definition of a gentleman

avatar for definitelynotgreenvegas
1.a man regarded as having qualities of refinement associated with a good family
2. a man who is cultured, courteous, and well-educated
3. A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.

Since strip clubs are called gentlemans clubs I thought id look up the definition. Well, according to the dictionary I dont think we can use the word gentleman when talking about a strip club. It simply doesnt fit.

Lets try these

Pervert Club
I dont care about my wife club
Pathetic mens club
I cant get girls on my own club
Sucker club
I dont care about the fact that this girl is a mother, wife, sister or daughter club

Those to me, make sense

Just ask yourself would it be ok if you 18 year old daughter let men look at her pussy for money


last comment
avatar for SnakePlissken
15 years ago
I'm a big fan of "I dont care about the fact that this girl is a mother, wife, sister or daughter club"
avatar for how
15 years ago
dngv suggested, "Just ask yourself would it be ok if you 18 year old daughter let men look at her pussy for money"

No, greenie, we'll just keep looking at your wife's as she strips; then fill her with jizz as so many often do...

[note to others: obviously this reply is not strictly serious, but dngv deserves to be scorned and maligned for his pernicious malevolence, so give him nothing but disdain...]
avatar for Mr.White
15 years ago
hmmm i like this thread.the real question is if you would go into a club that your daughter, wife, sister or any family member works at.that would be creepy.but if they make the choice to dance then so be it.they will make money.this has happened to me.a friends daughter started stripping.i didn'r know it. i see her in the club.I said hi to her, it was creepy.i've known her since she was born.she asks me not to say anything to anyone,i didn't.i had to leave and havnt been to that club point. it was my choice not to watch and not to make her uncomfortable even though she said she wanted me to stay.i couldn't.does that make me a know strippers that told me there brother or cousin is in the club and didn't want to get on stage.i know two sisters that work together and want me to do a threesome.i told them i think thats illeagal in this havn't yet..yet..i am not a gentleman.
avatar for jabthehut
15 years ago
Anyone who fits any one of the definitions is a gentleman. You don't have to meet ALL the defs to qualify. I would bet that most of us here (with maybe the exception of the OP since he brought it up) on TUSCL are at least are well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior and maybe even men who are cultured, courteous, and well-educated.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I take exception with the name "GENTELMENS CLUB". There are no gentlemen or ladies in the place. That is the same as calling terrorists "insurgents".Its time to call it what it is.
Again, definitelynotdealingfromafulldeck, so fucking what?

I think I know what's going on here. definitelyapatheticloser is posting all this crap and thinks he's scoring brownie points with his ex dancer wife. Like she gives a shit what we all think.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
This might be a stretch, but what the heck. If we want to fit our SC activities into the realm of "gentlemen" we have to look at the definition in a bit broader sense. Back in the 19th century, a gentleman not only carried himself in the ways described in the OP's definition, but he also was a man who possessed some disposable income that he used at HIS discretion (separate from what would be used to maintain his family) and most likely kept a mistress, which of course showed his sexual independence from the tiresome business of creating legitimate children with his wife. Thus the modern Gentleman's Club reflects the last vestiges of this old-school sense of male privilege. We go to a place designed for men to spend our disposable income on women who are there primarily to provide for our entertainment, and occasionally, sexual needs. And, although it is easy to classify the dancers as whores and cheap floozies, the "kept women" of our traditional gentlemen enjoyed a certain status in high society, since she was clearly getting something out of the deal that wives were not getting. The way many of the regulars here describe their OTC girls and ATF's harkens back to this worldly definition of a gentleman and his special "ladies." Although much has changed, in theory,the upscale GC still sees its customers as men with both income and manly desires and provides willing, high-caliber women to cater to them. In practice, we are all over the map, as has been documented so often on this board.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
My new fav gave me a card on my birthday. Inside she wrote, "to a real gentleman" there!

"mother, wife, sister or daughter club"

def - I really think we should leave your family out of this.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Customers are "gentlement" just like whores are merely "dancers".

"Gentlemen's Clubs" should more properly be called "whore houses".
avatar for thatguy6673
15 years ago
aww, nobody is taking definitelynotgreenvegas bait. go to a 'chritian' or 'conservative family values' with your moralizing b.s. and quit trying to put down women for exercising their right to do whatever they want. oh, and I don't care at all if you tell me i have no morals.
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