older dancers

avatar for 10inches
what age do you think dancers should hang up their g-strings
local club has stripper that says she is 50. maybe, be she can certainly put the younger girls to shame in looks and ability


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avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
The oldest I knew, for sure, was 39. I know she kept dancing past 40, but I wasn't spending as much time in Key West to see her again before she retired. She was a little bit old in the face, but had a great body and work a lot to keep it that way.

Those that dance, well, some should never have started, and those that continue, they should hang it up when they no longer have customers. Age shouldn't enter into it.
There is a dancer at my favorite club that I have been told by customers and dancers that I know well, that is 48. Any women that age would be envious of her body. I have not yet taken her for a test drive but I have 2 buddies that have and they say that she is great. I think that once a dancer reaches 30, she should start thinking about a career change. As one 29 YO favorite put it, "I can't do this forever." I am sorry that she quit the business. I think that she could have rocked my boat for many more years but I think that she made a wise decision and I wish her well.
avatar for Golfer3166
17 years ago
I think it depends upon a number of things so you can't just choose an age. First the number of children has a great deal of influence on a woman's body and that should be taken into account. I have seen a dancer who was in her early 40's, no kids, kept herself in shape, etc. that could out do most of the 25 years olds in the club. I have also seen several 25 year old who have 3 kids who should have retired already.
avatar for emmy7
17 years ago
I used to think that anyone in her thirties and dancing was probably too old. That's what I had in my mind when I first started dancing.

There are dancers who are in their twenties who look worn and old yet those in their thirties who are SO hot. It depends on the lifestyle, genetics, and desire to look good as to whether a dancer should hang up her heels. I know a dancer who's in her mid-late thirties. She used to be a car salesperson. She's married, has a nine year-old, and now dances three days a week. I know she gets work done, but she's amazing-hot. She looks like a Victoria's Secret model, and her business provides her with MUCH more money than she made selling cars. Her husband has a good job, and her money goes toward improving their lifestyle. They have and do things that they probably couldn't (or would have to save for like most people) on his income alone.
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
Older dancers can be great on stage or to chat with.

I have had lap dances with several 37-40 year olds who kept in great shape and took care of themselves. I would not get another dance from either because there is just something about a twentysomethin that can make me feel extra good.

With those older ladies I shot my load during 1st dance because I knew I wouldn't want more dances.
avatar for robofan
17 years ago
Age does not appear to be the primary determining factor. It seems to me to be a combination of looks and attitude. As soon as either of those begins to slip the market forces of supply and demand will let a dancer know it is time to find another profession.

Dancing in a strip club is also one of the most competitive businesses I know. The entry cost is very low and there always seems to be an ample supply of new dancers looking to cash in.

That being said it is also seems next to impossible to maintain the proper combination of looks and attitude to continue on for a long period of time. My experience over the years is that only a very small percent of them ever see a 5 year anniversary and even less see a 10 year anniversary.

avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
There is a dancer at my fave club that is 60+. She still dances on stage, and seems to have her share of regulars. They keep the lighting low in the club, which I'm sure helps her out alot. It was only when I got a good look at her under the unforgiving lighting in the ladies room that I could really see her age. But god bless her for keepin'it going.
avatar for chi_sam
17 years ago
Why is it that when someone is bashing or ratting-out a stripper they seem to have no problem naming names, but when a positive comment is tossed-out it's always a secret.

Tess, the owner of Fantasy Girl (Divas) in Kokomo, IN may hold the record at 50. She bartends during the day, and often goes on stage and does LD's.

Very pretty. Tight, sexy body and damn can she move. Does she have a few lines? Of course. But she puts the kiddies to shame and has more sensuality than any five of 'em.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
17 years ago
There is also a 60+ dancer at my favorite club. I've only seen her dance onstage on Wednesdays, the day of the week other than the weekends when she's there. She is fine, and I've had dances with her which led to extras. Even more outrageously, I've seen her in two-girl stage-dances with women half her age and then they go all lesbo, with actual 69. I can't imagine my mother doing that.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
I enjoy older dancers. less drama, easier to talk to. if they still have what it takes, what difference does it make how old she is.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Seems to be, almost all agree, "Age shouldn't enter into it."
avatar for Yoda
17 years ago
My favs are all in their early to mid thirties. One of the most popular dancers at one club I visit is 50. She has a great body, a great attitude and three safety deposit boxes so full of $20 bills that she is about to get a fourth...

As customers, why should we even care how old a dancer is? You either like a girl and spend money on her or you don't.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
As an old guy I think age is irrelevant, if they can make a decent living at it they should be allowed to. I usually prefer the young ones myself, but that's more a function of how they act and look than their age. I would find an older girl who is young at heart and who takes good care of herself just as attractive, but that seems to be a rare combination. It gets harder as you age. I have found older dancers who I have enjoyed very much but it's been fairly rare. So I usually pursue the younger ones to improve my odds.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Probably time to get onto a real life once you are 25.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

My ATF had a problem with cash as well. I don't know any ways to hide cash and still be able to use it to accumulate wealth, but just leaving it in a safe deposit box seems one of the worst things to do. I'm sure there is some sharp investment person out there that knows a way.
avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
Honestly I feel sorry for an aging stripper, and pity pretty much kills any attraction I have.

I know it's shallow, but I go for the tight, young hotties.

18-21 sounds about right!

Two Detroit dancers who were my ATFs were both 40+ and hot. Both had college degrees and children, one a grandmother. Still, they had the same ditzy attitudes and financial problems of the 20 somethings, but looked good to a 60 year old guy. As regular customers age, we will become more accepting of dancers who are in their 40s, IF they are hot and tight. Saggers should quit.
avatar for gk
17 years ago
The oldest dancers I know are about 41/42 respectively. and they have just retired. One still looks outstanding with super long legs and a shapely figure. Bollt-on boobs detracdt from her appearance, not because they are poorly done, but because they are simply not needed. The other is still shapely but constantly fighting the consequences of changing metabolism on the body. (How's that for being kind?) My former ATF and true life friend was 37. Point is, if they are still appealing, who are we to say stop. If they are showing the signs of getting way too old, then they should reconsider their priorities and/or someone should kindly sugggest that they aren't competitive anymore. But that's not age, it's more attitude and self-discipline.

Personally, I think there is a need for the 30 something dancer who understands life better, can hold a more well rounded conversation, knows how how to flirt and likewise how to please a man. The real young ones can't do that.
This ? is akin to asking how cold it has to get before you feel the need to put a jacket on. As wind speed, relative humidity, cloud cover, etc. factor into the later, things like how long dancer has been dancing, shifts/wk. worked, number of pregnancies, drug/alcohol usage, etc. may wear quicker on 20 somethings vs 30 somethings. I've met several 35 plus dancers that seem more "attuned" to me, and less stuck on themselves, which I find appealing.
avatar for flguytampa21
17 years ago
Personally don't like older dancers. Mid 20's to early 30's is usually good. But I am 33, so I dont want any one older than me as that fantasy girl.
avatar for RTY
17 years ago
It's not the age that matters as to when she should give it up, it's the attitude.

Mature dancers know why you are there and don't play games. The younger ones laugh at them, but they know the mature girl earns her money.

Mature dancers, I love em'!
But mature dancers who have lost their looks but don't know it, or act like you shouldn't care, are just as bad as young dancers who don't have good interaction skills. In fact, it's a similar form of lack of interaction skill: assuming the man "ought to" want to be with her just because she thinks of herSELF as so wonderful.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
I doubt any here would tell a HOT woman, no matter her age, that she was too old and he isn't interested.
Indeed, Clubber. Hotness is the issue, regardless of age. (But age tends to be eventually irreconcilable with appearance at SOME level, generally sooner than most females wish to believe.)
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