
Are posters compensating for something?

Avatar for Nobodygtyu

Not sure if this is one of those Baader–Meinhof scenarios for me, but I'm starting to notice it more and more in various posts. Posters mentioning how healthy their tips are (and I'm not talking about their dick). Talking about their private dances or CR's (Champagne Room, I believe) and at the end when discussing price they will mention it was $40 for the room and $100 for the girl or whatever, but will then throw in phrases like "plus a healthy tip for the girl" or "I tipped generously before leaving".

What's the point of this? I get mentioning if a tip is typical/expected at any certain club as that is useful information for a PL before going there for the first time, but all this apparent flexing over how generous of a tipper they are is weird, especially for a PL forum where you would think we are all trying to get the most fun for the lowest price. If I was a paranoid right winger, I would think there are strippers in our midst, trying to normalize tipping heavily for no good reason...


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Avatar for wallanon

"Are posters compensating for something?"

Some probably are. But it would be boring if everyone posted like they were doing a clinical study. A few do go overboard but it's mostly fun.

"If I was a paranoid right winger, I would think there are strippers in our midst, trying to normalize tipping heavily for no good reason..."

That's a good a theory as any in the TUSCLverse lol.

"especially for a PL forum where you would think we are all trying to get the most fun for the lowest price."

I think it's more like get the best experience possible for a price we can tolerate. Once I stopped trying to rock bottom every dancer who was willing to play my experiences got way better. Especially with dancers I just met. I do have a rate that I eventually get every dancer to if the situation is working out, but I'm willing to go above it to get things going.

Avatar for skibum609

The progressives brag about tipping a lot because human nature is to pretend to do the opposite of what you actually do.

Avatar for MajorBoobage

Could be lots of things, including guys who are embarrassed to disclose the actual dollar amount they tipped because they know it's way too high and they would hear about it in the comments on their reviews, so they go with the vague "generous tip" instead.

But I wonder if part of it is because prices of things generally have been unstable the last couple of years (not trying to get political; I'm just stating a fact), so it's top of mind for people to discuss it even if they don't use an exact dollar amount.

Avatar for Studme53

I don’t get the Baader-Meinhof reference. I know who they were.

Avatar for rickthelion

Studme ape, since this rick is a frickin’ genius I will explain that the OP is simply referring to the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, more commonly called the frequency illusion en.wikipedia.org

Regarding Skifredo’s pained attempt to make yet another front room thread, this rick will simply say that Fredo’s obsession with pointless political posts is not a frequency illusion. This rick has been aware of it forever and it really does occur quite frequently.

Lest some butthurt weirdo perverts get all “wah wah wah the lion is a liberal” lemme dispel that notion. My best friend and the smartest hairless ape on the planet is a conservative. My issue with Fredo is not that he’s a conservative. It’s that he’s frickin’ obsessed.

I mean really, Skifredo acts like Bernie Sanders fucked his wife and then his wife spent hours detailing how superior the Sanders lovin’ was. Come to think of it…Sanders envy may be exactly what is driving Fredo’s psychological issues. ROAR!!!

Avatar for skibum609

^they were typical progressives.

Avatar for rickthelion

You really don’t get it Fredo. Sometimes you seem like a halfway normal demented pervert.

Hell, you might even be a good ape if you could just keep the political shit in the politics board and post normal shit about music lyrics you enjoy and - I’m just spitballin’ here - maybe even post about strippers. If there is one thing a rick can respect it is demented stripper stories.

I mean really, for a guy that claims to smoke a lot of weed you sure are angry. Are you sure that’s not crack in the pipe you’re smoking? ROAR!!!

Avatar for Mate27

^^ lmfao Lion. Touché!

Avatar for rattdog

the only baader i know of is the the baseball player. take out one of the a's from the last name and that's the guy who played with the cardinals, yankees and is now with the mets. far left millitants-ok thanks-i learned something new today.

leaving that tip makes these guys feel like the girls will respect and appreciate them more, they have every right as that's their $$$. but whether those girls will openly admit it or not they are most likely thinking most of these guys are stupid ass simps. i'd rather spend that tip money on a hero or a burrito.

Avatar for skibum609

So funny that the myriad of douchebag Ricks profiles have yet to figure out that only a cunt like mateswithgerbils cares about them and they've all been on ignore for years. I see none of your posts stupid.

Avatar for JamesSD

I assume "I tipped generously" implies extras were purchased and provided.

Avatar for PAWG_Patrol

It's like when people feel the need to specify they were in town for work.

Don't really care if you were in town for work, vacation, or purely to fornicate with a stranger lmao

Avatar for skibum609

^ I typically try to combine all 3 in every trip I take.

Avatar for RonJax2

including guys who are embarrassed to disclose the actual dollar amount they tipped because they know it's way too high and they would hear about it in the comments on their reviews, so they go with the vague "generous tip" instead.

I think @majorboobage hit the nail on the head here.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

But the thing is, the definition of "generous tip" depends very much on context. At Penthouse in New Orleans' French Quarter, where the well drinks are $15, you could tip $20 on top of a half-hour $500 lap dance fee and be viewed as a cheap-skate. Whereas, at Visions in New Orleans East, a half hour (or less?) series of lappers totaling $100 merits $20 tip or less. Also at Visions, a single lapper in the standard room booth is supposed to be $30, but if you give the girl two x $20 bills she will (100% of the girls, 100% of the time) hold on to the $10 difference unless you explicitly demand it back. Now who's the cheapskate?

I honestly think tipping is a bit weird in strip clubs anyway. Mostly it isn't by percent of total cost. It's more like, "I have a hold of this particular piece of paper so I'm going to hand it to you" (or stick it in your garter) and less like, "I reckon you deserve this amount of surplussage."

Avatar for rickmacrodong

There are some strippers on other sites/forums who want to normalize tipping. Some dancers could also try to normalize it at clubs.

If you tipped in order to receive extras thats not a true tip. An actual tip is an extra bonus given for good service, without being negotiated or discussed beforehand.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Almost everyone wants to give the impression that they're overly generous (regardless of the reality). It's not often that you'll see someone say that they had a great meal and great service, and then brag about tipping 3%.

And, for what it's worth, I do tip generously for great service and a great experience. That's because I want more of them.

Avatar for skibum609

I am not generous imo, so I will never have to worry about what to tip on a 500.00 room, because that is never going to happen.

Avatar for Manuellabore

Seems like a lot of wasted effort to deconstruct “healthy” or “generous” or words to similar effect. I interpret, and use, such words to convey that payment on top of sticker price is required for extras. Since that payment is usually worked out in advance, it probably doesn’t qualify as a tip. And, unless you’re in a place where there is a more or less standard schedule of payment for extras, the specific dollar amount is meaningless unless you ID the dancer, which I don’t do, and, as always, YMMV

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