When getting dances...

avatar for Clubber
In another topic, someone mentioned seeing what others did in a semi private area, and that got me thinking.

When you get dances where others can see you and you can see others, what do you do?

I'll start off by saying, it depends on what we are doing. If all "club legal" I don't pay attention to others. If beyond that, I like to see who comes in the area, customer, bouncer, whoever. Depending on where we are, she will see or I will. Of course being with someone you know makes a difference as well. Other then that I don't pay attention to others.

Now with a completely new dancer, I tend to follow their lead and only pay attention to them. If she is placing a nipple in y face, well I don't give a damn what else is going on around me. I let her dictate the limits in the beginning.

In a new club, I might check a bit to see what might be allowed. Not often I visit a new club, however.


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avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
I avoid clubs that don't have private booths.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I also prefer to avoid the club without private booths but I will make an exception for Amber's in cleveland because lappers are $10
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
If I'm up for serious laps, I will only do it in a private booth or room. I get way too much unwanted attention from male customers when I get laps out in the open. I will, however, get laps out in the open at topless joints where there is no real mileage to be had. Those types of dances are usually pretty mild and are just for fun, not serious mileage.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
I let the guys across from me wish that their cocks were as big and handsome as mine. ;)
avatar for bitterdbag
14 years ago
In past reviews i've said that I would look at other dancers to see how they were. That's kind of misleading of me. If I'm in an open area getting dances, I'll take a quick look around the room at the other dancers. If any of the dancers giving lap dances is looking at me, I automatically place that dancer on the questionable dance list. My feeling is their total attention should be on their customer, not me. There's a lap dance room at my local club that has mirrors on two of the walls. The most annoying thing is when a dancer turns her back to me, sits on my lap and grinds, starts moaning and the like, then I glance at the mirror ahead of us and she's looking around the room, the clock, customers. That annoys me, so I'll do the same, quick glances around the room to see what dancers are into there customers and which ones are people watching.
avatar for bodaniels26
14 years ago
The club I work at has both private and not so private booths. In the not so private booths I really never care who is watching I loose myself in lap dance and do it like no one is watching, sometimes the thought of others watching is a really big turn on.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
Depends on the dancer. If it's someone new to me or someone with whom mileage is not great, I'll let my eyes wander to scope out other talent. If, however, it's my ATF, she has the ability to command my attention like nobody else is in there. I'll sometimes hear funny things like this recent exchange, however. While ATF was very discretely sitting on Mr. Happy and my hands were roaming all over the place, the girl in the chair nearby was telling her guy just what he could and couldn't touch. Made me appreciate ATF even more!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Most of the local clubs have LD rooms or booths that are not private. A couple have semi-private areas where a group of booths face the wall, but other customers walking in can still see what's going on. Private areas are reserved for VIP and CR type dances, and even those are typically a curtained doorway or less, where even though it's just you and the dancer, anybody can walk in.

I usually make my desired lap dance experience known beforehand, and verify that she's willing to put up with my shit. I really don't care who's watching me grope her, but if I expect to be petting, I'll try to be discreet about it.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Most of the clubs I go to have booths that are semi private. You do get people walking by. When I walk by others, I might give the dancer a check to see if she's worth my time in the future. Usually, I don't see anyone else and they don't see us.

Now if I've been drinking a bit, I don't care who's watching as I'm usually relaxed enough not to give a shit!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
LMAO, rickdugan :) I let the dancer take the lead in public, especially in new clubs. Clubber, "B" yesterday at Stir was aggressive. I like that in a dancer. It went well.
avatar for Digitech
14 years ago
I was once visiting a club during the day shift -- This is the only time to get extras at this particular place.

I was back in the VIP room with a dancer I was familiar with. I was alone with my dancer and she was giving me a HJ as I kissed and sucked her boobs.

Then a ditzy newbie dancer came in with a customer. It was clear that she didn't wasn't aware what goes down in that room. I heard her explaining 'I can touch you, but you can't touch me.'

I expected my dancer to straighten up and zip my jeans up again, but instead, she just laid sideways on the couch against me to block the view of the other dancer and customer, and kept going. She leaned forward so her chest was near my mouth again.

The other dancer even tried to make conversation with mine, and she never missed a beat. She pretended to laugh at the lame jokes, etc as I subtly handed her a couple tissues from my pocket. I'm not sure if the other customer knew what was going on, but clearly this dancer didn't have a clue.

We've probably all read on 'StripperWeb' where dancers complain about how their clubs go downhill, and how when they first started working nobody did extras and it later became prevalent. I think this is an example of how sometimes they don't become aware of it till later on.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

You need to PM me "B's" vitals.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I dont let it bother me except I do try to be cognizant of mgt or LE. At Heartbreakers, I have fucked them in the open VIP area upstairs.
avatar for curiousgeorgefun
14 years ago
when a stripper is doing extras I try to watch out for the bouncer strolling through. if other dancers/patrons happen to see what is going on... oh well.
avatar for Alucard
14 years ago
Bogart's has been my preferred club for the last year & a half. Hence I am not concerned about privacy. Don't care if other patrons see me getting a BBBJ.
avatar for wallanon
14 years ago
Since I'm typically in clubs I'm not familiar with, I'll take a quick scan around to get a quick run down of what's available on shift. The other day, for instance, I was in club at around 5 or 6 in the afternoon during the mid-shift. Day girls were already gone, so there was a good chance the more creative dancers had moved on. The dances were cheap, so I picked a few girls and let them go to work while I did a quick check in the common LD area. No VIP there. Nothing too exciting going on. Made a mental note to show up no later than 3 if I drop by again while in town. The mids were good enough to hold my attention for a drink or two if I pass on the day girls, and gave pretty good topless dances for $10.

But sure there's a bit of "etiquette" to it. Normal stuff. Don't stare. I try not to make eye contact with other customers because I've had way too many strange conversations in the VIP. Don't speak unless spoken to. Which would mean one of the guys is in the wrong, since you noticed the irony. One of the clubs I used to visit had a VIP room with torn up cafeteria chairs against the walls of an otherwise empty 8x10 room. Kind of place where the DJ used to walk around giving guys high fives and selling condoms while the dances were going on. One of the funniest things about the whole scene was watching the faces of the noobs when they'd walk in for a dance and saw what was going on.

Story time. A chat had way too many times in that room with my favs going to work..."How do I get what you're/he's getting?". First things first, there's a time and a place for everything. That's not the time to ask. So in places like that, management and others are no big deal. No news there. Other places maybe it's only the staff who are an issue. Like others have said, it depends. Is LE there watching? Maybe, but how often does the guy get pinched if they decide to shut things down? Dancers narcing out other dancers? Same deal. If you end up down a dancer that's on her.

At the 8x10 VIP, had more than one occasion where everything else stopped to watch the action in my spot. Oddest time I can remember was my fav bucking so hard with eyes closed that the front legs on the chair was jumping off the floor. My hands were on her back, gripping through sweat, just trying to keep her from flying off. When she finally paused to catch her breath, you could have heard a pin drop if it wasn't for the music out front. One stripper was sitting cross legged about three feet away, slack-jawed, bare ass on THAT floor. Customer sitting by her, cock out, staring at me. Similar stares all around the room.

Oh well. I bring my eyes back around to her, she smiles and keeps on going...
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Was in a fairly small and dark, "U"-shaped VIP with room for 5 or 6 couples. Everybody could get a pretty good look at what was going on around them. Not really set up for HJ's and BJ's, but there was always plenty of heavy groping going on in there.

This day my fav and I were in there alone with a goal. She straddled facing me, and for the first time, we were "one". We were both enjoying ourselves a great deal when the song ended, and three couples came in for the next song. We stopped our rhythmic motion, and just sat there with our arms wrapped around each other kissing. I could feel her press down on me so that our state of "oneness" would not be apparent to our new neighbors.

The music started, and so did we. Pretty soon, she decided that it might be a good idea if she was turned around facing away from me in order to better conceal what we were up to. So, she began to rotate around without raising up and thus reveal the monster connecting us....LOL...a maneuver that has a degree of difficulty of about 3.9 with the guy laying down, and almost impossible sitting up. The clumsiness of what she was doing caught the attention of the other three dancers right away, and by the time she finally got turned around, the dudes were staring slack-jawed at us too. It must have been pretty obvious what we were doing. No happy ending that day.

We did manage to do the deed ITC a few times after that, and we got together OTC a couple of times as well. It was all good, but I'll never forget the stares from everybody in there as she was trying to spin around on me.
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