Do you lie to dancers about your day job?
Rhode Island
I mostly don't, but my job is relatively common and not public facing. So, I might tell them what I do broadly (as in "I'm an accountant."), but I won't say who I work for or in what field.
Why lie (or be vague)? I don't go to strip clubs when I'm looking for an abundance of scruples. And though I think the percentage of dancers who might track you down is low... it's not zero. If caution costs me nothing, then I use caution.
The phrase "I'm not really here to talk about work." is useful to get off the topic.
Also, I'm not an accountant. I'm shit at math.
last commentI have told them what kind of work I do and what my employer does, broadly speaking, but there's no great need for more details than that.
Abso-smurfing-lutely. Lie about my name. Lie about my job. Lie about why I’m in town. Lie. Lie. Lie.
Nope I tell the truth. Dancers are always curious and since most live where I don't practice I cannot answer questions.
Pretty sure most strippers lie about their names. Unless Lexi, Isis, and Emerald are their given names.
At least they always tell the truth when they say I’m handsome and have a huge unit.
I go all Harvey Weinstein, "I'm a producer" I would say
When I was a landscaper I’d tell them I managed a “Hedge” fund. Kind of true.
I tell the truth. Too much effort to fib
I have no reason to lie. I've been retired for 15 years. Then they want to know what did before I retired and I tell them.,
I don't lie, I just don't give much detail. I tell them that I manage a group within the risk mitigation department of a credit card company, I just don't tell them that the group is comprised of debt collectors because that tends to be a sore subject for a lot of them.
If they start to ask any questions I just say "your job is a lot more fun than mine so why don't we just focus on that."
replying with bullshit data entry boring job usually ends that topic of discussion real quick.
I keep it vague and redirect to what I do for fun, but I don't lie.
Currently, I see no reason to lie about my work, but I do understand about keeping it vague. But years ago, when I was in law enforcement and visiting a high mileage club, oh yeah, I'd definitely lie about my job. I'd have better luck telling them I'm leper than telling them I'm a cop. But alas, those days are behind me.
I keep it vague. “I work in IT, boring stuff”. The questions usually end there.
You never know when you'll encounter a stalker or someone attempting to engage in blackmail. So yes....lie lie lie.
One of my favorite dancers texted me the other day, and we set a time for yesterday to get together. When she came out of the dressing room, she asked me how my new job was going, how my golf game has been, how my vacation to Europe was and about my son and his adult softball league. I asked her about her vacation and a couple other areas we had chatted about. It's so much easier having a conversation with someone when you can actually talk about real things that actually happened, instead of always trying to be too clever by half.
^ couldn't agree more.
Agree with Chili that it’s easier to have a conversation especially if it’s a regular or CF when you don’t have to worry about keeping up a subterfuge. My job has some cool aspects to it and multiple avenues for conversation so I talk about it. I don’t say whom I work for as it can easily be traced, but I’m honest about what we do.
I like to tell them I’m a marine biologist
The easiest answer I could me up with is telling dancers I work in sales. It usually immediately ends the topic with her saying “so do I”! If they persist I vaguely state corporate sales and it’s quite draining which is why I’m here, to get drained of my wallet and such. It successfully transitions to a dance if I’m interested, and if it’s good that topic hardly ever comes up again. They just are getting a temperature if you are gainfully employed and can spend $$.
I am an architect. Just like George Costanza
^^ Lol- Every once in a while I'll use marine biologist to switch it up a bit.
I don't have a day job. I'm a retired guy who used to work night shift. @Chili- So how's your golf game been lately ? It's hot in AZ, even with dry heat.
@minnow: Really golf buddy and I are always the first one out at our course, so we tee off before 6 AM and are off the course by 8 AM before it gets too crazy hot.
I'm not super concerned about them knowing what I do, but I'm also not super interested about talking about work at the strip club. So my response kinda depends. If we're having an actual conversation, I'll generally tell them. When its just idle chit chat, I usually just give generic answers. I'm also prone to complete and total bullshit answers or simply changing the subject.
I tell em I bag fries at the Burger King down the street.
GoldmongerATL tells them he fills the little cups with nacho cheese at Taco Bell.
Does anyone think they're using it to gauge your willingness to spend? Like they'll charge more if you're a neurosurgeon than if you're bagging groceries.
^ Possibly, but they probably don't believe us as much as we don't believe them. So, it's likely not their most reliable indicator.
Nope, i tell them the industry and general info. I dont say the exact position nor the company. I’ve never had anyone ask which company, other than an escort one time i believe… I told her a different company name
It is info they can potentially blackmail you with or cause drama at your work
If a dancer is stalking you does that mean you could get free or severely discounted OTC from her?
When asked, I tell them, and their eyes glaze over. Even my wife didn't understand.
Wonder who pulls the line, "I use to work for the CIA."
Chili how do you play 18 in 2 hours?
I tell them im a high frequency trader. May as well tell them you're an alien as you get the same sort of reaction
@skibum: actually less...we play as a duo in typically 1'40". We are fast, one practice swing, we hit the ball straight, and don't fuck around on the greens. Give me a juiced up cart and we really boogie around the course. We usually make a bet on which hole we catch the "Back 9 and Breakfast" people. Everyone at the course knows our rep, and stays the F out of our way. It's great...the pro shop has made a special time just for us, because they know we won't hold up the actual published first tee times.
I usually just say that I work in an office (a lie) and that it's not worth talking about (true).
I like the OPs angle: give an honest generic answer and then change the topic. The last time I was honest with a stripper about what I did and how good business was, she named a sky-high price and refused to come down. Just as well, since her GPS helped big head override the little head.
I tell them, but they don’t understand.
I’ve done both. My job is common enough that I can describe it vaguely and generally. But interesting enough to prompt more questions and I don’t feel like answering them. So I change the subject. When they ask me what I do for a living I give an answer that’s vaguely true. Then I ask a girl what she does for a living. The response is often amusing.
I want them thinking I'm broke
^ be careful with that - when I was younger I was often ignored in the club because strippers assumed since I was young looking I was also broke. Once I got a little salt and pepper in my hair everything changed.
Truly sounds amazing Chili. Never played a round in under 2:15.
I tell them I'm a project manager. They have no idea what that is and they move straight to the next conversation topic. A few ask what it is, and I tell them "for IT projects," at which point I have to tell them "that means computers." I am not a project manager nor an IT professional. I discovered very early in my legal career that there are far too many strippers who want free legal advice/representation. It's the only thing I lie to strippers about.
^ HAHAHA! Good.
I tell them I work as a carrier architect in data networks, Layers 1-4. When asked what that is I bring up Dense Wave Division Multiplexing with nanometer light wave frequency multiplexing at the terabit level per channel, and I show dogs; they glom onto the dog show world as strippers seem to like dogs a lot. My wife understood showing dogs, as she did too, she had no idea was DWDM was all about or Link State Routing; when she heard ISIS she thought I worked with terrorists and not Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Routing.
If they think you don't have much money, you can weed out the ones who will try to attempt to quickly empty your wallet, in exchange for minimal effort.
What you are left with are the girls who will work for what they can squeeze from you.
I'm vague. Luckily my job is technical enough as long as I don't name a company it doesn't matter.
Retired now but I'd tell them what I did and who I worked for. I would get glazed looks and we moved onto other topics. Once in a while I'd get a comment "you must be really smart".
I don't lie about my job, but not out of principle. I just don't need to. It already signals that I have money to spend, especially for OTC considerations. I'm also a social media ghost, so even if they manage the find the online presence of the business that I own, it doesn't link back to anything personal.
I also generally don't lie about other aspects of my life. Again, not out of principle, but because it's just much easier not to have to keep track of any lies I've told. I also find that my current status as a single custodial Dad actually makes me more appealing to some younger girls with Daddy issues. I've definitely leveraged the shit out of that, lol.
But when it is advantageous to do so, I have no qualms about lying. For example, when I'm traveling, I often try to grease the skids for OTC by telling a girl that I'll be in town often and would like a local friend. Sometimes this is actually true, but usually it's not, lol.
So to boil it down, I will usually tell the truth because it's easier and advantageous for me to do so, but I have zero qualms about lying when it suits my needs. It's a strip club, not a church group. The dancers are often spinning tales too as needed. We are all hustling for something or another. As long as any actual agreed upon transaction is honored by both parties, the surrounding fluff leading to that point is largely irrelevant.
^Rick the problem with that is when you say you need a local friend it gives the impression you will be seeing her for repeat visits, not a one and done. So, she may provide better service, and provide a cheaper price for the OTC, under the impression that youll be a repeat customer.
It is also problematic if a dancer, falsely tells clients that she needs money to take care of a dying relative or child or any other story that isn’t true. The fact is, any average guy will feel better about spending money or handing money to someone in a desperate situation vs purely for personal enjoyment.
Besides that, It is important to not give off any impression that you would be unable to pay, or would try to steal back your payment and run off. So even if someone wants to lie about their job, it would be best to still show that you have money available to spend.
Not just that you have $300 in cash available, but that you can spend it comfortably without affecting other bills and without feeling remorse. Theres multiple ways you can accomplish this, especially since anyone can claim to be rich and have a nice job. Dressing well or wearing expensive clothes or a flashy watch helps. A drawback can be if they judge you as being rich they may ask for a higher OTC rate than they normally would.
Spending some amount of money on them in the club, on dances/drinks also helps to establish trust. I would say be willing to spend at least $100 on dances, per girl, for anyone you want for OTC. The primary issues these girls can have with clients are guys who dont pay, possessive jealous guys or entitled guys.
"Do you lie to dancers about your day job?"
Most of them. It's not really something worth talking about but it pays the bills lol. Dancers get paid and everybody wins lol
===> "^Rick the problem with that is when you say you need a local friend it gives the impression you will be seeing her for repeat visits, not a one and done. So, she may provide better service, and provide a cheaper price for the OTC, under the impression that youll be a repeat customer."
Sorry, but I failed to see a problem in any of that. 😉
But fear not troll boy, you can bet she's still quoting a number she's comfortable with or else she wouldn't do it. You're thinking like a regular dude, not a dancer. Her primary concern is about cash in hand today.
At best all I'm doing is making it easier for her to justify doing it in the first place and maybe keeping her from quoting me twice what she'd really be willing to accept. But no dancer is going to throw herself in the bargain bin today for a promise that may never come to pass.
When I'm in the club I'm Jack Hanford and I'm a book publisher. Jack is from Oklahoma and was recruited as a promising wide receiver at Rice, but got injured and never played again. I got a degree in history. I was married and then divorced with one kid who now live a couple of states away. It's an improv exercise and sometimes the dancer gets it and we have a laugh about that and she gets I don't want to talk about real details. More often she doesn't really care and Jack's lore gets deeper.
Some of the made up details approximate some of my real ones which makes them easier to remember. I just don't feel like letting anyone know my life and I don't want to get too mixed up in any possible drama in a dancer's life by knowing her details. We're participating in a fantasy in the club, just going all in on it.
Fair point, Sir Rick…
Galabad, i agree with your points mostly. But, IMO, i dont care to know the specifics of a dancer or sex workers life; I do want to know if they have a boyfriend or husband, which are interchangeable with a pimp.
IMO, its the number one determinator as far as whether a dancer or escort will provide poor service and/or be a scammer. And, its not something you can easily find out as they are trained to lie about it.