
Another Good Reason to be a Stripper

Detroit strip clubs
My dancer friend Sindi told me another good reason to be a stripper. She said, "I can travel to any city, go to the local strip club and get a job. I'll dancer 3 or 4 days and pay for my whole vacation."


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Not totally true. Some cities require the dancers to get permits. They can cost $300 or more and require a back ground check.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    There are no "good" reasons to be a stripper..........Unless you enjoy the company of horny men who want nothing more from you than sex, and consider you nothing more than a whore.

    Then there is the temptation of drugs and alcohol, the danger of physical violence, rape, stalking, and other crimes. The loss of reputation. The constant companion of guilt and shame.

    But hey, some girls still want the job.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Funny, I've heard that escorts have similar opinions. :)
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    A stripper I know showed me some pics of piles of hundreds she was going to put in her safe. Looked like she was trying to stack them to the ceiling. Guess thats a good reason to be a stripper.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    @pablo- Not exactly true and unless you've been a female stripper, you really dont know how it is.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    @stiletto- I agree, but I don't have to be a dancer (or a cop or doctor or president, etc) to know the pitfalls and downsides to the job.
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    I agree. I have become close with numerous strippers, and over time, psychologically, they all become torn down physically and most importantly...mentally.
    Some make a lot, but most are just getting by. The smart ones would be wise to put away scores of money for the future life after stripping. I've never seen it though..
  • canny
    12 years ago
    I'm pretty sure that Stiletto is putting money away for her retirement.
  • outside4
    12 years ago
    I have personally known some women that stripped in my life, not all are on the fringe doped up or drunk. Most though have issues working with money in their personal lives, and of course their ideas about men.

    Bottom line is that if it was easy, everyone would do it. It has hard risks, personally and professionally. Saying that, women with their heads on somewhat solid and a body to match can obviously pull in real good money, cash. The problem is more about them keeping it.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    " Some cities require the dancers to get permits. They can cost $300 or more and require a back ground check."

    I believe Las Vegas requires a Sheriff's card and to get that you need a birth certificate. And you need a dancer's license and that requires fingerprinting.

    But when Larry Flynt opened the new lavish Huster Club in LV, dancers from Deja Vu clubs from around the country were there for a couple of weeks. Did they all get licenses? Hmmm???
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    motor head - Follies in Atlanta got raided on Jun 30th. About 15 dancers were busted for license violations. Those with expired cards got a warning. The ones with no license got a $500 fine. So in order to return to work they had to come up with $800. Wonder how some of them did it. Hmmmm???
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    @jester- Correct, but listing pitfalls to a job and saying there are no good reasons to have the job are two different things. You used a cop as one of your examples so I'll go off that. Just be because I know the pitfalls of being a cop (walking into dangerous situations, sometimes low pay, getting shot at), doesnt mean there are no "good " reasons to be employed as a cop and unless I've been a cop, I wouldnt completely know what i was talking about, so I might keep my mouth closed.

    @Canny- You bet!

    @Outside4- Totally true about the cash.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Living in Miami, FL which has become a party town especially over the last 15 years or so, there a lot of good looking young women that will come to party down in Miami and pay for their vacation and partying by stripping – I’ve seen this especially during Spring Break and New Year’s Eve. To the best of my knowledge, Miami doesn’t require permits for dancers.
  • HonestT
    12 years ago
    Perhaps OT, but if you work in the town you're vacationing, are you really on a vacation? Last time I checked, that was called "working for a different employer." Most people would just work in the town they live, save their money (or credit), then stop working and take a vacation.

    Now if you're into fast money, music, fashion, meeting new people, and on-the-job training....stripping has its advantages.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Stripping/working can also equal partying – a lot of these hot girls down here in Miami/South-Beach are used to getting hit on at the dance clubs or beach – so might as well get paid while getting hit on and at the same time listen and dance to the music and have men buy drinks for you – as we all know stripping is not necessarily like your avg job of let’s say an accountant.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Strippers need reasons to be strippers?
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Man if you want to be a stripper for the rest of your life, that's your choice and you should be well aware of the fact that, that will be your reputation (unless you wear a mask). If you do it part-time, I'm pretty sure your smart enough to not do it near where you sleep. Also, how is the temptation of drugs and alcohol a danger. If you grew up with a concious mind, then you should have no fear of drugs and alchohol because you know how to say no, plain and simple. Rape....yeah I suppose if your not in big tourist cities with huge crowds, because these days huge cities means a hell of a lot of police, but that varies. Just stick to code of no sex and only strip and you should be good. Drugs is a poor risk factor if you aren't stupid and if your a good dancer, you can see stacks.
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