
Tijuana experts help

Avatar for steel3643

I'm planning on treating myself in the next two months or so and beginning to plan a trip to Tijuana to visit Adelitas and Honk Kong primarily and maybe even pick up a street girl:).So far i plan on taking a flight to San Diego,then a cab ride from the airport to the boarder and another cab ride to Tijuana.I plan on staying at least 2 nights at one of the hotels above either Hong Kong or the one above Tropical Bar.Is this a smart plan so far? Is it really safe at these hotels?Anything I should know?Also was wondering if its fine to possibly take a girl from Adelitas to my Hotel room above a different Club?Or would i have to rent the room for the hour or however long at whatever bar the girl is from?Also if you pick up a girl off the street can you take her to your hotel room or do you have to use the place where shes standing in front of?I plan on crossing the boarder around noon or 1pm and plan on coming back across around the same time ,is this a good time?Also plan on going either the first week of October on a Sunday,monday,and leave Tuesday or I might wait till the end of October closer to halloween and go the same days of the week.I'm looking for as much info as possible from anyone who has experience staying overnight at one of these places.Are there hidden fees for the rooms? or just the price advertised on there site?Well thanks in advance for the info guys and feel free to shoot me a pm if you don't want to respond on here.


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Avatar for steve3003

Looks like you need the services of them travel agent. And whatever you're smoking, maybe time to cut things back a little.

Avatar for jester214

I think there used to be a guide to TJ on here, look around a little it may still be somewhere. If not there are solid guides on other sites and a little google searching will get you some excellent step by step ones.

That said as much as I'd like to go to TJ I firmly believe it's only a matter of time before someone down there decides kidnapping Americans is a good way to make a buck. Though I've had this idea for years and it really hasn't come to fruition, so maybe I'm nuts. Still not gonna risk it though. I'd rather go to Amsterdam for that kind of vacation.

Avatar for steve3003

The TJ girls are far prettier than anything in Amsterdam. Although you can find an occasional gem. Of course, them coffee shops are why we go to A-city but those fucking prudes passed a law (not implemented yet) that only allows them dutch fuckers to indulge in them coffee shops. So stick with TJ, steel3333. Since you sound like an idiot you just might manage to get kidnapped: you got easy prey written all over your fucking forehead. One piece of advice: don't ever query them taxi drivers bout this and that. Give specific instructions (go here, go there) and sound confident. Good luck.

Avatar for xedin5436

Dude, the cab right from the airport to the border is pretty long. Just take the trolley - it goes right to the border. The trolley doesn't exactly connect with the airport, but taking a cab to the main train station (where there's a trolley stop) won't be too bad; only a mile or so. steve3003 is pretty much right about cabs in Mexico though - tell them where you're going and how much you're going to pay them before you even get in the cab. They should accept dollars.

I'd worry more about just random crimes or violence than I would about getting kidnapped. Kidnappings in Mexico generally happen because the kidnappers know that relatives of whoever they're taking have money and they're mostly after the ransom. The don't have enough reach across the border to go taking Americans and demanding ransom from their families and having any hope of getting anything without bringing down a shitload of trouble on themselves. There are tons of wealthy Mexicans who have houses in the US where they keep their families for safety while they conduct their totally legitimate business south of the border.

Avatar for Electronman

Do some research on TJAmigos (.com). You'll find a guide for planning a trip to TJ.

Avatar for inno123

San Diego is not that close to San Ysidro (the border). I would recommend taking the trolley to the border and staying at one of the hotels on the US side of the border between excursions across to the Mexican side. That way you cross the border each time carrying just your passport and the night's dinero. Trying to cross with a weekend's worth of luggage is going to get you attention both from the border patrol and from the criminal element.

Avatar for steel3643

Thanks for the info ,how much does the trolley cost?Also im looking for info from anyone that has stayed at a hotel above one of the clubs.It seems it would be easier to crash in a hotel there after a night of partying than to keep making trips across the boarder,id also like to bring girls to my room.So i plan on staying in the hotel at Hong Kong at least one of the nights possibly.

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