
Do you want to play a round?

Detroit, Michigan
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. (AP) -- Two Missouri women are accused of showing off more than their putting skills at a southwestern Illinois golf course.

Madison County Sheriff's Capt. T. Mike Dixon says investigators responded to complaints of lewd behavior Monday at the Woodlands Golf Course in Foster Township and saw the women displaying their breasts.

Now, authorities in Madison County have charged 45-year-old Shelly Lewis and 43-year-old Alicia Binford of O'Fallon, Mo., with public indecency.

Binford and Lewis couldn't be reached for comment Tuesday. Binford's home telephone number has been disconnected. Lewis hasn't returned a message left at her home. Court records don't show if they have an attorney.

Both women are free on bond.

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  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    The reason I do not play golf is because it is cheaper to go to a strip club to see boobies. :)
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    The reason I do not play golf is I don't want to be responsible for killing someone on the next hole due to one of my slices. As shadowcat notes, it is cheaper to see boobies at strip clubs.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Strippers balls driver shafts and holes what possibly could go wrong
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I remember playing golf with someone who told me a story about someone making a bet. If the guys won, the girls had to let their boobs stay out the entire next hole. If the girls won, the guys had to let their dicks hang out on the next hole. The guy telling the story seemed serious like someone really made that bet and someone lost. I was wondering how I always end up with the crazy people. I wasn't about to make a similar bet. Of course if the guys thought it would be almost a sure thing that the girls would lose, they might go for it.
  • Electronman
    12 years ago
    I've never attended but I've heard stories of fund raisers at golf courses where strippers function as caddies, cleaning the golfers balls and checking the flex of their shafts.
    12 years ago
    How much douche could a douchebag douche if a douchebag could douche douche....

    Who the fuck would complain about the random exposure of a few miscellaneous breasts on the Golf Course....the fuck....Deal me another hand, I'm on the wrong planet....
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    A Detroit television station "busted" (pun intended) a charity golf outing sponsored by a SC. Golfers paid to have dancers share the cart and the round of golf. Proceeds were to go to a shelter for homeless children. TV crew showed up and taped golfers and dancers in the woods "looking for lost balls." Charity refused the money.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Piedmont Driving Club scandal: Golfing naked, public urination by Atlanta's elite

    By Daily Mail Reporter

    PUBLISHED: 18:31 EST, 10 June 2012 | UPDATED: 22:20 EST, 10 June 2012

    A secretive high society gentleman's club frequented by Atlanta's most wealthy and prominent people has been thrust into the spotlight after allegations emerged of its elite members golfing naked, urinating in public and committing a host of lewd, drunken behaviors.

    John C. Weitnauer, a top-flight bankruptcy lawyer, wrote a scathing letter detailing the fraternity-boy antics to the president of the Piedmont Driving Club -- the invitation-only organization that has brought together Georgia's most powerful people since the Gilded Age. Dues are said to be $90,000 a year.

    Mr Weitnauer, who worked on both the Enron and Lehman Brothers bankruptcies, intended for his letter to be a private correspondence, demanding the club take action against the members guilty of the bad behavior.

    Upscale: The Piedmont Driving Club has an invitation-only membership that pays $90,000 a year for the privilege of using the golf and sports facilities

    Bad behavior: This is the golf course where members allegedly embarked on a drunken evening of debauchery during a tournament

    But, the note was leaked to the public via the blog sports blog Deadspin and and the scandalous allegations have rattled members of the club and enraged members of the public.

    The two-page letter lists each alleged infraction in detail, though it does not name any of the members who committed them.

    Mr Weitnauer says the events occurred last month at the club's golf tournament.

    One member played the 14th hole completely naked. Mr Weitnauer says, 'I have not researched it, but I suspect this is a crime in Georgia.'

    Public shaming: The man who ratted out his colleagues' bad behavior suggested their wives and children be told what they did and their names be posted in the exclusive club

    Upscale: The Piedmont Driving Club has been a gathering place for Atlanta's biggest names since the Gilded Age

    Outrage: John C Weitnauer wrote a private letter to the club president, though it was leaked to the public

    Several members urinated on the golf course in front a female caddy, an act the lawyer suggests, is likely also a crime.

    Then, 'one member decided to show off to other members, and a caddie, his ability to pick up a golf ball with his naked butt cheeks. I suspect that this behavior -- if it occurred at Bobby Jones Golf Course (a public, municipal course in Atlanta) -- would have resulted in a call to the police and the arrest of the offender.

    Members also allegedly deliberately hit golf balls at other players who were on the green ahead of them at the hole.

    One member also passed out, drunk, on an unlit barbecue grill, Mr Weitnauer added.

    When a guest at a nearby wedding reception asked the members to quiet down because they were causing a disturbance, the Piedmont members responded by telling him to 'go f*** yourself' and mooning the wedding party, according to Mr Weitnauer.

    Mr Weitnauer, who has refused to comment on his letter, suggested members who were proved to have participated in the drunken antics be subjected to
    hefty fines and public humiliation.

    He said their names and crimes should be posted inside the club.

    'Among other things, let the wives and children of these drunkards be confronted with, and ashamed by, the grotesque conduct of their husbands and fathers,' he wrote.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Groucho Marx: "I wouldn't want to be in a club that would have me as a member." These low-lifes are incapable of self-control.
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