
Comments by bumrubber (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Need clothing advice
    "Doesn't that make it hard to tell if you're cumming or going?" A dancer friend used to say that about some of her older customers (much older).
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    14 years ago
    Asian Women
    I'm with troop. Good looking is good looking regardless of race. Personality too.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    At least I was tactful...I think
    Once, I had to do this: "You're too short, fat, and ghetto, and I don't like you." She hasn't bothered me since.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How long is your average visit?
    Probably 2 hours, to see the stage shows and visit with as many of the hotties as possible. Sometimes I get disgusted and leave pretty quick though.
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    14 years ago
    Cigars and Strip Clubs
    If you're in SoCal, the Venetian in Anaheim makes a big deal about their cigar room.
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    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    Things do get carried away sometimes - we're all human, and can respond to sexual touching - but I don't think it's that common. Girls may enjoy it in a "fun" way but most are too busy thinking about their next dollar to really connect with a customer. My GF admits to being turned on by a customer 4 times in 14 years, and literally thousands of customers. Twice she let go and enjoyed it, twice she was so nervous that she drew back and couldn't wait for it to be over.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    I had some genuine sexual chemistry with a dancer so I did a VIP with her, which turned into a full GFE makeout session. She was grinding my dick but then started working herself on my thigh. Then she took my hand and put it inside her bikini, and showed me what felt good for her. A couple of minutes of this and she came like a freight train. No faking that one! We made out some more later that night, after she took a long break.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Face vs. Body
    In a SC I probably go more for the bod, unless the girl is truly ugly. One of my local faves has a fantastic body but an OK face and crooked teeth. Ultimately it's her personality that puts me over the edge.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Which states have the most strip clubs for their population?
    @jackanonymous: WV is basically one big truck stop, with few opportunities to see hot bodies (no beach or city jogging paths). Not to mention the obesity epidemic. @mjx01: hard to categorize like that, or even to know how complete or accurate the TUSCL listing is. There are probably defunct clubs listed, or clubs not listed that should be.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do your favorites from different clubs look alike?
    <blockquote>"Because dancers have a wide range of appearances and have a wide range of attitudes, I have hooked up with dancers who all shared a confident, intelligent, poised, naughty, edgy personality. As a result, they all ended up looking different."</blockquote> For me too. Generally the more outgoing ones, and less immature, mid-20s or older.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you guys have any great lines, compliments, or pathetic excuses to get a girl
    shadowcat - that's $6000/hour!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    ITC & Cameras In the Club
    There was a story posted here about a Myrtle Beach dancer getting busted because a cop saw illegal activity on the monitor. I'm told the cameras are not really for that though. It's to prove you were in the VIP/dance area in case you refuse a charge (which apparently happens a lot), and for dancers' protection if something bad happens.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    13 dancers busted at Las Vegas Deja Vu
    Sorry I didn't realize that story was so old. Someone sent me a link, and, without looking...
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Close Nevada brothels?
    PrimO, Unfortunately the "conservative" party was taken over by the American Taliban 20-30 years ago.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Making it rain. A black thing?
    Wherever it started it's now a rap video cliche, chicken and egg thing.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Websites
    I'm a web marketer. I have my own sites that make money from advertising and ecommerce, and do SEO and site planning for large companies. I've talked with some club owners about sites. They're usually barely literate, and have serious ADD, let alone have internet or computer skills. If they were "book smart," and could type, they might not be working in a SC! When they do get websites done, it's on the cheap - by someone's friend, who then disappears - leaving the club with an outdated site, and no domain information. How many times have you clicked on a link to a SC, and found no website? Someone forgot to renew the domain name, and no one knows where to find them. Even if they do have a site - and someone to keep it updated - they're too stupid/disorganized/lazy to give the webmaster the updates. Professionals who could help them do not want to deal with them. I certainly don't. MySpace is still the hangout of choice for strippers, rock and rollers, underground arts scenesters, and all their PL friends. Some dancers are pretty net savvy, build and maintain their own sites, and wished that their bosses were more on the ball. SC marketing plan = location + tits & pussy
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    HOT and BITCH
    +1 farmerart! Hot girls in any club know they're in demand so don't waste time and tend to be curt, which can seem bitchy.
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    14 years ago
    Thieving dancers
    A dancer at a bachelor party tried to pick my rear pocket, after seeing me peel off a few for her then put the rest back there. I grabbed her wrist. She just got up off me, shook loose, and moved on as if nothing happened. I wasn't about to make a scene and spoil the party, but I'm sure she stole hundreds from others. Other than that, no bad experiences. I don't go with dancers who seem sketchy, no matter how hot (and it's often the hottest ones). Overall I've been surprised at their honesty, or at least how honest they seem to be. I'd be leery of girls working in teams. No duos for me!
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    14 years ago
    UGH !! She Has A Guy
    Not anymore... oh well.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    UGH !! She Has A Guy
    When I was that age, all the hot young women dated mostly unemployed guys. I'm not talking about strippers, but gals with regular professional jobs -- accountants, lawyers, engineers and whatnot. A 30 year old, hot, smart, successful physical therapist I knew, after whining for 20 minutes about not finding decent guys to date, finally said, "I just want a guy with long hair, and a motorcycle."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What sets you over the edge...
    Plaid skirts. I went to Catholic school.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Club membership
    georgemicrodong has it right. "Private" helps get around all the blue laws. Also right about being tracked a bunch of other ways. A lot of clubs scan licenses, and/or make you sign in, and who knows who's recording license plates -- LE, the club, etc. Or why they might be doing it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    BusinessWeek Names Top ‘CEOs of Sex'
    I'm not familiar with the others but Joe Francis is a scumbag. I wish they'd quit giving him press, good or bad, and building him up as a "somebody."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Next level
    Enjoy the girl's story and leave it at that, and don't give her anything that you can't afford to lose.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    has anyone had this problem
    I wouldn't say angry, but maybe concerned. I'll go with what mansfeld666 says. Or they think you're a dork who doesn't know the routine and it feels awkward for them. On rare occasions they get worked up too and want to be touched.