If you really want to hook up outside the club, you'll need to determine how willing she is to meet up with someone. If she is strongly committed to someone, chances are not good no matter what you say. If you're not her type, chances are still not good even if she is looking. Now if she starts getting real frisky in the club if she can get away with it and/or starts asking questions about where you're staying at, then your chances are good.
Mike, I wasn't sure if you meant getting her otc as a p4p gig or a real date, so Ill address both.
As a real date, the odds are slim. It does happen - rarely - but a guy can easily go broke chasing after a stripper's affections and it is not recommended.
If you mean p4p, the two most important elements are that (1) you have cash to spend and she is clear that SHE CANNOT SHAKE IT OUT OF YOU ITC; and (2) that you seem friendly and discreet.
Just play your cards close to the vest and be friendly, but in a quiet way. Also be firm if she tries to draw you into a big ticket expenditure in the club. Also, make sure (again subtly) she knows that you have cash to spend but that VIP/CR is not your gig.
If she is game for OTC, often this will be enough to coax her into introducing the idea. But of course you can always quitely introduce the concept if she has not. However, keep your ears open. If she says "I need to get to know you better" or "ok but I need you to pay me upfront here so that I [can tipout/know you're serious]" or otherwise gives you some other non-commital response, then she is just trying to play you and it is time to move on.
I could go on, but some of this simply needs to be learned by experience. But there is no magic line that will make it happen and it cannot be forced, so your best bet is to let it come to you.
I ask them if they play or work outside the club. Then I may make an offer. If they play, they may even proposotion you or quote a rate.
A gal I did itc for $200 in VIP told me she would see me otc for the same amount but I would have to get the room. Another I took to VIP said she did not "play" and after one $20 dance back downstairs I sent her.
The bottom line is to simply make her an cash offer (specifying what you want) which will float her boat. You can open the conversation about how her week has been and if mentions rent or bills then say "Well honey I can help with that but this is what I want...." Never, ever give them handouts or loans. If the drama gets too thick just enjoy it for its entertainment value.
I believe if you aren't picky, it's real easy to meet up with a dancer. It's just that with a lot of dancers, I would not want to meet anywhere. Those are the dancers I have to watch out for because every once in a while, one will be real stubborn and not leave me alone.
Best way to meet up without trying to be funny, just ask for a phone number if she is receptive to meeting up for whatever. If it's a good number and she answers the phone, you're already half way there. It's also a good way to cut out the BS in a strip club if she keeps giving you a line about you being hot, etc. etc. I think dancers telling me I'm hot is a line. Of course they'll use whatever seems to work.
ive never tried any lines or what not, though this one girl is sending me clear messages that she is after some time, willing to hook up, she asked me for a ride home last week. even though i am smart enough to know i will never get with her, why would she ask me to take her to her apartment if she didnt trust me? again, i know i will never get with her. so it doesnt really matter
Her: "It could happen for $500".
Well that one didn't work!
"Anything I can get you, sweetie? Drink...bite to eat...new car?"
(Also good test to see if they're paying attention to you, lol.)
As a real date, the odds are slim. It does happen - rarely - but a guy can easily go broke chasing after a stripper's affections and it is not recommended.
If you mean p4p, the two most important elements are that (1) you have cash to spend and she is clear that SHE CANNOT SHAKE IT OUT OF YOU ITC; and (2) that you seem friendly and discreet.
Just play your cards close to the vest and be friendly, but in a quiet way. Also be firm if she tries to draw you into a big ticket expenditure in the club. Also, make sure (again subtly) she knows that you have cash to spend but that VIP/CR is not your gig.
If she is game for OTC, often this will be enough to coax her into introducing the idea. But of course you can always quitely introduce the concept if she has not. However, keep your ears open. If she says "I need to get to know you better" or "ok but I need you to pay me upfront here so that I [can tipout/know you're serious]" or otherwise gives you some other non-commital response, then she is just trying to play you and it is time to move on.
I could go on, but some of this simply needs to be learned by experience. But there is no magic line that will make it happen and it cannot be forced, so your best bet is to let it come to you.
Anyway, good luck!
A gal I did itc for $200 in VIP told me she would see me otc for the same amount but I would have to get the room. Another I took to VIP said she did not "play" and after one $20 dance back downstairs I sent her.
The bottom line is to simply make her an cash offer (specifying what you want) which will float her boat. You can open the conversation about how her week has been and if mentions rent or bills then say "Well honey I can help with that but this is what I want...." Never, ever give them handouts or loans. If the drama gets too thick just enjoy it for its entertainment value.
Best way to meet up without trying to be funny, just ask for a phone number if she is receptive to meeting up for whatever. If it's a good number and she answers the phone, you're already half way there. It's also a good way to cut out the BS in a strip club if she keeps giving you a line about you being hot, etc. etc. I think dancers telling me I'm hot is a line. Of course they'll use whatever seems to work.