Supposedly, it was Navy SEAL's. A compound in Pakistan with high walls, few doors, and few windows. No US casaulties. Obama got a single tap to the head.
If you know any Navy SEAL's, buy them a drink and a LD.
Got the news first from TUSCL. Sad, but true. So nobody in pakistan knew who or what was behind the walls of the compound sitting in an affluent neighborhood? Right. I don't think we can trust the Pakistani government at all. So he wasn't tucked away in some cave on the Pakistan-Afghan border after all. You can't tell me that the Pakistanis didn't know wherw he was.
They say the town he was in was home to tons of retired Pakistani military including Pakistani intelligence officers. Yeah, they knew. Think Bin Laden would pick a "friendly" area to hang out in for 10 years?
Any pictures of the compound from google earth yet?
I'm waiting for the reactions over here in Oman. I spoke with a Pakistani guy who works for me. He was noncommittal. My Australian buddy has the same attitude as Americans (Go to hell Bin Laden). I don't think there will be trouble here, but every weekend I walk the dogs on the beach past the US embassy, so it will be interesting to see if the security situation changes. Tonight, my slender Chinese girl is paying a visit. I feel inspired.
Although it hasn't been officially confirmed, a google map search on "Osama bin Laden's Compound, AbbottÄbad, Pakistan" yields some interesting results.
The "reviews" of the location are fucking hilarious.
Reports were he was firing his own rifle, so if you try to capture him alive you risk causalities to your own guys. Plus he may have had a contingency plan like a cyanide capsule handy (like many of the top Nazis did). Then there is the whole question of do you even want him alive and in prison (he was what 54? probably would live another two decades), or just kill him and put the whole thing to rest quicker.
I think Obama made all the right calls here, a very dignified announcement too.
"Why not take him alive and strip his brain of all his info?"
Too much danger of an attempted rescue. Between that and "reports" of torture by the U.S., he probably wouldn't have known enough stuff not available elsewhere to make the risk worthwhile. This way, he's dead. And with his body dumped at sea in an unknown location, his gravesite won't become a shrine to martydom. Not that there won't be a memorial to his "heroic" life somewhere anyway, but that can be destroyed too.
i'm a little dubious of some of the reports. why give him the dignity of such a quick burial? did he or his organazation show anywhere near that respect towards his victims? nope!
no doubt pakistan authorities knew where he was, they're not really our allies and now we should just shut off all aid to them although in the world of strange bedfellows politics that won't happen.
regarding taking him alive, he was fighting back so they had to kill him. there's no doubt in my mind if they did capture him that he would have been a treasure chest of valuable info but better dead than free.
Anything other than the quick death and burial would have just added even more fuel to the fire, for no discernible benefit. No rescue attempt, no bullshit about interrogation methods, no platform for his histrionics at a trial, just gone. It combines the desired outcome with not providing any additional propaganda material to his followers.
Nothing is going to stop them from trying, of course, but at least we can avoid just *handing* it to them.
As for whether or not he's really dead, it would be *incredibly* stupid for the POTUS to make that claim without ironclad proof. Wouldn't take 5 minute to produce a tape of bin Laden watching the President's announcement as a "reports of my death are exaggerated" thing.
I don't think he is going to meeting any virgins in hell. I hope everybody on board had the oppurtunity to piss on him to assist in the cleansing of the body.
well georg, killing him will ad fuel to the fire too. you you can pretty much bank on some revenge attacks coming whatever the outcome might have been. there definitely would have been benefits if we could have taken him alive and interrogated him. they're going to attack again and personally i would have prefered to rub their noses in it a little bit because they would still hate and will attack us no matter what we do, even if we kissed their asses or rolled over on our backs and exposed our bellies like meek dogs. the only thing those people understand and respect is force against them. regarding my hope it's really him comment.. from various info i've previously heard but can't and won't reveal, ive heard that he's been dead for years and whether true or not i can't retract my last comment because we don't have an edit button ;)
Yes, they'll attack either way, but this he's *dead*. As for the possibility that he's been dead for years, it's certainly not impossible, but if that's the case, I can't imagine anyone *not* taking credit for it, unless the purpose in hiding it for so long was the interrogation of which you speak. Neither you nor I are ever likely to be privy to that information if it *is* true, though.
I'm inclined to take the story at face value; I just can't see any profit in making shit up at this point. It's too likely to unravel in the future.
Oh no I'm surrounded by "sheeple" ;) sorry to burst your bubbles here (and, yes, i know strippers aren't supposed to be smart or understand politics) but do your research guys. This is nothing but a PR ploy with election time fast approaching. Bin Laden has already been dead for years. Remember back in 2001 he was reported dead by the media. We were shown photos of his body with bullet holes in his head. Far as i know you can't kill someone more than once. His body has been on ice since then. If he was supposedly just killed, where are the photos and where is the body? O yeah he was buried at sea. Hmmm, convient
Not to mention if Obama were looking to bump up his poll numbers as a means to get reelected, he would want to wait until a month or two before the actual elections. But a reasonable argument never dispells a conspiracy theory.
I could agree with you, but for one thing. I do not believe that ANY security, espionage, government, etc. is free of those that play against their supposed "side". That being said, if the Pakistanis knew. someone would have tipped him off, IMHO.
Bin Laden’s Compound Gets A Bum Review On Google Maps
Google Maps users have been busy as the news of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s mansion was breaking. A pretty large compound listed on Google Maps in the city of AbbottÄbad, northern Pakistan has been picked out by users as being the genuine article – and with huge walls around it, it does indeed look quite suspect.
Whether or not it is the genuine article is unknown, but that is not stopping people leaving a slew of comments on the “venue’s†Google Maps page.
Some choicer reviews include:
“Great hideout would use again.†“Heat sources are undeniable. This place is blazing! †“Cold and drafty at night, walls full of holes. ††on the menu was goat flesh, and the place reeked of burning garbage. †“Located in cozy, quiet neighborhood. Interrupted only occasionally by machine gun fire.â€
Perhaps the best so far:
“Aside from the complimentary dialysis machine use, easy underground access to Pakistan’s beautiful vast cave system, and free toaster waffles, it’s a pretty big dump. The food wasn’t organic, the wifi was spotty at best, absolutely no cell coverage, (yelp reviews were so wrong on that one) and no one spoke English. To make it worse, the country’s best basketball player, some 6’7″ dude with a turban, gets shot our first night there. And the coffee was cold. We’re so not coming back.â€
Before anyone wants to barge into Bin Laden’s former abode, the exact location has now be confirmed as a different building, not far away, here.
kappa_girl: "i know strippers aren't supposed to be smart or understand politics"
You are living proof that strippers aren't smart and don't understand politics. Don't worry though, I am sure txtittyfan and MisterGay will rush in here to kiss your ass now that I said that.
"All reports say that this was strictly a 'kill' operation. Well executed operation in that light."
I don't think that was a bad idea. If Bin Laden were captured it would be too much hassle. He probably wouldn't talk, and even if he did, he wouldn't know a lot about the operations of the terrorists we're interested in, seeing as years on the run have kept him away from many of the major operations of Al Qaeda.
Second, every terrorist in the world would be trying to stage a jailbreak for him.
Third, if he were brought to trial he would either use it as a propaganda mouthpiece and we would be accused of running a kangaroo court against him. This would also be incredibly expensive and this country doesn't need to waste any more time and money on bullshit trials.
Anyone else kind of peeved that he was buried at sea according to Islamic tradition? I would have loved to see his corpse desecrated in the manner Islam considers worse. I don't know what that would be, perhaps left to rot in a vat of pig fat with used tampons shoved into his mouth.
"Anyone else kind of peeved that he was buried at sea according to Islamic tradition? "
Well I would prefer total war against Islam. Piss on Osama's body, feed him to the dogs, nuke Mecca and put up a hot dog stand in its just prove there really is no such thing as Allah anyway.
I don't think the country has the taste for that, however, so practically speaking, I think the burial at sea was a very shrewd strategic move. Obama gets perfect marks on this one. It's enough that we owned Al Qaeda here, throwing them a small little bone like a sea burial is nothing.
Snake, note my comment above yours. YES, I was "peeved" but more honestly, PISSED OFF!!!
"Obama gets perfect marks on this one."
I guess that is true in the eyes of obama worshipers. However, he did his typical me, me, me routine, yet had little to do with it other than say,go ahead and do it. I'll give him credit for that, since we wouldn't have been there in the first place had clinton had the balls to do it. Of course hill had them in her lock-box!
Not one shred of proof that Bin Laden is dead except Obama said so. Buried at sea immediately? Of all the liars in the White House Obama has been the biggest. I'll wait and see.
I'm hardly an Obama lover, not even a supporter, but in this one, I agree he handled it as well as it could be. There was *nothing* to be gained by being total dick ears, and nothing to lose by being coldly professional about killing him. I *also* wish that it were politically and militarily feasible to wage all out war in Islam and wipe it out of existence. Then the religion of peace really *would* be. But it's *not* feasible, for a number of reasons, so I'm nit going to lose any sleep over it.
Good riddance. Some reports said there was a treasure trove of intel on site. If we are lucky it can be used to not only dismantle much of the terror network but also the sources of financing. Money is not only the mother's milk of politics but also of terrorism.
From POLITICO: <<The special operations forces grabbed personal computers, thumb drives and electronic equipment during the lightning raid that killed bin Laden, officials told POLITICO.
“They cleaned it out,†one official said. “Can you imagine what’s on Osama bin Laden’s hard drive?â€>>
The previous comment was supposed to be preceded by an intel guy speculating what could be on Obama's hard drive. Not sure why the cut and paste vanished.
Glad to hear Osama got dumped. Now I'm still waiting for gas prices to go back down. In my local town they went the wrong way today. More price gouging by the oil companies.
Here's some things that don't make sense: they say they conducted a dna test and got the possitive results that it was him. Bull $*** #1 because dna results take a MINIMUM of 48 hrs to get back and the body had already been dumped by that point. They said they also did an autopsy but handled the body according to islamic tradition. Also look at the time line. It doesn't add up. The time to travel 300 miles off the coast of pakistan, refuel the chopper, conduct the autopsy and dna test and get the dna results, and have not one photograph or video as proof.... there's no way that all happened in the 6 hrs they are saying it did.
Kappa: It takes *you* 48 hours to get a DNA test done, because they run several different tests to verify and double verify the results. In this case, however, all that was necessary was to compare the new sample with the existing one, a much shorter process.
As mentioned, the DNA comparison samples were already on-hand (from family members who didn't like him) and enough was left of his face to be identifiable. Also: if the body was handled "in accordance to Islamic law" then there would be no autopsy - and even further to that even w/o Islamic law there's NO reason for an in-depth autopsy anyway: Cause of Death = GSW headshot, is pretty damn obvious.
And kappa, sorry, it's frustrating for me too but YOU and WE are not entitled to the video or photographs to our satisfaction, it's operational material from a covert mission. They'll declassify on their own schedule, if ever.
Jeebus, really, people, we've arrived at the age where NOTHING can ever possibly be true unless we were right there to see it...?
@cheo: When did this start? 1969 moon landing? Now even putting an official birth certificate right in someone's hands wouldn't be good enough. Could be a forgery! Absolutely nothing is believable. It's all part of a plot by liberals or the New World Order or the Galactic Confederacy.
I'm just saying it doesn't make sense...we aren't able to see ad photos of him yet we were able to see them of hussane and his sons when they were killed? Its just not adding up...
Anyway, off topic how the heck do i upload photos here? I wanna plaster my tan naked body all over. :)
kappa: Because I dont care what you're politics are, as long as you're naked, there should be a "My Photos" link in one of the grey boxes near the top of the page. Click it, and on the resulting page, there should be a button labeled "Choose File" next to a "Locate Photo" label. Click that button and navigate to the location of your tanned, naked pictures and double click the name of the hottest one. Repeat until you've uploaded all of your pictures. Make sure you're actually naked in them, though. :)
go to the box at the top of the page, click on my photos, click browse and go to the folder where your photos are on your computer. click on the photo then click on upload. that should work.
Regarding photos and computers - how do you get the damn things into the computer in the first place? I have confessed many times to being computer illiterate.
kappa girl, yes maybe you need higher status here. write and submit a review and see if you can upload pics after your review is published. or send a pm to "founder" the board's owner/admin and ask him about what you need to get your pics loaded. if all else fails send me a pm, i have an idea that will get your pics on the board.
art, i'm sure that you're not as cute as kappa girl, we don't need your pics. :p it loks like vince helped you anyway :)
troop: "art, i'm sure that you're not as cute as kappa girl, we don't need your pics. :p it loks like vince helped you anyway :)"
Let's not be hasty. We should examine the pictures of both art and kappa girl before judging. Art, to make the comparison fair, you need to submit some nude photos.
I would have like to seen his head put on a spike aka Roman style while they had a Texas style BBQ celebrating the hit on the flight deck of the carrier, playing hockey with his head while burning the torso for sport. All telivised.
Who said the SEALs didn't dip their bullets in bacon grease before the mission? Who said the Navy guys handling the body afterwards didn't put bacon in his mouth? Who said the 72 virgins were female?
Walked upto the bar at a Louisville strip club. Asked the bartender for a bin laden. He didn't know what it was. I told him 2 shots and a splash of water. Drinks were on the house.
Ditto no nude pictures of farmerart. Spent a great night with him in Vancouver but nobody wants to see him naked unless it is a willing stripper of course.
last commentIf you know any Navy SEAL's, buy them a drink and a LD.
Any pictures of the compound from google earth yet?
All reports say that this was strictly a 'kill' operation. Well executed operation in that light.
Kudos from Canada.
The "reviews" of the location are fucking hilarious.
I think Obama made all the right calls here, a very dignified announcement too.
Too much danger of an attempted rescue. Between that and "reports" of torture by the U.S., he probably wouldn't have known enough stuff not available elsewhere to make the risk worthwhile. This way, he's dead. And with his body dumped at sea in an unknown location, his gravesite won't become a shrine to martydom. Not that there won't be a memorial to his "heroic" life somewhere anyway, but that can be destroyed too.
why give him the dignity of such a quick burial? did he or his organazation show anywhere near that respect towards his victims? nope!
no doubt pakistan authorities knew where he was, they're not really our allies and now we should just shut off all aid to them although in the world of strange bedfellows politics that won't happen.
regarding taking him alive, he was fighting back so they had to kill him. there's no doubt in my mind if they did capture him that he would have been a treasure chest of valuable info but better dead than free.
anyway, i hope it's really him.
Nothing is going to stop them from trying, of course, but at least we can avoid just *handing* it to them.
As for whether or not he's really dead, it would be *incredibly* stupid for the POTUS to make that claim without ironclad proof. Wouldn't take 5 minute to produce a tape of bin Laden watching the President's announcement as a "reports of my death are exaggerated" thing.
the only thing those people understand and respect is force against them.
regarding my hope it's really him comment.. from various info i've previously heard but can't and won't reveal, ive heard that he's been dead for years and whether true or not i can't retract my last comment because we don't have an edit button ;)
I'm inclined to take the story at face value; I just can't see any profit in making shit up at this point. It's too likely to unravel in the future.
On another note: anytime you run into a service member in a bar or strip club or restaurant, buy them the beverage of their choice. I know I do.
I could agree with you, but for one thing. I do not believe that ANY security, espionage, government, etc. is free of those that play against their supposed "side". That being said, if the Pakistanis knew. someone would have tipped him off, IMHO.
Google Maps users have been busy as the news of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s mansion was breaking. A pretty large compound listed on Google Maps in the city of AbbottÄbad, northern Pakistan has been picked out by users as being the genuine article – and with huge walls around it, it does indeed look quite suspect.
Whether or not it is the genuine article is unknown, but that is not stopping people leaving a slew of comments on the “venue’s†Google Maps page.
Some choicer reviews include:
“Great hideout would use again.â€
“Heat sources are undeniable. This place is blazing! â€
“Cold and drafty at night, walls full of holes. â€
†on the menu was goat flesh, and the place reeked of burning garbage. â€
“Located in cozy, quiet neighborhood. Interrupted only occasionally by machine gun fire.â€
Perhaps the best so far:
“Aside from the complimentary dialysis machine use, easy underground access to Pakistan’s beautiful vast cave system, and free toaster waffles, it’s a pretty big dump. The food wasn’t organic, the wifi was spotty at best, absolutely no cell coverage, (yelp reviews were so wrong on that one) and no one spoke English. To make it worse, the country’s best basketball player, some 6’7″ dude with a turban, gets shot our first night there. And the coffee was cold. We’re so not coming back.â€
Before anyone wants to barge into Bin Laden’s former abode, the exact location has now be confirmed as a different building, not far away, here.
Luckily, the user reviews are equally hilarious.…
You are living proof that strippers aren't smart and don't understand politics. Don't worry though, I am sure txtittyfan and MisterGay will rush in here to kiss your ass now that I said that.
I don't think that was a bad idea. If Bin Laden were captured it would be too much hassle. He probably wouldn't talk, and even if he did, he wouldn't know a lot about the operations of the terrorists we're interested in, seeing as years on the run have kept him away from many of the major operations of Al Qaeda.
Second, every terrorist in the world would be trying to stage a jailbreak for him.
Third, if he were brought to trial he would either use it as a propaganda mouthpiece and we would be accused of running a kangaroo court against him. This would also be incredibly expensive and this country doesn't need to waste any more time and money on bullshit trials.
Anyone else kind of peeved that he was buried at sea according to Islamic tradition? I would have loved to see his corpse desecrated in the manner Islam considers worse. I don't know what that would be, perhaps left to rot in a vat of pig fat with used tampons shoved into his mouth.
Well I would prefer total war against Islam. Piss on Osama's body, feed him to the dogs, nuke Mecca and put up a hot dog stand in its just prove there really is no such thing as Allah anyway.
I don't think the country has the taste for that, however, so practically speaking, I think the burial at sea was a very shrewd strategic move. Obama gets perfect marks on this one. It's enough that we owned Al Qaeda here, throwing them a small little bone like a sea burial is nothing.
"Obama gets perfect marks on this one."
I guess that is true in the eyes of obama worshipers. However, he did his typical me, me, me routine, yet had little to do with it other than say,go ahead and do it. I'll give him credit for that, since we wouldn't have been there in the first place had clinton had the balls to do it. Of course hill had them in her lock-box!
<<The special operations forces grabbed personal computers, thumb drives and electronic equipment during the lightning raid that killed bin Laden, officials told POLITICO.
“They cleaned it out,†one official said. “Can you imagine what’s on Osama bin Laden’s hard drive?â€>>
Maybe porn?
And kappa, sorry, it's frustrating for me too but YOU and WE are not entitled to the video or photographs to our satisfaction, it's operational material from a covert mission. They'll declassify on their own schedule, if ever.
Jeebus, really, people, we've arrived at the age where NOTHING can ever possibly be true unless we were right there to see it...?
Anyway, off topic how the heck do i upload photos here? I wanna plaster my tan naked body all over. :)
Anyway, off topic how the heck do i upload photos here? I wanna plaster my tan naked body all over. :)
oh baby! now we're talking!
Regarding photos and computers - how do you get the damn things into the computer in the first place? I have confessed many times to being computer illiterate.
or send a pm to "founder" the board's owner/admin and ask him about what you need to get your pics loaded.
if all else fails send me a pm, i have an idea that will get your pics on the board.
art, i'm sure that you're not as cute as kappa girl, we don't need your pics. :p
it loks like vince helped you anyway :)
it loks like vince helped you anyway :)"
Let's not be hasty. We should examine the pictures of both art and kappa girl before judging. Art, to make the comparison fair, you need to submit some nude photos.
Who said the 72 virgins were female?
LOL, I hope those guys weren't virgins either!
Drinks were on the house.
Ditto no nude pictures of farmerart. Spent a great night with him in Vancouver but nobody wants to see him naked unless it is a willing stripper of course.
05/03/11 10:11 AM
Anyway, off topic how the heck do i upload photos here? I wanna plaster my tan naked body all over. :)
it's been over a month girl.... and we're still waiting :-)
did you ever figure it out?