They're all just too fat!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
Is this a new thing? Am I going crazy? I have been to about six clubs in the last three weeks or so, and I can generalize, that there really are VERY FEW dancers who are not simply TOO FAT to be dancing.


last comment
avatar for BGSD3100
7 months ago
Must be just in your area.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
I agree !
avatar for WiseToo
7 months ago
No, you're not going crazy. The quality of dancers has headed south. I wouldn't want dances from most of them even if they were free.
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
"I wouldn't want dances from most of them even if they were free."

Let's not get crazy here. Is there any dude here who hasn't had a moment where they've thought "I don't really want to fuck her but I'd let her suck my dick"...?
avatar for funonthaside
7 months ago
Fat chicks give the best head. Prove me wrong.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
@wallanon "I don't really want to fuck her but I'd let her suck my dick"...? But there's also "I don't want to fuck her and I also wouldn't let her suck my dick."

@funonthaside In my experience fat chicks give the worst head because they just think "go to town, get all messy, technique doesn't matter." Professional chicks give the best head because they have a professional level of skill, and also are more generally professional about maintaining their bodies, IME.

BTW I won't try to prove you wrong because I'd have to engage in one or another sort of experiment, none of which seem palatable to me.
avatar for ReadyToMonger
7 months ago
No , its not just you.

Its due to all the good looking normal bodied dancers aging out and quitting dancing. The 20+ year olds now are fat as hell. Mainly because of the "Body positve" movement which promotes being a big fat pig and a lot of simp guys who buy into it and start having a liking for fat slobs.

It also has a lot to do with these girls now trying to act black and that means having these fat hippo thighs and cellulite. Its a certain disgusting body style promoted by rap music and these youth basically have no standards so this is what you get. Fat slobs thinking they are hot shit. Reality is they are disgusting.

Good looking, in shape women is where I spend money in clubs, if I go to a club and its all fat bitches then I'm ducking out.
avatar for snowtime
7 months ago
The abundance of heavy/fat dancers is one of the reasons I have dramatically reduced my strip club visits in the last 10 years. When I first started going to strip clubs many years ago almost all of the dancers had nice fit bodies. Now that is becoming a rarity. Guess most of the fit ones have moved on to Only Fans and similar sites.
Granted there are some customers who actually prefer the "curvy" or even obese dancers, but not me and I suspect not the majority of customers. Most of the recent reviews on TUSCL often note that the few spinners available seem to get the majority of the business. And I can't count the number of recent reviewers who have said they walked in a club and soon headed for the exit when the only dancers available were overweight. So yes, Book Guy , I would certainly agree with your observations.
But Funonthaside is also probably correct that fat chicks give the best head. I am just not sure how guys get/stay aroused by them.

avatar for Context21
7 months ago
It’s all Lizzo’s fault. But in all seriousness I made the same observation when I went to a local club at night recently. The majority of the younger dancers were fat, and could stand to loose 15-25lbs. There was a handful of 35yo and above dancers that were very fit in contrast.
avatar for Dolfan
7 months ago
Depends on the club around here. Some clubs hire thicker girls, other ones want skinny girls.

Judging by the smash or pass type threads around here, there is a strong lean towards thicker girls. Many even prefer the ones I'd call fat. I see similar outcomes in the club, the slim girls don't get the attention the bigger ones do. It works for me, since there are less folks to out bid.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"Lizzo is beautiful!"
"You look like her!"
"Fuck you!"

I've always liked girls with a fuller figure (not BBW), rather than the skeletons I see at so many places.

@wallanon - I've thought that about many girls. I can lay back and close my eyes.
avatar for funonthaside
7 months ago
Worst than thick women in general is watching girls you have known for awhile grow larger. There are 2 girls in my prior rotation in particular that were favorites of mine, then when they took breaks and returned many months later, their asses grew abnormally large. Even their lap dances tanked, as they had not learned to handle their new weight. The one was also out of shape cardiovascularly, so when she danced, she became out of breath quickly, and also began sweating sooner than normal.
avatar for minnow
7 months ago
I haven't noticed it too much in the clubs I go to. But out in the civvie world (grocery store, drug store, dept. store)- holy shit! @Book Guy- how much overweight do you consider fat ? I've seen less of centerfold quality dancers, but real fatties, not so much.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
The thing I’m noticing most is the younger group of dancers are chubby but the older dancers, past their mid twenties usually are pretty fit, I tend towards taller slim athletic types, and I dislike the fat asses that seem to be so popular.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
'Must be just in your area.'

Nope, not just his area.
Way too many fatties dancing in my area too.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
@minnow I don't know if I want to use the term "fat" to define what I do or don't want. For me, I'd say ANY weight more than "ideal body weight" is too fat to be a good choice for dancing. I realize other guys are different. I prefer spinnners, or ballerinas, or yoga instructors. I really find Alexis Texas (porn star) disgusting. It's not just, "oh she's something which other guys like," no no, my instinct when viewing Alexis Texas is, "fuck DAMN won't someone please HIDE THAT WOMAN FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY!" It's very visceral anger at her hugeness, her (what looks to me, automatically, like) irresponsibility.

I don't try to justify this feeling. I certainly don't express it. I don't really claim it's rational or something I'm allowed to propagate onto other people. I'm just saying, this is the first thing that automatically pops into my head.

So, among the (approx.) 100 dancers I've seen in the last month, I guess the following. 90 are as heavy as Alexis Texas, or heavier.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
(damn, premature post button, doh!)

So that's fully 90% who are not just in the "unappealing to me personally" zone, but also in the "automatically disgusting to me" zone. And even if I'm generous, and re-jigger my numbers, I can't really get that number down below 80% or MAYBE 75%. So, really, literally 3 in 4 are I'm not interested, and in fat utterly "I would prefer that you not be in the club when I am in the club."

Maybe they're doing a bad job with their "style" and they could improve if they changed something in fashion or makeup or something. I doubt it. I honestly think all humans who are 20 years old should look like track stars. If you have time to do high school sports you shouldn't have any excess body weight.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
lol @ myself "fat" for "fact" heh Freudian slip there
avatar for dr_lee
7 months ago
I see a lot of fit girls with great bodies in the clubs, but the main difference I notice now as opposed to years ago is a lot of modern dancers are just way more unpleasant and indifferent. Too much sitting and playing on their phones, too much walking around the club going nowhere, too much vaping, too much gum-chewing, too much loud talking, drink glasses of whatever are just an extension of their hands. Dancers are just way more immature and unlikable than they used to be. It’s weird how a lot of them seem to take such great care of their bodies, but very little attention to their behavior.
avatar for ReadyToMonger
7 months ago
Its because they are all trying to be like those cellulite fat black hippos you see that look like Gloria from Madagascar https://fictionrulezforever.fa…

They take on that personality and even try to speak in ghetto slang and say "bro" too. Doesnt help all the tattoos these hoes have now, these nasty ass thigh tattoos. But guys are so thirsty now they will accept it and that is why it has incrementally gotten out of hand and we get what we have now....fat slobs as dancers. Guys have to demand better and stop simping.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Wow, this thread moved quickly to the muppets in the theater balcony. No surprise. The word “all” is hyperbole. No doubt girls are getting bigger as style has changed. My tastes have changed as well. I’ve always preferred athletic chicks with good butts but my tastes have not only moved toward bigger (not big) women, but my range has also “widened” to include more colors, hair and body types. Notwithstanding, when I go to clubs I see a wide variety of girls and invariably, some are too big and some are too small.

Stated simply, the strip club business is down. Less clubs, less customers and less dancers. You can argue cause and effect of Only Fans or Lizzo lol but the reality is there are less girls and that fact alone equates to less quality. Somehow, I always manage to find someone or someones to fill my needs.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
“Thick” means substantial badonka-donka ass, for those into that (I’m not). It does not mean morbidly obese body. Not something I’d pay to see.
avatar for motorhead
7 months ago
We’ve all said it before. The economics of strip clubs is its own bizarro world.

Most dancers have a full blown case of GPS and feel PL’s are so desperate they will pay for pussy no matter how low the standard.

Seems dancers would rather twerk to the ghetto crowd for a handful of singles from the make it rain dudes than be classy and height / weight proportionate which would appeal to older affluent gentlemen.

avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
I see both sides of it. There are definitely fat chicks out there dancing. No doubt. Flabby, all that shit. Some of you guys are not talking about not fat. Some of y’all just like anorexic girls. Call them out too. But some of y’all just like that. Any deviation from that is a porker is which is just nuts.

To me Christy Canyon is the PERFECT body type. God I would fuck that all day. Healthy meat on all that. Yeah I don’t want Whoopi Goldberg either but I do need some curves. Some of yall are looking for Auschwitz level thin.
avatar for rattdog
7 months ago
works both ways. you guys can't stand the fat/phat thick girls. i get it - it's not what y'all would consider to be the norm of what you've always been into. and if you find these types of girls revolting that's fine.

but then there's guys like me, who are in a huge minority. we are just not into spinners or average built girls. case in point: years back friend and i went to titillations iin nj. it's a club 100% consisting of spinners/average body types. i left the bar area where my friend was at and went to the pool tables for the next hour. i felt strong revulsion for those girls, even for those with the 8-9 faces.

if i'm ever hanging out with one of you guys and the girl that you consider to be a pig comes up to you just say nah go to him-point to me. yeah if the face and body are at the levels virgo peridot ,bebe rexha or haleigh cox i'll be more than happy to explore.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
^ That’s cool. To each his own. Variety is good
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
"...but the reality is there are less girls and that fact alone equates to less quality."

+1 on this. Fewer girls to choose from does make it less likely the particular combination of looks, style, and vibe you're into will be in the club when you arrive. Some days I think I'd rather just pick up and try another town than go back to the same old clubs where I live.
avatar for Huntsman
7 months ago
I don’t club as much as I used to but I’ve certainly noticed the weight gain. I think the timing key was mostly covid-19(pounds). I think it started before then and girls have certainly had time to shed lockdown era weight gain. But that is the time I saw a significant change, whether that was due to shelter-with-carbs-at-home or not.

These days it seems fairly common for clubs to have multiple dancers with noticeable hang bellies. Unless I’m losing my memory, that would have been almost unheard of before the 2020s.
avatar for dickdecker
7 months ago
The key is to never let them get on top of you, otherwise there can be fun
avatar for blahblahblahs
7 months ago
So, I know my tastes aren't universal, but I also know they aren't extremely niche either. Listening to the "Economics of Everything" podcast (referenced in a recent thread) there was a real disconnect between what the dancer said "guys want" and my preferences. This wasn't just body surgery, but also hair and makeup. It may legit be that tastes are changing as well, but I'm unconvinced.
avatar for apieceofsausage
7 months ago
Agreeing with Muddy that I suspect a lot of y'all just have a realllyy low threshold for what's considered fat (and it's also likely dependent on area.) I can say in the clubs I've visited (DMV+WV, I generally stick to gentlemen's clubs and some dives, never urban clubs) that I've never seen a woman who looks like she wears anything above a (straight-size) large, and even then it's usually only 1-2 girls who are that size. Almost all of the girls are skinny or right above that.
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
To each their own, but my wife is size 8 and no one larger than that ever gets a dance. Fake boobs are a no 90% of the time too.
avatar for Mate27
7 months ago
Inertia is a bitch, and once you start down that path it’s hard to change it. Kind of like posting on here like you’ll continue to act tough until you figure it out. Dumb….still clueless.
avatar for GoVikings
7 months ago
I also agree with what Muddy said. Sure, I’ve seen some bigger dancers, but it’s no where near the norm. But of course it all depends on what you consider “fat”

This is one of those threads where pictures would really help. Or we would need to be in the club together and you’d have to point out to me what you consider fat
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
I love the fact Mate27 the biggest sissy on the planet just admitted he is a clueless little bitch and a faggot.
avatar for Lurker-X
7 months ago
Back in the 90s almost all the dancers were thin and fit. A heavy, much less fat, dancer was unusual. (Disclaimer - frame of reference is central NJ suburban clubs. Maybe “urban” clubs always had thicker dancers).

Mostly dropped out the scene for a couple of decades and didn’t visit often enough to notice any trends.

Started going more often again the last couple years and can say the average weight of the dancers has gone up a lot. Not to say I can’t still find slim dancers but now a good night means about half the dancers are that type rather than 95%. A bad night might mean 0-2 thin ones and I’m probably not going to be returning to a bad night club any time soon.
avatar for minnow
7 months ago
+1 on GV pics needed sentiment. A google search on "female height weight charts" revealed a ~ 20% range for any given height. A 5'4" female weight range was 108 - 127 lbs. Bone structure comes into play here. A large bone structure 5'4" female would be OK at 127 lbs, a petite woman at same weight with a beer gut not so fine.
My personal tastes lean more Pawgish, I'm willing to have a 5% - 10% fudge factor on weights if other factors line up. I like some "substance" but not too much.
avatar for mogul1985
7 months ago
@Minnow: I really believe you "dress for the job" meaning if you are stripping you should be in decent shape, not "gymnastics" or heavy-duty gym workout with washboard abs. The "Muffin Top" abs are not a good look, and fatties need not apply. While we are at it: keep the nails TRIMMED, not those "Freddy Kruger" freaky looking things.
avatar for captainfun
7 months ago
I saw an infographic recently depicting the number of fast food establishments, by chain, from 1970 to present. The growth over the past 50 years is astonishing. I like fast food but have good genes which have allowed me to stay trim. But, for many of these girls eating too much bad food plus an infatuation to grow a curvy figure is a recipe for an American obesity epidemic staring us all in the face.

All that said I never have a hard time finding a dancer that appeals to me. There’s always a few trim ones out there.
avatar for Jascoi
7 months ago
"But Funonthaside is also probably correct that fat chicks give the best head. I am just not sure how guys get/stay aroused by them."

when i get that desperate i guess i'll close my eyes.
avatar for Dolfan
7 months ago
I'll use some pictures from porn agencies as examples:

These girls are too fat:………

These are too skinny,………

These are what I'd call thicker, not of interest to me but not what I'd call fat.………

These are what I'd like, but a lot of people will say are too small:…………

Not saying any are or aren't pretty, or have nice tits/assess/whatever, simply "is she skinny, fat, or in between"

avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
I like who you like, but would choose skinny over obese and thicker. Great examples.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
weight gain is universal. Food manufacurers are constantly substituting more and more synthetic ingredients which are cheaper than the real and natural. These also have side effects, not metabolizing properly, converting to sugar too quickly, interrupting other hormones or enzymes, etc. additionally, advertising has become more effective at triggering cravings and desires for Pretzel Bacon Burgers, Chicken sandwiches, etc. Yes, dancers are getting fatter. Students are getting fatter. Military recruits are getting fatter. I may be a small government conservative, but there are some areas where I believe the FDA needs to tighten up like the Europeans have.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
And Dolfan's final four are all fine as hell, but I would take Little Dragon in his "too skinny" category to VIP rooms in a heartbeat.
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
Processed food is poison. Won't even buy jarred sauce.
avatar for RonJax2
7 months ago
@Dolfan, thank you for posting some real world examples.

Me personally, as a spinner fan, I love the girls on your "too skinny" list. I also really like the girls on your list of what you like. Definitely do not like the girls in the "too fat" or "thicker" categories.

To @bookguy's original question, I agree with @captainfun that this is just part of the nationwide trend towards obesity. People are fatter, strippers are gonna be fatter too.
avatar for Jascoi
7 months ago
dolfan. good examples.
just say NO to fatties!
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
Since the photos are there...

Nia Bleu on the right day if I was in the right mood I'd smash, at least ITC. Probably not OTC so I can deny it ever happened. Little Dragon I'd also smash (no caveat). Elizabeth Skylar I'd also probably do if she looks more like her hot photos than not photos.

Abby Rose I'd smash, smash, smash...and anyone who's seen my ATF would immediately call bullshit if I said anything different lol. They're basically body doubles except for the ATF is a lil hotter and her skin is less sun-kissed. Hell one of those photos even kinda looks like her in the face.

Out of Dolfans preferred group I've had women who look like all four, but Jade Maris probably the only one I'd put in my lineup. The other three remind me too much of other people...
avatar for GoVikings
7 months ago
Good examples Dolfan. Tyreek Hill would be proud. Your first category is what I consider fat and it’s unusual to see that in a club

I like your thicker category, but I would also get dances from all the other categories besides the first one
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
^ A true PL with admirable taste.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
Those “too fat” girls are not fat they are curvy. Those women arent close to the BBW category of women who are actually fat
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
@Dolfan the 4 in your list that you like, I wouldnt do anything with them for free… their eyes are way too small…
The second one, Eva, has a crackho physique…
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
Happy to see the extra work put in for the examples, thanks Dolfan! I agree with your preferences. (BTW, for people who say that the extremely overweight porkers are just "curvy" ... YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. YOU PL IDIOTS MUST STOP ENABLING OBESITY!!! /s Sorry, just had to get it out of my system.) Now seriously, if you like larger girls, that's OK, please take them off my hands; but there are recently so many more, to the extreme, that there's nothing else!

So, presuming (it's worthy of discussion, but for now, just presume) that Dolfan's categories are correct. Over the last year, I have seen approximately 100 dancers, of which I estimate were

(a) 2% (one or two dancers, "too skinny")
(b) 5% (three to five dancers, "what I like")
(c) 20% ("thicker")
(d) 20% ("too fat")
and I add
(e) 54% (remainder, fatter than "too fat", all of them larger than any of Dolfan's pictures).
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
whoops I got 101% LOL
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
Last two categories are great for me, as well as Nia Bleu. My favorite category would be the third.

First category might try to eat me, and the second category I'd force feed a cheeseburger.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
@Puddy what about women larger than any of the pictures?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ LOL. Who said Right Whales are going extinct?

I'm on the beach, not in the club, but I see a lot of GLP-1 candidates out there today. MILFs replaced by fat cows. Fuck, why did I sell my Eli Lilly stock?
avatar for WiseToo
7 months ago
Fat and thick don't interest me at all. I like what you like and the too skinny come in a close second, but they all would look better without the tattoos.
avatar for WiseToo
7 months ago
@Book Guy what about women so large their picture won't fit on my computer screen? LOL
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
The fatness in the southern states must be all the fried foods and desserts? Arent the desserts down there usually more starchy and also fried. Its not just burgers and ice cream, they go far beyond that down there…
avatar for Dolfan
7 months ago
Around here, there is is no way there are 54% girls bigger than the too fat examples I gave at least not in the clubs. Maybe 15% that size or bigger, and the majority are concentrated in a handful of clubs that I could avoid to reduce that number down to maybe 5%. I too would absolutely err on the side of too skinny before I went the way of too thick or fat.

In the south Florida strip clubs I frequent I see maybe

10% too skinny
10% my preferred size
65% thicker than I like
15% too fat

If I go to the right club, like at Cheetah Pompano specifically, I don't think I've ever seen a fat girl. Maybe 25% are too thick, 60% are my preferred size, and 15% are too skinny. If I go to the wrong club, Porthole or Pink for example, 40% are fat, 50 thick and then 5 and 5 for too skinny and just right. Totally pulling #'s out of my ass, just making the point that it varies by club.

Outside of the strip club, in the wild so to speak, I see probably 40% or more too fat, 50% or more too thick, and an even split between my preferred size and too skinny. for the rest.
avatar for Dolfan
7 months ago
I'm also surprised more didn't say the last group was too small.
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
"I'm also surprised more didn't say the last group was too small."

One of my college girlfriends was built like Clara Trinity (all 90lbs of her) but she had a different looking face. When I was really getting into it sometimes I thought I could feel her frame flex a little when I had all my weight on her. Ngl it was a little gross but kinda hot at the same time.
avatar for SalaoLikeSantiago
7 months ago
A wise man once told me, "If the girl you're dancin' with is below your standards, son, it's time to lower your standards."

(That motto seems to hold up considering all the PH reviews on here from apparently happy customers.)
avatar for Lurker-X
7 months ago
Good examples Dolfan. What you like is what I like, though I’m OK with the “too skinny” ones as well. Especially Little Dragon.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
^ Agree - only “Too” about Little Dragon is Too Hot
avatar for ilbbaicnl
7 months ago
Not surprising. It's hard for fat girls/women to have healthy self-esteem. If you already feel sub-human, there's less of a barrier for taking a job where you will be widely considered sub-human. Even by many of the people that your job requires you to interact with.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
"If the girl you're dancin' with is below your standards, son, it's time to lower your standards."

WTF no no no no noooooooo don't do this. Keep some self respect. Do not chase women (civilians for dates; or strippers for lappers etc.) who are unappealing to your own preferences, especially not out of a sense of desperation. You will NOT be having a better life by making sure you have less of what you want. Talk about lowering your self-esteem!
avatar for Context21
7 months ago
You know another issue with the younger out of shape dancers is they wear out quick during FS. Yet another reason to go with older milf dancers who take care of themselves.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
I'll say it again, the MILF Yoga Instructor type is the ideal dancer in terms of service skills. She can probably ring your chimes on the topic of "causing interpersonal feelings too" if you aren't so cynical that you see through her charms.
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