Clearly No One Looked Closely at this Picture on a Scrolling Phone

avatar for wallanon

Or else they would've noticed their fancy brew looks like a gaping pussy...comments were disabled so I couldn't troll them on Reddit


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 mos ago

Dude, they know. It's deliberate subliminal advertising.

avatar for nicespice
6 mos ago

Hah, check out r/mildlyvagina for more fun images

avatar for goldmongerATL
6 mos ago

There was a book out in the 80's called "Subliminal Seduction". 99% of the suggested/imagined sexual images in advertising are 100% deliberate. It has been going on since the 1950's in magazine ads. There are pussies, super-sized penises and breasts everywhere.

avatar for goldmongerATL
6 mos ago

The shit they can embed in pictures of ice cubes is amazing. That's why they always show drinks with ice cubes.

avatar for rattdog
6 mos ago

imagine taking off the lid of the coffee cup and oh wow look-there's a hairy pussy floating. i guess i should give it back and ask for another one. of course the risk is the counter girl/guy might laugh at my face, and if a tomato or a cherry is shaped like a pussy would it be safe to eat it?

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