
has anyone had this problem

Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:42 AM
you go to a club and you find a dancer, she gives you a dance and gets angry if you dont have your hands all on her? this has happened to me three times. the dancers get offended when i don't touch them. its not that i dont want to, but i am just polite during dances. and these are not the fat ugly ones doing this. these are the pretty ones! the ones who you would think would not normally allow touching! i have had girls very aggresively grab my hands and put them on their bodies and basically say "touch me dammit"


  • mansfeld666
    13 years ago
    I have had that reaction. As near as I can tell they are afraid that if you are not handling them, you will go elsewhere with your money.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "she gives you a dance and gets angry if you dont have your hands all on her?" I had that problem once, then I woke up...
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    I've had the opposite problem, which involved being asked to sit on my hands.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Never had anyone get angry, except maybe in a mocking way. I'm generally pretty quick about making my lap dance preferences known, though, so there's usually no mistaking my intentions.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    she gives you a dance and gets angry if you dont have your hands all on her? ^^ huh? that will never happen because i won't waste my money on a dance if i can't touch her!
  • robbing1
    13 years ago
    @kingcripple Also, maybe she wanted to distinguish you from the LE.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Dancers always get angry with me if I don't stick my dick in their mouths. It's very annoying. Why won't they respect me as a person rather than a sex object?
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    kingcripple-are you mormon or something ? I'm guessing you're thirty or under. If not, perhaps you didn't frequent clubs, pre late 90's. Pre 95, strip clubs were a "don't touch" zone. In the last ten years, most clubs have been a hands on experience. Don't fight it, revel in it.
  • ww
    13 years ago
    LMFAO @jackslash...that made my day, right there, mate!!!
  • kingcripple
    13 years ago
    oh im not complaining, i just always had this preconcieved notion that it wasn't allowed and the dancers always frowned upon it
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I dunno if I would call it a problem but when I go to a club new to me and I don't know how much shit I can get away with, I start out causiously. I have had them tell me it ok to touch and/or place my hands on their tits.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I had one last week pull her panties aside and said "I'm horny, rub my junk". So I did.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Sometimes it helps to politely ask "What are your rules?" This gives her an opportunity to let you know how far you can go and then you can go for it. And there may be a happy ending.
  • basketball
    13 years ago
    I can't relate to your problem. If I have not been touching the girl while we are at the bar, we don't go in the back.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I wouldn't say they get angry, but like shadowcat says. In a new club, I'm cautious at first. Often enough if I don't touch them right away, the dancers will take my hands and put them on their tits.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Seriously, I usually ask up front if I don't know the rules. A polite "Where may I touch you?" and she'll tell you.
  • LoneLurker
    13 years ago
    Like others, I've had dancers place my hands for me, but never had one get mad for not touching her. Then again, I don't take much coaching when it comes to this. I consider Kingcripple's issue a very happy problem to have.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Do you fuck , sums it up.
  • 59
    13 years ago
    Never had one angry at me. I travel enough that rules vary and also shift from time to time at a given club. So I am sometimes behind the curve to start. Some will grab my hands and put them on their boobs. Years ago a dancer at Mons told me "if you don't put your hands on my boobs soon, I'm going to be insulted." But it was more tongue in cheek than angry.
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    I think it is still good to start with not touching. Different clubs/areas have very different rules. Like Cheetah Lounge in Atlanta, that's the place for air lap dance and no-touching VIP. The same case for those in Nashville. Since I start this hobby with the no-touching and overpriced Cheetah Lounge, I am pretty happy now as a regular to BBF. Having low expectations at first and wait to see what will surprise you seems to be a good strategy.
  • fredandethal
    13 years ago
    Start cautious and locate the boundary and enjoy!
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    Like many others, I also ask "what are the official rules?" and, more importantly, "what are YOUR limits?" Then I tell them I have never been in a strip club before, and therefore would be too shy to fuck them, but that I think I could muster up the courage for a blow job. Some get it, some don't. The ones that get the joke quote me a price.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    Never had one angry at me. ^^ well i have, but not because i wasn't touching, it was because i was touching too much and everywhere :-)
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Angry strippers are like angry toll booth operators
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    @kingcripple - Never had that problem and I'm also very slow/cautious about touching. And I've gotten complimented on it. And have even got a free HJ in VIP just for being a gentleman.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    I wouldn't say angry, but maybe concerned. I'll go with what mansfeld666 says. Or they think you're a dork who doesn't know the routine and it feels awkward for them. On rare occasions they get worked up too and want to be touched.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    In one club years ago, I once had a dancer complain that she didn't get to taste anything but after the bouncer almost caught her, I was ready to get out of there. Her head bobbing up and down might have been the clue for the bouncer to check on her. I didn't ask for that either and she didn't even tell me she was going to do that. Although it did feel good. Then other dancers said if I let her do that, then I had to get the same kind of dance from them or they would complain. Then a short while later, I woke up.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Ditto sc and vm. And never had them get angry.
  • crecat03
    13 years ago
    It happened to me at PP - dancers would ask why I'm not groping them and would move my hands from her back or legs and place them on her boobs and butt. Shortly later, I realized that full contact is expected and have not had this problem again.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Ya know, on second thought, if a dancer got truly angry (not just playing), I think I'd get angrier. I don't tell her how to dance (*and* I give her money). Where does she get off telling me how to enjoy the dance?
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