
Sloppy seconds...

Atlanta suburb
Where do you draw the line? I can go into a club and get a table (air) dance or a private dance that provides 2 way contact and good grinding. Maybe some kissing and a HJ. No problem. But when a BBBJ or FS is involved, I gotta have fresh meat. If I know that a dancer does extras, I gotta be her first (that day)or I pass. No GFEs for me with them.

This is especially true of all Mexico clubs. They are really just bordellos that use stage dancing as an enticement. I don't know why founder even classifies them as strip clubs. In places like Adelitas or Hong Kong the best looking girls are busy all night long. Do you want cottage cheese with your pussy? I have gone to TJ with a bunch of friends. You drink a lot of beer and tequila shots and try to find a good looking one among all of the porkers that are grabbing your dick.

I prefer to get to know a dancer at a U.S. club. Nurture it and then go for the GFE OTC. But thats just me.


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Since nipples are presented at virtually every Houston club, I know that I'm probably not the first "at the tap" when getting a lapper. However, the experience with OTC Gal last year taught me that virtually every stripper carries baby wipes in their little purse (and in their locker). The only ones that aren't fastidious about clean nipples (and pussy lips) are the ones that you can smell coming towards you, and unless you're desperate, you avoid their lappers anyway.

    On a funny note, back in the early 1980's, my Marine unit hit some strip joints in Tijuana. Two clubs were adjacent to each other. There was an assembly line of mamasitas at the stage edge presenting their wares. All but one pushed away the guys that tried to present a finger or take a taste.

    That one gal was often prodded and tasted, then we went next door. That same gal comes onstage and proceeded to get prodded and tasted, again. Then, one of our guys went for a prod and taste. For the endurance of his career in the unit, we made him wash his hands and face ten times a day.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Pretty much the same here. I'm not as fastidious about the BJs as you, because I try to keep my dick from even knowing that "bareback" even exists. I don't do kissing of any variety, with either set of lips, as that's the one thing my wife insists I eschew, so those don't even enter the picture. Like you, for full service, I prefer setting something up OTC, and I especially like to use a shower together to warm things up whenever I can talk her into it. For some reason, girls seem to like having their backs scrubbed, so it's usually not a very hard sell. :)
    14 years ago
    I'm going to guess Silk Exotic in Milwaukee could be a winner for you & Rick Dugan (in case you should ever wander THAT far Shadow, lol.)

    Low mileage (couch room and VIP) in the club to the extent anyone who's been there a few times knows the best value is the $1 tipping stageside. Unfortunately for me, I figured it out the long way, having one $300 VIP (a waste!), and several $20 "PG" rated experiences with the eye candy in the couch room (video surveillanced, just like VIP, and one-way contact.)

    The upside with the $20 couch dances is it puts one "on the dancer radar" come future visits. Course I was "buttering" too (for some reason as it's not my usual club thing) which was to hand out $1 tips to gals I liked just for walking by. Perhaps that worked better than I thought, for it eventually led to the OTC offers/feelers I was receiving, or at least helped.

    So, Rick, if you're still reading, do as I did and hit the bank for a pack of $100 $1s and dig in at the rail at Silk. Splurge for a few $20 dances with the gals you like and then just stop them and hand 'em a $1 for no reason when you see them. Chances are they'll come back around and first pitch you the VIP (which I always declined via my sad and sorry tale), and then the $20 dances. Do as many of those until you feel they've become repetitive, then just tone it down to fun at the rail for $1. When they couldn't get me to spend anymore above the $1 level in the club, is when I began to receive the solicitations (and by the way, I never followed thru -- the closest was the blog entry I posted titled "Solicitation by a 19 yr old". Truth-be-told, the $1 action at the rail was good enough for me.)

    [Hope my last paragraph ties in well enough to Shadow's thread starter. Otherwise, ITC in Milwaukee SUCKS.]
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Dudester, I have a lot of war stories about Mexican whore houses. One of my favorites is the time, back in the early 60's when 5 of us were in the Blue Fox, in TJ. Any of you old guys remember the bumper sticker that read "Eat at the Blue Fox". Anyway this girl was laying on the rail and 3 guys were going down on her. One on each tit and one brave soul between her legs. I did a double take. My best friend was chowing down on one of her tits. LOL...

    george, I carry a bottle of Mango Mandarin bubble bath with me on my trips. I have used it a few times.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    don't want sloopy seconds at all!

    i always try to be 1st in line. if i'm going to a club to see a certain girl i try to time my visit to catch her at the beginning of her shift.
    if i'm just out running around and get approached by a dancer that appeals to me and the conversation turns to a dance i ask her if she's done any dances before me. if the answer is yes i might still try her for the future but i'm carefull about where my mouth and face end up.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    I draw the line at whatever I can live with if I end up at the free clinic afterward. If you think it makes a difference that you're the first thing she touches after leaving the dressing room, then that's a perfectly good way to approach things.

    At least the girls at AB tend to wash themselves in between customers. I've seen some pretty sordid stuff in the U.S. clubs, so it's always a little head scratching to see TJ get singled out. And let's face it, this is a North American site with a relative handful who hail from other places contributing. If the reviewers were more representative I wouldn't be surprised to see non-U.S. clubs dominate the rankings. I prefer U.S. clubs, not for the relationship building thing because I don't have the time, but money goes a lot farther in other places.

    And http://adelita.com.mx/...that's their website. Decide for yourselves if it's a strip bar or not.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Frankly, unless the girl is just gross, I try not to think about it. One would have to be really naieve or unrealistic to simply assume the extras gal he is doing itc has not done anyone before him unless its right after the club opens. I believe the one I have been seeing otc the last 2 years (married) is less active with multiple partners than most. She does insist on condom use which I practice always anyhow. Most of my otc sessions with her are nooners sometimes mid morning around 10am. Many of the itc sessions were right after the club opened so I had to have been first if indeed she did any others that day. She is now at another club which they would have to pay $120 CR to get any itc. I was suspicious about a session 2 weeks ago when she delayed the meeting time from 4:30 pm (right after her getting off from the club) to 6pm. Did a last minute club customer get her otc before me?
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    I suppose the question that needs to be asked is: What is the medicinal value of beer and tequila shots? What nasties does alcohol kill?
  • Book Guy
    14 years ago
    I dunno, I don't think that way. My evenings usually end up accelerating themselves, to the point that "someone else" is making decisions for me. I don't actually end up with "sloppy" seconds very often, but I probably do end up with plenty of actual second experiences, whether that means licking titties or fucking a pussy. But, if you've fucked an Amsterdam window-kamer girl, you just KNOW that you're inside her for a second go, so, it's not like what we get here in North America is all THAT fetid ... :P

    Not that I'm making excuses for it. I'd be happier if all hot women were all of them always interested only in me but ... uh ... that ain't gonna happen no time soon!
  • curiousgeorgefun
    14 years ago
    Worse I have personal knowledge of.... just finished HJ and dancer cleaned off hands with my handkerchief and left room while I wiped off and follow 15 seconds later. She was already sitting next to anoher guy running her fingers through his hair.

    Hope he needed the mouse.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I carry those Listerine strips with me almost everywhere. One of my regulars, who gives *awesome* head, even through a rubber, satmdown next to me after coming out of VIP with another guy.

    Her: Hey, you got any of this mouthwash things?
    Me: Sure, why?
    Her: I just gave that guy a BJ, and my boyfriend is gonna be here in a minute.

    Why she doesn't bring her own, I don't know, but I gave her one.

    And *that*, ladies and gentlemen, is why I wear a rubber form*everything*.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    If this thread isn't a perfect testimony for sex w/ strippers OTC only, then nothing is!
    There's nothing like a freshly showered stripper in your hotel room to start the night off right. None of those nasty bits from any previous customers to worry about.

  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have heard of escorts renting out hotel rooms for the weekends and meeting multiple men. That is NOT something I would do...getting into a bed that had been used several times already that day by other men yuck!

    I also don't even like it when a woman is sucking on my own dick and then comes up later to try kissing or even worse DFK.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    shadowcat, I hear what you mean but I don't actively think about it because define to me how a pussy fucked for the first time today is in any way cleaner than the pussy fucked a dozen times the day before and maybe in the morning before she goes to work. It's all hygiene and unless you are doing it bareback your equipment is protected in latex. Kissing lips and sucking nipples I'd bet expose way more germs if that is the concern. If it's a matter of used pussy, any girl who fucks 10 or more guys a day has a used pussy whether your first or last.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    CT - thanks for the heads up on Silk. I have usually avoided because it is a hike from downtown Milwaukee, but now I see that the trip may be worthwhile.

    Lopaw - by and large I agree about the OTC thing. Rarely do I hit it ITC, for a variety of reasons. But in a few clubs I travel to the conditions are just so perfect - hot willing girls, private and roomy VIP booths, , friendly club management, low VIP cost (and maybe high bllod alcohol level) - that my restraint comes under viscious attack ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    lopaw, Indeed. I usually employ ITC to find out what's available and how willing they are to give me what I want, but once that's determined, I'm more like Rick and prefer to set up an OTC thing, with only occasional exceptions. *Un*like Rick, though, my extensive traveling days are behind me, so it's probably a little easier for me to pull that off, since most of the girls I like are locals, and only a phone call or text away.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    And to think, she may have had sex with a guy! So one could say that you had sex with a guy, by proxy! :)
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    ^^^ Double EEK!
    I could get kicked out of the lesbian club if the other girls ever found out about that proxy thing, clubber! ;)

    rick & gmd do have good points - ya gotta kick the tires & go for a test drive before you buy the car. One of my fave things to do ITC was DATY - but due to paranoia about bringing any pesky little microbes back home (as well as any previous custy splooge) killed that for me ITC. Now I limit most ITC encounters to no mouth-on-dancer-pussy action. Except for the rare times that I'm drunk - then all logic is out the window anyway, and I'll no doubt arrive home reeking of pussy & vodka. Which is another incentive for me to visit juice bars!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    That's a take-off on the one guys use on guys when they DATY. I'll let you figure that out. :)
  • gk
    14 years ago
    It's something I like to avoid too. But do we always know for sure? I try not to obsess about it too much other than to know who I want to spend time with and when. I do know that some dancers make an effort to clean themselves up during their shift. Others don't and you can usually tell who they are.

    Of course, once you've been involved in a less than pleasant experience, you never go back.
  • whopper
    14 years ago
    gatorfan I wonder the same thing.
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