
avatar for Muddy
People you are just like dude how the fuck do they do that.

You know one comes to mind and that's Brian Wilson. He's the orchestrator behind virtually all those Beach Boy hits you grew up with, and really everyone even kids to this day are growing up with, I mean go to waterpark, pool, beach, boardwalk, 6 flags, they are STILL playing Beach Boys songs non stop, you can't escape it. It's as America as it gets. And he did all this as like a early 20 something year old kid. All those harmonies, melodies, that was him, it's just amazing.

And if you went around randomly with a photo of Brian Wilson, most people would not know who the hell that guy is, oh but you DEFINTELY know his music. He's had a lot of problems in his life, and now this year he's been diagnosed dementia and might not have too much longer on the earth and for me that's very sad, but wow what an American right?

What do you guys got, who's like somebody your just in total awe of their talent.


last comment
avatar for blahblahblahs
7 months ago
Watching Pedro pitch was certainly something. I've seen Clemens, Petit, Randy Johnson, Thor, Verlander, Glavin, Bartolo Colon, and Kershaw live. None of them compared. Granted, a lot of this is based on how batters were reacting to the pitches as opposed to me thinking "that Kershaw guy's curveball is good, but Pedro's looked so much better to me." (Also, Pedro's third pitch was really his change up and the curve was his 4th if I recall correctly).

Degrom's peak may have exceeded even Pedro's, but I haven't seen him live.
avatar for rattdog
7 months ago
brian wilson - not bad. but i would say george martin. the way he handled the career of the beatles was absolutely brilliant.

nikola tesla. that experiment using free energy in the air to turn on the lights from one point to another i believe a stretch of a few blocks. fuck edison and the government!!! word of advice: if any of you know how that tesla experiment works you better keep it to yourself. once word spreads you will fucking die.

trump if he wished to pursue so could be the greatest president this country by simply attempting real progress with the tesla works. but he doesn't want to. he's definitely aware of it.
avatar for mogul1985
7 months ago
^ When Westinghouse said he couldn't afford the Per Kilowatt Contract he cut with Tesla and the generators at Niagara Falls, Tesla tore up the contract and give it away. What Tesla did was not of this World. Edison was a rank amateur compared to Nikola Tesla.
avatar for mike710
7 months ago
I'm still amazed how far Kamala got for fucking Willie Brown.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
A fairly useless talent, yet still amazing. This kid must be a genius.…
avatar for shailynn
7 months ago
“ I'm still amazed how far Kamala got for fucking Willie Brown.”

Dear PLs, no matter what side of the political fence you’re on - you should be saying the same thing.
avatar for Meshuggah
7 months ago
john holmes
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
You guys make me feel like I’m a genius!
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
It's a low bar when people are fooled into thinking Obama was a genius.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
^ Don't worry, the fuckin morons that make up half this country will soon be calling Kamala a genius.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
^its a relative concept some people are judging you compared to your peers. Someone calls kamala or obama a genius could mean theyre comparing to other members of their race
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
This guy...…

The people that went from commercials like above to using a tranny as a promoter of their products don't qualify for this subject.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
“The people that went from commercials like above to using a tranny as a promoter of their products don't qualify for this subject.”

Nor do the snowflakes who search for ways to be offended by promotions they’ve never seen until their media overlords tell them they need to be offended.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
Well Hank, you're right on one thing, I probably wouldn't have seen it if it didn't go viral, but that's not the point. Most of us would never see or know anything at all if it wasn't reported by someone else.

As far as being "offended"... I wasn't offended, I was sick to my stomach. It was actually a very powerful advertising spot (although with a different result than they would have wanted). After all this time, I still can't look at the Bud Light logo at a ball park, or on a tap handle at a bar, and not instantly think of that fruitcake in the dress. And then I remember Drew Barrymore dropping down on her knees to worship that dude like he was some kind of god-like idol. What a fucking freak she turned out to be.

No, I wasn't offended. Just disgusted to the point that I could never, ever, consider drinking that beer, and I don't know how anyone else could unless they're trying to make some kind of "trans pride" statement.

Bud could have shown a dozen brewery workers pissing into a vat of Bud Light while it was being made, and it would have the same effect.
avatar for JimGassagain
7 months ago
Hey Twentyfive, ain’t that the truth! And if they were wearing MuMu’s I’d be looking skinny.

avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago
'Nor do the snowflakes who search for ways to be offended by promotions they’ve never seen until their media overlords tell them they need to be offended.'

Describing yourself hank or just assuming everyone should think like you do and follow the leader?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Good one. How would you describe people who are so offended by a post on a tik tok they don’t follow that they boycott a product? That’s not a wee bit thin skinned?
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Am I old because I remember when boycotts started on twitter?
avatar for mike710
7 months ago
Social Justice Warriors never use the internet to organize boycotts.…
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
“nikola tesla. that experiment using free energy in the air to turn on the lights from one point to another i believe a stretch of a few blocks. fuck edison and the government!!! word of advice: if any of you know how that tesla experiment works you better keep it to yourself”

Does anyone know how it works??
avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
Oh let’s check on the thread oh look it got totally derailed wop wop waaa
avatar for Muddy
7 months ago
@mo holy shit at that rubix cube dude. Wow.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
^ I know, right? I can't even juggle 3 bean bags. Lol
avatar for skibum609
7 months ago
Bobby Orr reinvented the game of hockey and will alway be the best ever.
avatar for drewcareypnw
7 months ago
Brian Wilson is definitely a genius. I think the genius aspect had a lot of support in that he was a shut in who just worked on music all the time, and had a father that made the boys sing together when they were young and forced them to be a group and develop their skills early on.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago
I think Founder is a genius. We can all get on here "anonymously" and bullshit around politics, chicks, clubs.....and each other.

Plus, he gets some dough for handling this.
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