There's no Election Fraud

avatar for TheeOSU
All USA elections are fair. Yeah right!
They just removed over 6k non citizens from Virgina's registered voter rolls.
They caught them this time, how many sneaked through in previous elections and in other states?

BTW this article was originally posted on liberal newsweek and reposted on leftist MSN., not some right wing website.…


last comment
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
Only someone without functioning brain cells believes the demented Biden won it fair and square.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Alarming to be sure. I guess my question is, if VA requires that in order to register to vote you have to provide a full 9 digit SSN how did these people register? Also, it’s a federal crime to falsely register. Article says they are giving the 6k removed voters a grace period to prove they are citizens. Are they going to prosecute? More to come I’m sure.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
If Harris wins, we'll know there was even more cheating going on than last time. It's just not possible America (as a whole) is stupid enough to elect a fucking piece of garbage like that.

Obama and Biden were both garbage too, but Obama was a gifted speaker and Biden had the kindly grandfather thing going for him (creepy and weird as it was at times) but had to cheat anyway. Kamala has nothing. The WORST speaker. The LEAST relatable. The MOST dishonest appearance just by watching her behavior. The most disgusting piece of shit we've ever seen in high office.

If she wins, it's over Johnny. It means they've got such a lock on the cheating game, they will only get better at it and never get caught.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
A SSN doesn't prove citizenship. Any fucking asshole can get a SSN.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Have you looked at the polling? It’s showing a dead heat with Harris continuing to make up a lot of ground. The only time the polls were really wrong was 2016 and your guy won. Is your argument that the polls must be wrong and Trump is still way ahead? That’s backwards.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
lol, so now even VA’s system isn’t good enough? It’s Friday. Go get a beer man. Or maybe some indica.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
Fuck the polls. Not I nor anyone I know, has EVER gotten asked to participate in a poll. We're all in our late 50's and in our whole lives, never, not one time. When my parents were alive (they'd be late 80's by now) they used to say the same thing, and they knew LOTS more people than I do. The polls are all bullshit and trying to analyze them is a fools game.
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
Simple fact is that once any game/event or election starts, any rule change is cheating. Mail in voting is cheating, unless the voter shows up in person, proves who they are and gets a single ballot. Mass mailing voting cards makes every election invalid.
avatar for mogul1985
7 months ago
^ The "Rule Changes" we have seen are like "Rollerball" 1975 designed to create a desired outcome.

I agree about Polls. They just gin up viewership and clicks. I've been called several times for polls and I NEVER participate as I have no idea who they really are. Something always pops up October.

If other countries can do voting in one day, why do we need mass mail-in ballots and 60-day "early voting"? I'm old enough to remember voting on one day, results that night. What we have today is just ripe for fraud by anyone.
avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
In California you get automatically registered to vote, you have to inform them you are not a citizen. Their voter rolls are no doubt fucked up.

avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
I mean how did we let it get to this point. In my state you don’t need to show ID to vote they just ask you your last name and address. I mean what stops me from voting for neighbors? I know that information for them. When you watch people like Bill Maher they act like your the crazy one for questioning election returns it’s like no dude, when your at a point where your mass mailing out ballots (not absentee where you have to specifically ask for that ahead of time for a certain reason military/medical) it’s just fucking nuts. And then if I ask your for ID to decide who are elected officials are that makes me racist? It’s like dude wtf. You ARE GETTING HUSTLED. Any street sense at all. Alarm bells should be going off in your head. Idk how we unfuck that.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"Have you looked at the polling? It’s showing a dead heat with Harris continuing to make up a lot of ground."

Yes. There's also the inherent Republican advantage in the electoral vote and the shy Trump voter effect.

I see Harris' momentum slowing. The initial burst of euphoria never lasts forever. Lot of ball left to be played, yet the left is getting frisky and acting like a victory is a done deal.
avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
But these morherfuckers we are dealing with are full blown trained marxists, they are not fucking around. Ofcourse they are going to cheat, and they turn around and say your the threat to democracy. It’s commie fuckhead 101. I’m not buying that bullshit for 1 second.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Paywalled, but Washington Post is a reliable liar for the left.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
Comon now, lol.

“ The most disgusting piece of shit we've ever seen in high office. ”

That has to be racism or something else going on. What has Kamala done to get that description?
avatar for galabad
7 months ago
OP the article you linked to above says people were removed from registration rolls, not that those people voted. It says later in the same article that there is "no significant evidence of widespread noncitizen voting." And even if all 6,300 people had voted for Biden, a very unlikely scenario, it wouldn't have made a difference because Biden won Virginia by over 400,000 votes.
You have every right to complain about whatever you want, but we don't need to pretend that those complaints are relevant.
avatar for motorhead
7 months ago

That’s about the dumbest logic I’ve ever read. It’s like saying “there are 10 million people in Israel so let’s just kill 1200. That’s so insignificant it doesn’t matter”.
avatar for motorhead
7 months ago
Or, there’s 100 questions on the test. Let cheat on 20 questions. I’m gonna fail either way so cheating is immaterial
avatar for galabad
7 months ago
It's not like the first one at all, human life value is on a completely different scale.

As for the second one it's not quite like that either because testing is a personal thing, but for the sake of the argument it would be more like I'm going to cheat on 1 question out of 20 million questions, and it's not going to affect the grade on this test at all.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
Oh so you're saying a little cheating is ok? Where do you draw the line?
And as I previously said, how many sneaked through in previous elections and in other states?

avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
I'll answer my last question, you don't know.
Either way it's not ok.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Of course there is election fraud. Why else would the dems be so desperate to defend vote by mail, ballot harvesting, no ID voting, absentee voting registration, and so on unless they knew that abuse and subversion of these programs is their only sure path to victory?
avatar for galabad
7 months ago
I'm saying out of the millions and millions of votes cast, there have undoubtedly been some people submitting fraudulent votes, that's not condoning it, that's just realistic and unavoidable. So identifying that this happens is not significant, what is more important is figuring out how much it might affect the outcome of an election. You are right, TO, I don't know how much this has happened . . . but neither do you. Why would you assume it might be an outcome-changing number?

There have been investigations into it, and nothing notable has turned up. What has been found are small instances of fraud, but that isn't the same thing as one side designing a way to dishonestly change the outcome. There has not been any evidence of widespread fraud. It feels like the only reason this is even still an issue is that one side benefits from throwing doubt into the election process so they can feel justified in rejecting any results when they lose.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago
@pumpkin head

"Only someone without functioning brain cells believes the demented Biden won it fair and square."

"Now lets storm the capitol building and stop this sham!!!!!!"

That's how fucking stupid it all is. Both sides.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago

"But these morherfuckers we are dealing with are full blown trained marxists, they are not fucking around. Ofcourse they are going to cheat, and they turn around and say your the threat to democracy. It’s commie fuckhead 101. I’m not buying that bullshit for 1 second."

You sound as retarded and stuck in mental mud as Punkin' head, motormouth, and gammagay.......see how that infantile name calling sounds? That's how you sound, kermugins.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
^^ gaybutt999 Fuck you, fucking faggot ass queer. Say what you will about me, but at least I'm not some fudge packin' fruitcake like you.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago
"Yes, let the hate flow through you......"

---The Emperor (you know, Return of the Jedi?)
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
Yes, I will. Thank you.
avatar for Dqirish
7 months ago
The 2020 presidential election is the most scrutinized and investigated election in the history of the world. But even MAGA led inquiries and recounts in Wisconsin & Arizona found jack shit. Trump got beat because he's a corrupt, inept prick who most normal Americans despise, and that's why he'll get beat again. Though it will sting less this time, if only because senile Donnie doesn't know where he is half the time anymore.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
What good is a recount when the ballots have already been stuffed? You recount the same fraudulent fucking ballots.

You won't be surprised to know that I was suspicious when the scumbag governor of NJ announced that he'd be sending mail-in ballots to every single registered voter. So I spent hours communicating with voting officials by phone and email. I had them explain the mail-in process to me.

On the surface, it sounds like a pretty reliable system. But the bottom line is, ballots don't have ANY way to identify who cast the vote (I get it, to protect the voter's privacy). But regardless, once the ballots are separated from their envelopes, they are just stacks of identical pieces of paper with the little circles filled in. If 250 or 2,500 or 25,000 extra ballots somehow showed up, there would be no way to know the difference, and no amount of investigation or recounting could prove they were fraudulent.

Like many reports from other places in the country, voting here was running very close until counting was mysteriously and suddenly halted with only about 20% remaining. With so little left to do, the workers were sent home and came back to resume counting the next day. Magically, the remaining votes were OVERWHELMINGLY for Biden. Literally like 95%.

You'll call me a conspiracy theorist. But I say this is typical democrat strategy and manipulation. They cheat like hell, it's clearly obvious that something isn't right, but if you question it then YOU'RE the one who's fucked up. And that's the beauty of their method. Once the deed is done, there's no way to prove it, and they act like you're the one who's a threat to democracy.
avatar for rattdog
7 months ago
"They cheat like hell, it's clearly obvious that something isn't right, but if you question it then YOU'RE the one who's fucked up."

there was a word that was constantly being used that was ever hardly being uttered before the last 3-4 years: gaslighting. i believe that the above is an excellent example of this word.

j6. that day those scumbag officials inside the capitol were lucky that it was only a small amount that "stormed" into the premises. the amount should have been at lease 500,000.
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
Dqirish seems like quite the little pussy. Probably jacks off at night to the thought of Donald Trump naked.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Our elections lack the basic safeguards and integrity checks that anyone with common sense would see are necessary. I won't even go into the vulnerability of hacking and malicious code in electronic voting machines.

Any a partisan poll-watcher from any party is barred from performing their duties should cause an immediate closure and quarantine of the votes from that precinct until the problem is resolved.

Mail in voting should only be allowed in the narrowest set of circumstances and only approved one election at a time. I am not even sure that part-time Florida residents should be allowed to vote in state elections. If you only live here 6 months +1 day, how much do you care about the welfare of full-time residents to have a say? To protect your no state income tax privileges?

Shorten early voting to a maximum of one-week. Make election day a federal holiday to reduce the benefits of early voting even further.

Outlaw ballot harvesting and partisan voting drives.

And just for my own peace and calm, outlaw election advertising by phone, text, e-mail, and postal mail. It's spam and junk mail, period.
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
^ People can legally have many, many residences, but only one domicile. That is where they vote, and it is not related to how much time they live there. My youngest brother votes in Florida, where he lives some of the time, but is living down the Cape in Massachusetts right now because it is summer.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
Vote early and often, if you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying very hard
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Are there any members who are undecided as to who they are voting for? My guess is no. We’ve all known whom we are voting for, for years. This is a partisan discussion. No issue there, but let’s not pretend either side is making any ground to convince the other side they are right.

For those who allege the elections are rigged, try and see it from the other side. Everything you’ve pointed to over the years has been debunked. Rudy, Sidney Powell all full of shit and discredited. 2000 mules? Pulled from broadcast after admitting it was horseshit. Smartmatic, Dominion? Either cleared or won huge settlements from Fox and others.

More basic, it just doesn’t make sense. The swing states weren’t controlled by one party. GA, NV, PA? These aren’t democrat controlled states. How would a party control those elections? Mail in voting? Yeah, maybe you could compromise one vote, but thousands? It just doesn’t make sense. Votes mailed to individual addresses and returned with signatures? Not a chance you could swing one state, let alone 7.

Our voting system is decentralized. It’s been investigated for years. And nothing. I’m sure I’ve not convinced anyone.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
@ski - I do not know about other states, but to claim Florida as your primary residence, you must prove that you reside here 183 days at minimum. New York, Illinois, and other high tax states also track their part-time residents receipts, toll tags,, license plate readers, etc to prove or disprove where their primary residence is.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
^ Little twat is a broke wannabe you’re talking about shit you know nothing about, you are talking about tax law, ski happens to know what he’s talking about anyone can domicile and vote where they choose, whether tax is due in another location is a different matter completely.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago
gam, you normally aren't this stupid. But, your comment running through the same stolen election story because of voter fraud scenario isn't a good look. Be conservative, be ultra conservative, no "problem", but don't believe stupid ass shit that's been investigated WELL....and a conclusion made.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 months ago
The fact that YOU have never been polled does not mean very much. The polls use a miniscule sample size. Typically, 1000 to 2500 voters. That means about 1 out of 100,000 adults are polled.

I was polled about 30 years ago during the Bush-Clinton election. I was also polled in April of this year. No idea who the poll was for, either. It was by some polling service that had some generic name like (making this up) The Liberty Foundation for Election Integrity or some such drivel. They probably represented one candidate or the other. I could not tell from the questions. They somehow knew I was a registered voter and claimed to know which party I was "registered" with.

It's not really something worth mentioning to people, so I'm sure lots of people I know "don't know ANYONE" who was ever polled. You probably know a few people that have been polled over the decades. It is not like they are required to report it to everyone they know.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
I don't get polled because I hang up on pollsters.
avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
For me you have to get off your ass and show up with identification. Bare minimum. If you can’t even anccomplish that, then you really shouldn’t be voting. But just until happens then I’ll have questions. Right now it’s more difficult to buy an olde English 40oz than to vote and that’s a problem. This is basic shit.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
It’s not that simple. Citizens have a constitutional right to vote. Indeed, most would say it’s our most important constitutional right. You don’t have a constitutional right to drink alcohol or drive, the two most routine uses of IDs. The right to vote is probably closer to the 2A in terms of how it can be restricted and you can buy guns without ID in private sales.

I think GA has it right. After 2020 they enacted a law that requires ID, but they provide either a very cheap or free maybe? way to get a voter ID. The dems don’t like the additional hurdle, but there’s value in having confidence in our election security. No matter how many times GA and the other swing states say there was no election fraud, it’d be good to ally those fears.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Citizens have a constitutional right to vote, but citizens also should care enough to obtain and furnish legal ID. Birth certificate, SS ID card. INS papers. Passport. A gov't photo ID and voter card. If you don't care enough to have any one of those available, maybe you don't care enough to be voting.

The argument is not about denying citizens their vote, it is about safeguarding our elections from fraudulent votes.
avatar for mike710
7 months ago
Now that I'm out of communist California, I vote in AZ that required my ID when I went to vote recently. Get my ID here and registering to vote was quite simple and the hard copy of my ID showed up in a week.

Voting was simple. They scanned my ID and my registration information came up. The elderly vote center worker saw that I matched the picture on my ID and printed my ballot.

I did go back to California and received a mail ballot that I didn't ask for. I destroyed it.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
^ mail ballot I didn't ask for = democrat plot to defraud elections
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