
Comments by DoctorDarby (page 13)

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    15 years ago
    Corky - the E True Hollywood Story
    Which is the true Corky? The loyal pet who rescued his crossdressing stripper impersonating master from a well or the crafty K-9 who stole his clueless master's pickup truck, life-savings, and hot Ukrainian girlfriend? Stay tuned!!
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    15 years ago
    Undacova STRIPPA
    Oh Geez. I can almost hear what the late, lamented Corky would say: "WOOF, WOOF, a bunch of angry frat boys threw my master the not-very-convincing-stipper aka drag queen into a well! WOOF! I think he broke a nail . . . and his leg . . . and a couple of ribs . . . WOOF! Send paramedics and a stylist WOOF!" It's not a pretty picture. I fear that this expose will not turn out well.
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    15 years ago
    definition of a gentleman
    This might be a stretch, but what the heck. If we want to fit our SC activities into the realm of "gentlemen" we have to look at the definition in a bit broader sense. Back in the 19th century, a gentleman not only carried himself in the ways described in the OP's definition, but he also was a man who possessed some disposable income that he used at HIS discretion (separate from what would be used to maintain his family) and most likely kept a mistress, which of course showed his sexual independence from the tiresome business of creating legitimate children with his wife. Thus the modern Gentleman's Club reflects the last vestiges of this old-school sense of male privilege. We go to a place designed for men to spend our disposable income on women who are there primarily to provide for our entertainment, and occasionally, sexual needs. And, although it is easy to classify the dancers as whores and cheap floozies, the "kept women" of our traditional gentlemen enjoyed a certain status in high society, since she was clearly getting something out of the deal that wives were not getting. The way many of the regulars here describe their OTC girls and ATF's harkens back to this worldly definition of a gentleman and his special "ladies." Although much has changed, in theory,the upscale GC still sees its customers as men with both income and manly desires and provides willing, high-caliber women to cater to them. In practice, we are all over the map, as has been documented so often on this board.
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    15 years ago
    Party Like a Canadian women hockey player
    Gosh, don't we sound like a bunch of ol' fuddy-duddies. This is the stuff of GGW--Spring Break (and now Olympic) fantasies. Drunken female athletes letting their guard down in public. Hoo-ray!. If it would have been a beach volleyball team instead of hockey players, no one here would be complaining, now would we?? Let 'em party, eh. And bring 'em to a strip club so they can canoozle with some cute Canadian strippers, eh. Fookin' A, eh?
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    15 years ago
    'Showgirls 2' Trailer: Could This Film Match The Original?
    OMG--this is bad on a Biblical level. Showgirls was hokey and full of melodramatic nonsense, but it was watchable and campy, which is why it has achieved its status as a cult favorite. This "sequel" is obviously an unwatchable piece of cinematic garbage that bears utterly no resemblence to the original. There are 70s porn movies that have better looking trailers. Ugggg.
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    15 years ago
    Detroit Council Approves Strip Club Regulations
    It will all come down to enforcement. Ohio's state law is almost as restrictive (it did not ban VIP rooms but prohibits any touching) but enforcement has been pretty lax in many places. I think many localities resented the state making such pronouncements and have not delegated LE resources to upholding an unpopular, impractical, and economically counterproductive state law. In a city, however, you have a great deal more scrutiny from the press and the factions who supported the law. They will be all over it for a while, but once the city's attention shifts to other problems (and Detroit has plenty of them) you might find some things slipping under the radar. It might also encourage some good old fashioned bribery, graft, and corruption as well-connected SC's try to get LE and prosecuters to look the other way. It's gonna suck for a while, but maybe not forever. Too bad I never got up that way to sample the action when it was good.
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    15 years ago
    Flyin' beer
    I have always felt that keeping an eye on your beer was the customer's responsibility, while at the same time hoping that the dancers were aware of the obstacles when she is on stage or at a table. Spilled beers are part of the game. I have had dancers pay to pay for a spilled beverage, but I don't expect or demand that they do. Often you can sense that a girl's style might be a menace to your drinks and take evasive action, but usually the spills just happen in the midst of all that wiggling. It pays to be a good sport; most girls will remember that you were cool about it. Screw the wench who bitched about wet tips. It all spends the same.
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    15 years ago
    Domesday Book 2010: Strip clubs soaring, libraries disappearing... the figures w
    Note that in England, many things listed as "in decline" are run by the government, which also controls health care, education, and just about everything else. The increase in private enterprise--as represented by strip clubs and other similar recreational businesses--is not only a triumph for the redemptive power of the lapdance, but a tribute to good old fashioned free market supply and demand. God knows if the British government took over strip clubs and whore houses, those would be out of business as well.
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    15 years ago
    its a sad ending.......
    Um, DJ I don't want to get all CSI on you, but you said that the rope was around his neck. What was the other end of the rope tied to? If the answer is "the garage door" and you have an automatic opener . . . Was Corky's death a suicide? A tragic accident? Or murrrrrrrrrrrrrrder? Stay tuned for our next episode, where we hear Corky say "hey dummass, put the fucking door back dow . . gaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!"
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    15 years ago
    Womens Olympic Curling
    The Danish team had a couple of cuties as well. Now all they need to do is get rid of the frumpy bowling shirts and have female curlers wear something that shows off their figures a bit more. Imagine what a hint of cleavage would do for TV ratings!! If they can make beach volleyball an Olympic sport, then bikini curling can't be far behind.
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    15 years ago
    Best porno chick
    DJ: A Ron Jeremy cock means you can put your own eye out with the damn thing. He also used to suck his own dick on film. With his hairy back all bent over during this ridiculous self-suck, he earned the nickname "the hedgehog." BTW, any woman who knows who Ron Jeremy is either kinda old (run away fast) or a true porn fan (fuck her again!!).
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    15 years ago
    Lapgirl Preferences
    I am not too picky, so it would be easier for me to list what qualities I would definately AVOID: Face: hatchet marks, crossed eyes, scars more than an inch long, pierced eyelids, tatooes, hairlips, obvious dental problems, or anything that twitches involuntarily Make-up: If plastered on to cover up any of the above defects (or some I may have missed), forget it. Otherwise, its not an issue unless it runs down her cheeks when she cries, drinks heavily, gives head, or orgasms. Age: any legal age is fine, but women with wrinkles like George Burns and varicose veins that resemble a highway map of New Jersey are off my list. Body: I avoid any woman with a hump, one leg shorter than the other, stumps or hooks for any major appendange, missing digits, sagging belly rolls, or thighs that rub together when she moves. Tits: Fake boobs attached to any of the characteristics above are a nightmare to be avoided at all costs. I would take flat no-titties on a woman before choosing one with big, floppy, saggy, worn-out udders. Other undesirable characteristics for a potential LD partner: slurring words, drooling, chain smoking, using the word "motherfucker" more than once in a sentence, tatoos depicting death, decapitation, or impaling, fangs of any type, chain mail costumes (spikes are really scary), large sparkly pasties with tassles, hearing the phrase "my grandkids" at any point in the conversation, track marks, or any smells not normally associated with perfume, tobacco, or alcohol.
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    15 years ago
    What is "High Mileage" to most people here?"
    I would agree with Phil-A-Stein's definitions with just a couple of questions. Here's my take on it: Most would consider an air dance NO mileage, but if a girl shows you her pussy in a topless-only bar (or spreads/fingers her holes in a place where it is not allowed), is that mileage? Low mileage is a standard lap dance with grindage, but touching by the customer is not allowed. In air dance clubs, some girls will use their knees and thighs to rub you, even though they can't technically grind. Does that qualify as low mileage in that context? Medium would be grinding and mutual touching outside of the clothes. Once Mr Happy comes out and our fingers and parts start going into warm, wet holes, that to me is high mileage. Getting a BJ or FS seems ultra high mileage, but it is obvious from this board that a lot of clubs are able to deliver this level of satisfaction in some areas, while other places it is almost impossible for the average guy (lots of money or superior powers of pursuasion excepted!!)to reach that level. However we break it down, I can say this with absolute certainty: VISITING THIS BOARD AND READING TUSCL REVIEWS IS INCREASING MY MILEAGE!!!! Sorry about the shouting. This makes me very happy. Thanks!
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    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    I am at the opposite end of the scale from misogyny to the point of being a neo-feminist male. I have also lots of female friends and co-workers and maintain positive appropriate relationships with both male and female students. However, I am a bit of a "hands-off" lech and a voyeur who enjoys watching pretty women wherever I go. I view way too much porn, so in many ways, SC's give me a chance to reconnect with the objects of my lechery in a positive way. I am a "good" regular who chats with the staff, tips well, drinks in moderation, and entertains the girls with my outgoing sense of silliness. Thus I find myself really liking most dancers, while at the same time still hoping to get them to do naughty things. Sometimes that combination works; other times I think I get fewer extra because I am seen as a nice guy (or to the cynics, a PL). I am still single at 52 and have shared my SC experiences with various buddies and a couple of girlfriends with mixed results. I think I would be far better off giving up porn and keeping my SC hobby than the other way around.
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    15 years ago
    I have been in a couple of lower-level clubs over the years that had some girls "on the Schedule" and others "dancing for tips." These were some of the rare places that actually paid the girls on schedule (about $10/hour for a 4 hr. shift)but in return, they had to do a rotation on stage. The others could get one stage if they wanted, but were not required and of course, they did not get the hourly pay. A few of the "tip" girls were trashy hustlers who never came back; some were semi-regulars who seemed to get along with the paid girls; several of them got put on the schedule. I think this is pretty rare these days, since most clubs now charge the dancers (via a "tip out") for the opportunity to dance in the club.
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    15 years ago
    strip club webcams
    There was a nude juice bar in Troy, Ohio (the name is right on the tip of my tongue . . .)that used to broadcast a live feed from its stage. This was back in the days before everyone had high speed connections, but it was still a neat concept. It has been closed for quite a few years though.
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    15 years ago
    Like Clubber, I have also had dancers leave money with me while they went on stage or did a dance nearby. It was never a regular thing nor did it extend more than a few minutes, but I took it as a compliment. In a business where trust is sort of a marginal concept and we often question whether dancers' expressions of friendship are sincere, I found it flattering to be trusted with their hard-earned cash.
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    15 years ago
    too much too soon?
    Man DJ, I'm thinking that it could get worse if you ain't careful. You might come home some day and find your money, your major appliances, and your pickup truck gone with a note that says: "I wud have left long ago x-cept I cudn't reech the pedals in the truck. This bitch u brot home sure is hott-WOOF-too badd she was bangin me and not u. The stuff in my food was Viagra-WOOF-I damn near fucked Mrs. Baker's poodle to deth. Thanx for all the milk bones. WOOF. Corky" Feel free to compose a country song based on this tragic, true-life tail . . . er . . .tale.
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    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    Extras for free...
    Well, it sounds like she set you up for the "loan" pretty well, which indicates that she had done it before. On the other hand, you did get laid for roughly the cost of a handful of VIP room visits. Better yet, you did not get stabbed, shot, robbed, or contract a disease that made your dinkus fall off, so all in all, not the worse experience. Welcome to the board.
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    15 years ago
    Talking with other customers
    I'm naturally sociable, so I'll shoot the shit with most reasonable (as in not too drunk or obnoxious)people in a bar or SC, but prefer mostly just to deal with the ladies. However, I once struck up a conversation with a guy about my age at a now-defunct club (the Porcelin Dollhouse in Canton)who was sitting at a table, drinking a soda, and working at a laptop. My curiousity got the best of me and I sat down to find out what was more interesting than the titties on display. As it turned out, he was working on a PhD dissertation (so was I) on some sort of rail transportaiton project and was all about implimenting his ideas. He was long-winded and completely full of shit, but I had a good time chatting with someone with a fully functioning brain, even though it totally killed my letching for the night(saved me money though). I still see him in Diamonds every now and then doing the same thing (I'm not sure whether he ever finished his PhD). I can't figure out why he comes to a SC to do his busy work, since the lighting is bad, the pop is expensive, and he rarely pays any attention to the girls. He is harmless and benign, so nobody complains, but I may be the only person other than the waitresses who actually talk to him. What is most scary is that at a glance, he and I bear a remarkable similarity to one another (same build,long hair & glasses). Fortunately, even in the dark, the dancers can tell us apart based on two important things: I'm the nerd with the boner AND and money!!!
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    This is a good discussion. My compliments to all who have contributed their experiences and insights. I would only add that there is clearly a distinction to be made between racist policies in a club and individual racism between dancers and customers (which often runs both ways). It is also important to distinguish between racial prejudice (as in "I would never get a dance from a Black girl") and one's taste in dancers ("Black girls just don't do it for me"). I have noted that several posts also interject both age and class into the mix. The perception of young, urban, African-American males as "gang-bangers" and "thugs" is not without some valid reasons, but often leads clubs to adopt draconian dress codes and racial profiling policies based strictly on appearence. This is ironic, since we have all noted at one time or another that the most disrespectful douchebags in some clubs are the groups of clean-cut, college-aged white boys who piss off everyone with their rudeness, poor tipping, and drunken frat-boy antics. In many ways, the combination of young, low-income, and Black leads to unfair stereotyping, especially in upscale clubs. The individual incidents of racial discrimination leveled on middle-aged, middle-class gentlemen of color are ignorant and unfortunate, but also part of the human factor that makes going to SC's so interesting. Expecting all dancers to perform the same why for everyone irregardless of their personal tastes is not only unrealistic, but takes a bunch of the fun out of finding and enjoying the "special" ones who like us better than the other guys (for whatever reasons)!
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    15 years ago
    The L Word
    Must stand for "Lia", since her picture is, like, GIGANTIC! She is (or was) a famous NN-JB model not long ago. She grew up real purty.
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    15 years ago
    "Do you want to tip me a $1?"
    It sounds like this might be a club policy rather than the work of a bunch of dancers who decided on their own to shake down everyone in the club for each round of stage dances. As with many things of this nature, someone in management probably decided to do something about all the leaches who just sit and watch the girls all night and never spend more than the cost of their drinks. Thus the invention of the "courtesy tip" requested from everyone after each dance. It seems counter productive to nickel and dime your regulars (who will also most likely spring for more expensive and intimate dances) in order to pry a few bucks from the deadbeats. However, it is not surprising that the types of geniuses who run SC would come up with such an idea. I suspect that the dancer tip-out fee to the club went up when this policy was instituted (just as it does with inflated dancer drink prices), so that by not giving up the courtesy tip, you are cutting into the dancer's take-home. It has always been understood that if you sit at the stage, you tip; I have not encountered a situation where they tap you on the shoulder at the bar and ask for money. However, my bet is that it is management, not the girls, who made the rule.
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    15 years ago
    A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is . . . Talkin'?
    This is a close to a unanimous concensus as I have seen on this board and I totally concur with the group. As a guy who both talks and listens to dancers out in the bar, I fear that I have too many keep talking during lap or table dances. Some catch themselves and stop, some read my reaction and stop, and a few just keep chattering. If it is a newbie who just might be nervous, I might even gently tell them that they should avoid this mistake; but with girls who ought to know better, it's either put up with it and avoid another dance or actually tell them to be quiet.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Legal Problems
    Many years ago I saw Marilyn Chambers at the old State Burlesque in Cleveland a week before she got busted for giving head to a customer during her show. I don't recall whether she ever did any jail time. If I have told this story in another thread . . .well . . . tough shit. I'm old. We do these things. Get over it. Now what was I talking about?