Talking strip clubs with a rookies and non goers

avatar for rell
washington dc
lately these last couple weeks me and some of my co-workers have been discusing strip clubs. especially since me and a few others went to one on our lunch break especially when we went it was clear that i was a expert and this is my hobby and word got around about it
what i find funny is how hard it is to talk to people like that about strip clubs and how to make the most of your money and avoid going to a sucky club
one of my co workers asked me about going to a sc ive never been to ..and i explained how i go through the whole process .. i read at least 5 reviewscheck cover price lap dance , drinkk prices and search the place on google maps look at the surrounding area know if this is a area i want to be around late at night . and so i have some familarity.sounds crazy but i think every hobbyist feels me

just about everybody looked at me like i was crazy and even one person said "man your just going to look at tits and ass" and to a point hes right but as someone who sc frequently who wants to get their car drive 30 mins maybe more pay 20$ cover and go into a place thats not even worth your time and theres no sc for miles out

anybody else have this issue??


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avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I don't ever talk about strip clubs except on here and to someone who already saw me there.

As far as the process goes it seem quite logical. Who wants to waste their time or money when they are aware of how not to? Someone who doesn't know any better is like a rookie investor possibly buying and holding stocks all through 2008 and then deciding to cut their losses in March 2009 at the bottom.

I could visit some nude clubs in Augusta Ga. However I know from experience I can have plenty of fun at several other clubs. If I go there and the place sucks like the reviews suggest, I just wasted hours of my time I will never get back. A rookie doesn't know any better of how to best select a club for best value to maximize fun and money.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Research is GOOD!!!

I NEVER talk to anyone about clubs other than TUSCL members.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Before Tuscl was here I either just visited a club or asked someone. I remember I saw one club around the corner and down the road from one I was in. I decided to ask a bouncer about the other club. He told me "you don't want to go there, It's a gay club all guys.". I was glad I didn't visit to see how it was. I would have been ticked off if I had gone and they charged a cover charge before telling me. This site is so much better than trial and error. I'll let others waste their time and money.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Don't discuss details, noob! Whether it be fine rump shakers or a fine rump roast, keep the secrets to yourself; this is your territory, you're leading the expedition. Take them to the best place, lead them to the best time and offer some tips, and let that be that. Quality will be appreciated reguardless experience.

When coworkers and friends come in from our of town, I show them all my town has to offer and they love it! I try to keep it simple and only answer specifics when asked.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
this is not a subject where it is useful to sound like too much of an expert to coworkers and outside friends. Play it a little dumb. Well, I heard of this site where they do reviews... and it would seem to me that....
avatar for Rod8432
13 years ago
Yes, generally act dumb and vague about SCs. Knowing too much is never a good thing, unless you really know who you're talking to.

And I'm too surprised how little many people know. I swear they have this image of SCs from the 60s where Rubenesque women wear pasties and sashay about the stage behind a huge fan. If any of them were to ever accompany me to a club, they'd be in for a surprise as to what it's all about these days, AND that most of the dancers know me. It's a Cheers bar experience for me, but that's my double-life coming out, which I just about never share.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
For guys over 25 or married and want to stay married, SC attendance is prolly not a good thing to discuss. For nearly 25 years of SC'ing, I have only encountered one person in the club who I know outside the club. He owned a company that my company bought products from, and it turns out he only lives about 15 blocks from me. The recession was hard for both of us, and his business did not survive, but we still see each other around town....actually, we have to think back about our mutual hobby since neither of us is doing it as much these days.

I have seen several dancers I know at music festivals, air shows and county fairs, etc. We catch each others' eye, smile and then let it go.
avatar for Jackmd
13 years ago
I hardly ever talk to anybody about my SC'ing except in very general terms. Never do I mention times dates names places ect but here on TUSCL. If I was single maybe it would be different.
avatar for JJV
13 years ago
Wow very interesting.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

"The better part of valor is discretion"
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Well, I don't think "valor" has much to do with it, but I'll agree about the discretion part.

There's one or two *very* close friends who know I "occasionally" enjoy a night at a strip club, but besides my wife, I don't think anyone knows the actual extent of my hobbying. If they do, they've kept their mouth shut.

I can't imagine sharing much of anything that would reveal my experience in strip clubs to any of my coworkers. That's just asking for trouble.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I don't find it hard to discuss strip clubs in detail with a couple people at work, in part because one of them is a hobbyist like me, though not to my level (largely because he's married and can really only go to strip clubs 3 or 4 times a year) and the other because he agrees with me about which clubs in my area are good, at least for the most part. He even agrees with me about my favorite club. I don't know that I would actually go with either of them to a club, but we can at least talk about them.

OTOH, there is this other guy at work who is something of a nemesis, who always gives me crap about me going to strip clubs, which I find pathetic. I agree with those who say it's better to just play dumb, and with relatives, I would deny it if it ever came up, because what they don't know don't hurt them.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I never talk about strip clubs with friends or neighbors. They would be shocked because I look like a straight arrow. As for research, it only makes sense to get the best bang for your buck.
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
I don't talk about SCs with anyone outside of TUSCL and one friend who I know is a SC fan-- and we're pledged to confidentiality about the hobby.

If you want to show a newbie around a club, be cautious about where you go. If you take a newbie into your favorite club and three peelers approach you to say hello by name and offer VIP dances, then any semblance of naivete on your part will be completely blown.
avatar for EarlTee
13 years ago
I go to clubs with friends every once in a while. They have no idea, and never will, that I go by myself far, far more often than that, and when I do, I go to different clubs and get my dick sucked.
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