers outside the club in situations without having to spend any cash on them?
You use a credit card and you're worried about your real name getting out? LOL. So much bullshit. Who exactly are you handing a CC too?

I said your entire posting history and attitude are a counter example. Not to mention you already said shit about stiletto working at extra clubs. Way to really respect her privacy. You've got your little excuses, just like every internet tough guy. Keep using them.

Now go back to parading out your alternate screen names.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@jester: I still don't see your real name in your post. You said it was no big deal to post it online, so go ahead and do it, tough guy.
@Dougster: How is meeting in person the same as sharing your real name online? Sorry dude, but I don't buy it. One can most certainly meet anonymously, in person, in a public place. This is a deflection technique and it is a FAIL. You were called out and you are simply too afraid to meet the challenge. Hey, it's ok to be afraid Dougie, I know you don't have much experience with real, live strippers - it can be daunting. Let me give you your first primer: bring cash to pay for your lunch tab, LOL.

@Omega: You need to stop wasting time worrying about what others think of you, whether it is strippers, Dougster or anyone else. If a wannabe douchebag like Dougster can get you "shaking with anger" over silly Internet posts, then you will be a lamb to the slaughter for any skilled stripper with a good stringalong game. Toughen the fuck up already.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@rick: I think you missed another thread. I've already met here in person. We talked, and... um... had some dances... and that's as much as I'm saying.

That's why it can't be anonymous now. Unless you can figure out a protocol, clever guy that you are you let me know.

Or if you maintain that posting your real name on this board is no big deal, then tell you what, you, rick, alucard, mikeya, and jester all post your names online to prove it is no big deal, I will follow your example and go ahead with the non-anonymous meeting. So let's see if you guys are willing to put your money where you mouth is and post your real names, or if you are all talk!
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Oh yes, include Stiletto in the list of those I'll need to see the real names of, before I reveal mine. So far 0/5 have posted them, even though 5/5 of you are talking big about it. Waiting.
Here we go with this real name nonsense again. So what does she have, your first name maybe, if she even remembers you at all? C'mon dude, you're tapdancing.

Not that any of this is real anyway. The "dancers" that come on here never seem to be dancing anywhere and you've got who knows how many aliases on this thing, but I'm being a good sport for a moment and am playing along.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@rick: The score is still 0/5 of you posting real names; while 5/5 are talking that it is no big deal. Get that number up a bit to show you are serious, then we talk.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@rick: how we make it a bit easy. The 5 of you "talkers" post your real first name to show it is no big deal. Waiting.
Back to the original thread. Why should I care what they think of me. I don't care what they think of me as I do not plan to date or marry a dancer. Besides I go to club for no strings. When I leave the club I don't look back except to review it for someone else.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
You already said you fucked my girl. Grown men talk like that and expect to be believed? My name is Mikey. Look me up.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
mikeya02, in late from his night classes at community college, takes the lead by volunteering... his screen name! Not exactly what I had in mind... Will give a point for a *real* first name and a point for a *real* last name. So far your side scores 0/10 for acting, but 5/5 for talking big. Waiting for those numbers to improve a bit. Mikey, why don't you show those pussies on your side how it's done. Real first and last name. No fear!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Wow Dougster get a life. I know that Randy and Steve are either your other screen names or people you know. I won the debate. You are the one that started the fight by talking down to me about my depression which is what set me off. Randy, Steve, and Dougster are pathetic excuses for human beings. Unfortunatly my lunch break is almost over and sadly I didnt have time to make another comment relevant to this thread or respond to my personal messages so I will do that later. Also I have to block randy and steve. Eventually all of Dougsters screen names and fellow Internet trolls will be blocked and I can log on without laughing at people that have nothing better to do than be an Internet troll.
"@jester: I still don't see your real name in your post. You said it was no big deal to post it online, so go ahead and do it, tough guy."

Show me where I said it wasn't a big deal? Please, you're big on asking for examples so show me where I said anything about posting a name online.

Your new argument is you can't meet her because you met sometime in the past (here you imply extra's happened, way to keep her privacy) where you also let her learn your full name (seriously, what a PL move) and now you can't meet her somewhere because she'll remember your full name and then be able to post it online??? Wow...

That settles it, clearly worse than the white knights and the delusional set.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
Man, on my second bowl of popcorn already! Gonna need to make a butter run pretty soon.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"And leave Dougster alone. He, Alucard, and AfricanLovePimp are the three pillars of tuscl"

PLEASE don't put me in a group with Mr. Dougster & Mr. ALP.

I don't wish to be INFECTED by their SLIME!!!

"You were called out and you are simply too afraid to meet the challenge"

Yes our Mr. Dougster proved he is a coward & that he has NO BALLS at all, just a complete Eunuch!

I'll meet your challenge Mr. Dougster! My REAL 1st name is Jeff. You don't need my last name & I don't wish to know yours. And the photo in my photo collection of the guy with glasses & a blue cap is me. Post your pic TOO Mr. Dougster! PROVE you aren't a coward & have some minuscule BALLS!!!

You wouldn't Fucking DARE thinking of crawling out from behind your pathetic claims of privacy & hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet. You dare not reveal yourself, you're TOO Fucking SCARED!!!
I wouldn't ignore Dougster or ALP or anything. Those guys are funny as shit! They just keep it real thats all. Ok I am too lazy to read this entire thread but why in hell are you guys talking about revealing your names and photo's? just curious to what that is all about. and alucard is a jeff? Really? Im gonna check out his pic. I want to see what "The patrit saint of strippers everywhere" looks like......LOL!
"I have no idea why the basic things I say on here get people so riled up. I think it's all pretty obvious. Strippers engage in sexual activities for money therefore they are "whores" since that is the definition right out of Webster. If you pay a whore for sex, you can kid yourself that she only does it for you, but in reality she'll do it with anyone who puts up the cash"

A Dougster classic comment!!!!....LMFAO!!!
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
Before you all get to excited about revealing identities, let
me say there are probably people on this site YOU DO NOT WANT

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Before you all get to excited about revealing identities, let
me say there are probably people on this site YOU DO NOT WANT


And the slime with NO BALLS, Mr Dougster is a Prime example!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Well Mr Dougster, WHERE is your Name??????? Hmm...
avatar for randy77
13 years ago
@omega22- Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Dougster and I've never met Dougster before. Truth be told, I've never even checked our his or anyone's profile. I don't give a rat's ass, but you're a hoot. You're just pissed because Dougster burst your balloon from Fantasy World.

Look, going to SC is fun and for old, ugly farts, like me, it's the only way I'm going to sample some 20 yr old hot snatch. Still, it's not a replacement for REAL relationships. Nothing beats a real relationship.

One more thing - you claim to be early 20s, just out of college. Good for you, but believe this - Life is like a rollercoaster. It's full of ups and downs. If you don't have any real relationships, who are you going to turn to when life throws you a curveball? You could have a great life and then BAM, you're in the hospital or out of work. Think some stripper is going to visit you in the hospital or talk to you when the money runs out? A real friend will be there for you. You don't have to search for someone to marry to cultivate a relationship. You may not like what Dougster says, but his comments are closer to reality than most. (I don't care for ALP. He's so extreme. I hope he's not the way he writes).

Go to SC and have fun, but get a real life as well.
avatar for randy77
13 years ago
@omega - BTW, Dougster kicked your ass in the debate from the other similar post. All he asked for was 1 example of a negative stripper stereotype that wasn't true. You couldn't, so you shouted names, shook like a little girl and blocked him. Real grown up college boy. You're the reason why strippers call sc regulars Pathetic Losers!
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Randy77: Dougster didn't win the debate shit. Not all strippers fit the stereotype and that was my point and the college girls I knew that were strippers never fit any of the stereotypes. Also I said the stereotypes were accurate to an extent. Everyone in society has problems. I personally fit some. Seeing how I am not close to my parents and all.

Don't call me a hoot. I am doing well in life and have a bright future ahead of me. I am not the reason why some strippers call us pathetic losers I don't even spend half my paycheck and I had sex with women in college that don't strip.

I understand life is a rollercoaster and I have much to learn about the real world. Recently out of college I still have a long way to go and I won't deny that. Also if I have problems I know a stripper won't be there but I have plenty of friends that will be.

Also I will man up and say I am sorry for saying you are a pathetic excuse for a human being but understand that you made some remarks to me but I simply dont care what you think about me. Also as for fantasy land I don't live in one. I know full well that the dancers don't care about me and only want my money. However I am only there to have fun and I am having a real life. After all I have a job with a fortune 500 company.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Also Randy77 it looks like that whole thing about them having daddy issues is suspect. Read my latest thread and check the link out.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Guys and (it seems mostly) gals, chill out and have a cold one or two. Y'all sound like bitches in heat. Worse than strippers yapping in the dressing room.
avatar for hard10
13 years ago
Ok. I'm here...

What'd I miss?
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"and have a cold one or two"

If you are speaking of beer, I don't drink alcoholic fluids. LOL
avatar for K9
13 years ago
The reputation problem seems to be in house... This thread looks like something from the movie Unstoppable....
Trying to ignore most of what went before - my take on the original question, we are either sugar daddies or(and) PLs to be fleeced and it's not just by the girls but by management/owners too. It's why I read this site; looking for good advice, good clubs, value in my club hopping experience and just a bit of commiserating.
"Trying to ignore most of what went before - my take on the original question"

Now what was that again? Something about using a fake name when registering for match.com so you start getting e-mails for Denzel Washington and solicitations from A.A.
Juice likes to jackoff !
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
The entertainment value of the site goes down appreciably when Dougster and Omega have to sleep.
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
I believe it's different, depending on the guy and depending on the dancer. People are too different to make that kind of blanket assessment.

I've frequented SC for 30 years. I've known dancers who have flat out told me I'm somewhat pathetic, and I've known dancers who've wanted to date me.

I have the money to spend and most of my ATFs know that. So most of them might just simply believe that for me, spending money in a SC no big thing.
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