Thieving dancers

avatar for vincemichaels
What's the most you ever had a dancer steal from you? I couldn't believe this bitch today who took my driving glasses. We had fun back on the VIP bench. After the dances she left to go on stage, that's when I discovered she stole my glasses. I could see the bitch pickpocketing me. I've had other dancers through the years attempt to do that, but this was a new one to me. I made a fuss and mysteriously they turned up a few minutes later.


last comment
avatar for troop
14 years ago
lol vince, i guess she won't get any future business from you huh?

good thing that you were aware to her tactics. ;)

i personally can't think of anytime that a stripper stole from me but i've lost money that fell out of my pocket while pulling out a tip in clubs a few times. i've even changed the ways i've tipped and held cash a couple times but still have the problem sometimes. duh
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Be lucky you didn't catch her in the act, i've been kicked out because i went psycho on the bitch who tried to snatch my wallet
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Although it's better to be kicked out then to lose something.. eaither way, it's a sure sign of a bad time, just to add, i take a secondary wallet without any ID/cards so it wouldn't of been a big deal but it's the act that is the part that gets me pissed, total disrespect
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
I have been riped off by dancers talking the talk as far as dances go but never hav I had a dancer steal from me
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i don't even carry my wallet ibto a club. i keep cash only in various pockets but obviously by my previous comment my system isn't perfect lol
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
never had that problem..

you could try using little zip-lock sandwich bags an put your cash in there and take some out when you need it LOL
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i knew a kid that used to carry his school lunch in his pockets. he'd have a slice of meat in one, cheese in another, bread, etc
i think he could have used some ziplock bags too ;)
avatar for winorhino
14 years ago
I am with Troop: I have never brought my wallet into a club. It prevents me from doing stupid things like getting money from their ATMs and it means a stripper is not going to take it.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Those lying thieving whores!
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
you should take in everything you might need!
toothbrush and toothpaste too ;)
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
$400. I spend about 100 nights per year spread over 60 clubs and it has only happened once, but I will never forget it.
avatar for Gossage54
14 years ago
The extras club I go to is not in a ritzy neighborhood to say the least. I get nervous about my car no less my wallet. When I go there I leave my wallet at home. I bring only cash, my driver's license if I get pulled over, and usually reluctantly my ATM card. If some kind of emergency happens I'd hate to have no access to money though I usually just wind up burning through my cash and using the club's ATM and paying the ridiculous fee. I usually keep them in my breast pocket.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
what a rip off bitch. hope you get a chance to write a review warning others on her
avatar for nengneng
14 years ago
Actually last Dec. my ATF asked me whether I stole anything before (I was really shocked then, since that's the misdemeanor I never bother to consider)... Sounds like she had been stolen by customers, or there were a lot of thefts around her...
avatar for troop
14 years ago
yup, i agree with sam, name the bitch!
out her ass! and describe her too in case she changes her name. she doesn't deserve to be anonymous so that she can do it to someone else.
avatar for MarkShadow06
14 years ago
i dont agree with "naming the b*****" considering my wife is a dancer and has had plenty guys accuse her of stealing stuff when really it had fallen out of their pockets due to seating etc . dancers get accused of it often but half the time its a case of the guy being irresponsible with his belongings and letting stuff falll out during dances etc
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Thieves get outed pretty quickly by other dancers.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
If I was positive that she stole from me rather than me losing it, I would bust her in a review. I would never go anywhere without identification on me. I have emergency phone contacts in my wallet.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
good counterpoints. I know at dreamgirls they give you a little token for the coat check. It has fallen out of my pocket twice already. Once while at the bar and the other time while getting a LD.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Was this while you were in Daytona/Cocoa area, or back in your winter home?
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
$100 ITC, $300 OTC. Dancer often steal from each other too. I've heard anywhere from $100 lost to $600 due to stealing from each other.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Vince, you should've turned her over to the fake cops for a ride in the squid car!
avatar for sinclair
14 years ago
Never got anything stolen per say, but have been upsold and that feels like being stolen from.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Paying the tab at the bar. Dancer reaches over and takes a $20 out of my wallet and walks away. The bartender saw it. The manager, at my request, grabbed her. She denied it and walked away. He said that was all he could do. I left and never went back.
avatar for kingcripple
14 years ago
ive been lucky so far. all the dancers at the club i frequent are seemingly very honest. go figure
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I feel like I am getting robbed every time i buy lap dances here in COlumbus!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
MarkShadow06, no disrepect to you, I don't doubt what happens where your wife works is true. There is no doubt whatsoever here, that the dancer stole my glasses.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

You need to keep away from those dangerous Stevies!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
LOL, Clubber, I was celebrating my birthday and the babe did her thing well. Fucking stealing my glasses which I need for driving isn't my idea of a birthday present.
avatar for scatterbrain
14 years ago
On the flip side of the coin, I've had dancers graciously return things to me (including cash) that have inadvertently slipped out of my pocket. Or they've returned things I'm mistakenly left at the club...a nice portable humidor comes to mind.

So, I'm of the opinion that for every ROB out there, there's probably a saint that is more than willing to retain business by being a human being.

Just my positive outlook.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
True, scatterbrain. One stupid bitch can piss you off as this one did. There are plenty more fish in the sea.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago are getting robbed every time you pay for a LD in Cbus!

I think next time I go to an SC I'm going to take one of those little pastic coin purses that were popular back in the 70s and 80s. The little oval ones that you pinch to open the gash along the that I think of it they sure did look like pussies! They can be shoved down in a pocket and the rubberized plastic will stick to your pocket liner keeping it from falling out.

Something like this:…
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
happy birthday vincemichaels
avatar for HottieHeidi
14 years ago
As a dancer, I take pride in being honest and making customers happy. In fact, over the years I've found, not one, but TWO wallets and returned both of them. The first guy was so drunk that he didn't even say thank you. However, the second guy who i returned a wallet to was so thankful that he gave me a big tip and ended up getting a bunch of dances from me. I believe you reap what you sow.

Now I"m not saying that all dancers are like me. Some shiesty bitches steal my tips straight off of stage ( I'm not going to get in a catfight over a few dollars)! But to say that ALL dancers are (and I'm quoting gatorfan here) "lying thieving whores" is a bit of an oversimplification.

avatar for tttclub
14 years ago
I once got the heads up on a new girl at one of my fav clubs from the waitress. She was smoking hot and I wanted a dance, but the waitress told me about the stealing rumors going around, so I threw a test out there. I normally keep money in more than one place. I put $60 in my front left pocket and stashed the rest. Got 6 songs, when I said I was done, I reached into my pocket to find $25. When she asked for the $200 agreed upon, I gave her a choice, the $35 she lifted, or a chat with the manager. Her answer of "whatever" told the story. I do find it funny she only took half the bills, as if people don't know what they have on them (I'm guessing this works on the really drunk customers.) Sad thing is, the dances/extras were great. I would have tipped well too. Some whores just don't get it. Went in the next week. Go figure, she was fired for stealing another dancers cell phone.
avatar for Mxoxo
14 years ago
Why would a dancer want your glasses????

A waitress or floor walker proabably picked them up as they were cleaning. They are always scouring the lap dance area trying to find anything left behind (money, phones, or anything of value).

There really is no point of turning in these items to the manager since the managers tend to keep most of the things too. A waitress once turned in an Iphone to the manager, and guess who was using an iphone from then on??

I definitely know the male floor walkers enjoy the abundance of nice sunglasses that get collected behind, under, or in between couches and chairs.

I highly doubt a dancer would steal your glasses. It doesn't even make since.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Mxoxo, you weren't there. I was. Why would the dancer take my glasses you ask?? It beats me. I watched as the dancer took them out of my pocket. Do you doubt that?? I was surprised when I found them gone from the shelf above the seat after the dancer left to go on stage. Klepto, maybe?? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I am curious about what level of education you have had.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
"But to say that ALL dancers are (and I'm quoting gatorfan here) "lying thieving whores" is a bit of an oversimplification."<p>

Sounds more like Dougster -- must've hacked Gator's account.
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
A dancer at a bachelor party tried to pick my rear pocket, after seeing me peel off a few for her then put the rest back there. I grabbed her wrist. She just got up off me, shook loose, and moved on as if nothing happened. I wasn't about to make a scene and spoil the party, but I'm sure she stole hundreds from others.

Other than that, no bad experiences. I don't go with dancers who seem sketchy, no matter how hot (and it's often the hottest ones). Overall I've been surprised at their honesty, or at least how honest they seem to be.

I'd be leery of girls working in teams. No duos for me!
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
HB, vm!

I owe you a couple of beers next visit down this way!
avatar for deogol
14 years ago
Gatorfan: Those lying thieving whores!

Aren't those California Legislators? (Yes, I am a John & Ken fan)
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Yeah, deogol, all those dickheads in that California city that ripped off the citizens for years. Sheeesh, way to go!!
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Some nasty girls have taken many layers of my innocence in SCs. And others have frequently stolen my dignity as well.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Innocence is overrated, and dignity comes back after a while.
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