
Comments by curiousgeorgefun

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fake eye lashes.
    Do eyelashes really make a difference with your balls on her chin?
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Question for you guys that do OTC.
    You are never to old as long as there is levetria or viagra. Just don't take either with nitroglycerin. And if you do check out early.....with a hot 22yr old......... you will get a thumbs up by the bellhop at the pearly gate.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Extras Girl has a really nice tight one....
    She really just started her period on you
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    5 Reasons Why Men Love Strip Bars When They Travel
    add to #1.... don't have to worry about smelling like stripper perfume or glitter.... why do they do that???
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    13 years ago
    Your favorite type of stripper?
    spinners. red-head with freckles between her tits. some tats and piercings
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    You are telling the other girls.... You're telling us :) That said.... to many details can tip LEO (who is never on this board) or club managers who frown on extras (which never made sense to me, the girls are taking the risk... you are getting customers)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is there any point to getting 2 dancers at once for an LD?
    Got a double once from twins. had gotten single from each, but during the second song of second twin the other who was walking out of private dance area joined in for fun I guess for a short time.
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    13 years ago
    Bye Bye bin laden!
    Who said the SEALs didn't dip their bullets in bacon grease before the mission? Who said the Navy guys handling the body afterwards didn't put bacon in his mouth? Who said the 72 virgins were female?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    As a Strip Club Customer, Have You Ever Been Mistaken as a Cop?
    I've had it happen a bunch. I keep my ever thinning hair short since the military, plus I am more fit that the average person. Plus I rarely drink, can't afford a DUI. I even had a dancer ask- I said no then asked again after I tipped generously after a HJ. The worst is when a bouncer/owner thinks you are LEO and signals everyone. Ive tried everything including showing my cock as proof (that was the one where she finished the HJ then asked). Haven't found an answer. I would think that cops would be looking a little more like Miami Vice or with wider midlines. Ive rarely seen a fit cop.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strip Clubs in Mexico
    Only went to Mexico once and got robbed by the police a mile inside the border. Apparently, if your cab driver has been drinking, you get the DUI. At least that was what the cop said as he took all our money, jackets and boots. Funny thing... he let the impaired cab driver take us back to the border. That was 25 years ago.... never been back.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer zits.
    The girls are not washing their outfits. Think about it... they sweat in them during a dance routine, then change. They probably don't wash them often because they are expensive and fragile.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper confronts patron outside gentleman's club for allegedly leaving without
    msftt, I guess the first girl couldn't count. I bet she was one of those college students mentioned in the discussion later on....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    When getting dances...
    when a stripper is doing extras I try to watch out for the bouncer strolling through. if other dancers/patrons happen to see what is going on... oh well.
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    13 years ago
    beverly hills california
    in shape strippers...
    I never tip the fluffy girls figuring they get a hint. However, they do float some guy's boats since they seem to keep coming back and with money in their garter belt.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    strippers private orgasm pleasure
    Unless she sucked you off afterwards and didn't ask for payment I doubt it actally happened.... but then again, WHO CARES. If the idea got you off then your money was well spent.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Satisfaction in a club?
    not since I got the 'blue pill'
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How do I get into a Las Vegas strip club for free?
    There are little magazine dispensers all over with porn/escort stuff in them. look through a booklet and get a coupon. the cab drivers will drive you for free to the place but don't tell them you have the coupon. The door guy gives the cab driver your cover fee (or part of it). Dirty pool, but who cares, they only suggest the places that pad their wallets.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    She sits, you know you don't want, do you tell her ASAP?
    Happened twice after a minute or so I, "confessed that she wasn't my type" both dancers seemed to appreciate that I didn't waste their time. (One was fluffy and the other black) they asked what was my type and I told them white spinners ( of course I had to explain it to one who seemed to enjoy my description) both girls were able to read between the lines. I tipped them a five for their time and company. Both went and found the perfect girl for me and must have endorsed me because it was if I were a regular and the private dances seemed to skip the "feeling out"song. Has also backfired..... never had one make a sceen but once itwas as if I had the plague. When I returned a brave girl sat down and I told her I almost didn't come back beczuse the girls th
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    OK this is a little weird but how much is an acceptable tip for this
    ive actually had dancers tell me not to buy them drinks... just tip them. If the dancers are not aloud to drink alcohol... buy them a redbull and you a shot of vodka... ask the dancer to drink about a shot of redbull and and you can... pour the shot in the can (make sure she can see you, but not bouncer/dj/door guy etc...) loosens them up a little
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    STD risks with stripper
    You can catch everything from BBBJ. Read article, read net. Look for medical sites,
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Read STD article... BBBJ isn't safe either. She can get pg anytime
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    14 years ago
    Help… LEO vibe
    Stupid shit question? Several people stated they've had the same experience and offered suggestions, thanks. At least I am not posting about Obama or on a subject thats been covered 100 times
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is stripper shit ever NOT shit?
    Lopaw LOL If its big enough to get you off then its big enough
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The cost of EXTRAS
    Easy answer: 1. Supply and demand... more will do BJ than fs 2. We expect to pay more so why would they change... to save us $ 3. Guess I'm a cheap bastard since I just get HJ P.s. STD risk is higher with BBBJ than with covered FS
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sloppy seconds...
    Worse I have personal knowledge of.... just finished HJ and dancer cleaned off hands with my handkerchief and left room while I wiped off and follow 15 seconds later. She was already sitting next to anoher guy running her fingers through his hair. Hope he needed the mouse.