Clearly No One Looked Closely at this Picture on a Scrolling Phone

Or else they would've noticed their fancy brew looks like a gaping pussy...comments were disabled so I couldn't troll them on Reddit
Or else they would've noticed their fancy brew looks like a gaping pussy...comments were disabled so I couldn't troll them on Reddit
last commentDude, they know. It's deliberate subliminal advertising.
Hah, check out r/mildlyvagina for more fun images
There was a book out in the 80's called "Subliminal Seduction". 99% of the suggested/imagined sexual images in advertising are 100% deliberate. It has been going on since the 1950's in magazine ads. There are pussies, super-sized penises and breasts everywhere.
The shit they can embed in pictures of ice cubes is amazing. That's why they always show drinks with ice cubes.
Sometimes they make it very obvious...
imagine taking off the lid of the coffee cup and oh wow look-there's a hairy pussy floating. i guess i should give it back and ask for another one. of course the risk is the counter girl/guy might laugh at my face, and if a tomato or a cherry is shaped like a pussy would it be safe to eat it?