Party animals....

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

Do you ever get the feeling that some strippers are just there to party? That they could care less if they make any money? I have noticed this many times and it usually happens with dancers that are not real regular in making appearances at the club. Now they can be a lot of fun to party with. If you don't mind buying them lots of drinks and don't expect too much mileage if and when you get a private dance.


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avatar for Yoda
16 yrs ago

Sure I see these girls all the time. I don't waste any time or money on them. As I've mentioned before I prefer older dancers for a number of reasons and one of them is that they are very serious about making money. This, in turn, makes them very serious about wanting you to have a good time.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

Party girls have their uses too.

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

Every place has some like this. But I wonder if Shadowcat is noticing so many, perhaps it isn't laziness or a party attitude. It may be disgust and disintrest.

avatar for DandyDan
16 yrs ago

One of my favorites is like that, actually, although she does make regular appearances there (at least when it is not the dead of winter, because she works elsewhere then). She enjoys the social interaction far too much for her own financial good. I think she enjoys having a group of guys to talk to more than guys all by themselves, such as myself. She even told me she thought I was creepy early on in our time together. I think there is more behind that, but one thing indisputable about her is she always has a beer in hand (unless she has one of the wine coolers you can get there).

avatar for SuperDude
16 yrs ago

Right out of high school, loving the attention, looking to party all night with some young stud and dumb as hell about making money.

avatar for FONDL
16 yrs ago

Shadowcat, you just described the type of girl I look for in a club. Actually I look for a subset of those - the girl who fits your description but who is more intelligent than most of them. And if she's really intelligent, like my ATF, and you get to know her really well, you'll find that it's her act, she is very good at making money but pretends otherwise. That describes my ATF perfectly, an intelligent part girl who knew exactly what she was doing and having a lot of fun doing it.

avatar for gk
16 yrs ago

Interesting--we al se the same things sometimes. The girls who like to party--there are several categories of them. Most of them are like what's described above. Don't care about money, don't work too hard, they just don't have anything better to do so they hang at the club with their work friends and customers. It's the type of party that distinguishes them. Some are drinkers and alcoholics. Some are exhibitionists and care more how they look and whether they are geting looked at than anything else.
Some are into drugs. Most in the first category aren't into making you happy, that is, they don't have anything better to do so they aren't really working for the money--avoid thjem if possible. The drinkers seem to be the most accommodating (of this general category) and the most fun assuming you can get to them before they are "gone."

avatar for snowtime
16 yrs ago

I don't see a lot of this in the clubs I now visit. In the past when this has been going on, the girls seem much more interested in socializing with males their own age and have little interest in making any money. With that frame of mind I am not inclined to get a dance from them as I assume it would be too mechanical with their only intention being to return to their party.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I haven't really noticed any party girls in the strip clubs. I thought the strip club was the party.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I have noticed a few dancers on a few occasions during the last few years who seemed to have one too many. One or two dancers were so sleepy or tired that one was lying down on me like she wanted to go to sleep. However it was about 5 am and I'm usually sleeping at that time myself. Typically a lot of dancers don't even drink alcohol and the others only in moderation or very little at all. So if the dancers who drink are the party girls, I don't have any problem with them.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

Every once in a while you'll run across a dancer who is ready to scold you if she thinks you drank too much. Fortunately most dancers aren't like that. Just because a dancer can't handle 5 beers doesn't mean a big guy can't. I remember I was joking with a dancer saying I had 5 beers before I came over to the club. She started scolding me not letting me get a word in. I had enough of her. I didn't bother to mention that was several hours ago and I ate as well so very little if any alcohol was still in me. She was a party pooper.

avatar for Golfer3166
16 yrs ago

There used to be a lot of those around at a number of clubs. Most of the time they come in pairs so it seems. My experience is that when you get them to dance for you (in a pair) they tend to pay more attention to each other than the dance and as someone else mentioned, the milage goes way down. They are there mainly to show off their hot bodies and make some money doing it. They aren't what I consider the professional dancers and they do come and go often.

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