
Comments by rattdog (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    What do strippers wear that does NOT look hot
    boots gowns nipple rings anything halloween related denim
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    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    ^i'll add with a theory. would it be also safe to assume that the ministers/pastors of these churches are acting as "pimps" for these 30+ year old conniving girls? some of these "pimps" i've been told sport some nice cars and watches that can tell time simultaneously in the states and timbuk2 or 3.
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    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    surprised no one has mentioned that marriage is a big fucking job. i mean technically/legally it is so in that it's a binding contract which implies levels of business and finance. and add the emotional components, which via legal ways-the courts mainly- there are even ways to account for that in $$$'s. and maybe this was touched upon by some here but the psychological elements of even a ltr relationship let alone a long marriage far outweighs sex stuff. guys always have to come up with new ways to keep the initial sparks of strong attraction flowing. and if that starts to wane the guy still has to keep that flow going to even maintain a steady level of tolerance. like i said it's a big fucking job.
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    3 months ago
    Sloppy seconds
    to the ones that are really concerned about slops, why not just find out the atf's schedule and be her supposed first for the night? why supposed? could still be slop after her bf raw dogs her before she shows up at the club.
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    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    touche debonair touche
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    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    there are 2 couples on my block that appear to be very happily married, both probably over 25 years or more. their marriages to me are perfect examples of the purpose of marriage: build something together financially, raise kid(s), and go wherever and whenever together almost all of the time. full time partners until the day they die. if you think you've met your match that you can have a marriage like these 2 couples then yeah sure pull the trigger. otherwise... those 2 couples, and the few above that replied above are what i consider outliers. like totally real fucking rare, especially at this day and age. in the past 10-15 years i knew 10 guys that got married. now in 2024, 8 of those 10 got divorced. to take the gamble of marrying someone who at that particular moment seems to be your ideal soulmate is not a good bet. the way the laws are in place men can get wrecked real bad after a divorce is finalized. all 8 informed me of the post divorce payouts. i'm actually quite surprised that not one of them ever actually contracted a professional to perform a hit job, or even set the house on fire. so yeah i consider myself one of them guys that dodged away from machine gun fire. before that inevitable divorce i just could never ever want to be in that situation when the words in my mind say "shit fuck i now have to go home to that."
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    3 months ago
    Sloppy seconds
    ^and even that may not be the way to go. more than 50% of the time they will become unfaithful. just don't think about sloppy seconds, or hell even sloppy tenths or twentieths. just enjoy whatever she does to you, get off and drive home and then get a real good nights sleep.
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    3 months ago
    Clubbing without credit and debit cards on your person
    naah you have to bring the card with you. want to suck tits? take the card out to pay for that luxury and swipe between the titties. and don't you need that card readily available to split up the lines of coke before you sniff right off a girl's ass?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Do you believe the GOP will ban Strip Clubs ?
    well.....that fosta bill after all was passed through under trump's watch. backpage was an awesome option. see a girl you like and within an hour or two good stuff is happening. once bp was gone the number of options in nyc plummeted to utter shit. once again the only positive thing that i can only thing that has happened under the watch of diaper wearing drug cocktailing hair sniffing dickbag joe was the latin female talent let in. so far the last few months have been fun in engaging with them. i'll enjoy for as long as until that eventually will end.
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    4 months ago
    Bill Burr - ya or nay?
    there are tons of comedians out there that would have to pay me a whole lot to endure a half or full hour of them attempting their versions of stage comedy. bill burr though is one guy out of not many that i would not mind at all forking over my hard money to watch any place, any time.
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    4 months ago
    Songs that don't seem to get old
    oops. never mind. long day - i didn't see the link.
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    4 months ago
    Songs that don't seem to get old
    ^yvonne elliman used to wear a cowboy hat?
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    4 months ago
    Is Joe Biden going to be the Democratic nominee?
    first prez debate ever that i've ever seen that had two commercial breaks. the fuck?
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    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Generation Z is deliberately ignorant
    i have to say that i've been real fortunate in that around 96% of my dealings with the Z group i found them to be quite normal. no signs of slight retardation as far as i've witnessed. i only deal with them though through a transactional basis. mainly they are at work as cashiers or eatery waitstaff. and of course the young dancers at the clubs. so for me if i'm not engaging with them the way i do as pointed above there really is no point to associate with them. generally they're not my scene, type of crowd.
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    4 months ago
    Be Careful in Columbia
    there are tons of youtube vids of these passport bros getting "scoped" in colombia. it even happens several times a year over in miami. if you should ever survive this situation while in colombia and you want to pursue getting back your belongings you'll be paying the local police some cash for them to help you.
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    4 months ago
    Is Joe Biden going to be the Democratic nominee?
    i'll throw this theory out there - trump also may take a dose of that diaper joe cocktail himself. of course the media will cherry pick clips of trump slurring some words, looking a bit loopy. reminds me of the ped era of baseball. should these two take piss tests before and after their anticipated debate?
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    4 months ago
    Hawk Tuah Girl
    what's next? hok tua goes to college - a brazzers feature presentation?
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    4 months ago
    spend too much on dancers 🤯
    Heading to Montreal in the next few hours, where shall I hit?
    nah we're cool dude. my aim was not for political correctness/insensitive or any of that bullshit. i have a tendency to ask why people do/say certain things, especially if they are "patterned" in an odd way that i've never witnessed before.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Not attracted to a stripper who is chatty and won’t just ask if you want a dance
    so you gave 20 bucks for the pest to go away, and she guilt tripped you before finally leaving. what are you going to to do if that same comes up to you and does the same shit all over again? cough up another 20?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    spend too much on dancers 🤯
    Heading to Montreal in the next few hours, where shall I hit?
    but i digress. on a recent walking around montreal video i was surprised by the amount of good looking girls walking around, which was a first since my last visit to there during the late 90's. whether any of the girls are escorts/strippers or not i do not know but what i saw may be a good indication of nice options available.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    spend too much on dancers 🤯
    Heading to Montreal in the next few hours, where shall I hit?
    "Asians, Blacks, Blasians and Spics" i'm not bothered by this phrasing. but i am curious as to why though. you only singled out one. i mean if you were going to go that route why don't you just be thorough and type gooks, spooks and chunks?
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    4 months ago
    Michelle Rodriguez
    i would give her cash not to bang but to beat up a couple of girls that really pissed me off at work.
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    4 months ago
    Language barriers at the strip club.
    if you can learn about 150-200 words in spanish along with basic conjugation many doors will open favorably. this will also help prevent the dependency on phones used for translation-i've noticed a few girls showed indications of impatience and annoyance. you want the interactions to flow smoothly as possible.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Subtle Hints a Dancer is Totally Not into You as a Customer
    one time a real nice one from 2001 odyssey tampa came up to nyc to dance a few times during one year. whenever i would signal some interest towards her she would just keep walking. i gave up after 2-3 visits. a couple of years later i'm over at the 2001. that same nice one comes up and hangs out with me for almost an hour over at the bar. she asked me, "how come you never asked me for dances?"
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Porn Hub Fantasy
    "My wife asked me one time if I'd ever asked her for more, and my response was "Are you kidding? After how long it took to find one who'd do this for that price? I ain't fucking up a good thing by trying to fuck and maybe pissing her off."" was this really your response? would i be correct to assume your wife has been ok with you getting around or otherwise the response would have been way more different? also just curious how would your wife had reacted if you answered yes?