
Comments by DoctorDarby (page 12)

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    15 years ago
    Damn I love this board! Fetish_Dancer, you are exactly the type of girl who keeps me going to places with virtually non-existent extra opportunities. You are smart, feisty, artistic, and interesting; we would get along splendidly and I would happily pay for dances on your terms and be thrilled. Your posts have generated some excellent and honest responses from the regulars here that reveal the wide range of experiences and expectations that customers have in clubs of all types. Over my 30 years of clubbing, I have generally been a "nice guy" who rarely expected extras of any type. In the last few months I have been offered more than I can ever remember, some of which has been delivered and some was just dancer BS. I think there is still a big space in the business for women like you who want to entertain, tease, and titillate; and as long as your lap dances give an honest grind for a fair price, you will have many regulars come back to enjoy the whole package.
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    15 years ago
    Clubs having "tip" Buckets at the Door
    Ditto Lee H's rule.
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    15 years ago
    Update on Detroit
    Here in Ohio, a state-wide set of restrictions were imposed by a fairly gutless legislature and Democratic governor who didn't have the balls to stand up to very small, vocal bunch of evangelical dipsticks who pushed this thing without any widespread public support. Up until the law appeared in the legislature, there had been no real outcry for reforming adult entertainment. The problem was that our elected officials could not bring themselves to defend this particular activity, even though it provides thousands of jobs and generated millions in revenue to a dying post-industrial state. Just as in Detroit and these other cities, the law's supporters dredged up the old arguments about drugs, crime and violence, even though no statistics exist that connect these things specifically to adult entertainment. It is a clear case of the minority ruling the majority (sorta like that health care thingee everybody was talking about) and will continue as long as people let it.
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    15 years ago
    finger in the kitty
    Getting to stroke the kitty is not so much about giving the stripper pleasure (although I don't mind if it does) as it is finally getting to touch something after all that looking. When the opportunity arises (so to speak) I tend to just rub the outside of the pussy and diddle the clit rather than go knuckle deep. Its just as exciting and less intrusive than a full-fledged-finger-funking (try to say that three times fast!)
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    15 years ago
    Teen Girls Dress like Strippers at Prom
    The one in the front is a bit much, but the long dress with the halter looks like something from the 70s. I was in Louisville, Ky for a conference last November and there was a big group of college students in the hotel. When they came down to the lobby on their way out for the evening, there was an amazing display of short, short skirts, low cut tops, and high heels. Maybe not stripper fashion, but certainly an eyeful. I agree with Dudester; the feminists tried to emasculate men and defeminize women. They certainly failed in the latter, since young women are more brazen and exhibitionistic than ever. They have used their feminist empowerment to be even more effective dick teasers. Its the Spice Girls version of "girl power!"
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    Metal is excellent as long as it has a pace you can dance to and the other girls can grind to out in the club. Speed metal and growling don't work well. Power bands with female vocals like Halestorm, Delain, Lacuna Coil, Evenesence, or Nightwish are pretty cool. The other problem with rock is that the songs tend to be longer and often get cut short before they build to the climax. Classic rock tends to be a bit boring because we have heard it so much. With all due respect, Led Zeppelin is not really dancable; on the other hand, Scorpions, Rainbow, Dio, and the like work pretty well. Not everyone will appreciate your fetish show or attention to detail, but as you can see by the responses, some of us get it! Good luck.
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    15 years ago
    How far back into past discussion topics back do you continue to read?
    Funny you should say that, when I woke up from a particularly rough night of clubbing the other day I was missing my keys, wallet, spleen, and one of my kidneys. NOW this thread is officially a dead parrot! It's deceased . . . no longer living . . . categorically non-functional, etc.
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    15 years ago
    Yeah, yeah, the plot might make it a better movie but the real questions are: 1)who gets naked? and 2) are there any hot lesbian scenes between the wife and the escort?
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    15 years ago
    How far back into past discussion topics back do you continue to read?
    Damn! It happened again!
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    15 years ago
    How far back into past discussion topics back do you continue to read?
    I usually stick to the first page unless I want to check on a topic I posted in earlier that is no longer on that page (or any Dick Johnson post). Unfortunately, I seem to be a thread killer, since many of the topics that end up dying out have one of mine as the last post. If I wasn't so confident about my nerdy, vapid charm; muddled, obscure insights; and primitive, Neanderthal wit, I might develop a complex about a thing like that!
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    15 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    Aside from the traditional voyeuristic cheapskates who just don't tip, I think that the lack of tipping--which includes dancers, servers, shot girls, and bartenders--in SC's reflects a lack of courtesy rather than economic hardship. The groups of guys and many times, guys and girls, who come to SC's nowadays have no real respect for anyone who works in them. I watch them demand their drinks quickly, then take their change at the bar without leaving anything for the bartender, not tip a server that brings a tray full of drinks, and not bother to acknowledge or tip the girls who stop in front of them on stage. It is selfish and loutish behavior that seems typical of many people in all kinds of clubs. It's not only bad for the financial well-being of the staff, but bad for morale. It also forces those of us who try to tip consistently and generously to carry the load.
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    15 years ago
    Help!! I wanna stop this girl from becoming a stripper!!!!!!!!
    You could also help her adjust to her new vocation by taking her to practice stripping out of her plain black dress for a bunch of Civil War reenactors who wear clothing much like she is used to seeing among her brethren. Not only that, but the baggy wool soldier-pants would hide their boners so she didn't get too scared. However, there might be some chafing issues doing lap dances on wool trousers. On second thought, this might be a bad idea since reenactors (especially Rebs) tend to be a rather crude, tobacco stained, smelly bunch of critters. Plus, they would try to tip her in Confederate money.
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    15 years ago
    2nd visit total opposite of 1st?
    There is no greater evidence of the inconsistencies at clubs than the reviews posted on this very fine site. Granted there are differences in tastes between reviewers, but if you look at a dozen reviews for the same place over a few months, you are likely to see a wide range of good and bad experiences. I agree with arbeeguy that it is the unpredictability that is part of the appeal, which is why most of us continue to sample different places rather than just live in our favorite club.
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    15 years ago
    Saint Patrick's Day
    Green beer is a blight on proper drinking. The Leprechauns piss in it. Have a pint 'o Guinness or a shot of Jameson and show the girls your shalaleigh!
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    15 years ago
    Festive Colors
    Go with something festive but not tacky. For St. Paddy's Day, a nice dark green camisole or bustier with garters, black hose, green heels, and long gloves in matching green or black would do the trick. Dance to The Corrs' "Forgiven, not Forgotten" or Solas' version of "Darkness, Darkness" on stage. Faugh a balaugh!
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    15 years ago
    Great girl, lousy dance
    Dudester has the right idea. As someone she likes and trusts to some degree, you might be able to help her become better at making money, which is ultimately why she is there. When you suggest something and she does it well, let her know. Or say "I did not like that as much" when she does the other stuff. Let her know how much you appreciate it, point out that other guys will like it too, and remind her again that it will get her more dances and more money. Somewhere down the line she is going to acknowledge that big lump in your pants, at which point you can advance the lessons to the next level. You can always go to her more skilled co-workers when you need more mileage, but in the end, the payoff could be spectacular and you can say you turned a nice girl into a raging slut (thus allowing Dougster to say "I told ya' so!!")
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Kristin Davis On NY Governor's Race: I'm Confident 'Strippers, Dancers, Dommes,
    I was thinking of that Clinton aide with Whitewater ties who allegedly offed himself in a DC parking lot just as the Starr committee was gearing up its investigation.
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    15 years ago
    surreal night at an adult book store......
    Let me guess--a bunch of the other customers seemed to be wearing raincoats with short . . . ahem . . . pants. Oh my. I hope you didn't ask for extra butter on your popcorn in this place.
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    15 years ago
    Bathroom Troll
    The ubiquitous bathroom troll goes back to the origins of gentleman's clubs as manly havens for the rich and pretentious. Just like country clubs, they were staffed by people of a lower social level who were expected to "take care" of the higher class clientele. During the first half of the 20th century, it would not be unusual for a man "out on the town" to be regularly approached by bathroom attendants, coat checkers, shoe shiners, porters, cigarette girls, concierges, valets,and others at many higher class establishments like hotels, theaters, casinos, and restaurants, who would offer to perform menial tasks in exchange for your tips. By tipping them, whether they needed the service or not, upper class men proved that they were gentlemen of means with disposable income. If you were a regular, you generated good will, which in turn might come in handy later in getting favors, choice theater seats, a high class hooker, etc. Upscale SC's 9and hotels, country clubs, and casinos) are still operating on these assumptions about their customers and we go along with them for many of the same reasons. By tipping door girls, coat girls, shot girls (whether we wanted the wimpy, overpriced shots or not), parking attendants, and bathroom trolls, we establish ourselves as good customers who are playing the game and helping out all the little people who are there to serve us. It is outdated, impractical, and increasing rare in most places, but can still generate a certain amount of handy good will if we decide to play along. Not tipping these service workers sends the message that you are rude, arrogant, cheap, and most likely, not a "gentlemen," which could, I suppose, filter down to the dancers, bouncers, servers, and bartenders we depend on to help us have a good time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Kristin Davis On NY Governor's Race: I'm Confident 'Strippers, Dancers, Dommes,
    I dunno, considering that this is the state that has already elected the likes of blind adulterer Patterson, Elliot "just call me John" Spitzer, Mario "the Weenie" Cuomo, serial adulterer Rudy Gulianni, Hillary "the Arkansas assassin" Clinton, and Chuckie "the gun grabber" Schumar, I'm thinking that this wacko fits right in. Anyone who can claim a coalition made up of both gays and US Marines is worth watching. You go girl!!!
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    15 years ago
    new york
    Minnow: I think you mean "gauge" but your point is correct. JJ would never "gouge" anyone; she's our stripper with a heart of gold :-)
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    15 years ago
    chances of getting virus
    Bring your own hankie or some tissues. Just make sure the hankie isn't the monogrammed one your granny gave you on your 10th birthday.
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    15 years ago
    Corky - the E True Hollywood Story
    There were un-named sources involved, but we suspect than the nieghbor lady's jealous poodle might have "dished" on good 'ol Corky after he cut her off in favor the stripper he allegedly ran off with. The bitch!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I went to VIP room for the first time with a MILF type dancer who let me finger her and gave me a lovely HJ. She did charge me extra for it, but I was still pleasently surprised she went there on our first go-round.